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Big Mistake

maccaroni man

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this is a bit if a vent so be forwarned. I typically drive over to phuket from samui so i have not had the tourist experience in quite some time and i must say that after my last 2 arrivals into the airport i am thanking my lucky stars for this.

What a nightmare!!!!! the sharks pool at every turn, impossible to get an honest answer from anyone i.e. homestays near airport, taxi fees, price for rooms from the official booking agent. I dont speak much thai but i can understand when the woman is booking a room for 700 baht and then tells me the price is 1200 plus 200 for the taxi!

i just wonder, do these people have any idea how this effects tourisim?

i could go on and on about my two episodes but quite frankly i would rather just forget the whole thing like a bad dream.

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Avoid using the airport booking services or the office the minibuses and taxis stop at. They are purely commission earners. And this includes the so-called official hotel booking desks.

If you don't have a booking pretend that you do. Just get dropped at a particular area and then look around. Or book beforehand, it is very easy online.

This has been going on for years. If they know you haven't got a booking then you are fair game to these guys. If you must use the airport booking facilities only book one night. You can then negotiate your own deal the next day or find somewhere else.

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Maccaroni Man, although the 700 baht rate is below my airport hotel rate, there are plenty of homestay/guesthouses within a few minutes drive of the airport. They are located along the road in Nai Yang village (perhaps 20 different guesthouses). But these will rarely be offered to you simply because the touts want you to pay for an expensive taxi ride into Patong.

My advice to anyone who wants to stay close to Phuket Airport. If you want to stay in a hotel, then do a simple search using Google. Otherwise, just take a 100 baht taxi into Nai Yang village (you could walk the 1km), and then choose your guesthouse.


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Rule#1. Don't speak to anyone at the airport. If you need a ride, use the lessor evil, the metered taxi to the right outside the door.

Good advice. Sometimes you can pull a decent driver and ask him. (You have to follow your gut on that one.) I have found that the plump lady at the kiosk is helpful if you smile.

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This has nothing to do with Phuket, but with tourism in Thailand in general.

well it did happen in the phuket airport but i get what you are saying, the sad thing is, it was the same back in 1996.

When i think of how easy it is to get off a plane in maylasia, singapore or Indo and book a room or get a taxi it really shows how the tourist industry in thailand is backward in the way they handle arriving guest and it is shameful.

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