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Thai Court Approves Arrest Warrant Against Thaksin On Terrorism Charge


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Thai Government should get a Red Corner Notice against Thaksin from Interpol and his trial should begin asap

Do you think Interpol people are idiots ?

Would you appreciate a democratically elected Prime Minister being deposed by a military coup in your home country ?

Would you appreciate the main airports of your home country being seized for weeks by terrorists ?

Would you appreciate democratically elected Members of Parliament being unseated by some shady judges in your home country ?

As usual, your views vary widely from reality. Another one for the IGNORE list. Bye!

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This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

It has been noted that quite a few posters that have joined recently make an inordinate number of posts, and seem to be severely impaired in their observational, reading and deduction skills, or, as seems more likely, are receiving some financial incentive from persons unknown, to submit posts with contentious views, blatant mis-statements represented as facts, and huge over-estimates of public support.

Fortunately, this forum provides us with an ignore function to save the aggravation of reading said posts. You can safely assume that that was the last of yours to be perused by yours truly.

Have to agree with this observation to a degree. I felt it started shortly after they made the initial move into save the money mode, sorry, did they say save the country. But yes, many of the newbies do seem somewhat lacking in background info where real topics are concerned.

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Thai Government should get a Red Corner Notice against Thaksin from Interpol and his trial should begin asap

Do you think Interpol people are idiots ?

Would you appreciate a democratically elected Prime Minister being deposed by a military coup in your home country ?

Would you appreciate the main airports of your home country being seized for weeks by terrorists ?

Would you appreciate democratically elected Members of Parliament being unseated by some shady judges in your home country ?

As usual, your views vary widely from reality. Another one for the IGNORE list. Bye!

What's the matter?..hard to face the truth isn't? That is too bad..

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and it's about dam_n time! good news!

Time for what?..oust abbhist?..I agree

The only legitimate way to oust Abhisit is through a general election or through the smaller parties withdrawing their support for the Democrats in parliament. Given that Thaksin will be hel_l bent on revenge if he gets back into power, the latter is somewhat unlikely.

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"Both of you are whistling into a wind. The crackdown has done wonders, and it will do wonders for national reconciliation. It revealed the red movement for what it was, a mob of heavily armed thugs hiding behind the skirts of "peaceful protesters" duped into believing their democratic rights had been stolen.

My g/f WAS an ardent red supporter. She refused to discuss why, at least with me, and I got the usual "farang don't understand." Yesterday she watched the proceedings with a look on her face like she had just been fed a sh-it sandwich. Absolutely disgusted. Do you think she is the only thai voter that feels like that?

Then the reds had the smart idea to take the fight to the sticks. Their local supporters got to see their true colours. Do you think burning a fire engine is going to gain support in Chiang Mai? Do you think burning the local govt offices is going to be appreciated by the hundreds of people who have business there every day?

When a valid case is laid out linking thaksin's money to the rabble rousers, his name will stink. I'm not sure which of the red leaders was found to have deposited B100,000,000 baht recently, and I hope they all turn out to have similar amounts, because their poor supporters will realise that they been sold down the river for 30 pieces of silver."

Your G/F sounds like a reasonable person and is using her brain - that's good news and I hope more of the UDD supporters will follow suit. Some of the ardent Reds in my neighbourhood were overheard yesterday something to the effect of "good, let it all burn". A shocking viewpoint, but safe to say some of the hardcores won't change their minds no matter what.

Not all the people can be counted on to think or behave in a rational manner. Always remember that 50% of the people have below average intelligence.

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I guess I just usually take the minority view. Maybe I oppose the common fallacies. Anyway here is my take:

Most of the rural poor in Thailand identify with the red shirts. You cannot ignore this group.

For all the money Taksin stole (I suppose it is generally accepted that he did. I am not entirely convinced but won't argue the point) it cannot compare to the money the Bangkok elites take. Nor will his money last long once confiscated by the elites.

The government started shooting the redshirts with Snipers. I say: what can anyone expect? I say who are the real terrorists? The redshirts were armed with bottle rockets, fireworks, and tiny sling shots. Agree or not this is what every Taxi in Bangkok says. This is the perception and seems close to reality. The elites started taking out the locals the poor with snipers. The media amazingly biased refused to report this. It was a delusion to think there would be no response. And Why shouldn't there be a response?

