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My Girlfriends New Tattoo


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Mark, step into the 21st century! Today, a tatoo is considered an artistic addition to the body. I don't think the general public associates a tatoo with a "working" lady of the evening. I also think you're not being fair to your gf if you make her cover up her tatoos every time you go out. Stop being so self centered and start enjoying her tatoos.

Do you live in Thailand or are you just talking out of your butt? The ENTIRE country associates tattoos with HOOKERS. Learn about where you live before you embarass yourself again :)

Must be the entire country where you live. I go swimming where many women and young girls (non-hookers) and the majority (especially younger ones) have tats. The vast majority represent their religion. Then there is whole other segment who get tattoos that cannot be seen (no-ink) but do so for religious reasons. Even some of the girls with tats get others that are invisible and done by monks.

This is in Thailand??? This whole tattoo thing is about Thailand.

Which is why I've Up-loaded some photos I took in 2005 in Pattaya for you, Foxy lady bar I think it was, maybe she's still around and looking for a job as a maid. :D





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...and I said, “yes I assume you are going to start working in a bar because it looks the same as the other hookers in the bar.” This didn’t go over real big.

Wow, that was a bad insult...most likely she didn't take it in the way a western girl would ('this makes me look like...') but more in the form that you just told her that she infact IS one...

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Which is why I've Up-loaded some photos I took in 2005 in Pattaya for you, Foxy lady bar I think it was, maybe she's still around and looking for a job as a maid. :)

Ouch! Those pics are enough to put me off women!

I normally do not like tattoos, but I would be willing to give her a whirl just to prove that I'm open-minded. :D

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Which is why I've Up-loaded some photos I took in 2005 in Pattaya for you, Foxy lady bar I think it was, maybe she's still around and looking for a job as a maid. :)

Ouch! Those pics are enough to put me off women!

I normally do not like tattoos, but I would be willing to give her a whirl just to prove that I'm open-minded. :D

Whatever floats your boat, Senor, but I find that lady lacks a certain je ne sais quoi ...

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Which is why I've Up-loaded some photos I took in 2005 in Pattaya for you, Foxy lady bar I think it was, maybe she's still around and looking for a job as a maid. :)

Ouch! Those pics are enough to put me off women!

I normally do not like tattoos, but I would be willing to give her a whirl just to prove that I'm open-minded. :D

Whatever floats your boat, Senor, but I find that lady lacks a certain je ne sais quoi ...

Would not touch it with a barge pole. Tattoos are not cheap (sic) - a lot of bar fines must have gone into that artwork.

A friend from Barnsley knew a girl who's body was widely covered with tattoos - he said she was useless in bed but was at least a good read :D

Edited by Chaimai
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Which is why I've Up-loaded some photos I took in 2005 in Pattaya for you, Foxy lady bar I think it was, maybe she's still around and looking for a job as a maid. :D

Ouch! Those pics are enough to put me off women!

you are such a card! :)

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Which is why I've Up-loaded some photos I took in 2005 in Pattaya for you, Foxy lady bar I think it was, maybe she's still around and looking for a job as a maid. :D

Ouch! Those pics are enough to put me off women!

you are such a card! :)

What's one mans meat is another mans poison. :D Life would be so boring if we all had the same thoughts and preferences.

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Which is why I've Up-loaded some photos I took in 2005 in Pattaya for you, Foxy lady bar I think it was, maybe she's still around and looking for a job as a maid. :)

Ouch! Those pics are enough to put me off women!

I normally do not like tattoos, but I would be willing to give her a whirl just to prove that I'm open-minded.

Whatever floats your boat, Senor, but I find that lady lacks a certain je ne sais quoi ...

Yeah, but she has a pretty nice body. :D

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mark,can we have the name of the parisiene bondage movie please.

It is a Japanese movie shot in Paris. I am sure there are two versions because some of the scenes were fogged out in the R version she rented. I asked her and she does not remember because she said none of the titles were in Thai. I've never been in the video shop and she is the only one with the rental card.

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mark,can we have the name of the parisiene bondage movie please.

It is a Japanese movie shot in Paris. I am sure there are two versions because some of the scenes were fogged out in the R version she rented. I asked her and she does not remember because she said none of the titles were in Thai. I've never been in the video shop and she is the only one with the rental card.

Too much debate !

Have you dumped the girl yet, or not ?

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mark,can we have the name of the parisiene bondage movie please.

It is a Japanese movie shot in Paris. I am sure there are two versions because some of the scenes were fogged out in the R version she rented. I asked her and she does not remember because she said none of the titles were in Thai. I've never been in the video shop and she is the only one with the rental card.

Too much debate !

Have you dumped the girl yet, or not ?

I told her to leave last night. That’s what started the real argument. Since I have done this a number of times I have a formula. I start turning off the money. Eventually she will get the message and go.

It takes a while but I am not much into conflict or shouting matches.

I can’t do a midnight move because she knows where I work.

