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Thaksin Draws Comparison Between Abhisit And Hitler


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well, i think we are losing the plot of whats going on here...there are no bribes to get the red shirts to protest. it is not about t coming back to be prime minister it is about the PEOPLE and there right to a fair election, one which they vote for who they want... yes thaksin has had some speeches but if you fully understand it isn't about him it is about the people. Since the coup the army has never given up control for the governement only for a short period of time till they got abhisit to be the puppet and now he is just the front to what basically is military control.

So yeh i agree with the people he needs to come out of government and give the people there rights to vote!

It's not ALL about Thaksin. But it's TOO MUCH about Thaksin.

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there are no bribes to get the red shirts to protest.

Irrefutable video evidence says otherwise. Where have you been?

Yes. And this one is my favourite

Yes ... there were violent protests involving the PAD. And how is this relevant to red shirts being bribed to protest?

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Yes ... there were violent protests involving the PAD. And how is this relevant to red shirts being bribed to protest?

Erm ... it shows that the Red-Shirts too have the right to violent protest, not that they're anything to do with a dozen or more grenade-attacks since their peaceful-protest began ... erm ... that was all blue-shirts wearing red-shirts, and anyway they had short hair, so were definitely US-Special-Forces trying to besmirch Khun Thaksin's reputation, erm ... not that he has anything to do with these protests, we just carry his picture by coincidence, it's all about the People, really. :D

Or that's what we were told at Red-Shirt re-education camp, just before the lessons on artistic blood-throwing, and the peoples' right to vote any way they want, as long as they tick the PTP-box.

Where do I collect my 2000 Baht from ? :):D

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well, i think we are losing the plot of whats going on here...there are no bribes to get the red shirts to protest. it is not about t coming back to be prime minister it is about the PEOPLE and there right to a fair election, one which they vote for who they want... yes thaksin has had some speeches but if you fully understand it isn't about him it is about the people. Since the coup the army has never given up control for the governement only for a short period of time till they got abhisit to be the puppet and now he is just the front to what basically is military control.

So yeh i agree with the people he needs to come out of government and give the people there rights to vote!

Yes, because puppets for the military go make powerful generals lose face for spending millions on fake bomb detecting equipment.

Please explain what other "puppet" like actions or policies Abhesit is supporting?

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there are no bribes to get the red shirts to protest.

Irrefutable video evidence says otherwise. Where have you been?

Yes. And this one is my favourite

Yes ... there were violent protests involving the PAD. And how is this relevant to red shirts being bribed to protest?

Yes the Reds keep trying toflouat this single video af PAD in the street,

This edit of course ignores:

A large group of Red motorcycle taxi drivers, attacked the small convoy of yellows,

passing near the Red Taxi Radio stations street, but not DOWN the Taxi Radio Stations street.

and were driven back by a obviously rather scared yellow group,

and then more yellows arived and continued the fight, including angry reprisals, on 1 red,

who was stupid enough not to retreat and on a few motorcycles abandoned by the attackers.

But other films of this incident SHOW reds attacking the PAD truck first.

This also ignores the context of PAD being violently attacked with grenades in the GH encampment

for SEVERAL DAYS prior to this incident, and the logical mindset of


Several PAD members had been attacked, killed and maimed that week.

And THAT fact is ignored in the repeated showing of this clip.

Reds attacking Yellow would quite logically be seen as potentialy deadly attacks,

and an appropriate defense raised.

This isn't said to defend the PAD street actions, but to vilify this REPEATED propaganda tactic

of ignoring a valid context to continuously justify REDS street actions because supposedly yellows did it first.

Just propaganda BULLSHIT...

And doing this over and over LOWERS Red side credibility substantially.

There are enough valid things to comment on without this 'lies and deception' type post.

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Yes ... there were violent protests involving the PAD. And how is this relevant to red shirts being bribed to protest?

Erm ... it shows that the Red-Shirts too have the right to violent protest, not that they're anything to do with a dozen or more grenade-attacks since their peaceful-protest began ... erm ... that was all blue-shirts wearing red-shirts, and anyway they had short hair, so were definitely US-Special-Forces trying to besmirch Khun Thaksin's reputation, erm ... not that he has anything to do with these protests, we just carry his picture by coincidence, it's all about the People, really. :D

Or that's what we were told at Red-Shirt re-education camp, just before the lessons on artistic blood-throwing, and the peoples' right to vote any way they want, as long as they tick the PTP-box.

Where do I collect my 2000 Baht from ? :):D

Only 2000 baht? I was told 3000 baht. Time to talk to my "middleman" :D

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I don`t see the point of Thaksin making comparisons between Abhisit and Hitler, as most of Thaksin`s supporters are too uneducated to know who was Hitler or what he stood for.

Most of Thaksin's supporters are too uneducated to know who Thaksin really is or what he stands for.

