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Anyone Submitted UK Settlement Visa On March 2010 And Get The Result?

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Yes whenever we tried to use the system it never worked, whatever number we used. So in the end we just gave up. Although today my wife got the text saying that her visa is ready to be picked up, but we never got the frist text lol.

So she is traveling down to bangkok tomorrow morning to collect the passport, hoping that it is granted. I know this will be the worst and lost 18 hours of my life. Although the embassy did call my wife last week to ask some questions so for the passed week i have been on end. Fringers crossed it will be ok, i will keep you all posted. We applied on the 12th of march so it took around 8 weeks.


Good luck for you, just wondering did they process the application before your proposed travel date...?

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Yes whenever we tried to use the system it never worked, whatever number we used. So in the end we just gave up. Although today my wife got the text saying that her visa is ready to be picked up, but we never got the frist text lol.

So she is traveling down to bangkok tomorrow morning to collect the passport, hoping that it is granted. I know this will be the worst and lost 18 hours of my life. Although the embassy did call my wife last week to ask some questions so for the passed week i have been on end. Fringers crossed it will be ok, i will keep you all posted. We applied on the 12th of march so it took around 8 weeks.


Vfs is shut today.

I'm in same posistion passport ready - vfs shut.


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Yes we are in the same position, my wife has the text saying that her passport is ready for collection. But Regent house is shut today, although when she phoned they said that they would send her passport to the embassy and collect there, and would call her back. But surprise surprise they did not call her back, so we are hoping that she can collect from the embassy on Friday. Because she is hoping to fly to the UK over the weekend, does anybody know of anyway way to contact the embassy section phone or email or if it is possible for them to hurry up the visa? I was thinking maybe they can courier the passport to my wife's sister;s where she is staying, surly this would not cost so much?

But after 8 weeks of waiting, this is the last thing we need now with the Reds, we just want to know the answer and the waiting is killing us lol.

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Now they are closing the B E so I would try to phone them as they take forever to reply to emails.

If they post your wife's passport back to you then what about your pile of supporting documents? I doubt they will pay to post lots of stuff!

Below is info from their website

Thailand, Bangkok, British Embassy


Mr Quinton Mark Quayle


14 Wireless Road

Lumpini, Pathumwan

Bangkok 10330


+66 (0) 2 305 8333


+66 (0) 2 305 8333 - Main Embassy line

+66(0) 02 305 8252 - Consular information (Please note, the Consular Section cannot answer visa enquiries)


+66 (0) 2 255 9278



Office hours:

Office hours (Local time):

Mon-Thurs: 08:00-12:00 / 12:45-16:30

Fri: 08:00-13:00

Consular office hours

Mon-Thurs: 08:00-11:00 / 13:00-15:15

Fri: 08:00-12:00


If you have an urgent enquiry, please call the above telephone numbers. Otherwise, we will respond to your email within 20 working days.

Consular enquiries: [email protected]

Visa enquiries: [email protected]

Trade enquiries: [email protected]

General enquiries: [email protected]

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Hi all.

we applied for a settlement visa for my husband on the 19th of March and i received a phone call on the 12th of May to say that it had been declined, so very sad but at least we're not still waiting to hear, hope you all get better news than we did.


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Hi all.

we applied for a settlement visa for my husband on the 19th of March and i received a phone call on the 12th of May to say that it had been declined, so very sad but at least we're not still waiting to hear, hope you all get better news than we did.


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  • 2 weeks later...

An update on my situation.....Submitted settlement application 26th March and got the SMS today (25/05/2010) to say its completed and sent by courier.

8 weeks in total, includes Easter, Songkran & the red shirt carry on!!!

Just a day more or so and we will know the answer.......Let you know!!


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An update on my situation.....Submitted settlement application 26th March and got the SMS today (25/05/2010) to say its completed and sent by courier.

8 weeks in total, includes Easter, Songkran & the red shirt carry on!!!

Just a day more or so and we will know the answer.......Let you know!!


