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Desperate British Expat Searches For Kidnapped Son In Bangkok


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First of all my heart goes out to you and your wife for having to go through this terrible event. I wish I lived nearer to Bangkok, I would offer to assist you in any way possible. But because I live in Northern Thailand, the best I can do is to offer my sincere advice and suggestions. I do not know the full story but with the limited information you have provided and with some experience in working missing children cases in my former life here is all I have to offer:

1. Gather all your documentation, birth certificate, marriage certificate, passports, written and notarized statements from the last person to have the child in their custody, anyone who has seen the child since then, anyone who has seen the child in any suspect's custody since the kidnapping and from you and your wife if you are not already one of the above. Your statements should include how, when and by what means you lost contact with your child along with an outline of what actions you have taken since the event to recover the child. You will need to make a list of all suspects and witnesses with as much of their contact information that you can find. Have all the above translated into Thai by a certified translator.

2. Make a report (jaem kwam) with the police, in the district where the child was last seen which hopefully is somewhere other than the district where the in-laws live. Bring a person who is a recognized translator with you to assure the nature of your report is being understood by the officer taking it. Bring all of your documentation and statements with copies to be attached to the police report. For future records; document the identity of the officer you gave the report to along with the date and time you made the report. Upon completion of the report ask to be contacted with the name and contact information of the officer who will be investigating this case.

3. If you have not been so contacted within two days, contact the police station where you made the report and give them the report number and ask to speak to the person in charge of your case. Upon making contact with that person ask for him to complete the paperwork (saab) to present this case to the prosecutors and to obtain search warrants for any places your child may be. Again document your contact with time and date.

4. Once the above has been done, you may want to consider offering a reward. From what I understood one of the relatives advised they would let you search their home if you paid 10,000 baht which either meant the child wasn't there or if he was which they would at least get 10,000 baht for their trouble if they did not move him while you were getting the baht. So your reward should be at least 10,000 baht. Make posters in Thai with the child's photo and the police officer in charge of you case contact number then post them in all over the neighborhoods where you think your child may be. With luck a neighbor of whoever has the child will turn them in for the cash.

5. Although you did not state if you thought your wife was involved or not, if you think she could be involved and only then, arrange for her to take a lie detector test or one of the other newer types of truth verification tests such as voice stress analysis currently available from private companies.

6. Should all this fail you will have a well documented trail to present to the media and that will not only be of interest to them but with all the documentation they might even get the story right and not miss quote you.

If you feel I can be of any further help or you just want someone to talk to please PM me.

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I don't believe my wife is involved in taking our son away or in trying to get something from me, for a start she knows better than anyone we don't have anything substantial to give right now even if we wanted to. She was the one who made the report at the police station after getting no where trying to talk her family into giving him back at first. But I do understand her position in all this, if we take this all the way with the police then there is a chance her mother could be facing jail time, which as a good Thai daughter she cannot begin to see how she could do that but on the other hand she needs her son back.

The 10k baht is ridiculously low, it was what was asked for after they told us they no longer had our son at this address in Saphan Taksin but if we wanted to go check anyway they wanted this to allow us to go see. The mother is far more subtle in any requests for what she wants, as I have heard from others in this situation before, there is no figure given, just an opportunity given for you to make an offer to appease them. It is given as 'We don't trust your husband, what can he do to make us trust him again?'


This doesn't seem to be a parental kidknapping case, the inlaws seem to have kidnapped the child and the mother doesn't have anything to do with it.

I'm not pretending the wife has something to do with it, but your statement remains to be proven.

The story seems quite strange.

The alleged kidnapping and then the demand for 10k baht (a ridiculously low sum) don't logically fit.

so... unless the inlaws are nuts, there must be much more to this story than told by Martin.

Martin, please enlighten us.

Thank you for your reply Martin, but it still doesn't contain an explanation of the in-laws' rationale for keeping the child away from you (and from your wife).

