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Do Other Farangs Acknowledge You In Public?


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For UKMatt;

I have no delusions of authority but I am quite sick of lazy people, you included.

There is such a thing called 'making an effort' as opposed to simply wasting more space, electricity & time.

I must be one of the few people who bother to 'READ' previous posts before posting 'already done' material. If you're put off by reading lots of 'history', you are lazy.

I normally do not post such opinions about posts but due to the recent & massive influx of 'people', repetitive posts are highly annoying.

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For UKMatt;

I have no delusions of authority but I am quite sick of lazy people, you included.

There is such a thing called 'making an effort' as opposed to simply wasting more space, electricity & time.

I must be one of the few people who bother to 'READ' previous posts before posting 'already done' material. If you're put off by reading lots of 'history', you are lazy.

I normally do not post such opinions about posts but due to the recent & massive influx of 'people', repetitive posts are highly annoying.

So stop reading this thread then! You say you are opposed to wasting space, electricity and time and yet you have replied more than anyone else with the same point each time!!

I did say that I did a search before I made this thread, so sorry it wasn't up to your standards. Also, it's not like that old thread is from last week, I'm sure if you didn't do a search you probably would not have known where to find it, so all this really comes down to is your bloodymindedness of needing to be right and telling everyone how they should post on this forum.

Like I said you ain't a mod, I've heard your point 5 times now so stop wasting your time here if you have nothing to add to the discussion, if a mod wants to append this to that old huge thread they can.

And from now on, if I see you in the street you are one of the ones allowed to ignore me!!!

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just take an interest in their b/g wives, your sure to get some kind of reaction, preferable from the wife.

especially if they are in your age group and the husbands some ugly, fat, balding, beer gutt. :)

Ah that was why your gf responded so well to me... :D

On a more serious note i try to acknowledge other farangs at times, but im not really waiting for a conversation. Though my wife seems to think otherwise and tents to say things like "your must be burning to speak out" she seems to think i talk to much at times (might be true).

But Neverdie raised a good point why acknowledge an other guy only because he has the same skin color as you. I mean i choose my friends on an other basis.

Edited by robblok
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Regardless, I think I got my point across, which was my main objective. :)

In the meantime;

So stop reading this thread then! You say you are opposed to wasting space, electricity and time and yet you have replied more than anyone else with the same point each time!!

If nobody opposed anything, what would happen?

Also, it's not like that old thread is from last week, I'm sure if you didn't do a search you probably would not have known where to find it, so all this really comes down to is your bloodymindedness of needing to be right and telling everyone how they should post on this forum.

As you have clearly indicated, "I'm sure if you didn't do a search you probably would not have known where to find it".

Strangely, I did conduct a search & I found "it". There is nothing "bloodyminded" about this.

As opposed to your view, I have been wrong on many an occasion & I have been happy to admit it. Maybe I'm wrong about this?

Don't take it personally...this is educational.

BTW, you can abuse me as much as your little heart desires. I have a hide like 'Jesse the elephant'. :D

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And from now on, if I see you in the street you are one of the ones allowed to ignore me!!!

I actually think that sums it up!!

Ironically, from this little back and forth with "elkangorito" I think I have solved it, or at least come up with a third explaination for my initial reason for starting this thread.

Most farangs who live here ignore other farangs because after a while they have come across so many bloodyminded, bitter, miserable old douchebags that they want to stay well away from them.

No disrespect but I honestly think this is reason number 3 after;

1. "I live here so in my mind I am Thai now and do not need to acknowledge any other foreigners."

2. "I'm no longer special because there's a normal farang here making me look like the repulsive, social leper I really am"

3. "I've been offended by so many douchebags in my time here that I don't want anything more to do with them"

I think that just about rounds it up. Anyone got any more?

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When I come to Thailand I stay with my Thai family.

I'm not unfriendly but if I wanted to meet Farangs I would stay here in Greece or go back to the U.S.A.

Why would I go out of my way to meet another Farang in Bangkok?

So do I go out of my way to meet another Farang in Bangkok?

Answer: No.


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When I come to Thailand I stay with my Thai family.

I'm not unfriendly but if I wanted to meet Farangs I would stay here in Greece or go back to the U.S.A.

Why would I go out of my way to meet another Farang in Bangkok?

So do I go out of my way to meet another Farang in Bangkok?

Answer: No.


At any point did I talk about meeting, talking or hanging out with any farangs here? No, I am simply talking about the slightest acknowledgement of another human being in a remote place who is the only person in the vicinity that is the same race as you.

