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Massive Fee Hikes For Work Permits Mooted

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Bring on the "I can't believe it - I'm moving to another country" crowd again.

So what if it goes up to 6,000 baht, that's still only around £100.00. Is a £50.00 (3000.00) a year rise for the right to live and work legally in a country really enough to make you leave Thailand? I spend twice that on a good night out - if it bothers you that much then your in the wrong country to start with, get yourselves off to Somalia, it's cheaper than Thailand apparently...

Agreed. Somalia eh? bet there would be lots there you could actually make a big deal over :)

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I really do not care either if I pay 3000 or 6000 Baht for my work permit. There are a lot of low budget people in Thailand who really cry about everything the Thai Government is doing. If this is the case, the best is: you really leave Thailand.

Together with the tax (90.000 Baht and the social insurance and other things) I have to pay appr. 180.000 Baht per year.

Do you people know how much tax and fees and everything you pay in the European Union or in the USA???

That´s peanuts here in Thailand compared with what G8 countries charge.

I go on with my work and duty, even if they charge 20.000 Baht. Sometimes I guess it might be good when the government would charge really a lot. Really 20.000 Baht or more.

Because that will kick the low budget people out of Thailand, who recently cry from morning to night, about all the government of Thailand is doing.....ehwwwwwwwwww. About the bad Thai government, about bad Thailand in general. Why are you here, if you don´t like that country??

May be the atmosphere in Thailand is less poisioned and the people who are a problem for this country are for all times gone.

So I hope a special farang tax will be charged. Under 100 IQ points 5.000 Baht per IQ point. Over 100 IQ points 1000 Baht per IQ point.

That would make Thailand to an interesting country of leading farang specialists investing in the right things.

I wait for the day. ZG

LMAO ! Brilliant idea !

Mmmmm, so IQ of 30 (30X5k = 150k) is worth as much as someone with an IQ of 150 (150X1k = 150k) - not quite sure I get your point there - save money, go with the mediocre Mr. Average with an IQ of 100, eh? Is this possibly a personal attempt to make yourself more saleable, perchance?

I still don't get the 'I can afford it crowd' - its not you that pays (assuming you don't own your own company) its your employer - unless these charges are banded (see my earlier post), then its the smaller, less well financed and often needier employers that will suffer. Teachers do not pay their own WP fees, the schools do - the price doubles then the number of qualified native speakers halves - most schools just can't afford it. Of course, the politicians' kids go to well funded private or international schools which will simply pass the cost along to the the parents (the spread would not affect the price much given the exceedingly high charges these schools demand anyway) - its again the poor kids at government schools, temple schools and orphanages etc that take the hit. Its the government organisations like nurses, police and emergency services who loose their charity teachers because the individuals can no longer bear the cost - think about that next time you are in a hospital and the language mix-up costs you some vital body part!

I am not whinging against the proposed fee increase because I can't afford it (I could), its not a cost I bear - I am worried of the detrimental affect it will have on such companies and organisations as above. Think before you put your silly 12k bottle of (probably fake) plonk in your mouth please.

Edited by wolf5370
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I really do not care either if I pay 3000 or 6000 Baht for my work permit. There are a lot of low budget people in Thailand who really cry about everything the Thai Government is doing. If this is the case, the best is: you really leave Thailand.

Together with the tax (90.000 Baht and the social insurance and other things) I have to pay appr. 180.000 Baht per year.

Do you people know how much tax and fees and everything you pay in the European Union or in the USA???

That´s peanuts here in Thailand compared with what G8 countries charge.

I go on with my work and duty, even if they charge 20.000 Baht. Sometimes I guess it might be good when the government would charge really a lot. Really 20.000 Baht or more.

Because that will kick the low budget people out of Thailand, who recently cry from morning to night, about all the government of Thailand is doing.....ehwwwwwwwwww. About the bad Thai government, about bad Thailand in general. Why are you here, if you don´t like that country??

May be the atmosphere in Thailand is less poisioned and the people who are a problem for this country are for all times gone.

So I hope a special farang tax will be charged. Under 100 IQ points 5.000 Baht per IQ point. Over 100 IQ points 1000 Baht per IQ point.

That would make Thailand to an interesting country of leading farang specialists investing in the right things.

I wait for the day. ZG

LMAO ! Brilliant idea !

Refreshing to hear from someone who enjoys being in Thailand and recognises that we are visitors to this country. I like the farang tax also. Lets get rid of all the flotsam and jetsam that do nothing other than complain and criticise.

Like or lump it I say.

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You don't even know what or if they will put it up or by what and if you or your company can't afford a couple of grand hike obviously you are in profession.