Why did they do it?

Why do you write that they don't trust you?

Why do they have to be "appeased"? Appeased about what?

Edited by tgw
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I don't believe my wife is involved in taking our son away or in trying to get something from me, for a start she knows better than anyone we don't have anything substantial to give right now even if we wanted to. She was the one who made the report at the police station after getting no where trying to talk her family into giving him back at first. But I do understand her position in all this, if we take this all the way with the police then there is a chance her mother could be facing jail time, which as a good Thai daughter she cannot begin to see how she could do that but on the other hand she needs her son back.

The 10k baht is ridiculously low, it was what was asked for after they told us they no longer had our son at this address in Saphan Taksin but if we wanted to go check anyway they wanted this to allow us to go see. The mother is far more subtle in any requests for what she wants, as I have heard from others in this situation before, there is no figure given, just an opportunity given for you to make an offer to appease them. It is given as 'We don't trust your husband, what can he do to make us trust him again?'


I understand what you have said about the wife and her issues with turning things loose on her mother. I'm not 100% sure how my Thai wife would handle a similar situation. But I would not hesitate to offer the boys in brown 5 or 10 K to cut loose on the MIL (or my own mother for that matter), if they were keeping my child away from me. Even if it ment difficult times ahead between me and the wife.

I feel as a parent nothing trumps my responsibility to do what is in the very best interest of my child.

I hope things turn out well for you and your child.

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Sorry man but even if thailand is not a perfect country police will never let this happen.

It's hard for me to believe your story.

If it's true no doubt that's your wife is part of it (and if you are not "wake up").

Hope the best for your boy

Edited by isanb
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Understandable doubts I suppose, why would anyone with a missing child bother to post on anonymous forums, twitter, facebook, etc. You suggest going to the Embassy, but what if you file a report at the local police and they are uninterested in helping you and you go to the British Embassy who say they are unable to help you too, then what?

This process all started after I ran out of options and posted on my Twitter to see if any of my friends in Bangkok could help with contacts to help progress things along, it was only after that I was contacted by this newspaper and the FCO in the UK that I should try to get more coverage in all forms of media to try to pressure the local authorities to investigate our case and find our son. Believe me the FCO checked me out I have given them mine, my son's and my wife's full details including British passport numbers and the reporter who wrote the story has spoken with the person who contacted me from the FCO in London and confirmed they are assisting me with this case before printing a story in their newspaper.


No offense, Martin, but this whole story could be a fraud. I mean where is the evidence? It is just a man's story printed up in a newspaper.

I've seen several occasions where people "claim" something horrible has happened to them, only to find out later that those people were CON ARTISTS or ATTENTION SEEKERS.

Take, for example, the balloon boy.... you know that kid who was supposedly lost in a hot air balloon. Turned out his parents were just LYING and wanted to get famous for some reality TV show.

Martin, if all this is true, then why not go to your EMBASSY and file a complaint and not do it through TWITTER. I mean in all honesty your approach seems very BOGUS. I would think any normal person would go through the proper channels. Doing something like this anonymously via Twitter or Facebook is extremely suspicious!

I have my doubts, my friend....

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Okay Okay, thank you for the half dozen or so inputs by Black Mirage ....but really what does this guy have to gain by this if you were oh soo correct? Oh yeah ..err... scam/attention seeking from your perspective and you could be right ...yeah?

From where I stand, the Thai police (for sure) and the British embassy (maybe) could be writing this off as a 'domestic'. So okay Black M, and make it your lifes' work as a newbie to dish this guy, but consider that it isn't a scam etc. and this could be a genuine case. Where else would you turn Black M?

Just IMHO, that's all. :) oh and take that comment as you you you will BM.

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Sorry, I have to comment twice here due to some (maybe) overly Doubting Thomases.

