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New 'cockfighting Learing & Exhibition Centre' Opened


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Dear Travellers to Chiang Mai,

Here is some fantastic news regarding a new, and the very first, Cockfighting Learning & Exhibition Centre just opened in Chiang Mai.

This place has only been open a few weeks (as of 10th December 2009 they told me). The centre is a cross between a cockfighting museum, an exhibition fight arena, and a old style Thai style farm growing tradition and herbal medicines used in the raising of birds.

While I was here I had the opportunity to learn about cockfighting throughout the world and more specifically the history breeding, training, fighting styles of Thai cockfighting birds and other birds from Southeast Asia.

The centre has much more to offer as well.

There are many rare historic cockfighting photographs, prints and related newspaper articles collected from around the world on display. There are also many historic photos of Chiang Mai dating back over 100 years.

As I learned, cockfighting is a rural past time enjoyed traditionally by Thai farmers, thus the centre has been designed and laid out in a traditional farming style. There are many Thai rural antiques, old farm implements (such as huge rice baksets, old plows and and a beautiful old ox cart). There is as a lovely thatched roofed terraced 'cockpit' where exhibition cockfights are held. During exhibition fights commentary explains the different fighting style and techniques of the Thai, Burmese and Vietnamese fighting cocks. I found this fascinating.

There is also a designated training area where the training techniques are demonstrated and explained.

Scattered around the centre are various plants and natural medicines such as basil leaf, flax bark and beetle nut. Other traditional enhancements include the common sparrow, tarantulas and snake head fish. Many of these plants, medicines and animal products have been developed over hundreds of years by Thai farmers and will be of interest to those who are interested to learn about the medicinal properties of each.

Our specialist local guide, on the day we visited, explained the properties of every plant, medicine (natural and man-made), training techniques and fighting styles. There are also numbers information boards covering topics such as the history of cockfighting, cockfighting in Thailand, types of birds in Asia, breeding, training, fighting and legal gambling.

There is a DVD room that shows a film about some of the cockfighting centres throughout Thailand (Did you know there are over 75 legal cockfight venues scattered throughout Thailand).

The café has a numberof bizzare cockfighting magazines for those who wish to see how this legal industry is flourishing in Thailand.

I found the centre very comfortable with plenty car parking, ceiling fans, shaded café, exhibition rooms.

The place is a legla venue and approved by the Thailand Livestock Department.

This place really is better than just going to see live cockfighting where people gamble. By visiting this place you will learn 100 times more about this legal industry.

There is strictly 'no gambling' allowd on the short exhibition fights held.

The centre is open daily from 10am – 5pm, cockfight shows held hourly or on demand. The place is located 12km north of Chiang Mai City.

For more information perhaps try contact Chiang Mai Tourism or TAT in a month or so. Alternatively you could contact me if you are a registered user. This forum isnt allowed to promote companies so I cant really say any more than this.

Regards and cock-a doodle-doooooo












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Cock fighting and bull fighting should be banned?????

What about factory farming? It's OK to to force a chicken or calf to spend its entire life in a cage, unable to move, before it's slaughtered? Eating meat is no more cruel than cock fighting. If the complainers above are not vegetarians, then they're hypocrites.

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Cock fighting and bull fighting should be banned?????

What about factory farming? It's OK to to force a chicken or calf to spend its entire life in a cage, unable to move, before it's slaughtered? Eating meat is no more cruel than cock fighting. If the complainers above are not vegetarians, then they're hypocrites.

Why not have a bit of bear bating while we are at it thats always a good laugh .... :)

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Cock fighting and bull fighting should be banned?????

What about factory farming? It's OK to to force a chicken or calf to spend its entire life in a cage, unable to move, before it's slaughtered? Eating meat is no more cruel than cock fighting. If the complainers above are not vegetarians, then they're hypocrites.

Not a vegi mate

and if you need someone to explain the difference between survival and watching two animals fight to the death then you are a bigger tw@t then I already think you are


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Cock fighting same same as boxing or MMA

Nothing wrong with cock fighting

It is even better when you win money on it

Not 'same same' by any step of the imagination. In boxing and MMA we have a choice whether we want to go into the ring and fight. The animals have no choice whether they want to fight to the death whether it be cockfights, dogfights, or bullfights. It takes really sick people to get involved in this type of sadistiic animal cruelty and even bigger sicko's to actually enjoy watching the animals suffer and die.

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Cock fighting same same as boxing or MMA

Nothing wrong with cock fighting

It is even better when you win money on it

Not 'same same' by any step of the imagination. In boxing and MMA we have a choice whether we want to go into the ring and fight. The animals have no choice whether they want to fight to the death whether it be cockfights, dogfights, or bullfights. It takes really sick people to get involved in this type of sadistiic animal cruelty and even bigger sicko's to actually enjoy watching the animals suffer and die.

There many forms of cockfighting. I agree that they are cruel, but I believe that the form of cockfighting we are talking about here is less cruel and if done properly with good handling and care the animal doesn't suffer much or not at all. These cocks have their spars taped or wrapped in soft covers so they don't do too much damage. It's like boxing with cushion gloves. The ones with the best form, power, accuracy and stamina will win at the end. Both cocks are then care for every day to make sure the wounds hel_l. The cock master will go to great length to make sure his bird is well.

I love animals very much, but after seeing some of these cock masters care for their birds, I see that they love their birds as much as their families. I truly respect these people.

On the other hand, there are other so call cock masters that will abuse their birds to the death. Or other cockfighting styles where knife are attach to the cock's feet so the only way to win is to kill the other bird. Now those are the form that gets on the news, those are the form that make it to our ears, those are the kind of news that painted a dark image around cockfighting of all forms.

I can go forever, but I think you all get the idea. I believe if we all take a little time to understand what is behind the mask that we will really understand what it is really all about.

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Cock fighting and bull fighting should be banned?????

What about factory farming? It's OK to to force a chicken or calf to spend its entire life in a cage, unable to move, before it's slaughtered? Eating meat is no more cruel than cock fighting. If the complainers above are not vegetarians, then they're hypocrites.

Whilst you may be partly right I think there is a difference between factory farming and raising animals in reasonable surroundings before they are "humanely" killed.

As for cock fighting it seems to be a way for (mainly) men to fight each other but who are too scared to do it themselves.

A museum of cock fighting is a good idea if only to show how bad it is in the same way as museums showing slavery, medieval torture and similar things. But obviously no real cock fighting.

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