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When Khun Thaksin Comes Back It's Goodbye To Easy Visas


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I dont know the real reason for farangs hating Thaksing, however, I found him to be good for the country and economy.

If farangs (I m not a farang and I am so glad that I m not) cant stay here without defeating the system then they should better go home.

Think of doing so in USA and end up in Gitmo...

This government will go... sooner or later... it is on the wall... if anyone wise enough to read this...

Not because of red shirts... but because they have the seeds of their own destruction...

Look at what happened to Thailand and her economy after this government...

I planned to visit Thailand (as I love Thailand so much and I can actually READ, WRITE, speak and understand Thai very well, unlike many foreigners here) with my girlfriend... but she is so scared to goto Thailand under current situations...

Hope when Thaksin comes back and those puny clowns wont jump up and down... Thailand would be the most desired country once again... as it was in his last regime...

I dont care if farangs dont get visa... coz if u wanna live in a country then respect the laws of the country... we call it relativism..

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I dont know the real reason for farangs hating Thaksing, however, I found him to be good for the country and economy.

If farangs (I m not a farang and I am so glad that I m not) cant stay here without defeating the system then they should better go home.

Think of doing so in USA and end up in Gitmo...

This government will go... sooner or later... it is on the wall... if anyone wise enough to read this...

Not because of red shirts... but because they have the seeds of their own destruction...

Look at what happened to Thailand and her economy after this government...

I planned to visit Thailand (as I love Thailand so much and I can actually READ, WRITE, speak and understand Thai very well, unlike many foreigners here) with my girlfriend... but she is so scared to goto Thailand under current situations...

Hope when Thaksin comes back and those puny clowns wont jump up and down... Thailand would be the most desired country once again... as it was in his last regime...

I dont care if farangs dont get visa... coz if u wanna live in a country then respect the laws of the country... we call it relativism..

Well said Mark!

Thaksin was about empowering his people and most Farangs feel threatened by this.

I am old enough to remember when Hong Kong and Singapore were the sex capitals of the world.

I hope I live to see the day when Thailand shakes this seady image.

Thaksin is their only hope with this.

Why wouldn't your average farangs feel threatened by him :)

Edited by Livinginexile
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I personally wasn't even aware of what the OP is talking about. Source and link, please. My feeling has always been that Thailand is a xenophobic country and the visa rules can change against us anytime, under any Thai party, so picking a horse that way is foolish. That said, if the civil war/terrorism in Thailand escalates, we either won't want to be here or we will be kicked out.

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I dont know the real reason for farangs hating Thaksing, however, I found him to be good for the country and economy.

If farangs (I m not a farang and I am so glad that I m not) cant stay here without defeating the system then they should better go home.

Think of doing so in USA and end up in Gitmo...

This government will go... sooner or later... it is on the wall... if anyone wise enough to read this...

Not because of red shirts... but because they have the seeds of their own destruction...

Look at what happened to Thailand and her economy after this government...

I planned to visit Thailand (as I love Thailand so much and I can actually READ, WRITE, speak and understand Thai very well, unlike many foreigners here) with my girlfriend... but she is so scared to goto Thailand under current situations...

Hope when Thaksin comes back and those puny clowns wont jump up and down... Thailand would be the most desired country once again... as it was in his last regime...

I dont care if farangs dont get visa... coz if u wanna live in a country then respect the laws of the country... we call it relativism..

OOPs pressed the wrong button--- se my later comment sorry!

Edited by msg362
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I dont know the real reason for farangs hating Thaksing, however, I found him to be good for the country and economy.

If farangs (I m not a farang and I am so glad that I m not) cant stay here without defeating the system then they should better go home.

Think of doing so in USA and end up in Gitmo...

This government will go... sooner or later... it is on the wall... if anyone wise enough to read this...

Not because of red shirts... but because they have the seeds of their own destruction...

Look at what happened to Thailand and her economy after this government...

I planned to visit Thailand (as I love Thailand so much and I can actually READ, WRITE, speak and understand Thai very well, unlike many foreigners here) with my girlfriend... but she is so scared to goto Thailand under current situations...

Hope when Thaksin comes back and those puny clowns wont jump up and down... Thailand would be the most desired country once again... as it was in his last regime...

I dont care if farangs dont get visa... coz if u wanna live in a country then respect the laws of the country... we call it relativism..

I find it very difficult to understand what this guy is trying to say. I've been here about 5 years, love the country, married to a wonderful Thai lady and have a visa!!!!. I also obey the law. I am depressed about how incompetent the authorities are.. Taksin was more corrupt than most. If he gets back there will be a bloody reckoning.

so what exactly are you trying to say?

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It was much more difficult to get a yearly visa before Thaksin was in power. However, you did have to prove that you had a decent income to get a long-term visa when he was PM.