1. If true - No advice offered, but best of luck in being re-united with your son (preferably without any bungs or bribes being used)

2. If a scam/attention seeking exploit - Thanks for the enlightenment (from yours, and fellow posters) that this goes on in the "Land of Smiles".

Either way, it's been a good read.

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If martin is for real or not we will never know BUT this crap really happends in the land we love so much!

Value of people and kids doesn´t seam to be the same in Los as in many falang countries. (yes i know kids are people too)

My wife´s oldest son was never returned after a weekend at his fathers home about 4 years ago and was left behind when my wife and her youngest son moved to me here in Falang country.

I asked why she didnt went to the police but she didnt want to have anything to do with the kids father , he only play game she said.

My wife went thaistyle and ignored the father for years , we had some contact with the kid of cos´!

Another long story short ..

Now early March this year we returned back from Los to falang country with both the kids , the father have lost all interest in playing game so it seams.

We Won! :)

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Black Mirage you have made three consecutive posts give someone else a turn, if you choose not to believe the man, then thats your choice, but let others read the posts without ALL your comments so they can make an informed decision.

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No offense, Martin, but this whole story could be a fraud. I mean where is the evidence? It is just a man's story printed up in a newspaper.

I've seen several occasions where people "claim" something horrible has happened to them, only to find out later that those people were CON ARTISTS or ATTENTION SEEKERS.

Take, for example, the balloon boy.... you know that kid who was supposedly lost in a hot air balloon. Turned out his parents were just LYING and wanted to get famous for some reality TV show.

Martin, if all this is true, then why not go to your EMBASSY and file a complaint and not do it through TWITTER. I mean in all honesty your approach seems very BOGUS. I would think any normal person would go through the proper channels. Doing something like this anonymously via Twitter or Facebook is extremely suspicious!

I have my doubts, my friend....

My opinion exactly.

Just read the story in the Romford Times.

I know all about Romford, because I was born there, used to work out of North Street bus garage and lived in Collier Row. I`m a Romford lad since birth.

The Romford Times is a small town newspaper known to the area as the local rag. It is a place where you would advertise your TV or a set of tableware in the for sale section.

The only way a small town newspaper like that would have gained the story, if someone had gave it to them. No way would this paper had just picked it up. The Romford Times owned by the Leader group of local newspapers that I sometimes worked for, does not have foreign correspondents. Surely this is serious enough to be worthy of the National Press?

I also don`t believe the Thai police would totally show no interest in this case. Whereas the mother is Thai and if she is really the frantic mother whose baby has been kidnapped and held for ransom, should be in that police station screaming her little head off to get things moving, especally that she already knows who is behind the so called kidnap of this child.

Sorry, but in my opinion, this story holds no credibility, I`m far from convinced.

I also strongly suspect that the OP will be neither seen nor heard again on these threads.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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I met a 75-year old Irishman t'other week - he said that 13 years ago he had a fling with a girl he met in a Bangkok hotel reception hall, who not long after told him she was pregnant. They married, and she began the raid on his considerable savings from the sale of his business which is still her life's work. Her sister has recently left her man, so he has had to fund an extension to the house to accommodate this relative. He hates his life in Thailand, sees through its many corruptions, and remains here only because he is close to his son - not to his wife. When I read any one of the myriad of sad stories scattered across the various websites dealing with Thai life, his emphatic words about Thailand come back to me: DO NOT GET INVOLVED. Sad advice, perhaps bitter and negative, and maybe it is a good thing that some expats ignore it and do make a success of Thai-Farang relationships, but his remark must reverberate through many a farang brain after realising that it's all gone badly wrong (again) in what really is a potentially dangerous or terminally depressing country. If Martin really is in the distress he describes, all good luck to him - personally I would do all of the conventional, official things described by some great posts above, even IF I was also minded to take the direct son-claiming approach - which sounds rather utopian anyway if the wider family/village are lined up against him. But as far as feelings about Thailand are concerned, it doesn't make any difference if Martin's account is not 100% accurate - it's the fact that so many readers were already primed by experiences in Thailand to believe it, that should remain disturbing for everyone trying to survive and thrive here. Its the day when we aren't shocked - already arrived for too many ? - that Thailand can be said to have worn down and wholly neutralised our moral foundations.

