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I Switched To Windows 7, Now My Computer Is A Nightmare!


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OK, I was using XP and my hard drive got corrupted, so I thought given I had a tiny drive, it was a good time to upgrade to a larger drive and upgrade to Windows 7. I had it "professionally" installed, ha ha.

I actually love the usability aspects of Windows 7. You know, the Mac-like file systems, etc. That's the good news.

The bad news is this has become a NIGHTMARE.

So far,

-- my CD drive won't read or write CD's (DVDs OK), the system says the drivers are up to date

-- I tripled the ram and now have performance problems I didn't have before, for example Slingbox streams are very low quality when doing torrents, before on XP, no problem (all I can think of is to add more RAM because when I stop the torrents, the quality comes back, does that sound like a good strategy?)

-- my speakers have no sound, the system says it sees the soundcard and the drivers are up to date

-- I can get sound from my USB headphones

-- it wouldn't read an external USB hard drive and made me reformat it. I didn't need the data, so I did reformat it, and it's OK.

-- two Kingston SDHC cards are now unusable, the system asked me to reformat, and then when I tried it asked for drivers, I can't find drivers for them. Previously they were readable and writable on the system. Now the cards are also not seen by my DVD player either.

-- there is no match for new drivers for my NVIDIA graphics card, I am not sure if this is related to Win 7, the card, or the motherboard.

I should say it is a three year old SATA motherboard, should I replace the motherboard, would that help?

I hope I can resolve this because I do like Windows 7, but at what price? If I had it to do again I would probably buy a branded new computer and started with Win 7 on that. At this rate, I will probably end up spending more to fix all my problems on my old clone.

This is just the first few days. What next? This is above my skill level to deal with this and will need to pay for help most likely. However, I guess this

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Jongthing, I too am no expert, but I recently installed W7 on my laptop and I have had no problems whatsoever. Everything works fine.

I respectfully suggest that you should have installed it yourself.

The installation is designed for 'idiots' and the installtion process is in very easy to understand stages.

One of the key things that the installation disk does is to check your entire system and ensure it is compatible with W7. This being so, I fail to see why you are having so many problems. I can only assume that the process identified problems but whoever installed for you decided to overide them.

If it was a Thai, he probably didn't even understand half of what he was reading. They just tend to do thinks by instinct rather than understand fully what they are doing. Just do it by the skin of their teeth - trial and error etc etc until it seems to work.

My suggestion is that you start all over and do it yourself. If I can do it, anyone can!!

Just put the disk in and start again. It will wipe out everything that has previously been installed, and will perform the checks to ensure your system is compatible.

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That's the thing. I have done the W7 troubleshooting on the problem devices and get the message NO PROBLEM detected! I think there is some truth to what you say, but I suspect it is deeper. I suspect the legacy hardware, but of course, I don't know. I never meant to suggest that everyone is going to experience the problems I have had.

Put the disk in? Not sure it will read the disk, ha ha.

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The torrents and slingbox are not related to memory but to bandwith of your internet. It could be that before you had limited your torrents so your slingbox got enough bandwith.

You can get a new graphical card its not a problem.

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The torrents and slingbox are not related to memory but to bandwith of your internet. It could be that before you had limited your torrents so your slingbox got enough bandwith.

You can get a new graphical card its not a problem.

That's a good tip. I never touched the settings on my torrents. Maybe the new install handles them differently by default. Worth looking into. However, a friend of mine in the US who is rather technical told me memory is related to that issue.

On the graphics card, yes I can buy a new one, but at this point its a strategic thing. Don't the newer motherboards include the graphic cards integrated, so if I end up really needing a new motherboard/processor, the new graphics card would be a waste.

On the windows reinstall, I am considering that. However, I really don't think that is going to fix my CD player or SDHC cards. The speakers thing also has me flummoxed. Yes, I checked that they were plugged in properly.

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For your sound, try connecting the speakers to another port (the red, blue or black one instead of the green), I have found that some drivers mess around with them.

I have pink, green, and blue and have played around somewhat, but will try some more.

The sound card shows up in the Device Manager but is not seen in the Sound area. Windows troubleshoot of the sound card shows no problem.

The CD is more complicated. I think it may have been functional for awhile (not really sure) but there was a user event that made me aware of the problem anyway (or started it). I was burning a CD and accidentally closed the burn program mid-burn (not good). The disk got stuck and I had to pin it out. Since then the drive won't read or write CDs but will read and write DVDs.

Again, I do regret not buying a completely new system. Now already investing in the upgrade I am rather stuck with trying to fix it. It might be a lesson to other people that sometimes it is worth seriously considering going new rather than patchwork upgrades.

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The torrents and slingbox are not related to memory but to bandwith of your internet. It could be that before you had limited your torrents so your slingbox got enough bandwith.

You can get a new graphical card its not a problem.

