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Thaksin Arrives In Cambodia By Private Jet : Thai Fm


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I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

hmmm utter nonsense, what proof do you have that the evil yellow shirts were praying on the poor as loan sharks, and no one forced these people to take out loans with crazy intrest rates.....if your not smart enough to realize that its not possible for you to repay a loan with high intrest rate, or to bother figuring out how much that loan is going to cost you over the term you deserve to be poor. Stupid people are stupid people the world around.

hel_l id like a 10 million usd loan, but i know i dont make enough to pay it back,

and you obviously have no appreciation of how country thais have to live,, they have no access to banks, and often their income is meagre,, the only place to go is the loan shark...which could be easly resolved by the government "requiring" banks to service these people - but the bangkok elite wouldnt want that ..so first poster is 100% correct and your elitist reply is just that..

Ok point taken, No I dont live in the country, but common sense dictates that banks not give out loans to those that can not afford them . Case in point us housing lenders.... Are you suggesting lending money from govt and financial institutions to those that cannot or may not be willing pay it back? we have all seen how that works in the long run. Farmers the world around struggle to make ends meet thats why there are subsidies to help them out, im not that naieve to think that this ever ammounts to enough money to help a small farmer survive, but whats a better option? double the price of their crops? While that wouldnt effect my life one bit, you can be gauranteed that the poor would be rioting in the streets if rice prices were to double.... If you have a positive solution by all means lets discuss it for some fun. But as we all know we arent talking about just farmers, id wager that half if not more of these poor country folk arent farmers....And many of these poor do have a choice as we all do, i have guys that have put themselves through school on 10k a month...its not easy but if you have the will to better yourself it is possible, hel_l work 2 jobs no gambeling or drinking, plenty of underprivelaged familys have pulled themselves out of poverty for centuries this way.... Like the old saying goes , god helps those that help themselves

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I love Bangkok in the late winter especially during demonstration season. The distinct aroma of the Gestapo (brown shirts) is about as people everywhere draw lines and take sides. It's all good by me. Easy to ride my Bicycle around Bangkok for a change. It's really sad though. Too bad that the best deal that the Issan people can get is from a guy like Thaksin. Yellow shirts just want a steady supply of debt slaves to polish their Mercedes, their gemstones and their marble floors. Yellow shirts want a steady supply of untermenchen whores so that they can rip off the tourists who come here to experience "ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK". The yellow shirts regard the red shirts as something akin to animals to be used up washing yellow shirt underwear, building yellow shirt sky rises, and maybe serving as a Mia Noi for a few good years before tossing her back to the rice fields from where she came. I watched Thaksin improve the lives of the Issan people bit by bit year by year. For those of you who don't know, it is the Issan people who put the SMILE in "THE LAND OF SMILES". Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand. Certainly, Issan people are not real "Thai" people in yellow shirt eyes. You have no idea the material improvement that Thaksin orchestrated in these hard working peoples lives. Thaksin got a health care scheme that gave people real access to actual affordable medical care. Guess what? People who had been previously dying from easily treatable conditions got to go to a doctor, see a surgeon, be hospitalized and treated instead of abandoned. Let me tell you something Mister, You save someones life and or get them out of lifelong debt to a yellow shirt loan shark you'll really impress them. They will vote for you over and over again no matter how corrupt you might be otherwise. Is Thaksin SHREWD, dishonest, corrupt? You betcha! Is he any worse than ALL the others? At this point, I think NOT!

hmmm utter nonsense, what proof do you have that the evil yellow shirts were praying on the poor as loan sharks, and no one forced these people to take out loans with crazy intrest rates.....if your not smart enough to realize that its not possible for you to repay a loan with high intrest rate, or to bother figuring out how much that loan is going to cost you over the term you deserve to be poor. Stupid people are stupid people the world around.

hel_l id like a 10 million usd loan, but i know i dont make enough to pay it back,

You sound like a fancy Wall Street banker talking. BANKERS ARE wanke_rS.....Hope you get caught by a bunch of those "stupid people" and that they slam some "sense " into your stupid little pea-brain head. Let me put it another way so that even you can understand my "utter nonsense". My ass bleeds for the HI-SO Thai-Chinese yellow shirts and their twisted sense of HI-SO entitlement. They have out-lived their purpose in Thailand. It is time to redistribute the power to the people who do all the work in this country(red shirts). Thaksin can twist in the wind. One man One vote! Something about that statement that you don't understand Mister? NUFF SAID.