I am afraid that he might get revenge on us all because so many expats spoke out so strongly against him. :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I'm not quite sure why Ajarn Mark saw this as a good opportunity to have a dig at the farang community (of which he doesn't consider himself a member).

Mark, your ability to understand Thai, while commendable, doesn't really have anything to do with the OP's statement.

Is it me or is Thai Visa becoming more bitter, twisted and aggressive with every new day...?

Like Ajarn Mark I also tend to believe the country is on a bit of a downward spiral. That been said, of course, it is a spiral that has been going downwards for quite some time.

I wasn't in Bangkok in 92-93 so I didn't see the troubles back then with my own eyes but I remember the teachers explaining the situation to us in the schoolyards etc.

History repeating i think...

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Let's call a spade a spade. I have read these low blow attacks at anti-red foreigners by pro reds several times here recently. They want to give the impression that anti-red foreigners are mainly that way for lurid, vile, corrupt, personal greed reasons. I do wonder is this the kind of anti-foreigner hate propaganda being broadcast to the red crowds to "explain" that so many foreigners are indeed anti-red/anti-Thaksin?

They don't want to give us credit that actually we do care about Thailand and sincerely do not like Thaksin and the reds and the misery many of us feel will be visited on Thailand if they manage to prevail.

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Are you on smack?

I dont know the real reason for farangs hating Thaksing, however, I found him to be good for the country and economy.

If farangs (I m not a farang and I am so glad that I m not) cant stay here without defeating the system then they should better go home.

Think of doing so in USA and end up in Gitmo...

This government will go... sooner or later... it is on the wall... if anyone wise enough to read this...

Not because of red shirts... but because they have the seeds of their own destruction...

Look at what happened to Thailand and her economy after this government...

I planned to visit Thailand (as I love Thailand so much and I can actually READ, WRITE, speak and understand Thai very well, unlike many foreigners here) with my girlfriend... but she is so scared to goto Thailand under current situations...

Hope when Thaksin comes back and those puny clowns wont jump up and down... Thailand would be the most desired country once again... as it was in his last regime...

I dont care if farangs dont get visa... coz if u wanna live in a country then respect the laws of the country... we call it relativism..

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Let's call a spade a spade. I have read these low blow attacks at anti-red foreigners by pro reds several times here recently. They want to give the impression that anti-red foreigners are mainly that way for lurid, vile, corrupt, personal greed reasons. I do wonder is this the kind of anti-foreigner hate propaganda being broadcast to the red crowds to "explain" that so many foreigners are indeed anti-red/anti-Thaksin?

They don't want to give us credit that actually we do care about Thailand and sincerely do not like Thaksin and the reds and the misery many of us feel will be visited on Thailand if they manage to prevail.

I agree, I despair sometimes. How incompetent the 'commandos' are. Arisamun has broken many laws and in any normal country would be arrested and stand fair trial. While some of the grievances of the red shirts are valid and should be addressed, how can they when their ' big boss' is a member of the elite himself?

I've yet to see any grouping that comes up with a coherent set of policies as you might see in mature democracies. Just look, for example. at the UK election ( yes I am a Brit)!!!! you can see clear differences between the three main parties and can decide. Here what??? ?? justice????Taksin home as a hero???? the status quo without any definition of what the policies are?????? then what??? An Army and police force that couldn't hold a p**s up in a brewery????

Mai pen Rai it's very hot here in Chiang Mai!!!!

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I dont know the real reason for farangs hating Thaksing, however, I found him to be good for the country and economy.

If farangs (I m not a farang and I am so glad that I m not) cant stay here without defeating the system then they should better go home.

Think of doing so in USA and end up in Gitmo...

This government will go... sooner or later... it is on the wall... if anyone wise enough to read this...

Not because of red shirts... but because they have the seeds of their own destruction...

Look at what happened to Thailand and her economy after this government...

I planned to visit Thailand (as I love Thailand so much and I can actually READ, WRITE, speak and understand Thai very well, unlike many foreigners here) with my girlfriend... but she is so scared to goto Thailand under current situations...

Hope when Thaksin comes back and those puny clowns wont jump up and down... Thailand would be the most desired country once again... as it was in his last regime...

I dont care if farangs dont get visa... coz if u wanna live in a country then respect the laws of the country... we call it relativism..

Well said Mark!

Thaksin was about empowering his people and most Farangs feel threatened by this.

I am old enough to remember when Hong Kong and Singapore were the sex capitals of the world.

I hope I live to see the day when Thailand shakes this seady image.

Thaksin is their only hope with this.

Why wouldn't your average farangs feel threatened by him :)

While I think Thaksin did clearly did a lot of good for ordinary people (mostly near the beginning of his time), he certainly wasn't about empowering them. He didn't attempt to set up any kind of grassroots democracy or party where people could contribute and have a say in issues affecting their own lives. It was very much about the centre (him and his government) dishing out the candy. Then voting for him. He actually stated that areas not voting for him wouldn't see development funds - where's the empowerment in that? Westerners often seem to think the be all and end all is to have a vote. But real democracy should be about a lot more. And Thaksin never even really espoused the development of genuine democracy until he was removed from power. During his time, the development of a free and independent press was reversed, and police and thugs beat up a few elderly demonstrators who dared to hold up a few placards outside a shopping mall. Oh, and Tak Bai too.