I think I have worked it out;

It should read something like this:

You do not know the amount the application fee will increase, or if indeed if it will increase. If the company that you are working for cannot afford two thousand baht a year increase in work permit application fees then you are obviously in the wrong proffesion.

(Free translation).

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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I really do not care either if I pay 3000 or 6000 Baht for my work permit. There are a lot of low budget people in Thailand who really cry about everything the Thai Government is doing. If this is the case, the best is: you really leave Thailand.

Together with the tax (90.000 Baht and the social insurance and other things) I have to pay appr. 180.000 Baht per year.

Do you people know how much tax and fees and everything you pay in the European Union or in the USA???

That´s peanuts here in Thailand compared with what G8 countries charge.

I go on with my work and duty, even if they charge 20.000 Baht. Sometimes I guess it might be good when the government would charge really a lot. Really 20.000 Baht or more.

Because that will kick the low budget people out of Thailand, who recently cry from morning to night, about all the government of Thailand is doing.....ehwwwwwwwwww. About the bad Thai government, about bad Thailand in general. Why are you here, if you don´t like that country??

May be the atmosphere in Thailand is less poisioned and the people who are a problem for this country are for all times gone.

So I hope a special farang tax will be charged. Under 100 IQ points 5.000 Baht per IQ point. Over 100 IQ points 1000 Baht per IQ point.

That would make Thailand to an interesting country of leading farang specialists investing in the right things.

I wait for the day. ZG

LMAO ! Brilliant idea !

Refreshing to hear from someone who enjoys being in Thailand and recognises that we are visitors to this country. I like the farang tax also. Lets get rid of all the flotsam and jetsam that do nothing other than complain and criticise.

Like or lump it I say.

Oh for crying out loud - its not refreshing rereading same, same posts by idiots that can't seem to understand that its the employer that pays (Farang tax?) - so it weeds out no flotsam nor any jetsam, in fact it brings more in as poorer employers (schools and civil service organisations) can't afford qualified people, so hire back packers passing through with no know-how or qualifications and no WP- at least understand the issue before you jump on a broken bandwagon - sheesh!

Its not a Farang tax - its another whammy for the poor people of Thailand (Thais), because sure as dam_n the rich Thai's kids will get native speaking qualified teachers.

Edited by wolf5370
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I think the expats that are complaining on here are not the focus of this fee increase, since it's obvious you can afford to move from the other side of the planet to Thailand. I think this new fee is directed at neighboring countries that send their poor countrymen to Thailand to work.

I speak as an American whose country has the fattest poor people in the world. :)

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I think the expats that are complaining on here are not the focus of this fee increase, since it's obvious you can afford to move from the other side of the planet to Thailand. I think this new fee is directed at neighboring countries that send their poor countrymen to Thailand to work.

I speak as an American whose country has the fattest poor people in the world. :)

Migrant work programme for Laotian, Cambodian and Burmese workers come under a different schemes. Work permits, registration for them, all very reasonable.

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You do not know the amount the application fee will increase, or if indeed if it will increase. If the company that you are working for cannot afford two thousand baht a year increase in work permit application fees then you are obviously in the wrong proffesion.

If you think the fee increase will be on the order of 2k baht then my advice is to stop taking drugs and pull yourself together. This government is presently in 'screw/blame the farang' mode. Every government tries it at some point. They regain some semblance of sanity only after being bitch slapped by the market. But in this case it may take them a considerable time to realise that they are short of English teachers, because they care mainly about quantity not quality :)

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Personally, I think the work permits here should be atleast 10,000B a year; the purpose of this is to encourage employers to hire Thai people....

Thai Authorities should do all they can to facilitate a flood of English classes taught by native English speakers. In the big picture, it's a choice of whether to bring Thailand in to the international community as a functioning member, or keep Thailand as a 3rd world country who's main attractions are bar girls and interesting temple architecture.

Problem is that a lot of the teachers are guys that came here on holiday attracted by bar girls and couldn't bear to return to the land of not getting laid.

Even if that were somewhat true, so what. Shakespeare and Einstein chased women. The founders of Microsoft and Apple never got college degrees. A good teacher needs neither Calvinist moral terpitude nor a U degree. Be that as it may, I've met and heard of a host of Thai folks who have prestigious positions as English professors, and they simply couldn't hold a converstion with a native English speaker that might deviate from the slow-talking polite patter you might hear at an info booth at an airport. Thais who teach English aren't expected to be fluent. More often than not, they wind up teaching weird convoluted Thainglish that's counter-productive.

Sure there could be English speaking farang who might be crappy teachers. If so, weed the suckers out. Trouble is, the personnel Departments at Thailand's most prestigious universities can't tell a good English speaker from a poor English speaker. Really!!! They think all farang can speak English fluently, so they wind up hiring the most handsome, well-attired farang - and the frumpier/elder among us fall by the wayside - even though they may be h@lls bells better teachers - yet the Thai university staff couldn't tell the difference.

