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Water Canon Used Against Chiang Mai Redshirt’s - 14 Police Injured


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Duly noted. I am 100% for the red shirts because I think the yellow shirts screwed Thailand out of 476 BILLION BAHT. I am not for any party that harms Thailand. Thus far Yellow shirts have done a lot to harm Thailand. IMHO.

So I am for the Red and Thaksin(I know he loves the King despite what the yellow shirts says :) )!

This statement realy knock me out of my socks

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Lets see the yellow shirts shut down the two most important airports to over throw an elected government and nothing was done to stop them or punish later for starting the downward spiral of Thai tourism.

But a few redshirts get the water canon.

By my knowledge the yellow shirts never attacked an policestation or policemen where in ICU due to their actions, may I also remind you that the yellow shirts never tried to bring fire arms into any airport.

Not enough knowledge, i am afraid.

At the 7th October riots last year three police officers were shot and injured by PAD, one was stabbed through the chest with a flagpole, and several badly injured by a pick up truck purposely driven into police lines.

One Dharma Army lorry on the way to Suvarnabhumi was stopped by police. It transported bombs and weapons to the occupied airport. How many of such weapons transports got through?

It is intellectual bankruptcy when some posters here still are trying to give the impression that the PAD was a Gandhiesque movement - it wasn't. It was, and still is a violent movement that has also killed and injured people.

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BTW, I LOVE ALL THAI PEOPLE. INCLUDING THAKSIN! The only exception might be some Tuk Tuk drivers, since some of them just rip off tourists and then gamble and whiskey their money away. :D THAILAND IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Despite some hiccups in their domestic affairs, however I am a guest in their country so I enjoy their hospitality to the utmost. I DO NOT CONCERN MYSELF WITH MATTERS WHICH I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER. :D

Just got off the plane, have you!

1st visit?

Do not overuse the caps feature, it's ignorant & rude, and shows your inexperience using the Internet.

It might be Ok amongst your school friends but not with grown-ups!

YES, I AM ACTUALLY IN SF NOW VISITING MY GRANDMA. :D I USE THE CAP feature to good effects. I am not offended by anything you say since I know who I am. I am an American who has a deep love of Thailand and it's people. I own properties here in Thailand and I guess you could say I am quite well off financially. I don't over spend and have a comfortable life all over the world(BTW, I do own properties all over the world :D ). However, I LOVE THAILAND THE BEST. Of course I am merely an observer of it's ups and downs so if things get out of hand then I will go somewhere else in the world. Thais LOVE ME because they know I have a deep and abiding love FOR THEM ALSO. I think you are the one who needs to "GROW UP", albeit it doesn't appear that way. :)

Are you for real, or just a trol.

Dear Moderator,

Gee, I would classify that as a personal attack :D Very eloquently stated, you must read a lot fine literature to come up with that one. Keep going you might actually start hurting my feelings :D

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Look, the truth about all this will come out eventually. I have the financial resources and connections to get anything I want out, outed. It's just I didn't have the inclination to do so before. However, if I am properly provoked, I will ensure that all the truth does come out in the light of day. The truth about what the PAD actually did to the Thai people would go nicely in the CNN reports. Yes, I am good friends with some correspondents in that fine organization. :)

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Bayrider; with all of your money, connections, knowledge, and your inclination to postpone/cancel threatened action, are you a student of Tackey or a paid member of his PR group? It seems you are one of several fairly new members who repeat the same message (drivel) on every topic concerning T and or his political cronies. Do you not have a intrest on restaurants, bars, girls, fast cars, fishing, etc?

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Look, the truth about all this will come out eventually. I have the financial resources and connections to get anything I want out, outed. It's just I didn't have the inclination to do so before. However, if I am properly provoked, I will ensure that all the truth does come out in the light of day. The truth about what the PAD actually did to the Thai people would go nicely in the CNN reports. Yes, I am good friends with some correspondents in that fine organization. :)

And a fine organization it is.

