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Air Asia Is World's Best Low Cost Airline!


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First of all, I will state that I'm a pretty loyal customer of Airasia, and I've had no problems at all with their service as well as their prices (I get what I pay for).

In my most recent trip, and even on many recent press releases, they boasted that according to Skytrax, they're now the world's best low cost airline.

"AirAsia has been named the world’s best low-cost carrier by Skytrax, a Britain-based consultancy that rates commercial airlines..."

“We are very honoured to triumph over other low-cost carriers like Ryanair, easyJet and Southwest Airlines,” he said.


However, I checked the Skytrax website just now, and I can't seem to find any reference at all to Air Asia being the "best" low-cost airline in the world... not even an "indirect" statement which 'may be' interpreted to say that Air Asia is the "best low-cost" airline in the world.

If it's true that they are, am I missing something here??

If, on the other hand, it's a blatant lie, why has Skytrax not said anything?


Skytrax Website Regarding Low Cost:


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First of all, I will state that I'm a pretty loyal customer of Airasia, and I've had no problems at all with their service as well as their prices (I get what I pay for).

In my most recent trip, and even on many recent press releases, they boasted that according to Skytrax, they're now the world's best low cost airline.

"AirAsia has been named the world’s best low-cost carrier by Skytrax, a Britain-based consultancy that rates commercial airlines..."

“We are very honoured to triumph over other low-cost carriers like Ryanair, easyJet and Southwest Airlines,” he said.


However, I checked the Skytrax website just now, and I can't seem to find any reference at all to Air Asia being the "best" low-cost airline in the world... not even an "indirect" statement which 'may be' interpreted to say that Air Asia is the "best low-cost" airline in the world.

If it's true that they are, am I missing something here??

If, on the other hand, it's a blatant lie, why has Skytrax not said anything?


Skytrax Website Regarding Low Cost:


Yes you're missing this


I'm not sure how they measured it though and if you look at the winners in some of the other categories they seem equal perverse IMHO.

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First of all, I will state that I'm a pretty loyal customer of Airasia, and I've had no problems at all with their service as well as their prices (I get what I pay for).

In my most recent trip, and even on many recent press releases, they boasted that according to Skytrax, they're now the world's best low cost airline.

"AirAsia has been named the world's best low-cost carrier by Skytrax, a Britain-based consultancy that rates commercial airlines..."

"We are very honoured to triumph over other low-cost carriers like Ryanair, easyJet and Southwest Airlines," he said.


However, I checked the Skytrax website just now, and I can't seem to find any reference at all to Air Asia being the "best" low-cost airline in the world... not even an "indirect" statement which 'may be' interpreted to say that Air Asia is the "best low-cost" airline in the world.

If it's true that they are, am I missing something here??

If, on the other hand, it's a blatant lie, why has Skytrax not said anything?


Skytrax Website Regarding Low Cost:


Yes you're missing this


I'm not sure how they measured it though and if you look at the winners in some of the other categories they seem equal perverse IMHO.

Airasia can claim what they want. They give C R A P service

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Why C R A P ? They just promise to fly from A to B without crashing and this is what they always do, so what's the problem ?

I wonder what people expect from airlines, especially low cost, welcome BJ ? :-)

Well, I would expect two things from any airline:

1) that my luggage arrives with my flight

2) that I am actually able to purchase a ticket on their website with my perfectly valid credit card.

Air Asia has failed me on Points #1 and #2.

Accordingly, they have lots all of my future business which, unfortunately for them, would have been considerable.

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Flew with them last week BKK<->HKG and had a great experience with those flights. On-time, new A320s and service was very friendly. RT price for 2 was 16k THB with Xpress boarding and food compared to 30-50k quotes from other regional airlines. Only had 1 problem with them in the past and it was my fault as I didn't read the change terms.

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Agreed... It's my airline of choice when not traveling on clients account.

I have been recently for a weekend in Bali, which cost me cheaper than flying to Samui.