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I really need a new maid. Mine left Korat to go work in Puket with her sister. I never noticed if she had tatoos. largely on account of her not being attractive and having a baby already by a thai bloke who'd left.

Mark, my strategy is this. Leave the house when the cleaning lady is working, God knows what could happen if you get in here way. There is a risk to this though. Once I came back and found her younger sister watching my DVDs on My Tv behind my LOCKED door. When I made it clear I wanted to come in (<deleted>!!!) she begrudgingly unlocked the door and didn't even open it before going to sit back down and watch my movie. Talk about brass neck!! Fakkking Ingrate!!!

You see, if I got involved with someone and this stuff happend and I was expected to accept it.... Well there would be a reciept for a new shovel and a few new bumps in the garden... :)


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mark,can we have the name of the parisiene bondage movie please.

It is a Japanese movie shot in Paris. I am sure there are two versions because some of the scenes were fogged out in the R version she rented. I asked her and she does not remember because she said none of the titles were in Thai. I've never been in the video shop and she is the only one with the rental card.

Too much debate !

Have you dumped the girl yet, or not ?

I told her to leave last night. That's what started the real argument. Since I have done this a number of times I have a formula. I start turning off the money. Eventually she will get the message and go.

It takes a while but I am not much into conflict or shouting matches.

I can't do a midnight move because she knows where I work.

This topic certainly has legs.

I have to the stage where I am interested in the outcome - far better than a Thai series.

Keep us posted mark :)

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i wonder what she really thinks of the way you look.

My photo is the screen on her cell phone. She made a collage of pictures of me alone and me with her and had it mounted and framed and put it up in the living room. She has two pictures on her dresser one of me and one of her father. I don’t know? What do you think?

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It takes a while but I am not much into conflict or shouting matches.

I can’t do a midnight move because she knows where I work.

I think you could hasten her exit by starting the selection and interview process for a new maid.

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Do the Thais have a version of the Jerry Springer show? If so, this couple would be perfect. The more I hear, the more I say, kick the tatooed beyatch to the curb!

A while back Jerry Springer was a frequent visitor to my restaurant in Florida. We had a couple of conversations about a show. At the time my girlfriend had run off with a lesbian drag king. You read it right drag king. That’s a lesbian who dresses up like a guy and performs. Me and the lesbian later became good friends because the GF ran out on her for a Brit DJ who was touring Florida at the time. The GF also had tattoos but I didn’t care back then because I owned my own business. All my employees had tattoos. I wouldn’t hire any women unless they had an unusual first name, like April or Stockyard and a visible tattoo. The Springer thing never worked out because he couldn’t find anyone else who’s GF had run off with a drag king.

I think a Jerry Springer show would be big time in Thailand or Japan. The people seem to like that kind of humor. A Thaivisa show would work also. I’ll write it if someone will put up the cash!

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Do the Thais have a version of the Jerry Springer show? If so, this couple would be perfect. The more I hear, the more I say, kick the tatooed beyatch to the curb!

A while back Jerry Springer was a frequent visitor to my restaurant in Florida. We had a couple of conversations about a show. At the time my girlfriend had run off with a lesbian drag king. You read it right drag king. That's a lesbian who dresses up like a guy and performs. Me and the lesbian later became good friends because the GF ran out on her for a Brit DJ who was touring Florida at the time. The GF also had tattoos but I didn't care back then because I owned my own business. All my employees had tattoos. I wouldn't hire any women unless they had an unusual first name, like April or Stockyard and a visible tattoo. The Springer thing never worked out because he couldn't find anyone else who's GF had run off with a drag king.

I think a Jerry Springer show would be big time in Thailand or Japan. The people seem to like that kind of humor. A Thaivisa show would work also. I'll write it if someone will put up the cash!

Now I understand it - you actually over-dosed on tattoos.

My goodness, you have had a colourful life mark

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I really need a new maid. Mine left Korat to go work in Puket with her sister. I never noticed if she had tatoos. largely on account of her not being attractive and having a baby already by a thai bloke who'd left.

Mark, my strategy is this. Leave the house when the cleaning lady is working, God knows what could happen if you get in here way. There is a risk to this though. Once I came back and found her younger sister watching my DVDs on My Tv behind my LOCKED door. When I made it clear I wanted to come in (<deleted>!!!) she begrudgingly unlocked the door and didn't even open it before going to sit back down and watch my movie. Talk about brass neck!! Fakkking Ingrate!!!

You see, if I got involved with someone and this stuff happend and I was expected to accept it.... Well there would be a reciept for a new shovel and a few new bumps in the garden... :)


I actually had an interview today. The lady is quite attractive. Born in Rayong. 42 years old and very shapely. Short, long hair and her nose has a bridge. Speaks absolutely no English. She doesn’t drink or smoke. She has an 18 year old daughter who was with her that she confided drinks beer and gets drunk every day. At that point the daughter smiled and winked at me. I don’t know? What do you think?