Hmm maybe if you had your way they could round up all the city dwelling "elite" and march them out to the country side and make them work on communal farms. All the while executing the doctors, lawyers, educated enemies of the people and the new "rouge" government that sounds like a great plan, wait a minute.... that sounds pretty familiar....hmm how did that work out again.??? Stupidity defies all colors, creeds, social levels, and nationalites.

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Thaksin got them out of usurious interest rate debt enforced by corrupt (yellow shirt) money lenders. He paved their roads and improved infrastructure in those impoverished Issan villages. Ask a few yellow shirts if they have ever even been to Issan and they'll laugh at you with disdain as if Issan is not really even a part of Thailand.

Funny how these Isaan villagers were getting into debt to corrupt yellow shirt money lenders, yet no yellow shirts have ever been to Isaan.

While the shortcomings of the whole Thai economic system are quite clear, this is just so simplistic and ignores the real complexities of it all. Which is what Thaksin feeds off.

The economy, and those controlling it, need the cheap labour supply from the provinces, especially the northeast. But it's not the Bangkok elite ripping villagers off on a day-to-day basis and taking their land. That's their own people. In any village, you'll find a few families who are the money lenders, often the ones with the best rice fields, and holding sway with postitions in the local administration. They're the ones who take the land when borrowers default. These people had their importance and access to funds increased by Thaksin. So they want to keep hold of that, and you'll probably often find that they do the local organizing for the redshirts too.

Funny, though, because they are part of the problem, not the solution. It's the basic flaw in the 'Thaksin for the people' view. There was never any attempt by Thaksin to increase representation at a local level, to give local people a say in their own affairs. Just the big man at the centre distributing his largesse.

Exactly !

It amazes me how so many non-Thais keep falling for these quick slogans and grab lines about Thaksin offering people a way out.

Yeah sure: out of one fire, into an arguably bigger (certainly more complex) fire, with little or no preparation, about how to deal with it.

It's much harder dealing with a major loans company, where all transactions are done via a depersonalized process, rather than the guy who comes around the village around diiner time, on his bike, with an account book in his basket, to collect a couple of hundred Baht every day - albeit at usury rates.

Know what your tslking about before making statements about these things.

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We should value the present events by the way the Thai Government seem in harmony with The King, The Army, The Police in Bangkok, the financial markets and all the Bangkokian whom are staying at home to avoid any confrontation without asking them too much like welcoming sincerely the visitors. It is interesting how things have changed for so much better the past 2 years when before every one was against each other in Bangkok Governing Departments.

Containing and directing people flow in Bangkok should be working out according to Government plans not demonstrator wishes consequently by Monday let's turn the page and all of us looking forward: enough is enough Thaksin era is over He Has Been.

Hat off to PM Abbisit whom has firmly but softly taken over the Nation grip not by playing golf at all.


Hear Hear, I fully endorse this analysis.

Also agree.

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The Bangkok Post is now reporting that in fact Thaksin was expelled from the UAE for using it as a a base to cause trouble in Thailand.

I'll take the FM's word over it over Thaksin's tweets.

i don't mind what Thaksin twits all day long, but i could be turn out to be pretty sheepish to believe everything what this FM told the public.

One of the two in not telling the truth. Given Thaksin's propensity for telling lies, even on the international stage, I'll but my trust into the FM's words over Thaksin's anytime.

so you believe that the UAE have somewhere a paragraph written in its immigration laws "don't make phone-ins to protests in Thailand or we will deny your right to stay"?

and it isn't the first time that we have heard exactly the same from exactly the same source and it turned out to be nothing more than hot air. wishful thinking has seldom an influence on reality.

the advice of an other board member " I suspect this is just another rumor to try to influence people to oppose Thaksin. Be aware of propaganda in the air!" has still its validity. also with the extension that this is not the only rumour seeded for propaganda purpose only and not for the sake of accurate information of the public. would be very foolish to deny that.

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The carrion gather gather to feast upon a carcase ?

'carrion' means 'dead and putrefying flesh' so carrion cannot 'feast' it IS the feast. 'Carcase' is spelled 'carcass'. Sorry to be so anal about language but it is the key to understanding between humans.