However, anyone in Thailand who knows "the truth" never states it. The 'anti-truth' laws here are arbitrary, swift, severe and awfully harsh. :D So be my guest :D

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Bayrider; with all of your money, connections, knowledge, and your inclination to postpone/cancel threatened action, are you a student of Tackey or a paid member of his PR group? It seems you are one of several fairly new members who repeat the same message (drivel) on every topic concerning T and or his political cronies. Do you not have a intrest on restaurants, bars, girls, fast cars, fishing, etc?

Well, I've established that he's a schoolboy visiting his grandma in San Fran.

He's just another Walter Mitty, although a very, very young one, with illusions of grandeur. :)

People with money don't yap about it.

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Look, the truth about all this will come out eventually. I have the financial resources and connections to get anything I want out, outed. It's just I didn't have the inclination to do so before. However, if I am properly provoked, I will ensure that all the truth does come out in the light of day. The truth about what the PAD actually did to the Thai people would go nicely in the CNN reports. Yes, I am good friends with some correspondents in that fine organization. :)

No doubt you also have a vast squadron of email supporters who agree with your every word. Bring back Usenet :D

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Who cares about the red shirts? All I need to know is why do members like 'Timekeeper' have to QUOTE the OP and use unnecessary bandwidth!

Just like you have done you mean? If you're really unhappy with it just use 'report'.

Yellows were engaging in non-violent demonstrations - which are allowed. Granted, there were some rowdies, which is to be expected whenever a large crowd gathers. However, when comparing the demonstration operandi of Yellows vs Reds, there is a clear propensity towards violence and weapon wielding by the Reds. Plus, the take-over of Gov't House by Yellows was disrupted by grenade launchings causing at least one fatality - clearly a very serious escalation of violence, which was probably caused by Reds or their sympathizers.

Yep. While I have no love for the Yellows, these Reds clearly have a backward, thug mentality

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I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you THINKanything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind. In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,
Speaking of ignorance, uninformed opinions and A-holes...

Gandhi in India. Jesus of Nazareth, a pacifist Jew in Palestine/Israel who started a pacifist religion. MLK Jr. in the USA. Corazon Aquino in the Philippines. A dozen Soviet countries that threw off Communist dictatorships non-violently. That's a partial list. A third of all earthlings live in countries that have achieved freedom/democracy since 1945 without using violence.

Happiness is not a warm gun.

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I am sooooooooo glad T got pushed out of power several years ago!

Imagine if he's stayed in power, he'd be every much as horrible as other SE Asian thugs who molded their countries to become their private fiefdoms: Sukarno, Suharto, Marcos, et al. ....all for bloated self-enrichment at the expense of the downtrodden. We'd have people like Oak (T's spoiled brat, thinking-challenged son) in positions of authority. We'd probably have had one or two additional massacres of young Muslim men in the south. T would have continued prancing around the region, giving loans (from the Thai treasury) to other governments to facilitate them buying T's telecom items and other products/services/properties he peddled. Continued to avoid paying taxes, and stuffing his ill-begotten billions (most of which taken from Thais) in overseas accounts.

He would have continued to act tough towards resident farang (ridiculous visa requirements and no real properties in their name) in order to gain favor with nationalist Thais, and to show that Thailand doesn't need outside influences ('the UN is not my father').

He would have continued to shirk responsibility, whenever one of his initiatives failed (Tak Bai incident, 30-baht hospital scheme, war on drugs, etc etc etc).

Thank you, Thai military brass, for booting the scum bag out! ....and you did it without bloodshed.

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Video News Link showing violent Red Shirt clash and attack on police:



Thaksin Supporters Clash with Police in Northern Thailand

Hundreds of protesters surrounded a police station in Chiang Mai on Thursday (July 16) after police arrested a pro-Thaksin community radio disc jockey believed to be one of the leaders of the red-shirt protesters.

The protesters say the police arrested a man by the name of DJ Lae for carrying a weapon through Chiang Mai International Airport late Thursday.

Around midnight angry protesters drove a pick-up truck full of red shirted protesters through a police line outside the police station.

