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Ron Paul Sponsored Legislation And Bernanke

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Hard to get excited considering it is Barney & knowing what he stands for.....or doesn't I should say.

Truth be told Bernanke & the FED know much much more than the likes of Frank about politics & how to abuse it.

So this is just a joke/ploy

Reluctantly, the Fed chairman agreed to reduce his own visibility on the issue and let Mr. Frank take the lead.

Along with the fact that HR1207 has been gutted for awhile now. What remains is a useless token of its former self.

search HR 1207 gutted

Hopefully Ron Paul & Alan Grayson's attempt to halt Bernanke's reappointment will have some effect.


But I am not holding my breath. Although when one thinks about it...It is probably the reason for this suedo attempt to put Frank out front & seek shelter till Xmas in the hopes of a smooth reappointment.

In the end I am pretty sure this machine will kill itself. It is already on fictitious life support.

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I must say I have tried to have a conversation with you a few times now & I must admit we must speak different languages.

In my reply I meant America is also waiting for an answer to the FED's involvement in the crisis which started last year.

Kow Jai Mai?

I will not make the mistake again.

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yes, and 2442 were supplied with an answer or the truth be told ... what about the enlightenment of the rest who do not read ThaiVisa.com? Why not expound on the New York Times 'Comments from Readers'? I'm sure they would love to have the truth be told to their readers

BTW I lived in the Bible-Belt Oklahoma City for several years so I became inured to the "Agree-with-me-or-burn-in hel_l" School of Discourse.

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so now those 2442 online now have had the opportunity to hear the truth... small venue for such a big truth... big fish, little pond.

Auditing the is allot like crashing the current system and starting over which is what needs to be done. There was an opportunity to do that in September of 08 but now they have just kicked the can down the road.

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Somewhere I read:

Why do I need to do this.....

It is not the end of the world for the people that have the gold,
It's only the end of the world for people without gold.

Go buy a bunch of US debt then. Put your money where your big mouth is... there is a sucker like you born every day but they are slowly running out.

and by their Fearless Leader:

If you own gold, you are in a war. You are under assault. You had better figure this out early.There is a
full-scale war
against you. The politicians and central bankers who are conducting this war against you are determined to see that you lose money on your investment.--Gary North <

So we have another spear-carrier for the Full-Scale War.

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Ron Paul is a pathetic man. On his website, you can listen to him drone on when he's tryng to ask a simple question. In one video, he confronted Bernanke about the lack of transparency at the Fed. Oh, Ron drones on and on. He finally made his point, the Fed should be audited. Ben quickly agreed. Ron sat there speechless, as a deer in headlights. When it became apparent that Rom was too befuddled to even grunt, Ben added, "But you're not going to tell me how to do my job." Ron put this video on his website to show how sharp he is, and a casual viewing will show otherwise.

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The eloquent Ronald Reagan said in his 1981 (First) Inaugural Address:

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.

... and sometimes it seems like they haven't had an original idea since.

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Ron Paul is a pathetic man. On his website, you can listen to him drone on when he's tryng to ask a simple question. In one video, he confronted Bernanke about the lack of transparency at the Fed. Oh, Ron drones on and on. He finally made his point, the Fed should be audited. Ben quickly agreed. Ron sat there speechless, as a deer in headlights. When it became apparent that Rom was too befuddled to even grunt, Ben added, "But you're not going to tell me how to do my job." Ron put this video on his website to show how sharp he is, and a casual viewing will show otherwise.

I bet you think the FED is a Federal Government Organization - as opposed to a private company that prints money backed by thin air, and loans it to the American Government/people at interest!!

Good buisiness if you can get it. How did the American people fall for that one!

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Ron Paul is a pathetic man. On his website, you can listen to him drone on when he's tryng to ask a simple question. In one video, he confronted Bernanke about the lack of transparency at the Fed. Oh, Ron drones on and on. He finally made his point, the Fed should be audited. Ben quickly agreed. Ron sat there speechless, as a deer in headlights. When it became apparent that Rom was too befuddled to even grunt, Ben added, "But you're not going to tell me how to do my job." Ron put this video on his website to show how sharp he is, and a casual viewing will show otherwise.

I bet you think the FED is a Federal Government Organization - as opposed to a private company that prints money backed by thin air, and loans it to the American Government/people at interest!!

Good buisiness if you can get it. How did the American people fall for that one!

As I recall The Fed act was passed over Christmas whilst many legislators were away. Later Woodrow Wilson lamented that:

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

As to Ron Paul, I'm not American but he seems like one of the few honest politicians around. As such he could never be elected president.

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Ron Paul may be honest and by all accounts a decent Texas gentleman and M.D. He has been in US House of Representatives since 1976 and has sponsored voluminous Legislation. However, according to his own Press Secretary: "We don't kid ourselves about the chance of passage of a lot of these bills..."

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Ron Paul is a pathetic man. On his website, you can listen to him drone on when he's tryng to ask a simple question. In one video, he confronted Bernanke about the lack of transparency at the Fed. Oh, Ron drones on and on. He finally made his point, the Fed should be audited. Ben quickly agreed. Ron sat there speechless, as a deer in headlights. When it became apparent that Rom was too befuddled to even grunt, Ben added, "But you're not going to tell me how to do my job." Ron put this video on his website to show how sharp he is, and a casual viewing will show otherwise.
I bet you think the FED is a Federal Government Organization - as opposed to a private company that prints money backed by thin air, and loans it to the American Government/people at interest!! Good buisiness if you can get it. How did the American people fall for that one!

Watch "The Money Masters" on Google video. It explains what happened.

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... that prints money backed by thin air

The money that is printed is backed by very THICK air, not thin air. In terms of predictable future cash flow (taxes), there is no better business to be in than Government.

You miss the point! The FED is a private organization controlled by wealthy banking familys. Almost 100% of federal income tax goes to pay the interest - alone - on money borrowed from they private individuals controling the FED.

If the US government printed its own money supply (as does China eg.) then there would be no need for federal income tax!

All the money loaned by the FED to the US government is - as you correctly intimate - secured by future earnings of US citizens. Again, simply put - US citizens are indebted to these private bankers for the rest of theirs, their childrens, and grandchildrens lives because Woodrow Wilson handed over the contol of the money system to these private bankers!

Most people havent got a clue as they think the FED is federal government, when infact it is no more federal government than Fed Express!!

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