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Young Children Travelling With Parents

Ulysses G.

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Years ago I was sitting in a Vancouver McDonalds trying to get a bite to eat and read the paper. Next to me was a mother and two brats who were constantly screaming at the top of their lungs. When I asked if she could quiet them down a bit I got "We want them to feel free to express themselves"

"Sweetie," I replied, "If my parents had that same philosophy, your kid would be upside down in a trash can right now"

My daughter doesn't know it but that encounter is in my mind every time I tell her to sit down and be quiet in a restaurant. :)

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I'm a nasty person, I am.

I was on a flight from Athens to Bangkok with a Greek couple and 3 small children sitting next to me.

Now, understand, I worked a 12 hour night shift before I started traveling. The plane leaves Athens at 1630 local time. So by the time I finally got on the plane I been awake for most of 20 hours. I wanted to sleep on the plane...a 10 hour flight to BKK.

These three kids were running around the aisle, playing "cowboy", and yelling at each other in Greek.

I politely asked the parents several times if they could plese keep their children quiet so I could sleep. They pretended they didn't understand English. Finally the mother told me,"Children have to play, don't they?"

I was sitting on the aisle seat, so the next time one of the kids ran by me I "accidentally" stuck my foot out.

The little guy went sprawling, and hit his head againt another passengers seat, No one was really badly hurt, but a lot crying from the little one and mom comforting him.

When she got him quieted down, I said to her,"You know it isn't a good idea to let your children run about. They might accidently fall and be hurt."

The look she gave me was classic.

I'm a nasty person.


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I politely asked the parents several times if they could plese keep their children quiet so I could sleep. They pretended they didn't understand English. Finally the mother told me,"Children have to play, don't they?"

I was sitting on the aisle seat, so the next time one of the kids ran by me I "accidentally" stuck my foot out.

The little guy went sprawling, and hit his head againt another passengers seat, No one was really badly hurt, but a lot crying from the little one and mom comforting him.

When she got him quieted down, I said to her,"You know it isn't a good idea to let your children run about. They might accidently fall and be hurt."

The look she gave me was classic.

I'm a nasty person.


Sad, and/or pathetic is what I would say. You, a grown adult intentionally injured a child because of a disagreement you had with his parents?

We all get to the end of our rope with bratty kids, but only the lowest actually take a cheap shot at a defenceless child over it.

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Nobody complains when my daughter goes running down the aisle of the plane... :D


Careful of cabin pressure with those things :D


She could really do with wearing a decent bra from time to time. By the time shes Ian Forbes age they will be kneeward. :)

Judging by the shape of them Id say she wasnt born with them and therefore can replace them when they are touching her knees :P

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The most reproduced photo on TV, funny that.

I wonder does she know she is being oggled and commented on over the WWW?

I'm sure she does, Mossfin. Models are always put up to those scenerios. They like the attention. I just added it for some levity to the discussion. I could probably had dug up one of my real daughter wearing a bikini, but couldn't find it in all of my photo files.

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I politely asked the parents several times if they could plese keep their children quiet so I could sleep. They pretended they didn't understand English. Finally the mother told me,"Children have to play, don't they?"

I was sitting on the aisle seat, so the next time one of the kids ran by me I "accidentally" stuck my foot out.

The little guy went sprawling, and hit his head againt another passengers seat, No one was really badly hurt, but a lot crying from the little one and mom comforting him.

When she got him quieted down, I said to her,"You know it isn't a good idea to let your children run about. They might accidently fall and be hurt."

The look she gave me was classic.

I'm a nasty person.


Sad, and/or pathetic is what I would say. You, a grown adult intentionally injured a child because of a disagreement you had with his parents?

We all get to the end of our rope with bratty kids, but only the lowest actually take a cheap shot at a defenceless child over it.

I disagree...

My brother is a professional in HK, and we were eating in a nice restaurant... an extended Indian family were enjoying a relaxing meal in a private room while their kids did laps around the restaurant... one of them 'tripped' over my brothers foot, and that was the last we saw of them...

The kids learned a valuable lesson in my story and in IMA_NASTYFARANG's... maybe the parents will wise up as well...

Edited by Daewoo
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My only truly bad experience with children on an airplane was on a flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. The Thai woman sitting next to me had a baby. I'm not good at age-guessing, but not an infant, but still a baby. From the minute the wheels left the runway at Don Muang, until the moment the wheels touched down in Chiang Mai, the way baby screamed constantly...facing me. And I do mean constantly. Okay, so I had an unpleasant flight and a headache, but at least the unpleasantness ended. Well, not quite. The minute the baby stopped screaming and crying, he promptly vomited all over me.

Edited by phetaroi
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I politely asked the parents several times if they could plese keep their children quiet so I could sleep. They pretended they didn't understand English. Finally the mother told me,"Children have to play, don't they?"

I was sitting on the aisle seat, so the next time one of the kids ran by me I "accidentally" stuck my foot out.

The little guy went sprawling, and hit his head againt another passengers seat, No one was really badly hurt, but a lot crying from the little one and mom comforting him.

When she got him quieted down, I said to her,"You know it isn't a good idea to let your children run about. They might accidently fall and be hurt."

The look she gave me was classic.

I'm a nasty person.


Sad, and/or pathetic is what I would say. You, a grown adult intentionally injured a child because of a disagreement you had with his parents?

We all get to the end of our rope with bratty kids, but only the lowest actually take a cheap shot at a defenceless child over it.

I disagree...

My brother is a professional in HK, and we were eating in a nice restaurant... an extended Indian family were enjoying a relaxing meal in a private room while their kids did laps around the restaurant... one of them 'tripped' over my brothers foot, and that was the last we saw of them...

The kids learned a valuable lesson in my story and in IMA_NASTYFARANG's... maybe the parents will wise up as well...

Real big of you hurting children. A mature response would have been to have a word with the parents. A sly tripping of a kid is the work of a snide coward. In fact I'd say that he was considerably lucky that the father didn't knock him 'accidentally' sprawling! :D

As Boo said it's public transport, if you want a guarantee of no kids on your flight, charter a plane.

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