On the other hand, he made the issue of social welfare something that can never be ignored by any party in government again. And that was a huge and worthy achievement.

It's a bit naive to think that Thaksin would have had Thailand booming during the world recession, and it might have even brought his time to a close if he'd been allowed to continue in power. Thai MPs always get nervous and jump ship if a PM is seen as responsible for leading people into hardship. And some of the credit for the buoyant economy during his time goes to the previous government, which took some hard economic decisions that contributed to their own unpopularity.

So, at the start I think Thaksin was a breath of fresh air for Thai politics, but really don't believe he had any intention of trying to empower people.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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I would still like to see a link with a source that proves what the OP asserts. Because I remain skeptical his assertion is even for real.

Jingthing do some research!

Thaksins party was called "Thai Rak Thai"!

Do you know what that means?

There was a definate anti farang ground swell rising.

Not corporate anti farang, just your "khe nok farang dodgy business" type farangs.

He was definately gearing up for a crack down on Pattaya/Nana bars etc. (remember, he was the one that limited bar opening times with a clear intention of eventually closing them down!).

His vision was to clean up Thailands image. Now how many falang feathers is that going to ruffle?

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They don't want to give us credit that actually we do care about Thailand and sincerely do not like Thaksin and the reds and the misery many of us feel will be visited on Thailand if they manage to prevail.

here here....

Where where????? there there???? do you mean ' hear hear'?

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They don't want to give us credit that actually we do care about Thailand and sincerely do not like Thaksin and the reds and the misery many of us feel will be visited on Thailand if they manage to prevail.

here here....

misery; read: an end to the endless supply of cheap girls and boys to exploit by a significant percentage of the (s)expat population.. They don't want to empower the poor or give them options through education and opportunity.

That's just sad. And selfish.

Buit to the OP: if anything Thaksin made it much easier to work or run a business in Thailand. So from that point of view it'd be good to have those policies back. When it comes to tourism basically all parties would like to get in as many tourists as possible.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I quite imagine if Khun T proposed easy visas for all westerners - might be quite a few enemies on here become his new best mate. :)

However seriously whether Khun T ever comes back to power which I do not think will ever happen, the visa situation wouldn't change much under whoever takes the helm.

Edited by britmaveric
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first, he wasn't exiled, he ran away.

second, he will come back one day, be it with a red tomato in his mouth or alive. He will be persecuted for all the other cases pending.

third, intimidation is a Thaksin classic which has made many of his followers from before to show him their back.

fourth, it was not Thaksin who made positive changes but a hard working and on a low profile, humble working team. Thaksin claims that for him which never was his at first. Very much the same as he claims now to be Gawd for the red shirts.

fifth, he really would seek revenge on the Brits.

sixth, he proclaimed war on Thailand for his own ego and gimme my stolen money back and not for the betterment of Thai people.

seventh, justice will prevail.

I personally don't care about his or stolen money claims, but the issue about the extra judicial killing is a very serious issue which will lead him eventually to The Hague. He covered as 'sportsman' his buddies who carried out his order.

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Hague? So I guess Abhisit will be sitting next to him for the sending out all those people in the boats without engines - tied-up/set adrift?

I am repeating myself but its important to know they took the engines off to make sure they didn't come back!!

They did have engines to begin :)

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Let's call a spade a spade. I have read these low blow attacks at anti-red foreigners by pro reds several times here recently. They want to give the impression that anti-red foreigners are mainly that way for lurid, vile, corrupt, personal greed reasons. I do wonder is this the kind of anti-foreigner hate propaganda being broadcast to the red crowds to "explain" that so many foreigners are indeed anti-red/anti-Thaksin?

They don't want to give us credit that actually we do care about Thailand and sincerely do not like Thaksin and the reds and the misery many of us feel will be visited on Thailand if they manage to prevail.

Please don't call a spade a spade! That's very racist!

Just forget that term call a Heart a Heart if you like.

Edited by monkfish
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Hague? So I guess Abhisit will be sitting next to him for the sending out all those people in the boats without engines - tied-up/set adrift?

If there are indication that he was directly involved then YES. But that's gonna be hard, unlike Thaksin's propaganda to all forces out and to serve his statistics to make him look good.

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It is odd that so many farangs that have floated over to Thailand are infatuated with the Abhisit-military regime. Just because the targets of their rage are the poor and not us farang doesn't mean they like us. While I wouldn't want Thaksin back, it certainly would be a lot better than Abhisit or his corrupt buddies.

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