That's a good tip. I never touched the settings on my torrents. Maybe the new install handles them differently by default. Worth looking into. However, a friend of mine in the US who is rather technical told me memory is related to that issue.

On the graphics card, yes I can buy a new one, but at this point its a strategic thing. Don't the newer motherboards include the graphic cards integrated, so if I end up really needing a new motherboard/processor, the new graphics card would be a waste.

On the windows reinstall, I am considering that. However, I really don't think that is going to fix my CD player or SDHC cards. The speakers thing also has me flummoxed. Yes, I checked that they were plugged in properly.

Yes many of the new motherboards have a graphical-card onboard... as long as you dont play games they are ok. The problem is the moment you buy a new motherboard, you will have to buy a new processor and probably new memory.

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The torrents and slingbox are not related to memory but to bandwith of your internet. It could be that before you had limited your torrents so your slingbox got enough bandwith.

You can get a new graphical card its not a problem.

That's a good tip. I never touched the settings on my torrents. Maybe the new install handles them differently by default. Worth looking into. However, a friend of mine in the US who is rather technical told me memory is related to that issue.

On the graphics card, yes I can buy a new one, but at this point its a strategic thing. Don't the newer motherboards include the graphic cards integrated, so if I end up really needing a new motherboard/processor, the new graphics card would be a waste.

On the windows reinstall, I am considering that. However, I really don't think that is going to fix my CD player or SDHC cards. The speakers thing also has me flummoxed. Yes, I checked that they were plugged in properly.

Yes many of the new motherboards have a graphical-card onboard... as long as you dont play games they are ok. The problem is the moment you buy a new motherboard, you will have to buy a new processor and probably new memory.

Yes I know, new mb, new memory (I just bought new old style memory!) and of course a new processor which is actually might be a really good reason to buy one.

BTW, the slingbox error message about the low quality (skipping frames) suggests getting an update graphics card driver. So there may be a combination of things going on there, graphics card driver, RAM, and torrent bandwidth. If I stay with the current MB, maybe a new graphics card. I need a decent graphics card to support big screen output (my current one does that, maybe they all do now, I don't know, when I bought it my old graphics card didn't support a big screen).

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Upgrades are good if you know what you are doing... i have build many computers in the past and now quite a few in Thailand. I don't see a problem with upgrading.

Right, if you know what you are doing, hit the nail on the head. Given that I started with this, I reckon the decision point here is whether to try to work with my current MB (old memory, old processor) or start over with a new MB. And I don't really know. I would be OK with the old MB if I can fix all my problems ...

You might be able to tell I am very frustrated with this. This has already taken a lot of time and I expect it will take a lot more. One other idea. Maybe I should take it back to the place that sold me the drive and memory and tell them to build me a completely new computer with the new drive legacy only (throw away the old RAM). That would be a way to start over but with a new clone, not a new branded unit.

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go to the manufacturers website and download drivers...

eg: soundcard

motherboard etc


W7 says the soundcard drive is current. Not sure about the MB. The manufacturer of the graphics card doesn't have a new driver compatible with my hardware (that was the error message, I watched the tech guy try to get it).

On the scrap it idea, a brighter thought, go SOMEWHERE else with my new drive and give them the new computer business. They didn't exactly inspire confidence.

With brings up another issue. I bought a new W7. Its OEM SE Asia, supposed to be in new machines only. Will Windows allow me to reinstall it in a new computer? Is it based on the hard drive or some kind of machine code outside the hard drive? If I do get a new computer built, I reckon it would be good to do a fresh W7 install but I wouldn't want to lose the validity of the windows key.

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Right click on the speaker icon in your task bar>choose playback devices>highlight each device visible and set to default.

Then highlight each device again and click on properties>supported formats>and mark every format possible.

Then highlight speakers>configure and select your speaker set up.

If they don't work after all this,go tukcom with your laptop :)

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Right click on the speaker icon in your task bar>choose playback devices>highlight each device visible and set to default.

Then highlight each device again and click on properties>supported formats>and mark every format possible.

Then highlight speakers>configure and select your speaker set up.

If they don't work after all this,go tukcom with your laptop :)

Right, did that, as expected on the USB headphones are shown. The only place I see the sound card is at Control Panel - Device Manager - Sound video and game controllers, which shows a "High Definition Audio Device" No way to configure anything there other than check drivers. Nothing about speakers.

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I should say it is a three year old SATA motherboard, should I replace the motherboard, would that help?

Replacing the motherboard is like building a new system; not a viable option IMO. Besides, you don't need the latest and greatest hardware to run Windows 7. Computers built as far back as 2004/2005 can handle Windows 7 easily (provided you have 2GB memory) and a fairly decent graphics card (Geforce 6xxx or better for Aero).

Use the following utilities to obtain your system specs and list them here... It'll make it easier for people to help you.