Returning flight was deleted, but they sent me a sms notice well in advance, appreciated it!

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Why C R A P ? They just promise to fly from A to B without crashing and this is what they always do, so what's the problem ?

I wonder what people expect from airlines, especially low cost, welcome BJ ? :-)

Correction: 'They promise to fly form A to B without crashing and this is what they' USUALLY do. This airline has a long list of well-hidden mishaps that are always precursors to a major accident, e.g., One-Two GO, Adam Air, etc., etc.

You get what you pay for is nice for low ticket prices, but it applies to maintenance, training, pilot qualifications and all other aspects of the operation. This airline will eventually kill a lot of people - trust me. After the big one, all kinds of shortcomings in their maintenance and crew qualifications will be uncovered to the stunned amazement of the ever-naive traveling public.

They're cheap and their marketing is slick and flashy - but buyer beware...there is NO government oversight in Thailand or Malaysia - don't ever kid yourself about that.



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World's Best? I dunno. Jet Blue out of the USA seems to be one of the few low cost airlines that has legions of adoring passengers. It flies internationally (regionally), has free wireless, direct TV in every seat back along with movie options, XM Satellite Radio, 1 free bag (Air Asia charges), complimentary snacks (and it's an extensive menu . You can even have more if you want and no charges apply like on Air Asia). The workhorse of both JetBlue and AirAsia is the AB320. the difference though is legroom and seatpitch. JetBlue configures with 25 rows, while AirAsia uses 30 rows. Feeling squashed? Well you'll be thrilled to know thatAir Asia flights feature seats with a 29" seat pitch. Jet Blue gives 34". And now the kicker. Pricing. Jet Blue is indeed comparable.

Have a 4 legged traveling companion? Well, forget about Air Asia. On the other hand Jet Blue tries to be companion animal friendly, right down to having its noteworthy JetPaws program. You have to like JetBlue's traveling bookelet for animals as it lists animal friendly restaurants including a place called Bangkok Bistro in Washington, DC. Jet Blue even came up with Travel Petiquette™ - a handy list of JetBlue's social graces of pet travel.

All airlines screw up. Jet Blue has. Air Asia has. I don't know about Air Asia, but I do know that at Jet Blue the senior execs take prersonal responsibility. The meltdown at JFK one year cost some people their jobs. When is the last time you ever saw an exec at Air asia take responsibility for a screw up?

So please someone tell me how Air Asia can beat out Jet Blue?

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They just promise to fly from A to B without crashing and this is what they always do, so what's the problem ?

Funny thing, every airline I've ever flown has managed to get me from A to B without crashing. Yet somehow I still find some airlines are better than others....

Air Asia. I think they are garbage and will only fly them if there is no other LCC on the same route. I've found that with Air Asia by the time you add in all the ancillary charges they cost the same or more than their competitors who I find to be more flexible and easier to deal with.

Don't even try to compare Air Asia with Southwest. Southwest is leaps and bounds better. In most cases I will always pick an Asian based airline over a US one, but when it comes to LCCs, Southwest is infinitely better than any Asia-based LCC.

And don't even get me started on that rip-off called Tune Hotel.

Air Asia is C R A P

Tune Hotels are C R A P

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Ahhh lots pf complains so much for the thread giving praise to Air Asia.

I have flow with them many many times without any problems, yes they can sometimes be difficuly about excess luggage but we all know about that (no!) I presonnaly think thye are fine I would always choose Nok but most of the time the flight times are not best for my connections. Ipersonnaly think they are a good budget airline and wouldnot hesitate in recommending them to friends and family.

Good for you Air Asia

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Why C R A P ? They just promise to fly from A to B without crashing and this is what they always do, so what's the problem ?

I wonder what people expect from airlines, especially low cost, welcome BJ ? :-)

Correction: 'They promise to fly form A to B without crashing and this is what they' USUALLY do. This airline has a long list of well-hidden mishaps that are always precursors to a major accident, e.g., One-Two GO, Adam Air, etc., etc.

