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I dont know if this is the right section of the forum for my question, but i'll make a try.

I met a woman in bkk last november. We had a great time together for 2-3 days before i was leaving to get home. We agreed to meet again when i'm coming back in april.

I call her now and then now she has started to complain she has not enough money.... I have read about all there is to read about thai women trying to rip off farang men and get one or more sponsors to send them money, so i am a very reluctant.

Asked her how much she gets from work and how much her rent is. She works as an accountant (she has studied marketing at university) and when she talked about work i gathered that she worked with invoices and like cashier. Doesn't sound like an advanced job to me, and i know in my home country this kind of work is not well payed. She said she would get somewhere around 25 000 baht a month from work and that her rent is nearly 12 000 baht.

So my question, could that kind of job really pay 25 000 a month?? And isn't it a bit too expensive to have an apartment that costs nearly 12 000 when you live alone, especially when you dont make more than 25 000 a month...

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MansonDust....I'll go along that you are genuine in asking this...

First of all, she is a lady you only were with a couple of days.

Its not your problem to sort out her finances.

Its certainly not your problem to help her out with her finances.

If she is a qualified accountant, she should know how to budget her finances!

---Oops, wait..did she actually ask you to help, or is she just bemoaning her finances? Although my income is a lot more than hers is and yet I dont rent a 12,000 baht place..so I wonder where her common sense is..

If shes definitely fishing for you to help her..or, if she has asked you outright, cut her off! I dont know how anyone has the nerve to do that! Particularly to someone they hardly know. Why would you even need to question that? ..I wonder where YOUR common sense is... :)

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You say you had a good time for TWO OR THREE days, now is the time to start thinking with your brain. Please read again your own words in para three of your post.

Don't waste your time or money on phone calls. If you look her up in April when you visit again the you deserve to be fleeced. :)

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"Use your brain, god gave it to you for a reason"

Thats what i'm doing... i'm asking you guys... :)

MansonDust....I'll go along that you are genuine in asking this...

Yes i am 100% genuine, othewise i had propably sent her some money instead of trying to get facts by asking here...

Of course i understand that her economic situation is not my problem and she didn't ask me straight out to send any money, i guess she was only bemoaning of her situation. Thats why i asked her how much money she makes from work and how much she pays for her apartment.

My own rent is less than 1/5 of what i get from work after tax, so i guess proportions should be the same in thailand.

I smell dead rat here, so i will ask her straight out next time we talk what this is about. And definetly cut her off if she cant come up with a good answer.

Thanks for you help!!!

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Manson, Im not a Thai woman, but as a woman if i had a really nice time but short time with a guy, i wouldnt put pressure on him to feel bad about any financial (or other situation) i was in.

If I were to bemoan my finances with someone i knew well, id either keep it short or, if i knew them well, maybe i would ask advice (not financial help).

Only you can tell if she seemed to be fishing for help, or if it was just part of her talking about her life and things. If it really was just a case of her talking about life (although I have to say im cynical about that), then I would offer advice such as.."have you considered renting a cheaper apartment?". Be kind, offer an ear, and maybe give some advice, but I dont recommend offering any money!

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quick answer

1. no unlikely she gets paid that much

2. yes, thats way too much rent and its unlikely she pays that much

lol im not following you. Just seems we end up on the same threads posting within seconds of each other lately! :)

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"Use your brain, god gave it to you for a reason"

Thats what i'm doing... i'm asking you guys... :)

MansonDust....I'll go along that you are genuine in asking this...

Yes i am 100% genuine, othewise i had propably sent her some money instead of trying to get facts by asking here...

Of course i understand that her economic situation is not my problem and she didn't ask me straight out to send any money, i guess she was only bemoaning of her situation. Thats why i asked her how much money she makes from work and how much she pays for her apartment.

My own rent is less than 1/5 of what i get from work after tax, so i guess proportions should be the same in thailand.

I smell dead rat here, so i will ask her straight out next time we talk what this is about. And definetly cut her off if she cant come up with a good answer.

Thanks for you help!!!

You wouldn't send money to a woman in your own country, which you have known for 2-3 days, would you? Have you seen her Univeristy papers? Could she have another job? Have you visited her at work?