I am no red shirt. They may be a precursor to communism which I despise. But I am offended by all the bias I see.

Had the rule of law been enforced in the first place (by the government) and had free speech been respected we may not have ended in this mess. Instead they let the situation go on until they finally themselves committed the first acts (that could be considered terrorist) that led to the natural result. It is like a bad teacher that does not control the classroom. The elites have failed due to their own arrogance.

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This government is the worst I have ever seen.. and some of the people here..may have studied for quite sometimes.. become the second class or higher who claims they knows what is the meaning of "democracy".. Thailand has become the biggest joke in international for attacking and hurting those unarmed people.. Those "educated" person thought they can rule the country with their limited knowledge without providing the real care to the people.. definitely will get revenge one day.

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

What a mess

It has been noted that quite a few posters that have joined recently make an inordinate number of posts, and seem to be severely impaired in their observational, reading and deduction skills, or, as seems more likely, are receiving some financial incentive from persons unknown, to submit posts with contentious views, blatant mis-statements represented as facts, and huge over-estimates of public support.

Fortunately, this forum provides us with an ignore function to save the aggravation of reading said posts. You can safely assume that that was the last of yours to be perused by yours truly.

I credit Robert Amsterdam with this phenomenon

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I just wish there would be someone in this country that would actually do something for the good of the country - all the country, not just Bangkok - without first taking their “share” off the top. Good Luck Thailand.

A well thought-out, well-written and balanced post. Thanks.

Thaksin's transfers of assets and policy corruption are clear and obvious indicators of his corruption, and the consequences of his attempts to recoup his lost money, wield power and sow division are testament to his ruthless and evil, megalomaniac nature.

But I've not yet seen or heard any stories (proven or not) of Abhisit (or any of his cabinet) having their fingers in any pies. So far, it seems to me that he may be one of the rare few 'honest' politicians that are trying to 'actually do something for the good of the country' to keep it together as a whole. Or maybe I'm wrong. Does anyone have any tangible 'dirt' on the current govt? I mean independent/verifiable sources, not just anti-government/red propaganda.

Will we see less corruption in Thai politics in the years to come?! It'd be nice, but I won't hold my breathe.

Please read my post on page 2 or 3..............the Thai system allows/is built around corruption from top to nearly the bottom of the spectrum, it's just the poor who miss out. One set of snouts moves out of the trough and another different coloured set moves in so nothing changes for the poor. The problem is that the poor think that Thaksin is their champion because he gave them a few handouts whilst robbing the country blind.

A "democracy" which fosters corruption to favour the elite and anyone who holds some semblance of authority, will never overcome the divide which has split this country.

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Slapout you are really what your name suggests, you talk without knowing and you would Pol Pot recomment for the Peace Nobel Price, your Red guys have shown for all world to watch how peaceful they are and what they really are after. you forget to mention the bombs, weapons and m79 the reds where having, but of course they are peaceful.

You are just a moroon and Thailand is the mess as it is because People like you make it to it.

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Angry people, keep calm

Perhaps you should get in touch with the Reds in Isaan who are torching many government buildings. People in Bangkok have a right to be very angry. These terrorists have left thousands jobless - most of them the poor who work in the malls & other businesses torched and ransacked. This is no time for Red Shirt apologists to flood TV like they did last night with their excuses. There are no excuses for murder, arson & other acts of violence. Here's hoping Thaksin, other financiers of the attempted coup and the Red Shirt leaders get many, many years in prison. Thailand does not need such scum on its streets in any area, not even Isaan.

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I guess I just usually take the minority view. Maybe I oppose the common fallacies. Anyway here is my take:

Most of the rural poor in Thailand identify with the red shirts. You cannot ignore this group.

For all the money Taksin stole (I suppose it is generally accepted that he did. I am not entirely convinced but won't argue the point) it cannot compare to the money the Bangkok elites take. Nor will his money last long once confiscated by the elites.

The government started shooting the redshirts with Snipers. I say: what can anyone expect? I say who are the real terrorists? The redshirts were armed with bottle rockets, fireworks, and tiny sling shots. Agree or not this is what every Taxi in Bangkok says. This is the perception and seems close to reality. The elites started taking out the locals the poor with snipers. The media amazingly biased refused to report this. It was a delusion to think there would be no response. And Why shouldn't there be a response?

I am no red shirt. They may be a precursor to communism which I despise. But I am offended by all the bias I see.