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The Bangkok Post is now reporting that in fact Thaksin was expelled from the UAE for using it as a a base to cause trouble in Thailand.

I'll take the FM's word over it over Thaksin's tweets.

i don't mind what Thaksin twits all day long, but i could be turn out to be pretty sheepish to believe everything what this FM told the public.

One of the two in not telling the truth. Given Thaksin's propensity for telling lies, even on the international stage, I'll but my trust into the FM's words over Thaksin's anytime.

I would have to second this assessment. Thaksin is not known for accuracy nor probity.

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The Bangkok Post is now reporting that in fact Thaksin was expelled from the UAE for using it as a a base to cause trouble in Thailand.

I'll take the FM's word over it over Thaksin's tweets.

i don't mind what Thaksin twits all day long, but i could be turn out to be pretty sheepish to believe everything what this FM told the public.

One of the two in not telling the truth. Given Thaksin's propensity for telling lies, even on the international stage, I'll but my trust into the FM's words over Thaksin's anytime.

so you believe that the UAE have somewhere a paragraph written in its immigration laws "don't make phone-ins to protests in Thailand or we will deny your right to stay"?

and it isn't the first time that we have heard exactly the same from exactly the same source and it turned out to be nothing more than hot air. wishful thinking has seldom an influence on reality.

the advice of an other board member " I suspect this is just another rumor to try to influence people to oppose Thaksin. Be aware of propaganda in the air!" has still its validity. also with the extension that this is not the only rumour seeded for propaganda purpose only and not for the sake of accurate information of the public. would be very foolish to deny that.

Again, Thaksin has proved to the world he is a habitual liar, and a convicted criminal on the run. I place zero faith with habitual liars and criminals. You may place your faith in liars and criminals if you wish. He can Tweet all he wants and as you stated...beware of the propaganda in the air."

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The Bangkok Post is now reporting that in fact Thaksin was expelled from the UAE for using it as a a base to cause trouble in Thailand.

I'll take the FM's word over it over Thaksin's tweets.

i don't mind what Thaksin twits all day long, but i could be turn out to be pretty sheepish to believe everything what this FM told the public.

One of the two in not telling the truth. Given Thaksin's propensity for telling lies, even on the international stage, I'll but my trust into the FM's words over Thaksin's anytime.

so you believe that the UAE have somewhere a paragraph written in its immigration laws "don't make phone-ins to protests in Thailand or we will deny your right to stay"?

and it isn't the first time that we have heard exactly the same from exactly the same source and it turned out to be nothing more than hot air. wishful thinking has seldom an influence on reality.

the advice of an other board member " I suspect this is just another rumor to try to influence people to oppose Thaksin. Be aware of propaganda in the air!" has still its validity. also with the extension that this is not the only rumour seeded for propaganda purpose only and not for the sake of accurate information of the public. would be very foolish to deny that.

plus the dem goverment havent got much sway on the international scene when it concerns taksin ,,even more so with uae because of their history

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The Bangkok Post is now reporting that in fact Thaksin was expelled from the UAE for using it as a a base to cause trouble in Thailand.

I'll take the FM's word over it over Thaksin's tweets.

i don't mind what Thaksin twits all day long, but i could be turn out to be pretty sheepish to believe everything what this FM told the public.

One of the two in not telling the truth. Given Thaksin's propensity for telling lies, even on the international stage, I'll but my trust into the FM's words over Thaksin's anytime.

so you believe that the UAE have somewhere a paragraph written in its immigration laws "don't make phone-ins to protests in Thailand or we will deny your right to stay"?

and it isn't the first time that we have heard exactly the same from exactly the same source and it turned out to be nothing more than hot air. wishful thinking has seldom an influence on reality.

the advice of an other board member " I suspect this is just another rumor to try to influence people to oppose Thaksin. Be aware of propaganda in the air!" has still its validity. also with the extension that this is not the only rumour seeded for propaganda purpose only and not for the sake of accurate information of the public. would be very foolish to deny that.

No tamaveter, it would be a law against fomenting insurrection in another land from UAE soil.

Which is often between most countries seen as an act of war, and so highly frowned on,

if the country hosting the trouble maker is NOT intending acts of war.

So they stopped allowing tsaloochesnik Thaksin from making calls from their land.