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If ya have plenty of money,or extra money that you can let go and do not need ,then go ahead and send her A little.

Thai people in general don't make A lot of money.I mean she was good to you right?If your money is tight and you can't afford to send her any don't.If ya have extra then whats the big deal.

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It definitely smells like dead rat to me. The same old story that most of us have experienced at least once.

If she works for a big international company, she could have this kind of salary as an accountant, having in mind that she has a university degree in marketing which definitely counts in Thailand. The 12.000 Bath rent is enough to rent an apartment big enough to house a thai-husband, as well as other family members, plus maintaining the old family house in Isan. If she is not able to live a normal thai life for the remaining 13.000 Bath, she should just find a cheaper place to live. You can find a good studio apartment for around 3.000 Bath. By the way - if she is from Isan and you have met her in a bar, I would never trust her. Many of the Isan girls are well trained, in how to keep many foreign sponsors at the same time. The money just keeps rolling in to the accounts every month, and many claim to have a respectable job.

Unless she is very unique, I would immediately stop calling her and forget about her. It will be easy to meet a new tirak when you come here next time, but if you are serious, please try find her outside the bar scene or massage parlours. No guarantee is given, but you could try to set up a profile in an asian dating site, in order to have a real date waiting for you next time you come, but also in the dating sites many are not sincere and will soon start to speak about their bad economy.

Before you come here next time, please download and read the novel "Private Dancer" by Steven Leather and you will know what you should be aware of, when dating thai girls.

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"Use your brain, god gave it to you for a reason"

Thats what i'm doing... i'm asking you guys... :)

MansonDust....I'll go along that you are genuine in asking this...

Yes i am 100% genuine, othewise i had propably sent her some money instead of trying to get facts by asking here...

Of course i understand that her economic situation is not my problem and she didn't ask me straight out to send any money, i guess she was only bemoaning of her situation. Thats why i asked her how much money she makes from work and how much she pays for her apartment.

My own rent is less than 1/5 of what i get from work after tax, so i guess proportions should be the same in thailand.

I smell dead rat here, so i will ask her straight out next time we talk what this is about. And definetly cut her off if she cant come up with a good answer.

Thanks for you help!!!

She was with you for 2 or 3 days

Who was she with the rest of her life other than those 2 or 3 days?

Do you think girls that know someone for 2 or 3 days ask them for money if they are a good girl?

The answer to her salary is 25,000 is dam_n had to get even with a Masters Degree so I would say what you described absolutely not

She is the first single girl I heard saying rent was 12,000 she must have lots of donors to afford rent like that

There are a million nice girls here, drop this one like a hot potato

There is no such thing as a nice 2 or 3 day girl

She learned those tricks she did on you somewhere, didn't she

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Hmmmm, it depends on a lot of factors.

If she's got an undergraduate degree and had just been working for a few years, she could have that salary if she's working for an international company. However, the average starting salary for university grads are about 10,000 - 15,000 baht. If she has a Masters, the amount would be a bit higher, depending on where she got it (in Thailand or abroad).

However, she is definitely living wayyy above her means. She can find a more than decent apartment for less than 7,000 baht. If she was my friend and asking for advice, I'd tell her to find a less expensive place to live.

My advice to you though is to be weary of any monetary requests that might come up in the future. I can tell you from my experience that honest Thai girls (or ones of any nationality) don't generally ask for "financial aid" from guys they are dating.

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If she can't get by on 25,000, she needs to talk with my wife's cousin in Bangkok. She works for AIA in Bang Na and gets half that. She pays 6000 on a house loan and about 3000 on school fees. Has to pay for her mum's medication, so she hasn't much left at the months end.

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did you have sex with her? if u did id be wary. i think theres a rule in the thai bg handbook that if you have sex, man more likely to give you money as he think you his honey! :):D

she spent 3 dayswith you, she took off from work to entertain you.

you sure she not employed in job that only bad girls do.

come on guys say what you think she does for a living. 25000 baht is a lot for having a job that is not advanced.

Edited by berniefromny
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i know a number of women who make that much money and live in similarly priced rooms. a few have decided to live centrally rather than expend money, time and energy commuting.

blind speculation from tv members is beyond useless. only you can decide what to call the truth.