You get what you pay for is nice for low ticket prices, but it applies to maintenance, training, pilot qualifications and all other aspects of the operation. This airline will eventually kill a lot of people - trust me. After the big one, all kinds of shortcomings in their maintenance and crew qualifications will be uncovered to the stunned amazement of the ever-naive traveling public.

They're cheap and their marketing is slick and flashy - but buyer beware...there is NO government oversight in Thailand or Malaysia - don't ever kid yourself about that.



no goverment oversite? where did you hear that? :)

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Complaining is the national sport of many countries. You get what you pay for. I find Air Asia enough for what you pay and the about 20 times i used I always found a good service, on time flights, and, most of all, very competitive cheap prices.

PS: Only booked online, never a problem. :)

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They just promise to fly from A to B without crashing and this is what they always do, so what's the problem ?

Funny thing, every airline I've ever flown has managed to get me from A to B without crashing. Yet somehow I still find some airlines are better than others....

Air Asia. I think they are garbage and will only fly them if there is no other LCC on the same route. I've found that with Air Asia by the time you add in all the ancillary charges they cost the same or more than their competitors who I find to be more flexible and easier to deal with.

Don't even try to compare Air Asia with Southwest. Southwest is leaps and bounds better. In most cases I will always pick an Asian based airline over a US one, but when it comes to LCCs, Southwest is infinitely better than any Asia-based LCC.

And don't even get me started on that rip-off called Tune Hotel.

Air Asia is C R A P

Tune Hotels are C R A P

I totally agree.

AirAsia is one of those airlines that you either love or hate. Personally I think they suck. But for the backpacker midgets I could see how they could put up with AA

BTW gorshar you will find that the majority of TV members have a love affair with AA. I wouldn't waste your time trying to convince any of them otherwise.

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Air Asia is C R A P

Tune Hotels are C R A P

That's way too harsh.

They both do a good job in their own ways. Provided you walk in with your eyes wide open there shouldn't be any reason to be "ripped off" by either Air Asia or Tune. Booking in advance is the key. The risk you take on your plans changing in the mean time is the quid pro quo for the low price.

I can nip down to KL for a new visa stamp, have an overnight in the Tune and get myself back home for less than 2000Baht with a bit of good planing. I'd be lucky just to get to Bangkok on Thai for that money.

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I have flown AirAsia 30+ times in the last few years. Maybe I have just been extremely lucky but I have never had any problems booking my flights online, losing luggage or having it arrive late, and now that I think of it Im pretty sure each flight has been right on schedule. If you don't like saving a bunch of money and expect a host of in-flight services for your average 1 hour trip then stick with Thai Airways. I'll continue "gambling" with AirAsia.

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Well done Air Asia for smashing the Thai Airways overpriced monopoly.

Yes TG is overpriced compared to other major international airlines, but on domestic routes, it is an unfair comparison. TG offers more services, more cabin space and has fewer incremental charges.

A simple example illustrates this point;

A tourist with a suitcase wants to fly to on Nov. 6 BKK-HKT;

TG: 2,675 baht: 20kg baggage allowance, 34" seat pitch, complimentary snack, fully staffed check-in, assigned seating.

FD: 1710 baht + 250 baht for bag + 100 baht for snack = 2060 baht. Add in the additional charge for pick a seat "xpress" boarding (what a joke and that's another 50-100 baht, and then there is the processing fee if you do not buy over the internet, but I'll leave both charges out of the comparison although it can add about 100-150 baht to the price.) For this you get to go sit in a cramped plane with a 29" seat pitch.

Ok, so what do you get for 615 baht difference? TG has a better ability to shift PAX onto another plane in the event of a service interruption and TG does have a better service standard when it comes to these interruptions. If airmiles are a concern, then the TG plan is better If you are a premium service flyer, the differential cost between economy and Royal Silk is not significant, but you can avoid rubbing shoulders with the peons (although you still incur the torture of the cattle line march at the gate.) My personal opinion is that TG does have superior aircraft maintenance service standards to FD as TG has to comply with its Star Alliance obligations.