Had the rule of law been enforced in the first place (by the government) and had free speech been respected we may not have ended in this mess. Instead they let the situation go on until they finally themselves committed the first acts (that could be considered terrorist) that led to the natural result. It is like a bad teacher that does not control the classroom. The elites have failed due to their own arrogance.

What's with all the new posters with a handful of posts? Time to up the propaganda?

What should always be remembered is Thaksin became a BILLIONAIRE in a very short period of time since entering gov't. Now how do you think he made all that money? Even if he did is somewhat legitimately (which is highly questionable) he did a lot of it in the cell phone industry. Have a close look at the cell phone industry and gov't controlled monopoly. Carlos Slim ring a bell? It is essentially a license to steal and most damaging to the poor who are spending one quarter of their income on cell phone charges. Yup someone who loves the poor of the northeast sure did make a lot of money on their phone calls.

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I can understand the Govt's restraint over the last few days/weeks not wanting to be accused of jumping the gun during the protests, and will wholeheartedly agree Abhisit's a pretty sharp cookie, mostly allowing the red clowns to play into his hands, certainly as far as the history books will assuredly agree later. As many others have stated, even on this topic, his reforms and improvements in structure have been overshadowed by these thuggish idiots, dam-n shame. At the same time we've now unrest in the provinces, in my humble opinion purely because he allowed them the time to retreat & regroup in their home towns, I for one am very worried indeed this latest unrest may take quite a while longer to stamp out?

Unsure about you other ex-pats in the tourism game, but our numbers are well down since these clots began their unethical, unwarranted (now obviously ineffective), led by the incapable and therefore quite frankly pointless; so-called 'class struggle' for the one against the many? Makes me sick it does, the ramifications of these selfish, cowardly & stupid acts will reverberate long after the troubles themselves die down. A crying shame so many allowed themselves to be duped AGAIN after Thaksin had already stolen billions from each & every Thai's own pocket with his swindling ways. Never mind the many other abuses of power...

They always say a country gets the leader it deserves?

I don't believe the Thais deserved this little lot, foisted on them by a megalomaniac's lust for power! Pioneered by the greedy & assisted by the uninformed. Abhisit, highly (and appropriately awarded too, not with some bought on-line degrees, lol! You couldn't POSSIBLY earn any kind of degree honestly with Thaksin's garbled/mangled English skills!! Could you??) educated and reasonable though he is, should have acted more quickly, his only mistake thus far IMHO. Too many on TV here alone calling him weak & worse, consider this; with his background and therefore inherent sensibilities, knowledge of the global scheme included, he really is Thailand's last, best hope. Worried now? Like it or not this country needs an honest, decent & upstanding leader demonstrating the wherewithal to make it as a world player. Alternatively a xenophobe only out to line his own pockets? Jeez, it really IS that simple folks, or are some of you honestly that misinformed?!?! And still wondering WHY the Baht stays so strong on the world stage? Duh...* The current PM will indeed shine once the Red Lights have been extinguished, mark my words.

My best wishes to Thailand and her good people, praying for an end to this fiasco before too much longer. I for one am looking forward to greeting our guests with a smile & relaxed attitude come next touring season, ready once again to display with pride some of the wonders that are Thailand's alone. Could quite possibly become more than just a little cynical if these flaming red idiots continue to shoot themselves in the foot with such spectacular aplomb, lol!!

Me, I'll just stay here - 9yrs & counting, enjoying the good weather & company, never forgetting; wealth is only an illusion created by those who want you to buy something off them! Enjoy what you have over here folks, worth it's weight in gold.


*Yes, of course I'm fully aware there's more to the Baht's current strength than purely Abhisit at the helm, but that's for a different thread. However, it still stands as a poignant reminder that the country isn't disappearing down the tubes as the naysayers would have us believe.

Exellent post :D thanks!

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I just wish there would be someone in this country that would actually do something for the good of the country - all the country, not just Bangkok - without first taking their "share" off the top. Good Luck Thailand.

A well thought-out, well-written and balanced post. Thanks.

Thaksin's transfers of assets and policy corruption are clear and obvious indicators of his corruption, and the consequences of his attempts to recoup his lost money, wield power and sow division are testament to his ruthless and evil, megalomaniac nature.