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i know a number of women who make that much money and live in similarly priced rooms. a few have decided to live centrally rather than expend money, time and energy commuting.

blind speculation from tv members is beyond useless. only you can decide what to call the truth.

"blind speculation"? How long have you been living in Thailand? These women you refer to, what sort of jobs do they have? Why do they have to live so central?

I don't know who is "beyond useless".

Edited by bellste
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i know a number of women who make that much money and live in similarly priced rooms. a few have decided to live centrally rather than expend money, time and energy commuting.

blind speculation from tv members is beyond useless. only you can decide what to call the truth.

true t.s. and you've proved the old adage that there is always someone here who knows the exception. So, curious, do your friends who make a similar amount of money also wind up in similar situations as the OP?

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Most 'accountants' in Thailand would be described as bookkeepers in the west. As others have pointed out, 10-15K is typical starting salary. If she has some experience and family connections, she might be able to earn the 25K you mentioned.

As for a 12K/month apartment, it's possible... if she includes the price of the utilities and lives in a very expensive part of town. It wouldn't be particularly wise to spend that much money on rent, but I think we've all met young Thai women that have not exercised great judgment in financial matters. :D

She could be a bg, or she could just be a 'good girl' who lives above her means and is looking for a sugar daddy. Either way, a relationship with her will probably turn out to be fairly expensive. :)

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Thank you all for taking time to answer my question. It was not about if i would send money or not, because there has never been any doubt from my POV...

Just that i dont know enough about thai incomes and rents... that's all, and now i think i have the proper answers.

And yes... i felt it not only as she bemoande herself, it felt more like fishing from her... Hope she has better luck with next guy she meets...

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Most 'accountants' in Thailand would be described as bookkeepers in the west. As others have pointed out, 10-15K is typical starting salary. If she has some experience and family connections, she might be able to earn the 25K you mentioned.

As for a 12K/month apartment, it's possible... if she includes the price of the utilities and lives in a very expensive part of town. It wouldn't be particularly wise to spend that much money on rent, but I think we've all met young Thai women that have not exercised great judgment in financial matters. :D

She could be a bg, or she could just be a 'good girl' who lives above her means and is looking for a sugar daddy. Either way, a relationship with her will probably turn out to be fairly expensive. :)

I could not agree with you more. I think this story seems unlikely. My wife is from Saraburi. There some farmers earn 2.000 THB per month, so they do know very well about money, they are experts on the subject!

But, as we all know, it's easy to spend, if somebody else is paying. If she have that sort of income, she do not need any financial support. How did she manage before she met him? Who paid then?

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My husband's sister (Thai) works for an American insurance company in Bkk and earns 20,000 baht per month. She's got a uni degree and has been there for about 8 years. She lives with a group of friends and only pays about 1000 baht/mth on rent. 12K seems ridiculous for a Thai to pay on their own for a place.

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My wife is making about the same as an accountant, with 8 years experience. Using SAP and working for a multi national company. But the location is Pathumthani, not central BKK.

We pay 6,000 rent for a studio, but that's Nonthaburi, not BKK. www.pgp.co.th

Shower her with gifts or pay the rent etc., when you return. Absentee lovers paying does not smell right.

I had a mate give me XXX Euros and buy his flame a netbook and other stuff like subwoofers for Kaeraoke.

then ask me to hand over thousands more...

What happened? The netbook was pawned! He's now back and with another girl. Hundreds down the drain - and ultimately, you should buy love when you can consume love. Book a flight, return to her arms, pay her rent or some crazxy mobile phone bill. Or teach her to use www.skype.com and buy the Thailand flat rate. Whatever.

Just don't start paying while being overseas!

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we pay for such an "accounting" 5000-8000 Baht per month

The apartment our former accounting rent together with her boyfriend was somewhere 1200-1500 Baht/month, but of course on apartments there is an open end...from caves to palasts....

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i know a number of women who make that much money and live in similarly priced rooms. a few have decided to live centrally rather than expend money, time and energy commuting.

blind speculation from tv members is beyond useless. only you can decide what to call the truth.

you know a lot of thai girls who make 25000 for non advanced type of work, can you tell me where, my tgf would like one of those. and id like her to have one :):D

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