CPU-Z - Gathers info about processor, motherboard, ram...

GPU-Z - Gathers info about your video card.


Everest - A system diagnostics and information tool.

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With brings up another issue. I bought a new W7. Its OEM SE Asia, supposed to be in new machines only. Will Windows allow me to reinstall it in a new computer? Is it based on the hard drive or some kind of machine code outside the hard drive? If I do get a new computer built, I reckon it would be good to do a fresh W7 install but I wouldn't want to lose the validity of the windows key.

If you already activated Windows 7 OEM, it is forever locked to the machine it was activated on. Unlike retail, an OEM license cannot be transferred to a different PC. You'll have to call Microsoft customer support to request a new product key.

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No idea about hardware, as everything worked fine for me.

Some programes would not work or not work correct.... Found 'Restore to previous version' click on this have found that a box appears and asks on which version the program worked before... eg Visa, Xp and what service pack... click on the one that it worked on and the program works fine now..

As I said no idea about hardware but is there this option ??

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears to me that you are trying to breath new life into an older pc tower - not a laptop. You may want to look at buying a new computer. The prices are dramatically lower than three to five years ago. There just may be issues with correcting the configuration of your current hardware that probably will approach the cost of a new machine. If the updating costs anywhere near 40% of the cost of a new pc - they buy new.

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ew W7. Its OEM SE Asia, supposed to be in new machines only. Will Windows allow me to reinstall it in a new computer? Is it based on the hard drive or some kind of machine code outside the hard drive? If I do get a new computer built, I reckon it would be good to do a fresh W7 install but I wouldn't want to lose the validity of the windows key.

The OEM version is locked to the motherboard it was first installed on. It is not able to be transferred to another motherboard. (Although if it fails it may be possible to transfer it to an identical motherboard. Microsoft will sometimes aprove that.)

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go to the manufacturers website and download drivers...

eg: soundcard

motherboard etc


W7 says the soundcard drive is current. Not sure about the MB. The manufacturer of the graphics card doesn't have a new driver compatible with my hardware (that was the error message, I watched the tech guy try to get it).

On the scrap it idea, a brighter thought, go SOMEWHERE else with my new drive and give them the new computer business. They didn't exactly inspire confidence.

With brings up another issue. I bought a new W7. Its OEM SE Asia, supposed to be in new machines only. Will Windows allow me to reinstall it in a new computer? Is it based on the hard drive or some kind of machine code outside the hard drive? If I do get a new computer built, I reckon it would be good to do a fresh W7 install but I wouldn't want to lose the validity of the windows key.

Even if Windows 7 says they are current, try all the manufacturer's websites. Motherboard, sound card, dvd drive, the card reader. The motherboard manufacturer will hopefully have updated drivers for anything built in.

Many of the Windows drivers do basic functions, but aren't equivalent to the manufacturer's ones. For example, I can plug my Linksys bluetooth dongle into any Windows machine and it'll install just fine with a Windows bluetooth driver. But for full functionality, I have to install the Linksys driver.

When I installed the Release Candidate for Windows 7, I had to get drivers for the sound card and dvd drive to get full functionality back. If there is no Windows 7 driver, then try the latest Vista or XP one. I was able to use very old XP drivers to get 7 to recognize some old hardware. It gives some kind of warning like Windows can't install the driver, but would you like Windows to try to use it. That's not the warning, but it was something where you just go ahead and install it. And then Windows figures it out.

There were no Windows 7 drivers when I installed the Release Candidate version, and I think I got everything to work on XP drivers.

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Jingthing, what motherboard and processor do you have? I don't hear you commenting on any overall slowness, so most likely you don't need to upgrade, but if your mobo/processor are *ancient* you might get different advice.

Do you have a Windows 7 DVD? If so, what type? OEM? Upgrade? Full? Is it a legitimate version or pirate?

Are you using 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 7? (right-click on Computer on the Start Menu and choose Properties) Some older hardware is not compatible with 64-bit Windows.

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i have a acer ferrari .does anyone have any idea if this will be ok if i upgrade to windows 7 ????

Somewhere on microsoft website there,s a windows 7 compatability test, you could google it.

Just google the Microsoft website for buying W7 and you will find the compatibility test that Microsoft will run on your PC to check if W7 will work OK.

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i have a acer ferrari .does anyone have any idea if this will be ok if i upgrade to windows 7 ????

Somewhere on microsoft website there,s a windows 7 compatability test, you could google it.

Just google the Microsoft website for buying W7 and you will find the compatibility test that Microsoft will run on your PC to check if W7 will work OK.

cheers for that will give it a shot

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The rare occasions I've used Windows this has been my story too.

These days I stick to Mac - not perfect but much more problem-free.

I'm reminded of Microsoft every time I attempt to use MS Word - it's always a disaster - which serves to keep me away from the dark side.

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