Protesters pelted police with rocks throughout the night and were broken up by water cannons early Friday morning.

Exiled former Prime Minister Shinawatra Thaksin has remained a force in Thai politics.

He is believed by many to be trying to undermine the Democrat-led government by backing the "red shirt" protest movement and the opposition Puea Thai Party.

- NTD News / 2009-07-17

Edited by sriracha john
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I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you

THINK anything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind.

In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,

No wonder why a lot of you guys came to Thailand, they'd had enough of you in your own countries most likely.

Lets ask Mahatma Ghandi's ghost if peaceful protest ever changed anything?

CHANGE! : it happens every year month day hour minute second of all our lives.

Big changes sometimes take a bit longer, such that we don't SEE the change unless looking back.

Ever heard the saying "the empty can rattles the most"?

Do you even think about what you say....before, during or after you write it?

I wonder if senility is bliss? Care to comment on that?

It's a shame you can't understand something so clear, logical and concise...

I guess your world view is so skewed in another direction only violent actions can be seen as adequate change.

No point wasting effort to explain this further. Peace Blondie left an extended rebuttal earlier anyway.

I am sure you will continue to rattle for a spell here.

Edited by animatic
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Duly noted. I am 100% for the red shirts because I think the yellow shirts screwed Thailand out of 476 BILLION BAHT. I am not for any party that harms Thailand. Thus far Yellow shirts have done a lot to harm Thailand. IMHO. So I am for the Red and Thaksin(I know he loves the King despite what the yellow shirts says :) )!

You question our intellect then go along with this completely unfounded notion?

Thanks for the offer of a beer but I'm on a sober stretch - your calendar may explain why.

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Terrorist red shirts, trying to overthrow their own country by violence

They are not terrorists they are freedom fighters

and although i dont condone violence i think the government must do more to address the root cause of red shirt grievences

"If fire fighters fight fire, what does freedom fighter fight?" - GC.

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Actually I just enjoy knowing the level of education and overall knowledge of the world of the average farang here in Muan Thai. It is very fun to know your fellow human being. BTW, I speak perfect Thai and so are able to know what the average Thais really think, not just what they tell you. This includes Thai people in Sakorn Nakon, Udon Thani, Chiang Mai and Hat Yai not just Krunthep/Bangkok as the average farang only are exposed to.

According to the Bank of Thailand the projected growth rate for Thailand despite the global economic malaise was still projected at 1.8 - 2.0% due to the strength of the Thai export sector. That is the reason the 2% GDP loss due to the airport closure was so crucial. It meant that you went directly from a positive growth to a negative growth e.g., a Recession. 1.8 - 2 = -.2%.


For the people who says the PAD had no where to go but the airport is absurd and laughable.

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Duly noted. I am 100% for the red shirts because I think the yellow shirts screwed Thailand out of 476 BILLION BAHT. I am not for any party that harms Thailand. Thus far Yellow shirts have done a lot to harm Thailand. IMHO. So I am for the Red and Thaksin(I know he loves the King despite what the yellow shirts says :D )!

You question our intellect then go along with this completely unfounded notion?

Thanks for the offer of a beer but I'm on a sober stretch - your calendar may explain why.

You are right my figures were a little off. Here's Bangkok Post take on the issue.


Bangkok Post seems to think that the hit from the airport closure was closer to 3% of GDP of Thailand. I initially thought it was only 2%. Still that's a lot of Baht for 2 weeks of airport occupation. :)

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Airports were ordered closed by the authorities not the yellow shirts who were protesting outside the airport but were forced to go inside after grenade launchers were used against them. Recession in Thailand may have been hastened by the airport closure & subsequent tourist cancellations but the current recession is truly due to the financial crisis which originated in America & from which most of the world is now suffering.

Red shirt rioting in isolated parts of Bangkok made dramatic headlines while the rest of the city & the country continued to enjoy Songkran. The antics of the red shirts in CM portray them as thugs because everything they do is totally anti democracy. They are responsible for at least one death, closed down the gay parade while the police looked on, prevented the health minister from performing his role in checking on influenza 2009, & tried to stop the finance minister from performing his role.

