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Michael Connell, Any News?


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I've just seen that BBC documentary about Bang Kwang prison. The documentary goes back to 2003-04.

There was a young brit, called Michael Connell, who was held there for drug smuggling and sentenced to life imprisonment.

In the documentary he was saying that his biggest fear was that people outside the prison would forget about him.

I was wondering if anyone has any news about him. If he's fine or if he's been transferred back to the UK.



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Latest news Michael Connell - November 2008

The FPSS has received updated information on Michael who is now in building 12 in Bangkwang Central Prison. He now works in the prison hospital and pharmacy. For such a young lad he is remarkably strong and a survivor - I hope, although he did go through a really bad patch earlier this year and was not well at all. I am in contact with him and see him when I return to Thailand each year.

From http://www.usp.com.au/fpss/case-michael_connell.html

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Is there some dispute about his conviction or was his conviction sound? If his conviction is sound then I really fail to see why anyone would have any interest in his well-being.

Wow - how compassionate! You've never made a mistake? Congratulations...

Don't you think he is paying a high enough price already? Is it not reasonable that people could show a little compassion - after all he has a huge sentence to get through...

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Is there some dispute about his conviction or was his conviction sound? If his conviction is sound then I really fail to see why anyone would have any interest in his well-being.

I was just waiting for the first post of this ilk. Congratulations you faultless compassionate human being

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yeah let us all support some drug dealing scum bag that helps ruin peoples lives.

What about all the victims of drug users, don't your think about them, don't you have any compassion for them? probably not, lets just all worry about some fool who knew the risks and was happy to assist in ruining lives.

He took the risk, now let him suffer the consequences.

Bleeding liberal hearts on here, more concerned about the perpetrator than the victims, shame on you

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yeah let us all support some drug dealing scum bag that helps ruin peoples lives.

What about all the victims of drug users, don't your think about them, don't you have any compassion for them? probably not, lets just all worry about some fool who knew the risks and was happy to assist in ruining lives.

He took the risk, now let him suffer the consequences.

Bleeding liberal hearts on here, more concerned about the perpetrator than the victims, shame on you

Wow - completely lacking in compassion, jumping to incorrect conclusions, and think you know the thoughts of people you have never met. An impressive list of wonderful character traits begins to form... You must be lovely!

See examples below!

"let us all support some drug dealing scum bag" - I never said support - only allow people to show some basic human compassion; if they choose to.

"What about all the victims of drug users, don't your think about them, don't you have any compassion for them? probably not" - wow what an assumption; and of course wildly inaccurate.

"Bleeding liberal hearts on here, more concerned about the perpetrator than the victims" hmm, I wouldn't say bleeding heart, but I hope with a little compassion for my fellow human beings - even those that have made terrible mistakes/done extremely stupid/dangerous things...

A nice quote from Samuel Johnson "Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not.". What a nice sentiment...

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yeah let us all support some drug dealing scum bag that helps ruin peoples lives.

What about all the victims of drug users, don't your think about them, don't you have any compassion for them? probably not, lets just all worry about some fool who knew the risks and was happy to assist in ruining lives.

He took the risk, now let him suffer the consequences.

Bleeding liberal hearts on here, more concerned about the perpetrator than the victims, shame on you

Well the users have a choice too....... or not MR compassion?? You just have a lot to learn.

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yeah let us all support some drug dealing scum bag that helps ruin peoples lives.

What about all the victims of drug users, don't your think about them, don't you have any compassion for them? probably not, lets just all worry about some fool who knew the risks and was happy to assist in ruining lives.

He took the risk, now let him suffer the consequences.

Bleeding liberal hearts on here, more concerned about the perpetrator than the victims, shame on you

Couldn't agree more. How many lives would have been ruined if he had got these drugs through?

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I have a lot to learn :)

Sorry guys that I don't fit in with your liberal views. The guy is a convicted drug smuggler, if his conviction is sound and he is indeed guilty of this offence then he deserves no compassion from me and will get no compassion from me.

However the victims of drug users do deserve compassion so I will reserve my compassion for people that deserve it, you guys just get on with supporting/showing compassion for this convicted criminal, next you will be telling me he is a victim of circumstances, bad upbringing etc.

If any of you go to visit him, tell him I said hi and I hope he is regretting his stupidity, however I will never give sympathy for him.

If you guys don't like this attitude, then quite frankly I don't give a dam_n.

