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Thai Police Arrest Finnish Man On Child-sex Charge


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I recall Father Joe voiced his frustrations about two abused flower garland boys.

They had pointed out that they still rather admired their abusers, as they were the first people to have ever shown any kindness or generosity to them during their short lives.

(Their own family having beaten, abused and neglected them).

Obviously the abusers had their motives for being generous, but it illustrates that shabby parenting is part of the problem.

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30 year old pedo - they seem to be getting younger :D:D

It used be the old man in a rain coat, now it is any bloke over 18. :D

I really do think that we should be executing anyone caught doing this from now on. No more playing games!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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To ###### with the pedo, let him rot.

But what about the kids. 11 year old kid sniffing glue? This kid in the USA would be of little league age. A life wasted at such an early age? Where do the kids turn and where do they go? Reform school? A group home? Or back out on the streets?

Is it too late for the 14 year old? He has probably seen it all, but the 11 year old? Good luck kids.

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A couple of years ago, I read an article about a Canadian cild molester caught in Thailand. When they caught him, he had something like a couple of THOUSAND pictures of himself having sex with children, some as young as 18 MONTHS old (according to the Thai police). Apparently he had a couple of hundred videos as well, and was selling this stuff over the 'net.

From the evidence in the pics and vids, they figured he had been doing this for a couple of years, in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.

I sent copies of those news articles to the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), just in case he managed to avoid going to prison in Thailand.

Canada has a law that if you commit a crime in another country (like child abuse), you can be charged in Canada even if you didn't get charged in the other country.

I was hoping that if that sick b*st*rd ever made it back to Canada, he'd get locked up the second he stepped off the plane. Never did hear what happened to him in Thailand though.

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was selling this stuff over the 'net.

Pretty easy to catch him then.

I personally think that porn shouldn't be permitted on the internet - but I don't have a clue how one would enforce or police it.

The internet is Gods Gift to Perverts.

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A couple of years ago, I read an article about a Canadian cild molester caught in Thailand. When they caught him, he had something like a couple of THOUSAND pictures of himself having sex with children, some as young as 18 MONTHS old (according to the Thai police). Apparently he had a couple of hundred videos as well, and was selling this stuff over the 'net.

From the evidence in the pics and vids, they figured he had been doing this for a couple of years, in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.

I sent copies of those news articles to the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), just in case he managed to avoid going to prison in Thailand.

Canada has a law that if you commit a crime in another country (like child abuse), you can be charged in Canada even if you didn't get charged in the other country.

I was hoping that if that sick b*st*rd ever made it back to Canada, he'd get locked up the second he stepped off the plane. Never did hear what happened to him in Thailand though.

  There is a website,that lists all farang prinors in thai jails,maybe someone has the link?and you can see if he's on it

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What a load of tripe written here by most hang 'em and flog 'em idiots. Just jumping onto the witch hunt forum.

What about all the Thai's sexually abusing these kids? What about all the Thai's profiting from these kids? What about these kids? Innocent or not? Not so innocent in my book. :o

They happily take the money, as do the pimps and family members. Nothing said about this eh?

This guy was an idiot for being so visable, and an idiot for trying to sell it, for that reason he needs to be punished.

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A couple of years ago, I read an article about a Canadian cild molester caught in Thailand. When they caught him, he had something like a couple of THOUSAND pictures of himself having sex with children, some as young as 18 MONTHS old (according to the Thai police). Apparently he had a couple of hundred videos as well, and was selling this stuff over the 'net.

From the evidence in the pics and vids, they figured he had been doing this for a couple of years, in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.

I sent copies of those news articles to the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), just in case he managed to avoid going to prison in Thailand.

Canada has a law that if you commit a crime in another country (like child abuse), you can be charged in Canada even if you didn't get charged in the other country.

I was hoping that if that sick b*st*rd ever made it back to Canada, he'd get locked up the second he stepped off the plane. Never did hear what happened to him in Thailand though.


  There is a website,that lists all farang prinors in thai jails,maybe someone has the link?and you can see if he's on it

See if your mans on this list


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I think what I find most curious about all of this is, that if you were to offer short time with a 14 year old Thai girl, you would have to get up pretty early to beat, jaloochapurr, phillyherb, jonik, lars, cobra, srirachajohn, siam, andy50, ningbajoe, madsere, grimreaper, pieboy, misterfingers, fourbaht, jaime, snoophound, thaidog to the front of a quite astonishing queue - providing that they could go undetected, which of course portrays rather nicely the mentality of the overwhelming number of western trash that choose to wash up on these shores, many as we see, taking root here on a permanent basis. Thailand will remain a magnet for this type of scum while it concedes to chinese values of, everything up for sale, including your own mother.