About time.

Edited by animatic
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The carrion gather gather to feast upon a carcase ?

'carrion' means 'dead and putrefying flesh' so carrion cannot 'feast' it IS the feast. 'Carcase' is spelled 'carcass'. Sorry to be so anal about language but it is the key to understanding between humans.

:) Sorry to be so pedantic but language only accounts for about 30% of communication, the rest is to be found in body language.....well from the linguistic research I have read, that is the problem with ecommunication, no nuances, no body language, no intonation etc......hope that tomorrow does not bring sorrow....Dukkha

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The Bangkok Post is now reporting that in fact Thaksin was expelled from the UAE for using it as a a base to cause trouble in Thailand.

I'll take the FM's word over it over Thaksin's tweets.

i don't mind what Thaksin twits all day long, but i could be turn out to be pretty sheepish to believe everything what this FM told the public.

One of the two in not telling the truth. Given Thaksin's propensity for telling lies, even on the international stage, I'll but my trust into the FM's words over Thaksin's anytime.

so you believe that the UAE have somewhere a paragraph written in its immigration laws "don't make phone-ins to protests in Thailand or we will deny your right to stay"?

and it isn't the first time that we have heard exactly the same from exactly the same source and it turned out to be nothing more than hot air. wishful thinking has seldom an influence on reality.

the advice of an other board member " I suspect this is just another rumor to try to influence people to oppose Thaksin. Be aware of propaganda in the air!" has still its validity. also with the extension that this is not the only rumour seeded for propaganda purpose only and not for the sake of accurate information of the public. would be very foolish to deny that.

Maybe it is a falsehood and nothing but propaganda. We don't know yet but will find out sooner or later.

Any country doesn't have to have a particular law to remove a foreigner. Being allowed as a visitor to a foreign country is not a right, but a privilege which can be removed by the host at whim.

If Thaksin is using the UAE as a base from which to launch political attacks, which he clearly is doing, then any country is likely to look down on this. Thailand might not even have to ask the UAE to do this as they might decide to do it of their own accord.

It might be lies and propaganda and yet it might be true, it would be foolish to claim either until the facts are known.

Edited by Moonrakers
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The carrion gather gather to feast upon a carcase ?

'carrion' means 'dead and putrefying flesh' so carrion cannot 'feast' it IS the feast. 'Carcase' is spelled 'carcass'. Sorry to be so anal about language but it is the key to understanding between humans.


Carrie in, carry on, carry out Carrie, carry on.

"And as they carve it with their steely knives, they just can't kill the beast." drum roll.

Edited by animatic
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The carrion gather gather to feast upon a carcase ?

'carrion' means 'dead and putrefying flesh' so carrion cannot 'feast' it IS the feast. 'Carcase' is spelled 'carcass'. Sorry to be so anal about language but it is the key to understanding between humans.

:) Sorry to be so pedantic but language only accounts for about 30% of communication, the rest is to be found in body language.....well from the linguistic research I have read, that is the problem with ecommunication, no nuances, no body language, no intonation etc......hope that tomorrow does not bring sorrow....Dukkha

I can see your body language pretty clearly from here... NOT.

So I guess we have to rely on WORDS for actual human communication, won't we?

Maybe that is why diplomats actually meet face to face.

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Again, Thaksin has proved to the world he is a habitual liar, and a convicted criminal on the run. I place zero faith with habitual liars and criminals. You may place your faith in liars and criminals if you wish. He can Tweet all he wants and as you stated...beware of the propaganda in the air."

yep, i got that message you don't like Thaksin.

but think about it, why he should suddenly deny that he is in Cambodia, when it was his plan and intention just because the FM brought us the news that he his in Cambodia? and that cunning Thaksin then leave Cambodia immediately just for the lulz to prove the FM wrong? what an evil plan. :faceplam:

bad boi Thaksin don't act that way how The Nation or the government propaganda had predicted it. all his fault, can't trust that guy, right. you may rethink how you have been fooled.

i don't place my faith with with liars, i don't believe every trash, specially not when there is reasonable doubt.

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The reported request to leave, issued by UAE would not be out of the realm of possibility. Surprised they have put up with him as long as they have, considering the confrontational drivel he has been spouting. He may find shopping somewhat below his perceived status, but the social scene will probably suit his character much better, where ever he is and or settles. How many times has the man insisted on his agenda, while ignoring the warning bells? He may reach the vaulted position/predicament of nomination for a Darwin award if he continues in this style of vain behavior.