But I've not yet seen or heard any stories (proven or not) of Abhisit (or any of his cabinet) having their fingers in any pies. So far, it seems to me that he may be one of the rare few 'honest' politicians that are trying to 'actually do something for the good of the country' to keep it together as a whole. Or maybe I'm wrong. Does anyone have any tangible 'dirt' on the current govt? I mean independent/verifiable sources, not just anti-government/red propaganda.

Will we see less corruption in Thai politics in the years to come?! It'd be nice, but I won't hold my breathe.

Please read my post on page 2 or 3..............the Thai system allows/is built around corruption from top to nearly the bottom of the spectrum, it's just the poor who miss out. One set of snouts moves out of the trough and another different coloured set moves in so nothing changes for the poor. The problem is that the poor think that Thaksin is their champion because he gave them a few handouts whilst robbing the country blind.

A "democracy" which fosters corruption to favour the elite and anyone who holds some semblance of authority, will never overcome the divide which has split this country.

More a sort of Asian Robin Hood you saying! Many will hold to a similar view.

Elites are very very worry now. Reds remember who back PAD and which Elite Banks and Malls and Media. Nothing random about this targets.

OT, it is only on this forum where falangs seriously discuss Thaksin being extradited to here. when he come back it will be as saviour of Thai politics and new courts of justice will have new laws.

Hope bangkok falangs like Thaksins laws as much as like Junta laws that we have now but I think not.

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It seems that most people who live in Thailand have a pretty good understanding of the bull*hit behind the red shirts and Taskin's disruption of the country. However, from over here in the US, people are relatively clueless. The news has no in-depth reporting and it appears on the surface that the red shirts are a group of poor oppressed people fighting a corrupt government in order to restore democracy. What a load of ^$%&^%$#@$#%!!!!

A fake "movement of the people". The powers behind this did a pretty good job of hoodwinking a lot of people. I'll give them that much. Most of the red shirts are pawns in a game they don't even understand, so even they have been hoodwinked.

I hope there is an end to the violence soon.

Europe media as well, they think the red thugs are freedomfighters :)

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Angry people, keep calm

Now imagine a nation of angry people - with a symbol (the burning mall) and a target. Thaksin is finished.

No he's not...it's just beginning. I love it.


Hope Homeland Security is checking you out top to bottom.

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All his and his family's funds should be seized to help rebuild the country he has tried so hard to tear apart.

how can he sleep at night knowing he has caused death and turmoil, is money and (power) that important...

A pshycopath have no fellings for oters!

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I can understand the Govt's restraint over the last few days/weeks not wanting to be accused of jumping the gun during the protests, and will wholeheartedly agree Abhisit's a pretty sharp cookie, mostly allowing the red clowns to play into his hands, certainly as far as the history books will assuredly agree later. As many others have stated, even on this topic, his reforms and improvements in structure have been overshadowed by these thuggish idiots, dam-n shame. At the same time we've now unrest in the provinces, in my humble opinion purely because he allowed them the time to retreat & regroup in their home towns, I for one am very worried indeed this latest unrest may take quite a while longer to stamp out?

Unsure about you other ex-pats in the tourism game, but our numbers are well down since these clots began their unethical, unwarranted (now obviously ineffective), led by the incapable and therefore quite frankly pointless; so-called 'class struggle' for the one against the many? Makes me sick it does, the ramifications of these selfish, cowardly & stupid acts will reverberate long after the troubles themselves die down. A crying shame so many allowed themselves to be duped AGAIN after Thaksin had already stolen billions from each & every Thai's own pocket with his swindling ways. Never mind the many other abuses of power...

They always say a country gets the leader it deserves?

I don't believe the Thais deserved this little lot, foisted on them by a megalomaniac's lust for power! Pioneered by the greedy & assisted by the uninformed. Abhisit, highly (and appropriately awarded too, not with some bought on-line degrees, lol! You couldn't POSSIBLY earn any kind of degree honestly with Thaksin's garbled/mangled English skills!! Could you??) educated and reasonable though he is, should have acted more quickly, his only mistake thus far IMHO. Too many on TV here alone calling him weak & worse, consider this; with his background and therefore inherent sensibilities, knowledge of the global scheme included, he really is Thailand's last, best hope. Worried now? Like it or not this country needs an honest, decent & upstanding leader demonstrating the wherewithal to make it as a world player. Alternatively a xenophobe only out to line his own pockets? Jeez, it really IS that simple folks, or are some of you honestly that misinformed?!?! And still wondering WHY the Baht stays so strong on the world stage? Duh...* The current PM will indeed shine once the Red Lights have been extinguished, mark my words.

