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Does Your Thai Gf / Wife Support The Red Shirts ?


Your is your parnter Red Shirt or Yellow Shirt  

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Does your Thai Partner Support the Red Shirts ? And do you know anyone who has gone to the Protests in Bangkok ?

My GF Hates Taskin and so does her Family, They are on the side of the Yellow shirts but not to the point there they go to rallys or anything like that.

What do your partners and there Familys think ?

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No, girlfriend definitely doesn't support them. In fact, when she found out that the woman who runs the local food stall was a red shirt supporter, she refused to buy any food from there anymore. But she doesn't have any particular sympathies for the other side either, although I think she'd still eat their food.

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Mine isn't big into politics but she and her family are Thai and they love and support the King and hate the red shirts. She thinks it's embarrassing how these "ignorant savages" are coming down to BKK to blow things up.

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My wife cant be bothered with anyone who is not fanatically Royalist. As follow up to earlier thread, I been looking at tuk tuk in Chiang Mai, only seen about 6 with red flag from 100 or so spotted. Politely told one of them who stopped, his services werent required.

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I don't think my wife really supports either side...

"Ignorant savages"? Was that poster awhile back from a different century? Who says that kind of stuff anymore? hahaha

Mine is from Isaan but does not support the red shirts. I don't think her family is very enamoured of Thaksin.

When I express an opinion about the situation she tells me I am a Falang and don't really know.

We both agree that at least the red shirts haven't entertained taking over the airport.

We both agree that Thailand should aim for more democracy.

I am trying to convince her that the yellow shirts do not support this. They have publicly stated that a majority of Thai citizens are too stupid (poor?) to have the right to vote.

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Yes and no. She doesn't like the current party, or what we would call yellow shirts and wants them out. But is appalled at the way the red shirts are acting. Citing that they are doing exactly what happened to their side a few years ago and it's a bad cycle for Thailand to follow.

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My wife isn't for the reds, but she really really really isn't for the yellow.

With Thaksin removed, she would be sympathetic to the working class which is represented by the reds. But with Thaksin in the background there is no good solution available.

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Wife definitely loathes the execrable demagogue. While she won't participate in any protest because she feels it is inappropriate to inconvenience the people who are just trying to live, she definitely has a strong yellow bias. She loves Abhisit, but hates most of the other politicians of every party.

She agrees that her family up country are not competent to vote. They have absolutely zero understanding of what they are voting for. She still loves them, but recognizes that they can't understand the consequences of their actions.

I tend to agree. From what I have seen, one man, one vote is a recipe for disaster in Thailand. The military may not be perfect, but ironically they have done a much better job upholding the liberties of the Thai people lately than some of the elected representatives.

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I don't think my wife really supports either side...

"Ignorant savages"? Was that poster awhile back from a different century? Who says that kind of stuff anymore? hahaha

Would you prefer I used simplier 4 letter words to describe them? The English Language has such a vast selection of words to cover almost any subject that it's truly a mark of ill breeding to limit your vocabulary to but a hand full.

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My wife and her family were the ONLY people in her village who refused to take the 500B on offer to vote for Thaksin when he was still in politics. Everyone thought they were mad not to take the money and go and vote. Please lets not forget that the majority of so called red shirt supporters are only trying to protect their free cash handouts. If someone new comes along in a paisley shirt and offer them more money they will all be wearing paisley.

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I don't think my wife really supports either side...

"Ignorant savages"? Was that poster awhile back from a different century? Who says that kind of stuff anymore? hahaha

I guess you're not really fluent in Thai, are you?

My wife doesn't like the yellows and hates the reds (I spare you the comments).

She likes Abbhisit and hates Suthep (he's distant family).

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My wife is from Isaan, she is intelligent, educated and a red supporter. I have learned a lot from her. Her lawyer brother is also a red supporter.

My friend's wife is a red shirt supporter from Issan too, has never been to school, is only interested in food and sleeping (with lots of other guys) and I'm sure those guys learned a lot from her. Her brother is neither a lawyer nor a red supporter.

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Being from idyllic Nong Bua Lamphu, she supports the King and anyone who attempts to improve opportunity in that region.

She's not passionate about politics though...certainly not like many on TV who seem to be on the brink of hyperventilation when any thread with a Thaksin link appears

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My wife and her family were the ONLY people in her village who refused to take the 500B on offer to vote for Thaksin when he was still in politics. Everyone thought they were mad not to take the money and go and vote. Please lets not forget that the majority of so called red shirt supporters are only trying to protect their free cash handouts. If someone new comes along in a paisley shirt and offer them more money they will all be wearing paisley.

Just what Thailand needs - more people with no fashion sense! :)

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She actually does not care about red shirts, yellow shirts, whatever.

She only cares about her family, and well, since I'm part of it, I do not complain :)

Not sure it is right or wrong but in my humble opinion, Thai people still have a long way to go before being politically responsible, i.e. being able to choose what is best for Thailand and the future of Thailand.