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If martin is for real or not we will never know BUT this crap really happends in the land we love so much!

Value of people and kids doesn´t seam to be the same in Los as in many falang countries. (yes i know kids are people too)

My wife´s oldest son was never returned after a weekend at his fathers home about 4 years ago and was left behind when my wife and her youngest son moved to me here in Falang country.

I asked why she didnt went to the police but she didnt want to have anything to do with the kids father , he only play game she said.

My wife went thaistyle and ignored the father for years , we had some contact with the kid of cos´!

Another long story short ..

Now early March this year we returned back from Los to falang country with both the kids , the father have lost all interest in playing game so it seams.

We Won! :)

Your story is exactly the same as mine, except we have not gained any reasonable access yet. Quite extraordinary that Thai ladies seem to accept losing their offspring to 'dangerous' fathers without reference to the law.

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The OP's son was taken 2 MONTHS ago, and he's just starting to explore the ThaiVisa version of an "Amber Alert", NOW?????

What's an Amber Alert? It's a missing child emergency announcement system currently in use (with a decent success rate) in the USA. Please see this link: Amber Alert

Amber Alerts are issued within hours (usually 3) of a reported child abduction, not 2 months. In 2008, 68% of Alerts issued resulted in the recovery of a child within 24 hours of the Alert. 81% recovery, within 72 hours.

I don't have a child (just an adorable 1 year old nephew-in-law), but I don't need one to know that I'd be broadcasting desperately (to every person, tv station, website, police station, local government, and foreign embassy that I could possibly contact), WITHIN 2 MINUTES of learning that neither I, my GF (or wife, in the OP's case), nor anyone that I'd designated had direct eyes on my baby.

My Baby is lost????? 2 minutes.. not 2 months.

(That, and there's obviously huge gaping holes in the information he's providing regarding the circumstances of the abduction)

Even harder to swallow (without deliberately getting political) is the suggestion that every/any police department was "too busy" during the Redshirt Demonstrations (which only took place in some parts of Bangkok) to pursue his abducted baby complaints. In fact, as there are now police that are being removed from their posts (specifically because of their INACTIVITY / "unwillingness to act" during the protests), it's hard to imagine not being able to find many police departments that would have had officers who were free to move forward on a missing baby case, as it's now patently clear that the police weren't doing a heck of a lot during the protests. (Especially a Luuk Krung {Thai/Anglo} baby, who's western father could bring additional unwanted international attention on how bad Thailand really is.

Something's clearly wrong here.

Perhaps the OP's just not posting all the info (for some bizarre reason), but notwithstanding that, a 2 month delay before sending out the alarm on his abducted son?? Something's VERY wrong.

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.... to get the local police interested in helping us find him...


A plan:

collect every single evidence of alleged bad behaviour or mental diseases regarding "the kidnapper", then get yourself a lawyer and back to the police station:

make a complaint telling you have reason to believe that living with the mother-in-law, for your baby is a serious danger, and if he should be harassed and harmed the police will be accomplice of, as they've been alerted yet but nothing has been made;

further: as your baby holds both citizenship, thai and british... so the mother-in-law got no child custody on him, technically she's unlawfully holding a brit citizen, the embassy should do something...

B plan (if case of needs):


....... I'll tell you in private.

Edited by janderton
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Thanks for posting my son's story and photo, if anyone thinks they might have seen him in Bangkok anywhere or has contacts who might be able to get us to get the local police interested in helping us find him, please get in touch.

He was last known to be being held in the Saphan Taksin Soi 8 area.


Wow, I'm very sorry about that. I'm sure nobody can even imagine how you must feel. If I do see him anywhere, I will send you a twitter immediately to alert you. Maybe others here can also keep out an eye.