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You all "Outback Farangs" chooses to life there in the Sticks. So deal with it.

You moved out there cause you don't like the crowd life of Bangkok or Pattaya.

You moved out there cause you don't want to be involved with other Farangs.

Now after a long wile you are bored and thinking about your life in the sticks and if that was such an good idea to move there.

(Be honest with your self in this point)

I mean i love Thailand as much as many other Farangs. But i would never ever move out in the Sticks!

Boring life all day. Thai people with IQ less than 70 all day long??? No way!!!!!!!!!!

I enjoy the company of my Thai friends and families but lets be honest. An intelligent discussion is not possible with them.

Not including Thai business people or more open minded Thais, ofcourse. But you can't find these kind of Thais out in the Sticks.

Time by time i am very happy to meet other Farangs including Family, Friends and polite Strangers.

This is my opinion and you are not forced to do it same. :)

Yeah right, cuz Pattaya is world reknowned for attracting the smartest, most interesting farangs. Only the best of us live in Pattaya, right?!!

I'm glad you live there, as much as I like Pattaya for a short break, it's not Thailand in the slightest, it's just another bubble which fits into every point that you critised living out in the countryside for and I can honestly say that I never wanted to be acknowledged or associated with any of the Pattaya farangs the few times me and my gf have stayed there.

How does that taste? Is it goooooood?? :D

I work, live and love in Bangkok.

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And from now on, if I see you in the street you are one of the ones allowed to ignore me!!!

I actually think that sums it up!!

Ironically, from this little back and forth with "elkangorito" I think I have solved it, or at least come up with a third explaination for my initial reason for starting this thread.

Most farangs who live here ignore other farangs because after a while they have come across so many bloodyminded, bitter, miserable old douchebags that they want to stay well away from them.

No disrespect but I honestly think this is reason number 3 after;

1. "I live here so in my mind I am Thai now and do not need to acknowledge any other foreigners."

2. "I'm no longer special because there's a normal farang here making me look like the repulsive, social leper I really am"

3. "I've been offended by so many douchebags in my time here that I don't want anything more to do with them"

I think that just about rounds it up. Anyone got any more?

Matt, you have no idea about me or many other people on this forum. Most of us are 'faceless' (without faces/pics). Again, this has been discussed ad nauseam.

In opposition to your assumptions, I almost always DO talk to strangers...and I sometimes get positive results from foreigners. Where I live, I am well known. Why? Purely because I enjoy meeting people. I do not consider that talking to somebody on the internet is 'meeting'.

It just so happens that I agree with your initial post/assumption (again, an old thread) that foreigners tend to ignore other foreigners. Why? I have no idea.

Since it's an 'old thread', maybe the answers lie within the old thread...if one cares to look.

BTW, I'm fully aware that I am speaking against myself, in the sense that this thread be linked to the old thread. By replying, I am in fact, supporting your new thread. My only hope is that you are able to provide vitality & variation to your thread as opposed to the old thread. :) Maybe if you read the old thread, you could make some improvements?

Edited by elkangorito
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Been to the same weddings as other foreigners and they would not even look in my direction. Cannot be because they are scared I'll nick their bird off them, their birds were too darn ugly for me. More n likely they are embarrassed to have another white man see what they ended up with :)

On the whole, most Farang do seem to not even want to make eye contact. Why? No real idea. Maybe they are scared to.

Met a few in different places, the pub, the market and the supermarket. Spoke to those albeit briefly to exchange pleasantries and we went our separate ways. Enjoyed the odd evening drinking and chatting to one or two but they are the rare ones. Never had a problem in Pattaya or Cha Am. They seem more civilised in this respect.

If they want to be miserable sods who cannot even look in your direction, stuff them. They are not worth the time of day.

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More n likely they are embarrassed to have another white man see what they ended up with :D


Never thought of that, where better to ride a ropey old bike than out in the jungle by yourself.

I'll add that to #4...

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And from now on, if I see you in the street you are one of the ones allowed to ignore me!!!

I actually think that sums it up!!

Ironically, from this little back and forth with "elkangorito" I think I have solved it, or at least come up with a third explaination for my initial reason for starting this thread.

Most farangs who live here ignore other farangs because after a while they have come across so many bloodyminded, bitter, miserable old douchebags that they want to stay well away from them.

No disrespect but I honestly think this is reason number 3 after;

1. "I live here so in my mind I am Thai now and do not need to acknowledge any other foreigners."

2. "I'm no longer special because there's a normal farang here making me look like the repulsive, social leper I really am"

3. "I've been offended by so many douchebags in my time here that I don't want anything more to do with them"

I think that just about rounds it up. Anyone got any more?