I second that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

THose who would like to check their history - rather than look just at the time around the declaration of war, look at thailand's stance in the years leading up to the war, especially the role of the "men in grey suits" and their attitude to the Nazis.......some of them and their followers were still in powerful positions long after the war and their influence lives on now.

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I don`t see the point of Thaksin making comparisons between Abhisit and Hitler, as most of Thaksin`s supporters are too uneducated to know who was Hitler or what he stood for.

Most of Thaksin's supporters are too uneducated to know who Thaksin really is or what he stands for.

I second that!

Zzzzzzzzzzz this sort of 'contribution' doesn't help - there are many valid negative critisisms about the ex-PM but I think labelling anyone who may agree with the ex-PM (yes he is an ex-PM) as 'uneducated' is a very fundamental error in judgement (and no I am not a supporter or apologist but I hate all this name-calling and labelling - veyr nice and safe to do it now he's not in power).

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I don`t see the point of Thaksin making comparisons between Abhisit and Hitler, as most of Thaksin`s supporters are too uneducated to know who was Hitler or what he stood for.

Most of Thaksin's supporters are too uneducated to know who Thaksin really is or what he stands for.

I second that!

Zzzzzzzzzzz this sort of 'contribution' doesn't help - there are many valid negative critisisms about the ex-PM but I think labelling anyone who may agree with the ex-PM (yes he is an ex-PM) as 'uneducated' is a very fundamental error in judgement (and no I am not a supporter or apologist but I hate all this name-calling and labelling - veyr nice and safe to do it now he's not in power).

You're suggesting it would be less safe for people to offer their opinions (right or wrong) if Thaksin were to return. I would tend to agree with you on that.

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I don`t see the point of Thaksin making comparisons between Abhisit and Hitler, as most of Thaksin`s supporters are too uneducated to know who was Hitler or what he stood for.

Most of Thaksin's supporters are too uneducated to know who Thaksin really is or what he stands for.

I second that!

Quite a contrast to abisits educated elite supporters then, who know precisely what abisit is up to and "stands" for.

After all its them and their guns who are telling abisit what to do.

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Most of Thaksin's supporters are too uneducated to know who Thaksin really is or what he stands for.

I second that!

Zzzzzzzzzzz this sort of 'contribution' doesn't help - there are many valid negative critisisms about the ex-PM but I think labelling anyone who may agree with the ex-PM (yes he is an ex-PM) as 'uneducated' is a very fundamental error in judgement (and no I am not a supporter or apologist but I hate all this name-calling and labelling - veyr nice and safe to do it now he's not in power).

You're suggesting it would be less safe for people to offer their opinions (right or wrong) if Thaksin were to return. I would tend to agree with you on that.

I get bored with all this 'we think Thaksin is Lucifer Incarnate' rubbish and all who may sympathize with him are 'stupid'. He was an ex-PM and, although I have grave problems with many of his acts' I hate all this kicking people all the time when most who shout on here have lived here in comfort during his tenure.

This will not help Thailand – stop the name-calling, stop the absurd name-blackening and concentrate on the way forward

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I get bored with all this 'we think Thaksin is Lucifer Incarnate' rubbish and all who may sympathize with him are 'stupid'. He was an ex-PM and, although I have grave problems with many of his acts' I hate all this kicking people all the time when most who shout on here have lived here in comfort during his tenure.

This will not help Thailand – stop the name-calling, stop the absurd name-blackening and concentrate on the way forward

But the way forward is simply to get rid of Thaksin and educate his followers about simple facts; like he is a crook on a scale that Thailand had not seen before. That his parties threw away the votes of the people that sold TRT and PPP thier votes by commiting electoral fraud. That Thaksin is what the street protests are about in BKK and not democracy. That PPP could have dissolved parliament even the day before they were disbanded and called elections but they didn't. That the red leaders that are doing Thaksin's bidding do not care how many reds are wounded or hurt because of the red shirt leaders' promised violence, etc etc etc

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I get bored with all this 'we think Thaksin is Lucifer Incarnate' rubbish and all who may sympathize with him are 'stupid'. He was an ex-PM and, although I have grave problems with many of his acts' I hate all this kicking people all the time when most who shout on here have lived here in comfort during his tenure.

This will not help Thailand – stop the name-calling, stop the absurd name-blackening and concentrate on the way forward

But the way forward is simply to get rid of Thaksin and educate his followers about simple facts; like he is a crook on a scale that Thailand had not seen before. That his parties threw away the votes of the people that sold TRT and PPP thier votes by commiting electoral fraud. That Thaksin is what the street protests are about in BKK and not democracy. That PPP could have dissolved parliament even the day before they were disbanded and called elections but they didn't. That the red leaders that are doing Thaksin's bidding do not care how many reds are wounded or hurt because of the red shirt leaders' promised violence, etc etc etc

I don't want to get drawn into the same argument in another thread, but...

