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Dull As Ditchwater


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30 km from the city is hardly living in Chiang Mai. I would also be bored silly if I lived that far away. Who knows how others feel or what they enjoy doing. You couldn't pay me enough to live in Bangkok... or any other large city in the world.

Anywhere in the world is dull if you don't have any interests. One bar, or one nightclub is pretty much the same as any other bar or nightclub. It's like beaches... you can only occupy one small section at a time no matter how big and beautiful it is.

If you have stimulating company then you can be happy anywhere, but eventually you will have to find some personal hobby or occupation to keep you busy.

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You might want to reconsider that name. If you have a partner you don't want to loose I would suggest you really don't need Loi Kroh..I digress you posted.

"Well, sticking to the things you mentioned that Chiang Mai has to offer, Bangkok has a larger airport that is truly international, which I certainly don't consider CM airport to be (yes I know you can fly to China and a few other places but not many). There are more bookshops, more plays and more museums in Bangkok. This isn't a criticism of CM of course as I wouldn't expect it to have the same amenities as the capital city.

Also, Bangkok has service centres for any company you can think of so when your Asus monitor breaks for the third time you do not have to wait 2 weeks for it to be sent away and fixed (personal gripe)."

All true however when I flew to Bali from Chiang Mai I was still there in Bali just as much as if I had flown from Bangkok and I didn't have to walk a mile in the airport. Yes I am quite sure there are more book stores and bigger ones in Bangkok. But where are they Bangkok is a big city. With out much thought I can think of six used book stores I can walk to. Also four stores with new books. That is just walking distance. Last time I was in Bangkok I was staying in Sukomvit area. {sorry about the spelling] I could only find one book store and it was expensive. Please don't get me wrong I would like to spend some time in Bangkok and see some of the sights. But the idea of hour and half rides to get around the city or a series of sky trains and subways as a way of life does not in any way attract me. I like it where every thing I want is relatively close.

As for the service centers well Chiang Mai dosen't even come close. But then again I am not in a big need for them. The last one I needed was rite here in Chiang Mai and they did not have a new shaving head for my electric shaver so they sent to there service center in Bangkok. Two months later they called and told me I could come get my money back. Go Figure

At any rate move in to the city and give it a chance. You might learn to like it.

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People choose to live in Penis Envy, Iowa and are happy there. As they say, "wherever you go, there you are." In the meantime I am surprised that no one has mentioned the glorious used book shops here in CM. Backstreet Books and Gecko (of the ever-feuding Georges), Shaman books and more have an abundance of reading materials. And perhaps you might consider taking up meditation. Good luck.

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me thinks it is actually one of the attractions of chiang mai that it doesn't hold you hostage and I enjoy getting away every so often on errands i can easily explain to the missus. like visiting the beach ,in pattaya or getting "stuff" in bkk.

there are certainly enough books to read restaurants to eat in and beer to drink in cm.

you are right about taxi tuk tuk etc mafia but it is easy to get around by yourself and the cops don't pester you unduly here.


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Are you being held hostage? How are you here against your will? Should we call out SWAT team to rescue you? I know of people who feel as you do and they seem to be people who really want to be in US or UK or someplace else but cannot afford that so instead stay here and complain that Thailand is not like where they are from. These people generally like Bangkok as it seems to have more in common with London than with Thailand. The fact is, if you enjoy Thai culture and people, you will probably enjoy Chiang Mai. If not, then you will not. I myself cannot comprehend how someone can be bored here, but that is just me.. Life in Chiang Mai or anywhere else is what you make it. I do not believe there are boring places, really, only boring people. In the pink, as soon as you are freed from the terrorists or whoever is keeping you hostage, you will be free to escape to Bangkok. I do not want to be a flamer, but perhaps you are a troll. I do not really know what these things are, but then I don't know what marmite is either.

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Marmite may be more expensive here, as is corned beef, but remember that it all arrives in BK then has to be shipped up here....so expect to pay a bit more.