I've seen it first hand. I've personally known a Frenchman and a Finnish man who had esteemed positions teaching English at top Thai universities. Each of whom had fancy degrees and were handsome, well groomed and charming with the Thais (appearances are everything, as we know). However, they couldn't speak or understand English worth a dam_n. Their accents were as thick as the earth's mantle.

Any talk about needing higher WP fees because farang English teachers are taking jobs away from Thai English teachers (who could do the same) is utter poppycock.

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You do not know the amount the application fee will increase, or if indeed if it will increase. If the company that you are working for cannot afford two thousand baht a year increase in work permit application fees then you are obviously in the wrong proffesion.

If you think the fee increase will be on the order of 2k baht then my advice is to stop taking drugs and pull yourself together. This government is presently in 'screw/blame the farang' mode. Every government tries it at some point. They regain some semblance of sanity only after being bitch slapped by the market. But in this case it may take them a considerable time to realise that they are short of English teachers, because they care mainly about quantity not quality :)

Don't quote me, I only edited the message. I don't agree with it.

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I would like to draw the attention of all members to the following two rules that I see being flouted far too much in this topic:

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What Mr genius failed to notice is that we aren't in a G8 country. This is a developing country...

When the average wage is (depending on your source) circa 20K Baht a month, it puts this rise into more perspective.

I'd actually take the line that fat cats who abuse their privileges by lording it over the incumbent population should be the first ones to go. Such arrogant, myopic small-mindedness (as abundantly displayed above) should be the foremost criterion precluding an individual residency in this country.

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This is the proof that the economic crisis in Thailand is finally over - they don't need anyone to invest here anymore.

It is just a consequent move after scaring 40% of their tourists away, and anyone should already have expected it.

Let the countries around inhale the 'brain drain' from the Western countries, and who knows if Singapore, sucking up the major share of the world's intelligence in the region, is really as wealthy as these alien analysts say? Ha ha! China? Come on, we are already trading rice with them! Malaysia? We are different! We are 'self sufficient' enough to go our very own way and whoever is stupid enough wanting to work here shall be punished.

I think you were implying that China might get the business that Thailand was giving up. My Brother-in-Law has been living or based in Thailand for 14 years. His company sent him to China to work, he was there for 2 years then his Company said they couldn't keep him there, the Government was being hard noised about his work permit. he worked between Thailand and Vietnam for a couple of years, and now it is Thailand/Indonesia. So I assumed from his experience that the Chinese where not being that kind to American workers, although his job enabled more work for more Chinese.

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You know, it's been really enlightening to read 10 pages of everyone's opinions here, and you know what they say about opinions--"they're like a**holes, everyone's got one"--but is there an updated report about this issue? If you're a high-rolling big-shot, then this really isn't you're concern. Just keep drinking your over-priced drinks on your luxurious yacht and remain a part of the problem rather than being a part of the solution. Some have decided to make a modest living teaching here. They have families and don't make a lot of money, but for most of them it's enough to have a comfortable life. However, fee raises of this sort, if they are of any significance, could make or break the venture for many of them and you'll get your callous wish--they'll have to seek greener pastures elsewhere, possibly dividing their families for a period of time. Whether they seek them in another country or return to their origins, it's a sad day for someone.

Edited by dkstoney
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You know, it's been really enlightening to read 10 pages of everyone's opinions here, and you know what they say about opinions--"they're like a**holes, everyone's got one"--but is there an updated report about this issue? If you're a high-rolling big-shot, then this really isn't you're concern. Just keep drinking your over-priced drinks on your luxurious yacht and remain a part of the problem rather than being a part of the solution. Some have decided to make a modest living teaching here. They have families and don't make a lot of money, but for most of them it's enough to have a comfortable life. However, fee raises of this sort, if they are of any significance, could make or break the venture for many of them and you'll get your callous wish--they'll have to seek greener pastures elsewhere, possibly dividing their families for a period of time. Whether they seek them in another country or return to their origins, it's a sad day for someone.

I'm lucky enough for this not to affect me, as my employer pays for my work permit.

However, I really sympathise with those of you that may have to struggle to pay it yourself, if/when it happens.

It must be very frustrating to be helping the people of Thailand (I'm guessing from the posts many of you are teachers, who probably contribute more to the general good of Thailand's people than I do with my IT work, to be completely honest) and get caught by things like this.

The question I frequently ask myself is if Thailand really wants to increase its tax take from foreigners (if that is indeed the real purpose of this change), why don't they simply make it easier to get a work permit and a long term visa in the first place?