Don't you think it's doing a diservice to the discussion just constantly keep stating it is ALL about Thaksin?

Clearly, Thaksin is a part of it through his past and current inolvement but just as clearly there are some valid other issues at stake about the way forward for Thailand. Thaksin is a giant raving, looney, DBAG. Can we move along to the other issues?

We will disagree about the rest of the issues but surely they exist.

--Legitimacy of the current government.

--Military role in Thai Politics

--Insane media bias (on both sides)

--Insane inflammatory nature on both sides (Less so on Abhisit I will grant, but those claiming imparitality yet support the government are not afraid to go with the best of th reds in the inflammation dept)

--The education and treatment of the rural poor.

--The threat of dilution of the rural poor voting voice. (New Politics party standing by to join the next elections)

Setting up Thaksin as this great bogeyman who is responsible for everything bad in the world doesn't help. Let's just dismiss him, despite his desires, and move along. It's not completely possible, I admit, as he is still adressing the reds, but can you just dismiss the rest of the issues because someone bad is associated with them? Can I dismiss Abhisit, because the revolting Sondhi and his revolting PAD support him and assisted in his rise? I could, but I won't because the problems run deeper than that.

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I get bored with all this 'we think Thaksin is Lucifer Incarnate' rubbish and all who may sympathize with him are 'stupid'. He was an ex-PM and, although I have grave problems with many of his acts' I hate all this kicking people all the time when most who shout on here have lived here in comfort during his tenure.

This will not help Thailand – stop the name-calling, stop the absurd name-blackening and concentrate on the way forward

But the way forward is simply to get rid of Thaksin and educate his followers about simple facts; like he is a crook on a scale that Thailand had not seen before. That his parties threw away the votes of the people that sold TRT and PPP thier votes by commiting electoral fraud. That Thaksin is what the street protests are about in BKK and not democracy. That PPP could have dissolved parliament even the day before they were disbanded and called elections but they didn't. That the red leaders that are doing Thaksin's bidding do not care how many reds are wounded or hurt because of the red shirt leaders' promised violence, etc etc etc

I don't want to get drawn into the same argument in another thread, but...

Don't you think it's doing a diservice to the discussion just constantly keep stating it is ALL about Thaksin?

Clearly, Thaksin is a part of it through his past and current inolvement but just as clearly there are some valid other issues at stake about the way forward for Thailand. Thaksin is a giant raving, looney, DBAG. Can we move along to the other issues?

We will disagree about the rest of the issues but surely they exist.

--Legitimacy of the current government.

--Military role in Thai Politics

--Insane media bias (on both sides)

--Insane inflammatory nature on both sides (Less so on Abhisit I will grant, but those claiming imparitality yet support the government are not afraid to go with the best of th reds in the inflammation dept)

--The education and treatment of the rural poor.

--The threat of dilution of the rural poor voting voice. (New Politics party standing by to join the next elections)

Setting up Thaksin as this great bogeyman who is responsible for everything bad in the world doesn't help. Let's just dismiss him, despite his desires, and move along. It's not completely possible, I admit, as he is still adressing the reds, but can you just dismiss the rest of the issues because someone bad is associated with them? Can I dismiss Abhisit, because the revolting Sondhi and his revolting PAD support him and assisted in his rise? I could, but I won't because the problems run deeper than that.

I respect your motivs to support a better Thailand. But I cannot read your subsription in what the red shirts are talking about. Thailand need changes and the goverment offers changes. I have not seen anything yet from the red side. You can support changes without being red.

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Nice try, but Thaksin is their LEADER, not someone just "associated" with them. BTW, their other leaders are also criminals based on their violent rhetoric in the last few days, so they aren't any great shakes either.

When in doubt, use condescension?

So no other problems/issues exist? Sweet. what a lovely world.

Just get rid of Thaksin and EVERY problem will just disappear?

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Nice try, but Thaksin is their LEADER, not someone just "associated" with them. BTW, their other leaders are also criminals based on their violent rhetoric in the last few days, so they aren't any great shakes either.

When in doubt, use condescension?

So no other problems/issues exist? Sweet. what a lovely world.

Just get rid of Thaksin and EVERY problem will just disappear?

Of course not, but a very BIG problem will disapear and it will open doors to move forward

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Nice try, but Thaksin is their LEADER, not someone just "associated" with them. BTW, their other leaders are also criminals based on their violent rhetoric in the last few days, so they aren't any great shakes either.

When in doubt, use condescension?

So no other problems/issues exist? Sweet. what a lovely world.

Just get rid of Thaksin and EVERY problem will just disappear?

Sure there are issues, but as long as the reds have Thaksin as their leader, they remain a very dangerous movement that peace and democracy loving people will continue to reject.

Today's Washington Post got it right.