I think the red shirts have a deliberate campaign to stop the government from performing their governing role in red shirt strangleholds & they refuse to engage in any meaningful dialogue.

As for double standard I read almost everyday about yellow shirts having to surrender to the police to face charges resulting from the airport closure & have yet to see anything about fast tracking prosecutions against red shirts although they too have surrendered to face charges apart from Jakrapob who has fled the scene.

LIES. What about Thairath Newspaper? They published some articles around that time to condem the yellow shirts, and some bombs were throw at them too? What about the Yellow shirts caught with hand grenades?

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I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you THINKanything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind. In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,
Speaking of ignorance, uninformed opinions and A-holes...

Gandhi in India. Jesus of Nazareth, a pacifist Jew in Palestine/Israel who started a pacifist religion. MLK Jr. in the USA. Corazon Aquino in the Philippines. A dozen Soviet countries that threw off Communist dictatorships non-violently. That's a partial list. A third of all earthlings live in countries that have achieved freedom/democracy since 1945 without using violence.

Happiness is not a warm gun.

Yeah PB, speaking of ignorance....NONE of the examples that have been brought up to contradict me were 100% peaceful, or necessarily demonstrations. Speaking of Cheese and Rice especially. In fact, there have been more killings/death in the name of Chrisitianity than probably the rest combined. Better get your understanding and facts straight if you want to argue the point.


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I am sooooooooo glad T got pushed out of power several years ago!

Imagine if he's stayed in power, he'd be every much as horrible as other SE Asian thugs who molded their countries to become their private fiefdoms: Sukarno, Suharto, Marcos, et al. ....all for bloated self-enrichment at the expense of the downtrodden. We'd have people like Oak (T's spoiled brat, thinking-challenged son) in positions of authority. We'd probably have had one or two additional massacres of young Muslim men in the south. T would have continued prancing around the region, giving loans (from the Thai treasury) to other governments to facilitate them buying T's telecom items and other products/services/properties he peddled. Continued to avoid paying taxes, and stuffing his ill-begotten billions (most of which taken from Thais) in overseas accounts.

He would have continued to act tough towards resident farang (ridiculous visa requirements and no real properties in their name) in order to gain favor with nationalist Thais, and to show that Thailand doesn't need outside influences ('the UN is not my father').

He would have continued to shirk responsibility, whenever one of his initiatives failed (Tak Bai incident, 30-baht hospital scheme, war on drugs, etc etc etc).

Thank you, Thai military brass, for booting the scum bag out! ....and you did it without bloodshed.

Hmm, in the last biggest gathering of around 200,000 red-shirts (peak), the Defense Minister (A Major) said he consider mass-killing 100,000 red-shirts to keep Thailand in peace.

So, what do you know about Taksin's opponents, both the high-profiles and the medium-profiles. What damages has been done by them, NOT AGAINST TAKSIN?

Thai Millitary need to stop staging coups. If it can't, then there should be no Army (or Royal Army). Let's start with turning into self-defense force like Japan. I remember that the Army/Dictatorail organized Militia clash with protesting citizens (often killing, including raping, lynch and mutilate) far more often that neighbor soldiers. FACT, Thailand has the most coups in the world. Is it around 17?

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Bangkok Post seems to think that the hit from the airport closure was closer to 3% of GDP of Thailand. I initially thought it was only 2%. Still that's a lot of Baht for 2 weeks of airport occupation.

It was only one week.

So much for credibility of these scary numbers.

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I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you

THINK anything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind.

In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,

No wonder why a lot of you guys came to Thailand, they'd had enough of you in your own countries most likely.

Lets ask Mahatma Ghandi's ghost if peaceful protest ever changed anything?

CHANGE! : it happens every year month day hour minute second of all our lives.

Big changes sometimes take a bit longer, such that we don't SEE the change unless looking back.

Ever heard the saying "the empty can rattles the most"?

