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Burning Mp3s


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I want to put 50 or so songs on disc and also an audio book (on another disc). I have encoded the files to MP3, using Winamp Pro. The files were winamp files.

Windows Media Player will only burn 18 tracks and WinampPro says the file-size is much too big. (i.e. it's saying they're not mp3)

Any ideas, please? It isn't a difficult task or a rare acitivity, but I just can't do it.


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Sounds like you are trying to put too much on the CD. A standard CD holds 700MB or 80 minutes worth of music files. maybe you should try writing to DVD which has much more capacity. I burned some Christmas songs the other day and I could only fit 20 songs on the CD, MP3 format, using Windows Media Player.

Cheers, Rick

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