Mine too was a yes for my wife and stepson...So happy we will all be in England in 2 weeks....I must say a MASSIVE thank you to all Thai Visa members with excellent advice on this site...I did all my applications tourist, settlement and lots of other things by using this site.....Sure I will be back again in 2 years for the ILR..

Good luck to all who are still waiting.......


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Settlement Application to join mother who is already settled (ILR). submitted 30th March

Telephone interview with son aged (15) 26th May

VFS Ready for collection June 3rd...

Wife will know tomorrow.....! :)


Thanks to all those who helped with advice and all, Another shocking decision by the ECO Good luck to everyone who is applying, I have not seen the reason for the decision but my wife tells me it's something along the lines of did not believe that mother has sole responsibilty, yet we provided everything that was asked regular payments and all sorts, her Son has never seen his father and he has lived with my wife's mother while she has been in the UK. I am starting to lose faith in this country big time.

Thanks to all

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Settlement Application to join mother who is already settled (ILR). submitted 30th March

Telephone interview with son aged (15) 26th May

VFS Ready for collection June 3rd...

Wife will know tomorrow.....! :)


Thanks to all those who helped with advice and all, Another shocking decision by the ECO Good luck to everyone who is applying, I have not seen the reason for the decision but my wife tells me it's something along the lines of did not believe that mother has sole responsibilty, yet we provided everything that was asked regular payments and all sorts, her Son has never seen his father and he has lived with my wife's mother while she has been in the UK. I am starting to lose faith in this country big time.

Thanks to all

Sorry to hear the bad news. It's worrying. I'm about to apply myself so I'd be interested what the specific reason for is for refusal. Now I'm starting to worry about my application.

Did they refuse your wife as well as her son?

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Settlement Application to join mother who is already settled (ILR). submitted 30th March

Telephone interview with son aged (15) 26th May

VFS Ready for collection June 3rd...

Wife will know tomorrow.....! :)


Thanks to all those who helped with advice and all, Another shocking decision by the ECO Good luck to everyone who is applying, I have not seen the reason for the decision but my wife tells me it's something along the lines of did not believe that mother has sole responsibilty, yet we provided everything that was asked regular payments and all sorts, her Son has never seen his father and he has lived with my wife's mother while she has been in the UK. I am starting to lose faith in this country big time.

Thanks to all

Sorry to hear the bad news. It's worrying. I'm about to apply myself so I'd be interested what the specific reason for is for refusal. Now I'm starting to worry about my application.

Did they refuse your wife as well as her son?

My wife has (ILR) Idefinate leave to remain in the UK already so this is a real kick in the teeth..! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just today my girlfriend received a text saying her passport is ready for collection. (at last)

The application was submitted on 11th May but 2 weeks was lost because of the British embassy closing through the idiots in BKK

So now we just have to wit until monday.

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Just today my girlfriend received a text saying her passport is ready for collection. (at last)

The application was submitted on 11th May but 2 weeks was lost because of the British embassy closing through the idiots in BKK

So now we just have to wit until monday.

Good luck

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Just today my girlfriend received a text saying her passport is ready for collection. (at last)

The application was submitted on 11th May but 2 weeks was lost because of the British embassy closing through the idiots in BKK

So now we just have to wit until monday.

Good luck

Thanks for that Stament. She got it!

Does anyone know how I can tell if she has been given ILE as opposed to a spouse visa?

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Look at the visa endorsement.

If a 27 month spouse visa it will say "Spouse Code 1 (your name)" and will give an expiry date.

If ILE, but she hasn't passed the LitUK test it will say " Settlement Spouse (KOL Req) Code 1 (your name)" and will give an expiry date.

If full ILE, i.e. she has passed the LitUK test, then it will say "Settlement Spouse (your name)" and will have no expiry date.

BTW, Code 1 means no recourse to public funds.

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I don't think this is an exact science as the quality and strength of every application must differ. I can fully understand why someone who has a very strong financial position and does not therefore require public funds and has a long relationship with the woman, is offered a visa in a few days and someone who has a very weak case has it referred upwards to a senior decision maker, thus taking a much longer time. It cannot merely be down to the amount of applications on their desk.