Do you even think about what you say....before, during or after you write it?

I wonder if senility is bliss? Care to comment on that?

It's a shame you can't understand something so clear, logical and concise...

I guess your world view is so skewed in another direction only violent actions can be seen as adequate change.

No point wasting effort to explain this further. Peace Blondie left an extended rebuttal earlier anyway.

I am sure you will continue to rattle for a spell here.

Yeah, I'm rattling, haha. What is it you think I can't understand? Is it the fact, including PB's wrong examples further exemplify the fact that rarely anything is 100% peaceful? I don't know how my world view could be skewed when I pretty much, unlike you guys, try not to involve myself in the affairs of another culture/country of which I have little right to. Especially trying only to respect that people have/should have rights to demonstrate. Just as the history of my own country evovled. Right or wrong actions often aren't seen or determined until the change actually happens. Notice that my comments are pretty much only about the rattling comments of you armchair politicians/know-it-alls that have WAY too much to say about things that are not your business. Maybe if you spent more time paying attention you would see that.

Rant about your rattling done.


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Fine; let's be sticklers for detail. Peaceful protests always attract violent agents provocateurs. The Yellow Shirts were goaded into a few isolated violent acts, some of them in self-defense. During the late Cold War, Sting said, "The Russians love their children, too." However, Yellow Shirts have not routinely resorted to intentional acts of personal violence and threats. The Red Shirts have, especially in Pattaya, Bangkok. Chiang Mai...the list goes on. I have not noticed The Great Red Leader renouncing his violence.

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I can't even read anymore of this crap. Almost one full+ page already of mostly ignorance and uninformed OPINIONS. Just like A_holes, everybody's got one. I'd sure like to know what countries a lot of you are from that you THINKanything has every been changed with a 100% peaceful protest of any kind. In fact the only mostly criminal collection of individuals I've seen named are the police and government, which are both armed. Cheese and RICE!!!,
Speaking of ignorance, uninformed opinions and A-holes...

Gandhi in India. Jesus of Nazareth, a pacifist Jew in Palestine/Israel who started a pacifist religion. MLK Jr. in the USA. Corazon Aquino in the Philippines. A dozen Soviet countries that threw off Communist dictatorships non-violently. That's a partial list. A third of all earthlings live in countries that have achieved freedom/democracy since 1945 without using violence.

Happiness is not a warm gun.

It was not all non-violent as I am sure you really know. A less one-sided reply would have been preferable. Selective quoting is never a convincing argument.

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PAD has been rallying peacefully since 2005, however, in 2008, when they were brutally attacked in Udon and a few other places they concentrated in one, well protected camp in Bangkok and hired massive security force that was responsible for most of the violence attributed to PAD itself. That force comprised of all kinds of guys looking for fights, including notorious vocational college students.

That security force wouldn't have been necessary in the first place if not for continuos red attacks. When reds were beaten back at their own game, they screamed at PAD violence.


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Bangkok Post seems to think that the hit from the airport closure was closer to 3% of GDP of Thailand. I initially thought it was only 2%. Still that's a lot of Baht for 2 weeks of airport occupation.

It was only one week.

So much for credibility of these scary numbers.

Yes, it was only 9 days between Nov. 25th to Dec 4th of last year. I think if PAD held out longer they had a good chance to send Thailand into a Depression(more than 20% negative growth of the GDP) rather than just a Recession. Which might means starvation for a great number of Thai people.

The final litmus test is if the PAD people just stayed home Thailand would have been one of the few Asian nation NOT BE AFFECTED by the Economic storms that is laying waste to Japan's Economy. Thailand would have had a positive GDP growth rate and stayed out of the Recession if there was no PAD.