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Post 100:

Blackmirage, why you don't simply offer advice instead of jumping to


How do you know exactly (facts) that your opinion is the only right one?

How do you know that he didn't contact FCO / London?

How do you know that the contacted news paper reporters are all fakes?

His wife's reaction is clearly a typical Thai reaction (especially by Isaan folks)

I offered my help, and if he agrees that might become the moment of truth.

Until then, please wait with your abstruse blackmailing and consider

in dubio pro reo!

As i said before thai police will never let this happen especialy if a foreigner is involved because they don't like this kind of publicity and i still believe they have a morality even in thailand (specialy when children are involved).

Anyway we can only be certain of one thing we already have a victim : this poor boy

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The OP's son was taken 2 MONTHS ago, and he's just starting to explore the ThaiVisa version of an "Amber Alert", NOW?????

What's an Amber Alert? It's a missing child emergency announcement system currently in use (with a decent success rate) in the USA. Please see this link: Amber Alert

Amber Alerts are issued within hours (usually 3) of a reported child abduction, not 2 months. In 2008, 68% of Alerts issued resulted in the recovery of a child within 24 hours of the Alert. 81% recovery, within 72 hours.

I don't have a child (just an adorable 1 year old nephew-in-law), but I don't need one to know that I'd be broadcasting desperately (to every person, tv station, website, police station, local government, and foreign embassy that I could possibly contact), WITHIN 2 MINUTES of learning that neither I, my GF (or wife, in the OP's case), nor anyone that I'd designated had direct eyes on my baby.

My Baby is lost????? 2 minutes.. not 2 months.

(That, and there's obviously huge gaping holes in the information he's providing regarding the circumstances of the abduction)

Even harder to swallow (without deliberately getting political) is the suggestion that every/any police department was "too busy" during the Redshirt Demonstrations (which only took place in some parts of Bangkok) to pursue his abducted baby complaints. In fact, as there are now police that are being removed from their posts (specifically because of their INACTIVITY / "unwillingness to act" during the protests), it's hard to imagine not being able to find many police departments that would have had officers who were free to move forward on a missing baby case, as it's now patently clear that the police weren't doing a heck of a lot during the protests. (Especially a Luuk Krung {Thai/Anglo} baby, who's western father could bring additional unwanted international attention on how bad Thailand really is.

Something's clearly wrong here.

Perhaps the OP's just not posting all the info (for some bizarre reason), but notwithstanding that, a 2 month delay before sending out the alarm on his abducted son?? Something's VERY wrong.

Given that the OP seems to have got tired of adding any light on the subject, it seems a real waste of time to be commenting any further on this probably fictitious case.

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I don't believe my wife is involved in taking our son away or in trying to get something from me, for a start she knows better than anyone we don't have anything substantial to give right now even if we wanted to. She was the one who made the report at the police station after getting no where trying to talk her family into giving him back at first. But I do understand her position in all this, if we take this all the way with the police then there is a chance her mother could be facing jail time, which as a good Thai daughter she cannot begin to see how she could do that

Quite a contradiction of attitude there .... Question : were you with your missus when she made the police report or was it a case of "she told me she went to the police station" ? If so, did you comprehend what was said to the BIB ???

Edited by Jacqqq
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Thanks for posting my son's story and photo, if anyone thinks they might have seen him in Bangkok anywhere or has contacts who might be able to get us to get the local police interested in helping us find him, please get in touch.

He was last known to be being held in the Saphan Taksin Soi 8 area.