The Bottom Line.

A big man to spout such, however a bigger man would re-read many of the posts and realise he owes a few people an apology.I wish I had the solution to this problem but I don't ,however I certainly never have and never would look to knowingly perticipate in a sexual relation with a child i.e. a 14 year old.

Keep your comments flowing 'bottom line' but fuel them with thought.

Lets protect those most vunerable and prosecute those most sick, this is my view as a farang this is my view as a father.

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The Bottom Line."

I've seen some postings which obviously were not thought through before, but this has got to be the worst one yet.

Someone who doesn't know anything at all about the people he's writing about makes a judgement like that...

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It's funny though, I used to think that I know myself pretty good, maybe better rethink that now, maybe I have things kept secret for myself but not for him.


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...they whipped the American teenager for spray painting a car...with a bamboo cane..what will this guy really get here???

Could be wrong but I am sure that was in Singapore, not Thailand! It made worldwide headlines at the time.

if you were to offer short time with a 14 year old Thai girl, you would have to get up pretty early to beat, jaloochapurr, phillyherb, jonik, lars, cobra, srirachajohn, siam, andy50, ningbajoe, madsere, grimreaper, pieboy, misterfingers, fourbaht, jaime, snoophound, thaidog to the front of a quite astonishing queue

A serious accusation to make..... but it's easy to libel people about whom you know nothing when you can hide behind a pseudonym on a web forum! This convenient anonymity, ironically, is the modus operandi of paedophiles who groom their victims over the internet. I congratulate you - 10 out of 10 for stupidity on your post!

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What a load of tripe written here by most hang 'em and flog 'em idiots. Just jumping onto the witch hunt forum.

What about all the Thai's sexually abusing these kids? What about all the Thai's profiting from these kids? What about these kids? Innocent or not? Not so innocent in my book. :o

They happily take the money, as do the pimps and family members. Nothing said about this eh?

This guy was an idiot for being so visable, and an idiot for trying to sell it, for that reason he needs to be punished.

What a load of <deleted>, you sound like a pedo to me. blaming the kids?? :D

and this fukcen line annoys the <deleted> out of me : "This guy was an idiot for being so visable, and an idiot for trying to sell it, for that reason he needs to be punished."

He needs to be punished for having sex with kids, not for being caught! :D

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He MUST know something you don't? :D

Another stupid generalisation....almost talks the same language as bottom line....I wonder??

This guy has a problem! :D someone ban this idiot for making comments like he has.

Fancy blaming an 11 year old child, like he has done :o I bet we would find quite a lot about this guy, if his real name was ever given out - he would be more than moaning :D

p.s. I meant MoaningMinnie BTW> :D

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First he's a Finn. Then he's a Swede. First the boy is 15. Now he's 14.

Definitely he's a pedo. But the Thai guy who has some bogus buddhist ceremony and then knocks up a 14 year old Thai girl is a...'husband'; same goes for some guy in Kentucky with his 14 year old child-bride.

Because they're on the right side of the law..they're somhow not pedos.

But this guys a western fag on top of it, which people hate even more.

Some of the thicker members of the forum think that him getting raped by big 'scary' black people is just.

All the while nothing happens to the Thais and Chinese who f.uck young girls and boys, etc, etc.

And it's not as if the police don't know all of this goes on; they control most of the major rackets, in any case.

How confusing. :o


ps. Definitely he is a pedo since he was diddling an 11 year old; personally I'd give him a pass on the 15 year old, myself....

As long as he agrees to pay the family or marry him :D ; perfectly acceptable in most cases, according to Thai 'culture'...

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I'm less concerned by the 14 year old IF he is physically mature.

Physical Maturity at 14:

I had a few pubes when I was 14 - but not that many. My ganderparts were small and wan, and not of the same hulking girth of today. Would that rule me out?

Exactly - what about mental maturity ?

Do you think a 14 year old is really in a position to decide that a life of prostitution is for him ?

Do you think that possibly he was co-erced into it ?

The law exists to stop kids from being exploited - sadly secual maturity is in the eye of the beholder - many pedophiles are convinced a 14 year old is ready to engage in sexual relationships.