What has PAD accomplished? They have replaced Somchai Wongsawat's government with Abhisit Vejjajiva's government which by the newpaper the Nation's, stated might not last past end of THIS year! http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/27...on_30101363.php

Anyone who thinks PAD is good for Thailand and the yellow shirts are doing good is seriously delusional. IMHO :)

It is even more laughable to claim that there is more democracy now with PAD than before PAD. Democracy does not confer the right to take over airports! That is by definition Anarchy. Despite the things that has happened in America with people losing their jobs and their means of support. Not being able to buy food for their family and such, you do not see Americans taking over airports and demanding changes! We are a nation of civilized human beings, we are not animals! We are able to plan and think about how to improve our lives without resorting to the tactics of the MOB!

Edited by bayrider1505
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Bangkok Post seems to think that the hit from the airport closure was closer to 3% of GDP of Thailand. I initially thought it was only 2%. Still that's a lot of Baht for 2 weeks of airport occupation.

It was only one week.

So much for credibility of these scary numbers.

Yes, it was only 9 days between Nov. 25th to Dec 4th of last year. I think if PAD held out longer they had a good chance to send Thailand into a Depression(more than 20% negative growth of the GDP) rather than just a Recession. Which might means starvation for a great number of Thai people.

The final litmus test is if the PAD people just stayed home Thailand would have been one of the few Asian nation NOT BE AFFECTED by the Economic storms that is laying waste to Japan's Economy. Thailand would have had a positive GDP growth rate and stayed out of the Recession if there was no PAD.

What has PAD accomplished? They have replaced Somchai Wongsawat's government with Abhisit Vejjajiva's government which by the newpaper the Nation's, stated might not last past end of THIS year! http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/27...on_30101363.php

Anyone who thinks PAD is good for Thailand and the yellow shirts are doing good is seriously delusional. IMHO :)

Think you'll find that whatever the PAD did Thailand would still have been in a recession as its exports have tanked due to a world recession.

No doubt the airport thing had an effect but it certainly wasnt the difference between recession and no recession.

Talk to some economists about it or even business people. It is quite simple really and the funny thing is everyone agrees on it.

The PAD can be blamed for certain things but they arent responsible for the recession just as the red actions over Songkhran arent either even though they also affected ceertain industries too.


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Bangkok Post seems to think that the hit from the airport closure was closer to 3% of GDP of Thailand. I initially thought it was only 2%. Still that's a lot of Baht for 2 weeks of airport occupation.

It was only one week.

So much for credibility of these scary numbers.

Yes, it was only 9 days between Nov. 25th to Dec 4th of last year. I think if PAD held out longer they had a good chance to send Thailand into a Depression(more than 20% negative growth of the GDP) rather than just a Recession. Which might means starvation for a great number of Thai people.

The final litmus test is if the PAD people just stayed home Thailand would have been one of the few Asian nation NOT BE AFFECTED by the Economic storms that is laying waste to Japan's Economy. Thailand would have had a positive GDP growth rate and stayed out of the Recession if there was no PAD.

What has PAD accomplished? They have replaced Somchai Wongsawat's government with Abhisit Vejjajiva's government which by the newpaper the Nation's, stated might not last past end of THIS year! http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/04/27...on_30101363.php

Anyone who thinks PAD is good for Thailand and the yellow shirts are doing good is seriously delusional. IMHO :)

Think you'll find that whatever the PAD did Thailand would still have been in a recession as its exports have tanked due to a world recession.

No doubt the airport thing had an effect but it certainly wasnt the difference between recession and no recession.

Talk to some economists about it or even business people. It is quite simple really and the funny thing is everyone agrees on it.

The PAD can be blamed for certain things but they arent responsible for the recession just as the red actions over Songkhran arent either even though they also affected ceertain industries too.


Well, Mr. Hammered(that's an interesting name, is it due to the fact that you get hammered? via drugs or alcohol? or do you carry a hammer around? :D sorry, with a name like that you had to expect it coming :D

Well, Mr. Hammered if you had read the Bank of Thailand report to the Prime Minister you would have noted that they were projecting a 1.8% growth rate DESPITE the economic downturn in the rest of the world! so if you take a hit of 3% of your GDP (because of the PAD/MOB take over of the airport for 9 days)that would put in negative territory. Which part of that sentence are you unable to grasp?

Peace to you too. Mr. Hammered. :D

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