While some in the middle and upper classes have expressed sympathy for the Red Shirts' demands for a better economic deal and an end to inequalities in Thai society, they don't support the movement outright because Thaksin is its shadow leader.

Thaksin, a multimillionaire convicted of corruption and abuse of power, is a fugitive abroad but encourages the Red Shirts with frequent messages. His six years in office were riddled by accusations of nepotism and an erosion of democratic institutions.

Abhisit isn't perfect, but ...


Edited by Jingthing
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Nice try, but Thaksin is their LEADER, not someone just "associated" with them. BTW, their other leaders are also criminals based on their violent rhetoric in the last few days, so they aren't any great shakes either.

When in doubt, use condescension?

So no other problems/issues exist? Sweet. what a lovely world.

Just get rid of Thaksin and EVERY problem will just disappear?

Sure there are issues, but as long as the reds have Thaksin as their leader, they remain a very dangerous movement that peace and democracy loving people will continue to reject.

Today's Washington Post got it right.

While some in the middle and upper classes have expressed sympathy for the Red Shirts' demands for a better economic deal and an end to inequalities in Thai society, they don't support the movement outright because Thaksin is its shadow leader.

Thaksin, a multimillionaire convicted of corruption and abuse of power, is a fugitive abroad but encourages the Red Shirts with frequent messages. His six years in office were riddled by accusations of nepotism and an erosion of democratic institutions.

Abhisit isn't perfect, but ...


Trouble is, since the Military Junta coup, only the pro-democracy reds/UDD are being made criminals in the appointed judiciary court process.

When are the PAD and yellowshirts , who everybody knows have committed criminal acts, and themselves are criminals, going to be formally announced as criminals?

When are the dems going to be dissolved over the 258million donation scandal?

By the way, whats abisit doing in that picture standing behind his dad.

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Nice try, but Thaksin is their LEADER, not someone just "associated" with them. BTW, their other leaders are also criminals based on their violent rhetoric in the last few days, so they aren't any great shakes either.

When in doubt, use condescension?

So no other problems/issues exist? Sweet. what a lovely world.

Just get rid of Thaksin and EVERY problem will just disappear?

Sure there are issues, but as long as the reds have Thaksin as their leader, they remain a very dangerous movement that peace and democracy loving people will continue to reject.

Today's Washington Post got it right.

While some in the middle and upper classes have expressed sympathy for the Red Shirts' demands for a better economic deal and an end to inequalities in Thai society, they don't support the movement outright because Thaksin is its shadow leader.

Thaksin, a multimillionaire convicted of corruption and abuse of power, is a fugitive abroad but encourages the Red Shirts with frequent messages. His six years in office were riddled by accusations of nepotism and an erosion of democratic institutions.

Abhisit isn't perfect, but ...


The dude in that pic must have 50ish Jatukarm/amulets on. NO amount of gubment violence will stop him!

Be afraid Abhisit! Be very afraid!

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Is it possible that Thaksins comments about "abisit being surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems" was a reference to abisits time at Eton?.

If so they could be legitimate , I dont know but is it possible abisit could have been Boris's batman?

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Is it possible that Thaksins comments about "abisit being surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems" was a reference to abisits time at Eton?.

If so they could be legitimate , I dont know but is it possible abisit could have been Boris's batman?

Legitimate or not, is not important. The fact that Thaksin refers negatively to homosexuals ,tells you a lot about how democratic and caring this man really is.

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Is it possible that Thaksins comments about "abisit being surrounded by homosexuals with emotional problems" was a reference to abisits time at Eton?.

If so they could be legitimate , I dont know but is it possible abisit could have been Boris's batman?

Legitimate or not, is not important. The fact that Thaksin refers negatively to homosexuals ,tells you a lot about how democratic and caring this man really is.

...and of course his petty-bourgeois clod-hopping supporters.

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Nice try, but Thaksin is their LEADER, not someone just "associated" with them. BTW, their other leaders are also criminals based on their violent rhetoric in the last few days, so they aren't any great shakes either.

When in doubt, use condescension?

So no other problems/issues exist? Sweet. what a lovely world.

Just get rid of Thaksin and EVERY problem will just disappear?

Exactly... and, by the way, I don't want Thaksin back but to keep identifying all the concerns of the poor and ALL the other problems here on Lucifer Incarnate K. Thaksin is <deleted> (as we Brits say) and the opposite pole would be Abshisit is the Second Coming?

Let's stop all the polarisation - put all the 'shirts' in the ideological washing machine and they come out orange - this constant attack, attach, attack is fruitless - and no one cares what we 'visitors' say anyway - Thailand will go through the mill over the next few decades and let's hope it all turns out ok in the end.

To keep ramming home that yellow is gold and red is sh1t is childish it seems to me... both sides are not 100% 'clean' - and I agree it would be better for the reds to distance from Thaksin - but it's funding I guess...

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