My missus and her kids live in that Soi have done for over a decade -it's just over the river only 5 - 10 mins from Sathorn Rd

I don't see them every week but i will show her the photo when i see her next- it i s not a rich area so it may be that money is the key to getting him back. They are mostly poor folks( my missus family are about the poorest of the poor) and it is common for them to rip each other off and/or cheat their neighbours - sorry to say it but its true- i know this from years of personal experience

Good luck to you - this must be absolutely heartbreaking for you


email me with your ph number if you want me to call you

I don't know whether i can be of any use at all - but from what i know - thaksin soi 8 money talks more than anything else

A reward would always speak louder than morality - i would never accept one but most thais i know in that area would....

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We did not wait two months to announce our child as missing, our son was taken on 30th March, we first reported this to the police on 8th April. As the person who took our son was my wife's mother we had no reason at first to think she would keep him for any period of time, but eventually we realised it seemed she had no plans to return him or even let us see him so we had no choice but to make a report at the police station. I had first asked to have something put up here at ThaiVisa on 19th April but was denied because the forum policy does not allow missing persons reports to be posted without the story first appearing in a newspaper. I was contacted by this local newspaper from my hometown in the UK who asked if they could try to help me and publish my story, after this was published in last Friday's edition which I found out about today I re-contacted here to request a post be made. My main request for trying to get something put up here was in case anyone out there might have seen him, my wife's mother mentioned to my wife that the hotel they were staying had lots of farangs staying there who seemed to like our son so there was a chance any of them might get to see this.


Why did he wait two months to announce his child missing? Mine would be two hours.
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Given that the OP seems to have got tired of adding any light on the subject, it seems a real waste of time to be commenting any further on this probably fictitious case.

Is he meant to stay up all night doing a running commentary for nutcases such as yourself thus making his story become more real for you ... unbelievable.

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Hi Martin,

Of course we will never know if your story is true or not, but ultimately who cares? If your story is true, it is an innocent child we are saving and heart broken parents we are helping. If it is not, we simply wasted five minutes of our life actually reading an interesting post which could possibly help Farangs in god forbid, a similar situation in the future. So, for what it's worth, I will be posting your story across the web and Thai forums and my wife will do the same. Good luck mate, and hope your son is returned to you soon.

Edited by trigger571
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Martin a recent 'issue' similar to this was solved by ignoring the Police. Private negotiations were the order of the day - a figure of 500,000 Baht was offered. On the night of exchange - there were around 20 people in sight of the kidnappers who arrived with a small entourage. The money was never paid and the Thai contingent ended up with a few broken bones. Their child was unharmed but if you do not seize the opportunity to break this now - there is a good chance you will lose your child.

Now this may get all the do-gooders happening and complaining but TIT - the police are a waste of time and only interested in extracting money. Use private individuals who can just have your child returned and if I were you I would not involve the 'system'. If they are already involved every day that passes is a day that may prove to be anther brick in the wall.

But by all means, choose the route which suits you best and these words are passed in sincerity - not meant to be anything other than a solution in lawless Thailand that does and has worked. You can also contact groups like SISHA who will guide you but they deal mainly in human trafficking. I would put no trust in any Thai police group or person unless they hold rank of Pol Lt General or better as they can issue orders and problems will go away but it will still cost. Wish I could offer more comforting advice. :)

Excellent advice - remember it's the of the money jungle here - nothing else

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... getting a high media profile has prompted the cops into action....

well, the case of the little Cindy Lane had some local media profile...

take a look how the pattaya police get into action...

..by placing an extinguisher just above the request for help




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Something's clearly wrong here. Perhaps the OP's just not posting all the info (for some bizarre reason),

If a story don`t make sense, than it`s not true. That`s the laws of physics.

Could this be the big Daddy of all the trolls?

I was curious enough to look at Martin's old posts and if this is phoney then he has been setting it up for 7 months...posting about his wife and son. Martin, I think there may be a clue when you said that your wife works and you stay with your son except on the 30th when you two had a fight. You said your wife had to put Tristan in a nursery so she could get to work, so I figure you had stormed off or something, yes? So what's the odds that she rang her mum in tears about all this sometime that day and then...who knows what happened but I think you maybe need to start telling the whole truth, even if it makes you look like a ??