I'm sure there's a number of people working here who would like to be legal (and avoid the cost of visa runs), but because of the rules cannot get a WP. If they could it would bring them into the tax take and I'm guessing raise a lot more than something like this?

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You know, it's been really enlightening to read 10 pages of everyone's opinions here, and you know what they say about opinions--"they're like a**holes, everyone's got one"--but is there an updated report about this issue? If you're a high-rolling big-shot, then this really isn't you're concern. Just keep drinking your over-priced drinks on your luxurious yacht and remain a part of the problem rather than being a part of the solution. Some have decided to make a modest living teaching here. They have families and don't make a lot of money, but for most of them it's enough to have a comfortable life. However, fee raises of this sort, if they are of any significance, could make or break the venture for many of them and you'll get your callous wish--they'll have to seek greener pastures elsewhere, possibly dividing their families for a period of time. Whether they seek them in another country or return to their origins, it's a sad day for someone.

I'm with you stoney. What a waste having to read 10 pages of Bull Sh**T from a bunch of pompous, pretentious yobs. This issue is important to many of us, and this forum (and thread) should be constructive and informative, so for posters who don't have any constructive updates please put your Bull Sh**t comments over in the general topics forum with the rest of them..

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You know, it's been really enlightening to read 10 pages of everyone's opinions here, and you know what they say about opinions--"they're like a**holes, everyone's got one"--but is there an updated report about this issue? If you're a high-rolling big-shot, then this really isn't you're concern. Just keep drinking your over-priced drinks on your luxurious yacht and remain a part of the problem rather than being a part of the solution. Some have decided to make a modest living teaching here. They have families and don't make a lot of money, but for most of them it's enough to have a comfortable life. However, fee raises of this sort, if they are of any significance, could make or break the venture for many of them and you'll get your callous wish--they'll have to seek greener pastures elsewhere, possibly dividing their families for a period of time. Whether they seek them in another country or return to their origins, it's a sad day for someone.

I'm lucky enough for this not to affect me, as my employer pays for my work permit.

However, I really sympathise with those of you that may have to struggle to pay it yourself, if/when it happens.

It must be very frustrating to be helping the people of Thailand (I'm guessing from the posts many of you are teachers, who probably contribute more to the general good of Thailand's people than I do with my IT work, to be completely honest) and get caught by things like this.

The question I frequently ask myself is if Thailand really wants to increase its tax take from foreigners (if that is indeed the real purpose of this change), why don't they simply make it easier to get a work permit and a long term visa in the first place?

I'm sure there's a number of people working here who would like to be legal (and avoid the cost of visa runs), but because of the rules cannot get a WP. If they could it would bring them into the tax take and I'm guessing raise a lot more than something like this?

Hear, Hear to both of you! Of course, if Thailand wasn'e so frightened of "colonization" and so xenophobic, stbkk's suggestion would be viable - problem is, its doubtful and politician here would do such a thing as make it easier for us, it would probably be political suicide, we have been used as scapegoat for just too long and for too many things by those same people.

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"I'm lucky enough for this not to affect me, as my employer pays for my work permit." - this is head in the sand stuff........if your employer gets sick of forking out more every time he/she wants to employ a foreigner, they may well think twice about employing foreigners at all......

Still when all's said and done wasn't Thailand just rated number 12 in easy countries to do business with/in...or something like that?

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I was just wandering if there has been any news. The item in the Phuket Gazette (9/1/09) indicated that the increase would be announced on 9/13. My Thai employer says that he hasn't heard of the original report let alone an update. I am not concerned because I'm leaving work as soon as my employer grows the stones to try and fire me, mostly to test the severence pay theory. It' just so hard for him to make a decision. I know that from past experience, he will make a beeline to immigration, but little does he know I changed from a Non-Imm B to a Non-Imm O (based on marriage) and that the Labor Office has been notified so that I am still legally working.

Edited by mmcsusnret
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Picked up my work permit today ........same price as last year 3000b . The girl at the Labour Dept. did say that now they charge a annual flat rate of 3000 b

and this price applies to 3 and 6 month work permits as well


That's interesting, the annual rate WAS 3,100 baht when I got my WP 2 months ago.

So, the massive fee hike adds up to 100 baht off :) .

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Picked up my work permit today ........same price as last year 3000b . The girl at the Labour Dept. did say that now they charge a annual flat rate of 3000 b

and this price applies to 3 and 6 month work permits as well


That's interesting, the annual rate WAS 3,100 baht when I got my WP 2 months ago.

So, the massive fee hike adds up to 100 baht off :) .

I paid 3000 baht in Feb for 1 year WP and 3000 baht last year.

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