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How To Remove My.freeze.com


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My wife's PC has been infected with my.freeze.com. It's an insidious program, and I haven't found a way yet to get rid of it and all the files it has loaded. I've run several anti-malware programs, and it slips by all but one; and that only removed 3 files. It has hijacked the homepage, and will often redirect known good website requests back to itself.

Any help with killing this beast would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the replies. Mr Google is my friend, but was of no help so far. I cross-checked 411-spyware.com on google and they remove myfreeze but add in other malware at the same time.

Ideally I'd like to find a program to uninstall it and all its spawn. I'm not skilled enough to go into registry and make changes on my own... And I'd prefer not to have to do a clean reinstall of the OS (though I'd like her to dump vista and get 7).


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Block myFreeze sites using the HOSTS file. To edit the HOSTS file, open Start menu >> Run. Type in:

notepad %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

## Add the following entries and save file ##  myfreeze.com  searchmirror.com

Reset Internet Explorer homepage to blank homepage:

## Copy and paste to Command Prompt window ##

REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /v "Start Page" /t REG_SZ /d "about:blank" /f

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The good people at spywarevoid.com were kind enough to provide a button to remove the infected program. And they were very nice in that they plunked KMusic onto the hard drive in place of the tool. KMusic is benign in its normal form, but loaded with tons of malware.

I've been on Skype with my kid back in NZ, who is pretty well versed in all things computer. I hate to bother him as he tends to do 30-hour shifts (self employed - the Red Bull and Cheetos crowd lol). But we spent about 4 hours yesterday, and close to 6 hours today, trying to rid this PC of layer upon layer of virii, trojans, and assorted mal- and spyware. In the end, he came to the conclusion that because the hard drive had been so corrupted, trying to fix one thing broke two more. Even Eset was corrupted, and evidently for quite a while. I reckon that's what my wife gets for being nice and letting her friends use the laptop. Never again.

Time for a clean install of Windows 7. Bad timing, this close to the holidays and all, but there's never a good time to have your HD crap out.

So, to all of you, thanks very much for your help. I gave it the good college try, but a clean install is better than tying a rope around it and using it as an anchor. Gotta keep a sense of humour about these things.

And that, gentle readers, is why I own a Mac.

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The good people at spywarevoid.com were kind enough to provide a button to remove the infected program. And they were very nice in that they plunked KMusic onto the hard drive in place of the tool. KMusic is benign in its normal form, but loaded with tons of malware.

For Firefox users I recommend installing the WOT (web of trust) addon. It will display a website's rating next to the address bar and warn about many (but not all) malicious websites. I know there are other similiar plugins (McAfee SiteAdvisor for instance), this is the one I use.

Furthermore always download unknown tools & software from one of the major download sites like download.com, softpedia.com, filehippo.com, etc., sometimes you will find user reviews there that further help avoiding crippled demo-ware and rogue-ware.


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