Hmmmm....let's see. Low blood sugar. Too many Xanax with the morning scotch. Just found out my wife has two giks.

But the big one: The pound has lost more ground against the baht! :)

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Preferably not.

Ahh, so you must be one of "the weirdos hiding out in Thailand" I was thinking of before? :D

Yes guesthouse is probably one of the weirdos hiding out in thailand, but thats up to him.

I could never figure out farangs that walk around los staring at other farangs waiting to say 'hi' and get all cuddly because they see another caucasian.....makes no sense to me, for one I think they are a bit weird. :)

Not many people want to stop and talk to me, I'm not very pleasant on the eye & only half as nice as that in person, so generally one look at me and you wish you hadnt. :D

Young ukmatt, different strokes for different folks, you gedit?

Oy, stop bullying guesthouse you lot, I like him.

And I’m not surprised, neverdie, that people don`t want to chat with you, your avatar is enough to scare anybody off. And as for the cuddles, no one ever cuddles me, which is sad, isn`t it.

I have visited and lived in several countries. Didn’t take long to become involved within the Brit communities, we were almost like blood brothers and sisters after the first meeting, a bit like, Dr Livingston I presume.

When I first came to Thailand it came as a shock receiving the invisible treatment, I thought they were dam_n right rude.

After a while I came to accept it and responded the same.

But as time went on, I did manage to meet some nice Farangs and now have a circle of friends, Brits, Aussies, and Yanks etc.

So no need for concern, things do fall into place here, just takes time to sift through the a/holes and meet some decent people.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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If you are confident, outgoing, fearless, and approachable you will make eye contact with almost all people you meet

If you lack any of the above, you will probably avoid eye contact

Fair enuf, but I've always found theres plenty more to focus the eyes on (eyecandy) when out in the big smoke, i have no time for little pasty faced farangs looking for recognition :D sorry, but thats just the facts of life.

ND..you miserable old Pr!ck!!! :)

and to think if i'd ever run into i would have liked to buy you a beer!!!

If id met you in the street you'd have no idea it was me you were broadsiding

SO..from what you say i might as well pour the beer over your head :D:D:D:D

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You have taken my point to the extreme, which isn't the case in reality.

A 'New thread' is exactly that...new!!!

It is therefore apparent & real when an old thread is being re-hashed etc.

Also, 'new threads' do not necessarily mean that a forum will thrive. Look at all the 'closed' new threads (repetition)!

Yes, I did take it to the extreme, but as this forum immediately closes any thread that is not related to Thailand, and as we are forbidden to discuss political issues, what else is there but the same topics rehashed over and over again, I agree with your point about new threads being closed, there are many, but as we are forbidden to discuss this, I'll let it be. :)

Time for a new sin sot thread, or a where did you meet your wife thread, or how many degrees does your wife have thread, or how white is your wife thread, or is your wife from Isaan thread , or ..........I think you get my point.

They have all been done a zillion times, most of the time they get closed, only to appear again in another guise shortly afterwards.

As this forum is specifically only for Thai related topics, there are only so many topics available, so they will be rehashed continually.


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I could never figure out farangs that walk around los staring at other farangs waiting to say 'hi' and get all cuddly because they see another caucasian.....makes no sense to me, for one I think they are a bit weird. :)

Not many people want to stop and talk to me, I'm not very pleasant on the eye & only half as nice as that in person, so generally one look at me and you wish you hadnt. :D

Young ukmatt, different strokes for different folks, you gedit?

ND, you surprise me!!!

I mostly have an open attitude toward everyone (face-to-face).

I certainly don't want to be 'cuddly' with everybody (although this is 'conditional' :D ) but I do enjoy interaction with people I've never met before.

Not surprisingly, I'm more known amongst the Thai people in my community. Many foreigners seem to not only reject friendly advances but also reject any form of communication. This, I think, is most likely due to fear...fear of not being able to speak a language (whatever language that may be), fear of others knowing your existence &/or fear of being rejected.

I find it easier to start a conversation with a Thai than with a foreigner. Why? The foreigner quite often gives signals like "don't talk to me". To me, this is apparent by their facial expression &/or eye contact (or lack of eye contact) whereas a Thai will quite often respond with something that resembles a positive attempt at communication.

I'm completely, utterly & absolutely dismayed & disappointed with how English speaking foreigners treat each other. There is no reason for this ridiculous behaviour.

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I'm completely, utterly & absolutely dismayed & disappointed with how English speaking foreigners treat each other. There is no reason for this ridiculous behaviour.