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I don't think this is an exact science as the quality and strength of every application must differ. I can fully understand why someone who has a very strong financial position and does not therefore require public funds and has a long relationship with the woman, is offered a visa in a few days and someone who has a very weak case has it referred upwards to a senior decision maker, thus taking a much longer time. It cannot merely be down to the amount of applications on their desk.

I would be glad to hear from anyone who does know how some applications get done in 5 days and some in 120 days. I am married 14 years, own a house in UK, have a few hundred grand savings and earn a six figure income yet over 6 weeks waiting and nothing yet. What criteria do those done in a few days supply?

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I would be glad to hear from anyone who does know how some applications get done in 5 days and some in 120 days. I am married 14 years, own a house in UK, have a few hundred grand savings and earn a six figure income yet over 6 weeks waiting and nothing yet. What criteria do those done in a few days supply?

that's just one of lifes unanswered questions :blink:

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I think there must be dozens of perfect applications waiting to be processed but with 3% done 2 days, 3 % done in 3 days and 4 % done 5 days they must be picked at random. Even what appears to be a perfect application on the surface must be looked at in detail to make sure everything is as should be, which if you look at it in that light then the quality of the application has absolutely no bearing on the time frame for processing. It's a lottery who's is processed quickly otherwise they would be wading through applications choosing which one to do quickly, and I can't see that myself.That's my opinion and that counts for nothing !

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Just a thought, perhaps the ones that are processed in just a few days are unlucky people who have had their applications turned down because of an obvious error or omission in the application?

I'm sure there must be due process to go through for every application, checks to confirm that the claims we make are true, these must take time.

I do appreciate the frustration, we submitted an application for my wife and stepson just over a week ago and the waiting is killing me already. If there was a pay for fast track option I would have chosen that in a heartbeat.

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Just a thought, perhaps the ones that are processed in just a few days are unlucky people who have had their applications turned down because of an obvious error or omission in the application?

I'm sure there must be due process to go through for every application, checks to confirm that the claims we make are true, these must take time.

I do appreciate the frustration, we submitted an application for my wife and stepson just over a week ago and the waiting is killing me already. If there was a pay for fast track option I would have chosen that in a heartbeat.

Good thinking - never thought of it like that. This is a logical way of looking at it . In fact as a taxpayer I would want there to be a serious process for approving what is effectively UK residence and (eventually) entitlement to all kinds of taxpayer funded goodies for those who are that way inclined. However look at the stats for Manila who process a similar number of settlment cases - 54% done in 3 days! Therefore can't be the "due process" that is taking all this time in Bangkok - unless those in Manila are all rejections - or there are different rules for Philipinas and Thais.

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Just a thought, perhaps the ones that are processed in just a few days are unlucky people who have had their applications turned down because of an obvious error or omission in the application?

I'm sure there must be due process to go through for every application, checks to confirm that the claims we make are true, these must take time.

I do appreciate the frustration, we submitted an application for my wife and stepson just over a week ago and the waiting is killing me already. If there was a pay for fast track option I would have chosen that in a heartbeat.

TiggerFish, do keep us informed as to when you get notification for collection as I resubmitted my step son's settlement application on the 24th June so I reckon they maybe processed around the same time now we are not one of the statistics that fall into the 3% category ! . Good Luck

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just my opinion but I would have thought they slow many applications down and hold back on giving out visas with the idea of testing relationships and seeing if they fizzle out or if the sponsor hasn't got good intentions and begrudges the money they are sending over to keep their loved one whilst they are waiting, long distance relationships can turn sour very quick and frustrations on both sides can make either party think is all of this hassle/wait really worth it, some out there are just not strong willed as others(especially the thai live for today mentality I have experienced) and don't like the idea of living in limbo whilst they hold out for their visa or wait for an appeal decision to be overturned?<BR><BR>

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