Now toss in the code sharing, flight schedules, and the ease of transfer to other Airlines (you can even transfer to and from BR with TG) and the price difference is negligible. Air Asia doesn't facilitate flight connections because of its baggage handling policy. Nor is FD family friendly. It is easier for a family with small kids to fly on TG than it is on FD.

Yes, for a traveler on a quick trip with hand baggage only, FD is a good inexpensive option. However, for the typical foreign visitor, FD is a headache and the savings mean a definite loss of quality and service. Therefore the statement that TG is "overpriced" compared to FD on the domestic route is misleading as there are costs associated with the services that one must forgo when choosing FD.

Personally, I like Nok and dislike TG, but fair is fair.

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Why C R A P ? They just promise to fly from A to B without crashing and this is what they always do, so what's the problem ?

I wonder what people expect from airlines, especially low cost, welcome BJ ? :-)

If thats all you expect.

late flights, luggage lost , cant consume a snack purchased outside the rip off prices, I can go on.

A to B in one piece sometime during the day(maybe) is their only positive ? Yes you are right

Edited by sunnymarky
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Don't take the following too seriously guys, I didn't, fully understanding the "no frills" service on airlines such as this.

But it was really funny having one of the flight attendants come running up and grabbing the sandwiches back.

Have had many flights with Air Asia (not X before) and very pleased with the normal Air Asia!


Sent to CONTACT US on their website.

My wife and I flew KUL-MEL last Sunday evening the 30th August 2009 on PNR KE.. LV.

I had pre-booked International Meal service for both of us.

I am at this time very confused as to just what we were entitled to as far as this pre-booked service should include.

When the first meal service was brought to us, we were given the main meal plus a bottle of water.

When the second meal service came around, I asked the flight attendant what were entitled to, she said we are allowed a sandwich plus a drink, so she gave these to us.

Then another attendant came up to me and said I had to pay for this second meal. I said to her that I had just been told by the other girl that the meal and drink were part of our entitlement.

At this stage I asked for the chief purser who came along and said that "no" we were not entitled to the second sandwich meal, so she took them back.

I also attempted to give her the two drinks back, but she said to keep them.

The chief purser was very nice and professional and said that she could understand my confusion "AS MANY PASSENGERS COMPLAIN OF EXACTLY THE SAME SITUATION"

She said that she would make a report about the incident and that "AIR ASIA" would contact me in a few days following the flight. As yet I have not been contacted.

I have been a member of AIR ASIA for quite some time and have taken many flights with you, although this was our initial experience with AIR ASIA X.

I have been flying for some 40 years and fully understand what to expect when traveling with a budget airline, but I feel this incident deserves management attention, as the confusion with just what we were entitled to, even amongst your own staff as I have described, is not good at all.

I would very much appreciate a response in this matter, as at this stage, I will not be pre-ordering meals on any more flights I take with you. As this was our first experience with AIR ASIA X, it has not left us with a good impression at all.

Yours sincerely,

Edited by fishhooks
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Why C R A P ? They just promise to fly from A to B without crashing and this is what they always do, so what's the problem ?

I wonder what people expect from airlines, especially low cost, welcome BJ ? :-)

Correction: 'They promise to fly form A to B without crashing and this is what they' USUALLY do. This airline has a long list of well-hidden mishaps that are always precursors to a major accident, e.g., One-Two GO, Adam Air, etc., etc.



Oh Yes? Care to tell us a bit about them?

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Makes more sense that AA is the best cheapo airline than Thai Airways being the world's third best airline. I'm no backpacker, but am an AA fan on the BKK to Ubon Ratchatani run.

To those who bitch about problems if they change their flights "What part of 'f**cking no refund' do you not understand?" (as Ryan's founder reputedly/apocryphally(?) said to a granny as he snatched the phone from one of his call centre's staff hands).

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