My best wishes to Thailand and her good people, praying for an end to this fiasco before too much longer. I for one am looking forward to greeting our guests with a smile & relaxed attitude come next touring season, ready once again to display with pride some of the wonders that are Thailand's alone. Could quite possibly become more than just a little cynical if these flaming red idiots continue to shoot themselves in the foot with such spectacular aplomb, lol!!

Me, I'll just stay here - 9yrs & counting, enjoying the good weather & company, never forgetting; wealth is only an illusion created by those who want you to buy something off them! Enjoy what you have over here folks, worth it's weight in gold.


*Yes, of course I'm fully aware there's more to the Baht's current strength than purely Abhisit at the helm, but that's for a different thread. However, it still stands as a poignant reminder that the country isn't disappearing down the tubes as the naysayers would have us believe.

Exellent post :D thanks!

Yes excellent post. Thank you.

Lovely to see this amongst too much mindless drivel and red hagiography.

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The only terrorists that deserve prosecution are those in Thailand's mock government and uniforms. There has been no violence other than that which was committed by the state or provoked by criminal actions of the state. The sum total of violence, vandalism and arson committed by Thailands oppressed victims is far less than would be reasonable in light of the atrocities committed against the common people. I will be looking hard and long at all future purchases to ensure that nothing enters my home that is exported by this criminal state.In addition I will express absolute and utter contempt for any tourist that visits Thailand.I will also express very vocal contempt for any fool stupid enough to invest in the Fascist Regime of Thailand.

OK, you won't visit thailand, you won't purchase thai goods or invest here; so why should thais care about your ill-informed opinion? why are you a member of TVF?

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I just wish there would be someone in this country that would actually do something for the good of the country - all the country, not just Bangkok - without first taking their "share" off the top. Good Luck Thailand.

A well thought-out, well-written and balanced post. Thanks.

Thaksin's transfers of assets and policy corruption are clear and obvious indicators of his corruption, and the consequences of his attempts to recoup his lost money, wield power and sow division are testament to his ruthless and evil, megalomaniac nature.

But I've not yet seen or heard any stories (proven or not) of Abhisit (or any of his cabinet) having their fingers in any pies. So far, it seems to me that he may be one of the rare few 'honest' politicians that are trying to 'actually do something for the good of the country' to keep it together as a whole. Or maybe I'm wrong. Does anyone have any tangible 'dirt' on the current govt? I mean independent/verifiable sources, not just anti-government/red propaganda.

Will we see less corruption in Thai politics in the years to come?! It'd be nice, but I won't hold my breathe.

Please read my post on page 2 or 3..............the Thai system allows/is built around corruption from top to nearly the bottom of the spectrum, it's just the poor who miss out. One set of snouts moves out of the trough and another different coloured set moves in so nothing changes for the poor. The problem is that the poor think that Thaksin is their champion because he gave them a few handouts whilst robbing the country blind.

A "democracy" which fosters corruption to favour the elite and anyone who holds some semblance of authority, will never overcome the divide which has split this country.

More a sort of Asian Robin Hood you saying! Many will hold to a similar view.

Elites are very very worry now. Reds remember who back PAD and which Elite Banks and Malls and Media. Nothing random about this targets.

OT, it is only on this forum where falangs seriously discuss Thaksin being extradited to here. when he come back it will be as saviour of Thai politics and new courts of justice will have new laws.

Hope bangkok falangs like Thaksins laws as much as like Junta laws that we have now but I think not.

Taksin should remember that the people whose toes he and the UDD are stepping on maybe don't play as nice as Abhisit. Taksin could get hurt as he is playing with fire. Do you think the Amataya are going to roll over and play dead because a no class rabble is using communist strategy? Get real. The West will not let these Taksin lowlifes ever come to power

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Court delays decision on Thaksin's warrant to next week

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Criminal Court on Wednesday's evening initially approved a special investigation request to issue ten arrest warrants for terrorist suspects, including ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

But two hours later, the court revoked its decision on Thaksin and asked the Department of Special Investigation to send back Thaksin's case for the court to reconsider. The court will make a decision on request for Thaksin's warrant on terrorism charge on May 27, DSI director-general Tharit Pengdit said late Wednesday.