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My wife is anti Red and anti Thaksin,she was University educated unlike the vast majority of her village who are pro Red,including her parents and other family members.Education, says it all for me.

None of the 200+ villagers have gone to Bangkok,but they are glued to their TVs,and expecting Thaksin back sometime soon.

Probably must have been due to no 2,000 baht incentive/bribe/expenses being offered.

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My GF sees neither yellow nor red. What she sees is how to find opportunities to better herself. I sympathize with red's ideology but detest that they choose Thaksin to represent their plight. On the other hand, last time I checked, Thailand is still a very capitalistic country. (Pattaya is a very good example of that, in so many ways! java script:add_smilie(":)","smid_6")) But on the serious note, if you are willing to open your eyes to see and has a drive to learn, I believe this country still offers good opportunities to enrich one's life here, both mentally and financially. I know of many rag- to-riches stories in Thailand and therefore do not completely buy into the shabby-background-so-I-cannot-succeed argument. In some ways (at least that is how it sounded to me), I feel reds are looking for easy hand-out from the "elite", which I cannot really side with. Of course, what the reds want is a little more social justice so things might just come a bit easier for them. But hey, life is cruel. If you want to change the hand that you are dealt, arm yourself with knowledge and reverse the situation or predicament that you are in. Do not blame this and do not blame that. Not everyone is created equal. We all go to fight for what we want. It's a simple rule in the animal kingdom. Survival for the fittest. Not that you were born a lion or he was born a bambi crapola!

In short, Thailand is a capitalistic country and sometimes more so than USA (where I am from). this is already a basic element for rag-to riches stories to be born. Arm yourself with knowledge and train yourself to have the kind of monster drive to succeed. Soon enough you will see neither red or yellow. Because at the end you only have yourself to represent and be accounted for!

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My wife and her family were the ONLY people in her village who refused to take the 500B on offer to vote for Thaksin when he was still in politics. Everyone thought they were mad not to take the money and go and vote. Please lets not forget that the majority of so called red shirt supporters are only trying to protect their free cash handouts. If someone new comes along in a paisley shirt and offer them more money they will all be wearing paisley.

makes me wonder;why Redbull drink owner is one of the richest man inThailand

Maybe T is the owner of redBshit,pun intendet

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The gf is from Si Song Kram, way up NE, and strongly red, but can't explain why. Thinks the sun shines out of a Thaksin orifice, and refuses to accept he's a thief.

On the other hand, have talked a bit with male members of family, who at least pretended interest in my views. All they get is red-biased media, had never heard of Thaksin's scams, but accepted that's what the rest of the world sees. We are not talking highly educated people, but they are not idiots either.

Gf cheering on reds in BKK, can't/won't say what she thinks they will achieve. My expectations - SFA

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My wife comes from a really small village in Isan...She started her own company in Bangkok when she was 22, but has no education. She was at the anti-military rally 20 some years ago when all the students were killed. 2 years ago when the Yellow Shirts were having there protest, we had a rare argument. She wanted to return to Thailand to join the protest and support the King. She ended up sending several thousands of dollars to ASTV as a donation..(her money not mine). She was sleeping on the floor by the TV watching ASTV for weeks.

Last year when there was a ralley outside of Bangkok and we were in country. We went. It was clear our driver of almost 10 years that we use every time we visit, was not happy being there. Turns out he was a Red Shirt supporter....she fired him the next day.

There have been a few other people that have expressed a support for the Red Shirts, and she is pretty ruthless with them...I know she was holding 2 Chanotes for some money she had loaned. Now in the past even if the note was due, she would let the people keep farming and paying the money back..2 people she had loaned money to stopped by to see her when we visiting at the family home in the village. Hanging on the line were 2 yellow shirts that said, "We Love the King". When they expressed there displeasure at those yellow shirts, she called her loan and took the property...When I asked her about it she said, "If those stupid people think Thaskin can help them, they don't need my help. I love the King, and those people should not own land in his Kingdom, so I took it".

I would guess she is the only village person the does not support Thaskin. But she is by far the weathiest person in the village now, and most know just to keep their mouths shut, and wait till we have gone before spending hours discussing her. Even her mother believes Thaskin personally paid to have the dirt road through their village paved when he was PM....

Edited by old wanderer
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Seems like their is a negative connotations here on TV if your a red supporter.

Anyway my nanny from issan is a hardcore red supporter, can't pry her away from the red tv and radio these days.

My aunt and sister in law are yellow supporters and rest of the family are red supporters, needless to say each other don't talk much any more since 2 years ago.

Across the street is yellow supporter, known them since parents in law were grade school, now they havent been on speaking terms for over year now.

Wife is a red supporter, she put on a red bandana on our 1.5 year old (i guess to look cute)

While at foodland yesterday, she met another 1.5 year old in the vegetable section as she is drawn other kids her age group, maybe a baby thing.

Anyway, she nearly ripped the arm off the other girl because she came too close to mommy (my wife). Kinda created a scene from onlookers of 8 people, probably thinking how stupid we looked and the barbaric action of my daughter.

Edited by tangcoral
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