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Puppy For Immediate Adoption

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Two puppies that have been with me since early June which I rescued from the streets. They are both about 3 months old now, vaccinated, and in perfect health. The first one is a boy, Cricket, and he is a mixed breed with a chocolate chip cookie dough-type coat and skin. He is very energetic and likes jumping and chewing. Cricket's brother was run over by a taxi and it is one of the reasons I took him away from those conditions.





The second and last puppies is named Mona and she is Cricket's best friend since living on the street because they were both recovered from the same abandoned house. Mona is a female also at abtou 3 months of age. Mona's coat is white and her skin is pink with big green eyes. She is very comfortable being a house dog and loves to sleep on the bed with everyone. She enjoys chasing Cricket and being held.




If anyone is interested in adopting one or both of these puppies, please PM me through ThaiVisa. I can bring them to your place of residence to show you the two puppies if needed.

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poor sucker:

If anyone is interested in adopting one or both of these puppies, please PM me through ThaiVisa. I can bring them to your place of residence to show you the two puppies if needed.

fom his profile: Location: Bangkok!


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  • 1 month later...

Well the search for an adoptive family for these two has been rough. They have obviously changed very much since July and I was thinking of posting a new topic to update the dogs info and such.... as long as the moderators will allow it. Hoping a moderator will respond with a yes or no:)

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good going..........

closing both threads as requested.....thanx for taking the time out to do a follow up. always hate it when someone starts something but doesnt do the 'closure' part.....



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