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yeah let us all support some drug dealing scum bag that helps ruin peoples lives.

What about all the victims of drug users, don't your think about them, don't you have any compassion for them? probably not, lets just all worry about some fool who knew the risks and was happy to assist in ruining lives.

He took the risk, now let him suffer the consequences.

Bleeding liberal hearts on here, more concerned about the perpetrator than the victims, shame on you

Well the users have a choice too....... or not MR compassion?? You just have a lot to learn.

I am not talking about giving compassion to the users, I am talking about giving compassion to the victims of the users, it seems that one of us has a lot to learn and that is you, I hear you can get English lessons here so get some, then read my posts again.

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yeah let us all support some drug dealing scum bag that helps ruin peoples lives.

What about all the victims of drug users, don't your think about them, don't you have any compassion for them? probably not, lets just all worry about some fool who knew the risks and was happy to assist in ruining lives.

He took the risk, now let him suffer the consequences.

Bleeding liberal hearts on here, more concerned about the perpetrator than the victims, shame on you

Couldn't agree more. How many lives would have been ruined if he had got these drugs through?

Here here totally agree I have no compassion for drug smugglers either. He knew the consequences when he decided to try and smuggle the stuff out of Thailand.

I work in a prison in Australia and would love some of the druggies we have here to do some time in a thai prison :)

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If you guys don't like this attitude, then quite frankly I don't give a dam_n.


All humans deserve compassion. Compassion and believing in discipline and punishment are not mutually exclusive.

edit: And, I'm outta here, no sense it getting too much in to these types of discussions for me.

Edited by Jimjim
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If you guys don't like this attitude, then quite frankly I don't give a dam_n.


All humans deserve compassion. Compassion and believing in discipline and punishment are not mutually exclusive.

edit: And, I'm outta here, no sense it getting too much in to these types of discussions for me.

it is ok to preach my friend, but if you were the victim of a crime would you show compassion to the perpetrator of that crime? Maybe you would depending on the level of the crime, but I do doubt that you would show compassion for a rapist, a paedophile etc, or would you show compassion for these people as well?

I am just wondering if your compassion has limits and are those limits based on experience. Maybe a family member has not been the victim of a drug user so maybe you show compassion there, however if a family member was a victim of a drug user would you still show compassion?

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here we go again. The lynch mobs accusing the rest of being bleeding heart liberals. :)

i think you will find it is the bleeding heart liberals lynch mob telling us that we should be compassionate for a drug smuggler. read the thread properly.

Learn some proper compassion hangman.

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here we go again. The lynch mobs accusing the rest of being bleeding heart liberals. :)

i think you will find it is the bleeding heart liberals lynch mob telling us that we should be compassionate for a drug smuggler. read the thread properly.

Learn some proper compassion hangman.

wow abuse :D hangman :D

where did I say he should be hung? I simply said the guy deserves no compassion but now you are saying that I think the guy should be hung?

jaysus some of you do like to twist things when your argument is shown to be flawed. I have a point but rather than answer that point you resort to trying to make people believe that I think the guy should be hung.

get real, deal with my post, what is written and not what you wish I had written, and we can have a sensible conversation.

You think we should show compassion to this drug smuggler, i on the other hand think we should not show him compassion based on the damage that drugs do, not just to the smuggler and the user, as someone has already said they have a choice, but the compassion should go to the victims of the users, the burglary victims, the robbery victims, the theft victims, the assault victims, the murdered victims. Maybe you can now tell me why you think the guy deserves compassion because as yet you have not told us why. You simple choose to come in here and write a nonsensical post.

Join in properly with the debate or go and find another thread where one liners make sense.

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here we go again. The lynch mobs accusing the rest of being bleeding heart liberals. :)

i think you will find it is the bleeding heart liberals lynch mob telling us that we should be compassionate for a drug smuggler. read the thread properly.

I am often refered to on Thai Visa as a right-wing lunatic, but even I feel compassion for a drug mule most likely in Thai prison for the rest of his life.

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here we go again. The lynch mobs accusing the rest of being bleeding heart liberals. :)

i think you will find it is the bleeding heart liberals lynch mob telling us that we should be compassionate for a drug smuggler. read the thread properly.

I am often refered to on Thai Visa as a right-wing lunatic, but even I feel compassion for a drug mule most likely in Thai prison for the rest of his life.

well that is different I suppose, do you feel sorry for him because of where he is or because of what he did to get there?