The DSI sought and received the latest batch of nine warrants on the nine suspects involved in violating the emergency rule.

The nine suspects are Adisorn Piengket, Wiphuthalaeng Phattanaphuthai, Payap Panket, Jeng Dokjik, Wichien Khaokham, Aree Krainara, Suksek Pholsue, Surachai Thewarat and Rachot "Kob" Wongyod.

Wiphuthaleng, Payap and Jeng were already in the police's custody and being held at the Border Patrol Police, known as Naresuan Camp, in Cha-am, Phetchaburi. The three surrendered to police in the afternoon at the end of the Rajprasong rally.

Thaksin's involvement in the mayhem has been speculated for months.

-- The Nation 2010-05-20

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and it's about dam_n time! good news!

Time for what?..oust abbhist?..I agree

The only legitimate way to oust Abhisit is through a general election or through the smaller parties withdrawing their support for the Democrats in parliament. Given that Thaksin will be hel_l bent on revenge if he gets back into power, the latter is somewhat unlikely.

Then my friend..the violence will continue unabated, in one way or another...whether you or anyone else believes it or not..those protesters that died are either regarded as heroes or martyrs. If the military killed any member of my family...I wouldn't stop until I reached abbihist..that's a fact.

Not much chance of that now is there?

Again as stated ... the only way protesters can claim that ANYTHING they do is about Democracy is to use democratic means for change.

Since the reds have NO interest in Democracy we have exactly what we see. They started with threats of violence BEFORE they came to BKK. They continued with threats of violence AFTER they came to BKK. They started the violence IN BKK at Thaicom and 1st reg. They are simply an armed insurrectionist movement hiding behind women and children and grannies. Time to seperate the women and children and grannies from the terrorists and to eliminate the terrorists.

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Thai Government should get a Red Corner Notice against Thaksin from Interpol and his trial should begin asap

Do you think Interpol people are idiots ?

Would you appreciate a democratically elected Prime Minister being deposed by a military coup in your home country ?

Would you appreciate the main airports of your home country being seized for weeks by terrorists ?

Would you appreciate democratically elected Members of Parliament being unseated by some shady judges in your home country ?

As usual, your views vary widely from reality. Another one for the IGNORE list. Bye!

What's the matter?..hard to face the truth isn't? That is too bad..

For your elucidation only, I will look at his 4 questions:

1/ I don't know

2/ Thaksin's term had expired, he had resigned, and then unilaterally re-appointed himself. He refused to hold elections in the req'd time frame. I support the coup, but wish in hindsight that they had shot the b@$tard and saved Thailand a lot of misery.

3/ 8 days is not "weeks". this debacle has been running for months at much greater cost to the people of thailand

4/ where is the proof that the judges were "shady" or even recently appointed. A few MPs were unseated because of absolute proof that they were engaged in illegal, undemocratic practices, according to whichever constitution you prefer. An independent judicial system is one of the pillars of the democratic system, much more than one man one vote for sale.

That is the truth, and I am tired of typing it out for the uneducated and ill-informed. your reply is unneccessary and will not be received.

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When him and his clonnies are gone, Thailand can live in peace again... His revenance in his heart has lead to his undoing. He is a Terrorist on the run and any country should immediately hand him over to Thai authorities for the punishment he deserves.

Terrorism comes with a DEATH sentence. Stop him now before he becomes the Saddam Assan of SE Asia. A similar fate will find Taksin, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Innocent Thai and foreign blood are on his hands- he needs to be bought to justice. Only a matter of time.

COME ON France- hand the terrorist over...

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and it's about dam_n time! good news!

Time for what?..oust abbhist?..I agree

The only legitimate way to oust Abhisit is through a general election or through the smaller parties withdrawing their support for the Democrats in parliament. Given that Thaksin will be hel_l bent on revenge if he gets back into power, the latter is somewhat unlikely.

Then my friend..the violence will continue unabated, in one way or another...whether you or anyone else believes it or not..those protesters that died are either regarded as heroes or martyrs. If the military killed any member of my family...I wouldn't stop until I reached abbihist..that's a fact.

Then you must be one of those redneck Americans who are usually "off-the-rails". Certainly not the kind of person that can hold an intelligent debate in any company except only in terms of violence.

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