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Something's clearly wrong here. Perhaps the OP's just not posting all the info (for some bizarre reason),

If a story don`t make sense, than it`s not true. That`s the laws of physics.

Could this be the big Daddy of all the trolls?

I was curious enough to look at Martin's old posts and if this is phoney then he has been setting it up for 7 months...posting about his wife and son. Martin, I think there may be a clue when you said that your wife works and you stay with your son except on the 30th when you two had a fight. You said your wife had to put Tristan in a nursery so she could get to work, so I figure you had stormed off or something, yes? So what's the odds that she rang her mum in tears about all this sometime that day and then...who knows what happened but I think you maybe need to start telling the whole truth, even if it makes you look like a ??

I have read every post in this thread and don't remember seeing anything about the couple having a fight.

Where did you get this info from?

Not that it is relevant if the Grandmother is holding the child without consent of either parent.

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Something's clearly wrong here. Perhaps the OP's just not posting all the info (for some bizarre reason),

If a story don`t make sense, than it`s not true. That`s the laws of physics.

Could this be the big Daddy of all the trolls?

I was curious enough to look at Martin's old posts and if this is phoney then he has been setting it up for 7 months...posting about his wife and son. Martin, I think there may be a clue when you said that your wife works and you stay with your son except on the 30th when you two had a fight. You said your wife had to put Tristan in a nursery so she could get to work, so I figure you had stormed off or something, yes? So what's the odds that she rang her mum in tears about all this sometime that day and then...who knows what happened but I think you maybe need to start telling the whole truth, even if it makes you look like a ??

I have read every post in this thread and don't remember seeing anything about the couple having a fight.

Where did you get this info from?

Not that it is relevant if the Grandmother is holding the child without consent of either parent.

He looked back through the OP's old posts (IN OTHER THREADS) here on TV, and traced his "story" up to the 30th's fight.

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We did not wait two months to announce our child as missing, our son was taken on 30th March, we first reported this to the police on 8th April. As the person who took our son was my wife's mother we had no reason at first to think she would keep him for any period of time, but eventually we realised it seemed she had no plans to return him or even let us see him so we had no choice but to make a report at the police station. I had first asked to have something put up here at ThaiVisa on 19th April but was denied because the forum policy does not allow missing persons reports to be posted without the story first appearing in a newspaper. I was contacted by this local newspaper from my hometown in the UK who asked if they could try to help me and publish my story, after this was published in last Friday's edition which I found out about today I re-contacted here to request a post be made. My main request for trying to get something put up here was in case anyone out there might have seen him, my wife's mother mentioned to my wife that the hotel they were staying had lots of farangs staying there who seemed to like our son so there was a chance any of them might get to see this.


Why did he wait two months to announce his child missing? Mine would be two hours.

Dear Martin

Firstly, do you believe that your son’s safety and well being is at stake while your wife’s family is holding him?

If so:

I have been viewing your various profiles on different websites, IT and glamour model photos and it doesn’t seem you are short of a few bob. This is in no way meant to be an insult. Just a note from one Romford or Rumford lad to another.

My point is that why have you not offered some financial incentive to the police for them to visit your mother in law, get your son back and end this madness?

This is Bangkok, Thailand, not Romford in England and that’s the way things are done here.

To my eyes, one Thai baby boy looks the same as all the others and your son has the appearance of a full blown Thai, so do you really think there is a good chance of complete Farang strangers recognising your son if they saw him?

What’s the point of getting the story in a UK local rag just so you can create a thread about it on Thaivisa? This is not going to get your son back.

There are a lot of members on here, including myself that feel concerned, good hearted, sincere and will bend over backwards to try and help you and contrary to popular belief, we’re not all idiots.

So unless you can give us some credible replies, your story is going to be doubted.

Another reason for not pursuing that route, could be that something is not all it seems and you don`t want to become involved with the police.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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