Not true, we've come up with 4 perfectly reasonable explainations so far;

1. "I live here so in my mind I am Thai now and do not need to acknowledge any other foreigners."

2. "I'm no longer special because there's a normal farang here making me look like the repulsive, social leper that I really am"

3. "I've been offended by so many douchebags in my time here that I don't want anything more to do with them"

4. "I married the Honey Monster's grandmother and I'm ashamed to be seen here by one of my own kind"

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You have taken my point to the extreme, which isn't the case in reality.

A 'New thread' is exactly that...new!!!

It is therefore apparent & real when an old thread is being re-hashed etc.

Also, 'new threads' do not necessarily mean that a forum will thrive. Look at all the 'closed' new threads (repetition)!

Yes, I did take it to the extreme, but as this forum immediately closes any thread that is not related to Thailand, and as we are forbidden to discuss political issues, what else is there but the same topics rehashed over and over again, I agree with your point about new threads being closed, there are many, but as we are forbidden to discuss this, I'll let it be. :)

Time for a new sin sot thread, or a where did you meet your wife thread, or how many degrees does your wife have thread, or how white is your wife thread, or is your wife from Isaan thread , or ..........I think you get my point.

They have all been done a zillion times, most of the time they get closed, only to appear again in another guise shortly afterwards.

As this forum is specifically only for Thai related topics, there are only so many topics available, so they will be rehashed continually.


Thanks GM1955...& I sincerely mean this.

Combined, you & I have highlighted 'things' that may have already been highlighted but I think that a 'reminder' is in order for those who have the controlling factor.

Yes, most 'sensible' people are sick to death of the threads you mention. Unfortunately for you & I, the '80/20' rule applies as per usual. This is why idiotic shows like Big Brother are such a hit.

Nonetheless, a repetitive thread is exactly that...repetitive.

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I'm completely, utterly & absolutely dismayed & disappointed with how English speaking foreigners treat each other. There is no reason for this ridiculous behaviour.

Not true, we've come up with 4 perfectly reasonable explainations so far;

1. "I live here so in my mind I am Thai now and do not need to acknowledge any other foreigners."

2. "I'm no longer special because there's a normal farang here making me look like the repulsive, social leper that I really am"

3. "I've been offended by so many douchebags in my time here that I don't want anything more to do with them"

4. "I married the Honey Monster's grandmother and I'm ashamed to be seen here by one of my own kind"

I'm glad that none of these things apply to me. :)

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Nonetheless, a repetitive thread is exactly that...repetitive.

Well maybe, just maybe, if you hadn't spent your life clocking up well over three thousand posts on this board alone, nit-picking through every single thread just to find things to complain about, you would possibly find a topic that you never read on here before!!

Just saying. :)

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Nonetheless, a repetitive thread is exactly that...repetitive.

Well maybe, just maybe, if you hadn't spent your life clocking up well over three thousand posts on this board alone, nit-picking through every single thread just to find things to complain about, you would possibly find a topic that you never read on here before!!

Just saying. :)

Why don't you do a search & find out exactly why I've 'clocked up' over 3000 posts since 2005-09-15 09:35:17?

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Nonetheless, a repetitive thread is exactly that...repetitive.

Well maybe, just maybe, if you hadn't spent your life clocking up well over three thousand posts on this board alone, nit-picking through every single thread just to find things to complain about, you would possibly find a topic that you never read on here before!!

Just saying. :)

Why don't you do a search & find out exactly why I've 'clocked up' over 3000 posts since 2005-09-15 09:35:17?

I think I'll take the repetitive thread option thanks.......based on your 10+ comments on this thread that you say should never have been opened!!

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Why don't you do a search & find out exactly why I've 'clocked up' over 3000 posts since 2005-09-15 09:35:17?

Of course. I'll do just that. I have nothing else to do with my time other than to read your entire 3,000 post history on TV.

Just so you know, I did a quick search of your previous posts earlier ths evening to see if it's just my thread you complain about but pretty much most of the whole first page of results that I read is you complaining about threads and not contributing to the subject!!

Anyways, good night!

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Well where I am from people do not really acknowledge or salute strangers

for no reason. They will probably think you are crazy or something.

I am a city boy though maybe its differnet in countryside places.

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Well where I am from people do not really acknowledge or salute strangers

for no reason. They will probably think you are crazy or something.

I am a city boy though maybe its differnet in countryside places.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, if you were in a place where you hadn't seen another farang in a month wouldn't you expect some sort of sign of respect or something between the two of you when you were both walking past each other?

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