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it is ok to preach my friend, but if you were the victim of a crime would you show compassion to the perpetrator of that crime? Maybe you would depending on the level of the crime, but I do doubt that you would show compassion for a rapist, a paedophile etc, or would you show compassion for these people as well?

I am just wondering if your compassion has limits and are those limits based on experience. Maybe a family member has not been the victim of a drug user so maybe you show compassion there, however if a family member was a victim of a drug user would you still show compassion?

As long the bigshots who own the gigantic companies that sell cigarettes and alcohol - two drugs that are just as addictive and cause way more damage than other recreational drugs - are considered solid citizens, I am not call for the death penalty for small time dealers who are pretty much selling the same type of product.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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here we go again. The lynch mobs accusing the rest of being bleeding heart liberals. :)

Maybe someone should turn this in a "deathrow" topic, or legalize drugs LOL.

Isn't one of the forum rules, when you say "Bye" you actually have to go off.

Sorry too late.

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Is there some dispute about his conviction or was his conviction sound? If his conviction is sound then I really fail to see why anyone would have any interest in his well-being.

So sorry for calling you a hangman, as I can clearly see now that you are just a member of the posse. I also apologize for insulting you by only giving a "one liner" as a response to your chauvinistic post, however it was not deserving of much more, but here are a few more lines for you. :D

Why would anyone care about a mules well being? Most of us are sensible enough to distinguish between a rapist, a murderer, and a mule.

Contrary to your take, not all users, rape, rob and steal, so before telling anyone to "go find another thread" why don't you go back and look at your own nonsensical posts, starting with the one at the top, and again learn some proper compassion. :) Have a nice day.

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it is ok to preach my friend, but if you were the victim of a crime would you show compassion to the perpetrator of that crime? Maybe you would depending on the level of the crime, but I do doubt that you would show compassion for a rapist, a paedophile etc, or would you show compassion for these people as well?

I am just wondering if your compassion has limits and are those limits based on experience. Maybe a family member has not been the victim of a drug user so maybe you show compassion there, however if a family member was a victim of a drug user would you still show compassion?

As long the bigshots who own the gigantic companies that sell cigarettes and alcohol - two drugs that are just as addictive and cause way more damage than other recreational drugs - are considered solid citizens, I am not call for the death penalty for small time dealers who are pretty much selling the same type of product.

recreational drugs, yes I agree that cannabis should be legalized, but heroin, coke etc are hard drugs and can not really be categorized as recreational. What was this guy smuggling?

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yeah let us all support some drug dealing scum bag that helps ruin peoples lives.

What about all the victims of drug users, don't your think about them, don't you have any compassion for them? probably not, lets just all worry about some fool who knew the risks and was happy to assist in ruining lives.

He took the risk, now let him suffer the consequences.

Bleeding liberal hearts on here, more concerned about the perpetrator than the victims, shame on you

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Is there some dispute about his conviction or was his conviction sound? If his conviction is sound then I really fail to see why anyone would have any interest in his well-being.

So sorry for calling you a hangman, as I can clearly see now that you are just a member of the posse. I also apologize for insulting you by only giving a "one liner" as a response to your chauvinistic post, however it was not deserving of much more, but here are a few more lines for you. :D

Why would anyone care about a mules well being? Most of us are sensible enough to distinguish between a rapist, a murderer, and a mule.

Contrary to your take, not all users, rape, rob and steal, so before telling anyone to "go find another thread" why don't you go back and look at your own nonsensical posts, starting with the one at the top, and again learn some proper compassion. :) Have a nice day.

some people should just quit while they are behind :D

ok, now steer me towards the part of my post where I state that ALL users commit rape, murder, burglary etc? Don't bother because you will not be able to find it, once again you try and quote my post whilst adding your own rhetoric, how about you just stick to what I have written rather than trying to embellish it for your own means?

Also please explain how I am a chauvinist, is everyone with an opinion that differs from yours a chauvinist?

I am having a nice day, thanks for your compassion in being concerned about my day.

edited for spelling

Edited by tonywebster
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Is there some dispute about his conviction or was his conviction sound? If his conviction is sound then I really fail to see why anyone would have any interest in his well-being.

His conviction was sound. apparently he admitted guilty to carrying 3400 xtasy pills into Thailand and was convicted to 99 years.

Personally I think 99 years is a bit to long for a drug like xtc but then again TIT and Thai Law is pretty strict when it comes to drugs so there you go.

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