Anyone that thinks it's OK to have sex with 14 year olds has a problem

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He was arrested in Thailand for offences comitted in Thailand......He will be dealt with by the Thai judicial system and rightly so...

No amount of comment here will change that. There is no point in ranting and raving about it....

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First he's a Finn. Then he's a Swede. First the boy is 15. Now he's 14.

Definitely he's a pedo. But the Thai guy who has some bogus buddhist ceremony and then knocks up a 14 year old Thai girl is a...'husband'; same goes for some guy in Kentucky with his 14 year old child-bride.

Because they're on the right side of the law..they're somhow not pedos.

But this guys a western  fag on top of it, which people hate even more.

Some of the thicker members of the forum think that him getting raped by big 'scary' black people is just.

All the while nothing happens to the Thais and Chinese who f.uck young girls and boys, etc, etc.

And it's not as if the police don't know all of this goes on; they control most of the major rackets, in any case.

How confusing.  :o


ps. Definitely he is a pedo since he was diddling an 11 year old; personally I'd give him a pass on the 15 year old, myself....

As long as he agrees to pay the family or marry him  :D ; perfectly acceptable in most cases, according to Thai 'culture'...

Don`t forget Alex that this Peodaphile was paying these children to perform sexual acts.....This is not acceptable within Thai Culture....

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Don`t forget Alex that this Peodaphile was paying these children to perform sexual acts.....This is not acceptable within Thai Culture....

I thought prostitution was illegal in Thailand full stop. Yet it is tolerated.

So I don't see your point.

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Agreed. :o

He's definitely a scummy person and deserves to be punished. As do all of the Thais, Chinese, Chinese-Thais, and everyone else who is exploiting kids.

I just thought I'd throw in a little rant because it irks me that there are so many on the board who advocate stringing people up all the time, and who think in very black and white hues.

I'd like to appeal to the people who think he's such a scumbag if only for the fact that he was screwing a 14 year old, or because he was screwing a boy, to...wake up.

Screwing a 14 year old doesn't make one a pedophile. In certain circumstances it may make one some form of a predator. But that's a different issue. And for people who are especially incenced because it was a boy he was screwing... (which they'd likely deny, in many instances),...grow up.

And I reiterate; to him diddling the 11 year old; yes, that does make him a pedo. He should at least wait till the boy is at least 13, approach the parents, pay them sinn sott and then get on with his pederasty like an honorable man... :D

Pedro wrote:

what about mental maturity ?
What about it? It's arguably just as wrong to screw a dumb 26 year old. In any case, they consider mental maturity when they peg the age of consent.

If one meets that, regardless of whether the individual ie 13 or 36, their mental maturity (in most cases)...is a moot point.

Do you think a 14 year old is really in a position to decide that a life of prostitution is for him ? Do you think that possibly he was co-erced into it ?

Can a 14 year old just decide that they don't want to eat? If they 'decide' they do, they just might have to s.uck dick.

Yes, it is sad. But it is a failing of their society as well.

Imagine for a second that all forms of prostitution in LOS stopped tomorrow;

People would be dying in the street.

It's a double edged sword, but taking away the option (and it is an unsavory, to most..option), without providing an alternative, is meaningless.

The law exists to stop kids from being exploited - sadly secual maturity is in the eye of the beholder - many pedophiles are convinced a 14 year old is ready to engage in sexual relationships.

Anyone that thinks it's OK to have sex with 14 year olds has a problem

It's more than 'ok' in some societies.

It would be more than ok to me, within the proper construct.

If one wanted a child-bride and went to a place where it was acceptable, married them as the locals did, and treated them the same or better,....you tell me the harm?

S.hit, in some of these impoverished country's the best thing that could ever happen to most of the women would be for them to get married off at 13 to generic westerner...


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Ha Ha - enjoy your holiday mate - that is - your imminent holiday from Thai visa once the Modulators read that !!
Hey <deleted>!


Who are you referring to?; YOul HaVE tO MAKe mORe SeNsE ThAn ThiS.

...on a forum aimed predominantly at types that are prepared to take the time and trouble to travel halfway around the world

in search of sweaty discount sex with uneducated gormless go go bar sluts, with the ultimate affliction being, those, wanting to take permanent root in the middle of a seething brothel.

And possibly a big 'ol Toodle'loo to yourself as well eh <deleted>, hehe...



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Calm down and cut the slagging off of each other. There's people here who are actually having a fairly reasonable debate about an explosive subject. Don't ruin it for everyone else by being drawn into a childish name calling session.


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