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The carrion gather gather to feast upon a carcase ?

'carrion' means 'dead and putrefying flesh' so carrion cannot 'feast' it IS the feast. 'Carcase' is spelled 'carcass'. Sorry to be so anal about language but it is the key to understanding between humans.

:) Sorry to be so pedantic but language only accounts for about 30% of communication, the rest is to be found in body language.....well from the linguistic research I have read, that is the problem with ecommunication, no nuances, no body language, no intonation etc......hope that tomorrow does not bring sorrow....Dukkha

Thank you for the carificaton and I, also hope that tomorrow does not bring sorrow

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so you believe that the UAE have somewhere a paragraph written in its immigration laws "don't make phone-ins to protests in Thailand or we will deny your right to stay"?

and it isn't the first time that we have heard exactly the same from exactly the same source and it turned out to be nothing more than hot air. wishful thinking has seldom an influence on reality.

the advice of an other board member " I suspect this is just another rumor to try to influence people to oppose Thaksin. Be aware of propaganda in the air!" has still its validity. also with the extension that this is not the only rumour seeded for propaganda purpose only and not for the sake of accurate information of the public. would be very foolish to deny that.

It may or may not be a rumour, the proof of that will be in the pudding come a few more days. However, it would not be something that is surprising, most countries are not particularly keen on having political agitators speaking out so often in public against an elected government. You have to admit, that Thaksin is becoming a hot potato - and it was no wonder that The UK choose to bolt the doors shut, as soon as they had an idea of what he was up to, and were given a chance to avoid a lengthy appeal.

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We should value the present events by the way the Thai Government seem in harmony with The King, The Army, The Police in Bangkok, the financial markets and all the Bangkokian whom are staying at home to avoid any confrontation without asking them too much like welcoming sincerely the visitors. It is interesting how things have changed for so much better the past 2 years when before every one was against each other in Bangkok Governing Departments.

Containing and directing people flow in Bangkok should be working out according to Government plans not demonstrator wishes consequently by Monday let's turn the page and all of us looking forward: enough is enough Thaksin era is over He Has Been.

Hat off to PM Abbisit whom has firmly but softly taken over the Nation grip not by playing golf at all.


Hear Hear, I fully endorse this analysis.

you must both come from a totalitarian country to believe the above!! khun abbisit is a thai tony blair. all the gear and no idea!!!!!!!!!!

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One man One vote!

I agree.

One interesting thing about this is that if an election was run in Thailand purely on a 'One Man, One Vote' basis, things would be much closer between Party Thaksin (in whatever incarnation) and the Democrats, for example.

In the constituency votes, winner takes all. So, all the votes for losing candidates are simply 'lost' - and, in a sense, that disenfranchises millions of voters. For example, all those in Isaan who don't vote for a Thaksin candidate (and many of those candidates certainly weren't near to winning 100% of the vote). This holds true for pro-Thaksin candidates in other areas, but overall genuine 'OMOV' would make things much closer.

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Again, Thaksin has proved to the world he is a habitual liar, and a convicted criminal on the run. I place zero faith with habitual liars and criminals. You may place your faith in liars and criminals if you wish. He can Tweet all he wants and as you stated...beware of the propaganda in the air."

yep, i got that message you don't like Thaksin.

but think about it, why he should suddenly deny that he is in Cambodia, when it was his plan and intention just because the FM brought us the news that he his in Cambodia? and that cunning Thaksin then leave Cambodia immediately just for the lulz to prove the FM wrong? what an evil plan. :faceplam:

bad boi Thaksin don't act that way how The Nation or the government propaganda had predicted it. all his fault, can't trust that guy, right. you may rethink how you have been fooled.

i don't place my faith with with liars, i don't believe every trash, specially not when there is reasonable doubt.

We all know Thaksin is a liar. The people who say he isn't, are just lying to themselves (in addition to Thaksin lying to them).