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Hehe who are you people trying to convince with your blatant lies? Or are you guys really that daft? TATTOOS = HOOKER in THAILAND. I actually like tattoos! But Im so glad I didnt get any since I decided to move here, Thai people are very judgemental about looks and the generalise you every second they can. I would never date a Thai woman born in this culture and has no outside influence (such as living abroad for an extensive period) because it would mean she was a nasty slut. Sorry but that's what it says here and any woman that gets a tat KNOWING this is trying to look like a nasty slut.

However I will concede that as Thailand gets more and more modern and western, this tattoo culture of theirs (equating tats with bad girls) will diminish more and more and the younger "hip" generation will get tattoos just to be cool. But Thailand isn't there yet and any of you tatoo lovers can deny it all you want but its the truth.

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Do the Thais have a version of the Jerry Springer show? If so, this couple would be perfect. The more I hear, the more I say, kick the tatooed beyatch to the curb!

A while back Jerry Springer was a frequent visitor to my restaurant in Florida. We had a couple of conversations about a show. At the time my girlfriend had run off with a lesbian drag king. You read it right drag king. That's a lesbian who dresses up like a guy and performs. Me and the lesbian later became good friends because the GF ran out on her for a Brit DJ who was touring Florida at the time. The GF also had tattoos but I didn't care back then because I owned my own business. All my employees had tattoos. I wouldn't hire any women unless they had an unusual first name, like April or Stockyard and a visible tattoo. The Springer thing never worked out because he couldn't find anyone else who's GF had run off with a drag king.

I think a Jerry Springer show would be big time in Thailand or Japan. The people seem to like that kind of humor. A Thaivisa show would work also. I'll write it if someone will put up the cash!

Now I understand it - you actually over-dosed on tattoos.

My goodness, you have had a colourful life mark

When I lived in Seattle close to Pike Place Market they had quarter per view strip clubs close to the place that made fresh crumpets. They grilled them fresh on a griddle to order and topped them with your choice of toppings. I really like fresh crumpets and on one excursion for those tasty treats I stopped into the quarter per view strip club. Inside they had a completely tattooed woman. All over, mostly blue and she had natural red hair. She was completely naked although didn’t look naked because of the tattoos. I became obsessed. I went every day for two weeks until by written messages pushed up against the glass and tips pushed through the little hole for tips I convinced her to go out with me. It was a fascinating experience. Completely covered in blue tattoos. With the red hair it was really a kick. Maybe I have OD's on tattoos.

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I really need a new maid. Mine left Korat to go work in Puket with her sister. I never noticed if she had tatoos. largely on account of her not being attractive and having a baby already by a thai bloke who'd left.

Mark, my strategy is this. Leave the house when the cleaning lady is working, God knows what could happen if you get in here way. There is a risk to this though. Once I came back and found her younger sister watching my DVDs on My Tv behind my LOCKED door. When I made it clear I wanted to come in (<deleted>!!!) she begrudgingly unlocked the door and didn't even open it before going to sit back down and watch my movie. Talk about brass neck!! Fakkking Ingrate!!!

You see, if I got involved with someone and this stuff happend and I was expected to accept it.... Well there would be a reciept for a new shovel and a few new bumps in the garden... :)


I actually had an interview today. The lady is quite attractive. Born in Rayong. 42 years old and very shapely. Short, long hair and her nose has a bridge. Speaks absolutely no English. She doesn’t drink or smoke. She has an 18 year old daughter who was with her that she confided drinks beer and gets drunk every day. At that point the daughter smiled and winked at me. I don’t know? What do you think?

I think my cleaning lady lied about going to Puket. please send her back. All is forgiven.

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I really need a new maid. Mine left Korat to go work in Puket with her sister. I never noticed if she had tatoos. largely on account of her not being attractive and having a baby already by a thai bloke who'd left.

Mark, my strategy is this. Leave the house when the cleaning lady is working, God knows what could happen if you get in here way. There is a risk to this though. Once I came back and found her younger sister watching my DVDs on My Tv behind my LOCKED door. When I made it clear I wanted to come in (<deleted>!!!) she begrudgingly unlocked the door and didn't even open it before going to sit back down and watch my movie. Talk about brass neck!! Fakkking Ingrate!!!

You see, if I got involved with someone and this stuff happend and I was expected to accept it.... Well there would be a reciept for a new shovel and a few new bumps in the garden... :)


I actually had an interview today. The lady is quite attractive. Born in Rayong. 42 years old and very shapely. Short, long hair and her nose has a bridge. Speaks absolutely no English. She doesn’t drink or smoke. She has an 18 year old daughter who was with her that she confided drinks beer and gets drunk every day. At that point the daughter smiled and winked at me. I don’t know? What do you think?

I think my cleaning lady lied about going to Puket. please send her back. All is forgiven.

What do I think?

I think you want to shag her Daughter

Seeing how you like virgins

What do you think?


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