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Passport Stolen And Visa Expired

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can anyone give me some advice.

i had my passport stolen about 3 months ago i was a bit short on cash and at the time couldn't apply for new passport as was waiting for salary then by the time it came i had an overstay, and all in all would of left me with very little for the month .

i was just waiting for money to come from england. my house sale has completed now and i have the money to sort the problem. i just dont know how i should go about it i have the forms for a new passport.

but i have to get a police crime number will they check my visa status when i go to the police station. or i have heard you can voluntarily pay the fine. but can i do this with out a passport im guessing not.


but not just advice saying i should of sorted it when it happened because i know that already

cheers alex

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You my friend are between a rock and hard place on this one, If the BiB manage to spring you while reporting your stolen passport, believe they will put you in the monkey house.

The fact you waited 3 months to report it, will not go down well with the BiB and suspect the British embassy will be p*ssed as well. if I was in this position my first stop would be the British Embassy and explain the situation, they may give you some advice.

With above being said you could chance the police station and lodge the report and hope they dont check things out too deeply, if you pull that off, you should be home and free apply for your new P/P and keep your head down for 10 days, get the new P/P and go the airport pay your overstay and get on a plane and get out of dodge...

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I have had to report a passport lost/stolen twice and neither time did the police ask for any details of my visa status. They just filled a bit of paper in, nothing more.

Once you get a new passport you have to go to immigration to get a stamp recognising it. On one occasion they mistakenly thought that I had overstay and said that I had to pay it there and then and I'll get a 7 day stamp within which to leave the country (or something like that).

That was my experience anyway and of course things may have changed since then, the last time for me was when my passport was washed away in the Tsunami.

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cheers for your comments i have heard that i can pay overstay before get to the airport

just goes to show a free girl for sukumvit road does come at a price

think better of paying for 1 out the bar next time just hope the mrs dont see this comment

hopefully it will be sorted tomorrow fingers crossed

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Reporting the loss and getting a new passport should be quite easy.

You do not say what nationality you are? That will help us give better advice.

I hope you have a photocopy if your old passport, that helps too.

Before you can leave you will have to have an Immigraton stamp in your passport.

This can be done at your local Immigration office.

Don't worry, they have seen this all before.

At this time you will have to pay the Overstay.

Then leave, get a new visa and come back.

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This is not as dramatic as it sounds, fairly easy to fix provided you have the money.

1/ Got to embassy and explain the situation, report passport as lost and get new passport (2-3 weeks)

2/ Buy a ticket to any country outside Thailand, arrive at airport in plenty of time with ticket, new passport and your 20,000 baht to pay the fine.

3/ fly out, fly back and get proper entry stamp.

The first contact with Thai Immigration MUST be at the airport with a ticket in your hand, otherwise there is a possibility that you will end up in detention. Yes, it's entirely possible that you could sort it another way but this ensures that you don't spend any time in detention.

It's REALLY important that in the meantime you don't get asked for your passport by the police, so don't drive a car or ride a motorbike unless you are prepared to risk detention.

Yes, it will make it easier at the embassy if you have a copy of your passport, if you don't have one then think about the last people you gave a copy to (bank, hotel, car/bike rental etc) you should be able to trace a copy somewhere!

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The first contact with Thai Immigration MUST be at the airport with a ticket in your hand, otherwise there is a possibility that you will end up in detention. Yes, it's entirely possible that you could sort it another way but this ensures that you don't spend any time in detention.


The OP should go to immigration first where he will pay the fine and be given a certain amount of time to leave. If he arrives at the airport without a new passport stamp then things could get awkward, especially with overstay.

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cheers for your comments i have heard that i can pay overstay before get to the airport

just goes to show a free girl for sukumvit road does come at a price

think better of paying for 1 out the bar next time just hope the mrs dont see this comment

hopefully it will be sorted tomorrow fingers crossed

Well, full marks for honesty as to how you lost it. However, it costs very little to have a copy of your passport & visa made at any good photo shop, some can even provide a copy the the size of a driver's license.

Then carry the copy with you and keep the original in a safe place, especially if staying at a hotel and entertaining "guests".

The law AFAIK requires fioreigners to carry their passport with them at all times. However, the reality is very few foreigners actually do.

Having lived here for only 10 years and never having been asked for my passport in Bangkok or on the road at police checks, the chances of being stopped are very low. I carry a color copy of mine.

However IMHO it's better to have a good copy of the photo page and your visa page than nothing at all.

If you are stopped by police, and they don't accept the copy, I am sure they will allow you to get your original if it's handy.

Of course politeness is paramount.

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