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Again, Thaksin has proved to the world he is a habitual liar, and a convicted criminal on the run. I place zero faith with habitual liars and criminals. You may place your faith in liars and criminals if you wish. He can Tweet all he wants and as you stated...beware of the propaganda in the air."

yep, i got that message you don't like Thaksin.

but think about it, why he should suddenly deny that he is in Cambodia, when it was his plan and intention just because the FM brought us the news that he his in Cambodia? and that cunning Thaksin then leave Cambodia immediately just for the lulz to prove the FM wrong? what an evil plan. :faceplam:

bad boi Thaksin don't act that way how The Nation or the government propaganda had predicted it. all his fault, can't trust that guy, right. you may rethink how you have been fooled.

i don't place my faith with with liars, i don't believe every trash, specially not when there is reasonable doubt.

We all know Thaksin is a liar. The people who say he isn't, are just lying to themselves (in addition to Thaksin lying to them).

:) Totally deranged I would suggest, certifiable!


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Again, Thaksin has proved to the world he is a habitual liar, and a convicted criminal on the run. I place zero faith with habitual liars and criminals. You may place your faith in liars and criminals if you wish. He can Tweet all he wants and as you stated...beware of the propaganda in the air."

yep, i got that message you don't like Thaksin.

but think about it, why he should suddenly deny that he is in Cambodia, when it was his plan and intention just because the FM brought us the news that he his in Cambodia? and that cunning Thaksin then leave Cambodia immediately just for the lulz to prove the FM wrong? what an evil plan. :faceplam:

bad boi Thaksin don't act that way how The Nation or the government propaganda had predicted it. all his fault, can't trust that guy, right. you may rethink how you have been fooled.

i don't place my faith with with liars, i don't believe every trash, specially not when there is reasonable doubt.

We all know Thaksin is a liar. The people who say he isn't, are just lying to themselves (in addition to Thaksin lying to them).

Totally deranged I would suggest, certifiable! Dukkha

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:) OMG, the Southerners will send in the bounty hunters :D

Seriously, he'd better stay away. I know he's trying to knock at the door. But this will be for no good. Thais will have to suffer.

I guess he realized that his cause is over and tries this as a last attempt, at least to cause as much damage as possible.

He's insane like Nero was. This was my first impression of this guy.

But OK, for fairness sake, he's also a fast learner and intelligent, but that doesn't change anything about his deep rooted character.

Seam Reap is also famous for hiring witches and Mr Thaksin has proven to be into occultism. Prepare a nice bed in a mental hospital for him!

Has Nero been deposed by the military ?

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so you believe that the UAE have somewhere a paragraph written in its immigration laws "don't make phone-ins to protests in Thailand or we will deny your right to stay"?

and it isn't the first time that we have heard exactly the same from exactly the same source and it turned out to be nothing more than hot air. wishful thinking has seldom an influence on reality.

the advice of an other board member " I suspect this is just another rumor to try to influence people to oppose Thaksin. Be aware of propaganda in the air!" has still its validity. also with the extension that this is not the only rumour seeded for propaganda purpose only and not for the sake of accurate information of the public. would be very foolish to deny that.

It may or may not be a rumour, the proof of that will be in the pudding come a few more days. However, it would not be something that is surprising, most countries are not particularly keen on having political agitators speaking out so often in public against an elected government. You have to admit, that Thaksin is becoming a hot potato - and it was no wonder that The UK choose to bolt the doors shut, as soon as they had an idea of what he was up to, and were given a chance to avoid a lengthy appeal.

The UK is run by Oxford boys.

That does not apply to every country in the world.

The UK is one of many countries, not even number one in the EU.

The age that Britannia ruled (past tense) the waves is over for many years now.

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We should value the present events by the way the Thai Government seem in harmony with The King, The Army, The Police in Bangkok, the financial markets and all the Bangkokian whom are staying at home to avoid any confrontation without asking them too much like welcoming sincerely the visitors. It is interesting how things have changed for so much better the past 2 years when before every one was against each other in Bangkok Governing Departments.

Containing and directing people flow in Bangkok should be working out according to Government plans not demonstrator wishes consequently by Monday let's turn the page and all of us looking forward: enough is enough Thaksin era is over He Has Been.

Hat off to PM Abbisit whom has firmly but softly taken over the Nation grip not by playing golf at all.


Hear Hear, I fully endorse this analysis.

you must both come from a totalitarian country to believe the above!! khun abbisit is a thai tony blair. all the gear and no idea!!!!!!!!!!

Oxford boys as I said.

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