Most restaurants in CM are about 30% cheaper than in BK.

Condos and houses are around 50% cheaper to either rent or buy here

I lived iin BK a year, could not wait to get away. I only go back there now to visit my son or catch a plane, I would not go out of choice.

Plus its a shoppers paradise for the wife, always costs me a small fortune to let her loose with her friends in the Emporium

CM is more like Oxford whereas BK is much more like London imho with prices that reflect their proximity to everything people want

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Dont like Marmite so MPR..... :P

When "in Town"I drive into CM on Sunday evenings for night market (Re pub crawl)and wife and friends from Mae-ON go ....wots the word ....shopping...

Leave car in D-2-1 carpark and around midnight meet up again in foyer and she drives me (and her mates) back "ome...easy...

In the village we have lots of little restaurants and rest places (for a swally)including my own small private mountain bar... :whistling:

Wherever I am I gotta go out EVERY night ...lifes too too short....init :o

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Harry Patterson, if you think there are no boring places, then you have never been to Olean,NY. Seriously, though, I also have never been bored here, For one thing, there are very good used book stores here and especially the Gekko and Backstreet books which are on same road. There is also free library called Raintree center. This is a very cultural city with fascinating history and also it is very good location for travelling to Laos, burma, Isaan, and of course northern Thailand. Where else can you go kayaking, ride an elephant , eat at Italian restaurant and watch 3D movies in same day? Some days I take songtaew and without even destination, just get off whenever I want and you cannot believe the things I have seen this way and for about 1 dollar in American money. Just walking around the Warowot market is more interesting to me than watching a movie, if you really pay attention. I think one will find as I have that people who have lived here awhile feel a certain amount of pride in Chiang Mai. Like with one's country or family or race, it is okay for the insider to complain as much as he wants, but this is not the same as when this attack comes from someone on the outside.

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Life is what you make it. A geographical location is what you make it.

I've travelled the world over 40 years and never hated a place. I've lived in five different countries and loved every one, some moe than others. Sure, there have been difficulties, but nothing that I wasn't prepared to tackle and overcome. They exist at home, wherever that is, but perhaps not the same magnitude because of the addditional obstacle, the language.

Step back, take a look what you're doing and what others are doing. Maybe there is something to learn.

Excellent post. I agree with you.

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Chiang Mai doesn't have beaches or the bargirl selection of other parts of Thailand.

I find the restaurant and watering hole selection to be overwhelming, shopping to be more than adequate (though I'm not a shopaholic, thankfully), and there are numerous outdoor activities in the local area.

Perhaps if you described what you consider to be "great place to live", someone could tell you if any of it can be found in Chiang Mai.

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After having lived in the inner moat area near Thapae Gate for 5 years, I moved to Lampang about 1 1/2 year ago. Except for whole-corn rye bread, sugar-free musli and Bier Stube's menu item 21 (Chicken in Red-wine) Lampang serves my needs in every respect. Since my Lampang doorstep is only 105 km away from Thapae Gate, I can get my needs fulfilled, regarding those three items, merely by a day off from the thread mill once a month. Haven't regretted the move from CM to Lampang one single moment.

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You might want to reconsider that name. If you have a partner you don't want to loose I would suggest you really don't need Loi Kroh..

I'm not quite with you here. in the pink means in good health where I come from. regarding Loi Kroh, I have a trusting relationship with my partner and she doesn't mind where I drink.

Are you being held hostage? How are you here against your will? Should we call out SWAT team to rescue you? I know of people who feel as you do and they seem to be people who really want to be in US or UK or someplace else but cannot afford that so instead stay here and complain that Thailand is not like where they are from. These people generally like Bangkok as it seems to have more in common with London than with Thailand. The fact is' date=' if you enjoy Thai culture and people, you will probably enjoy Chiang Mai. If not, then you will not. I myself cannot comprehend how someone can be bored here, but that is just me.. Life in Chiang Mai or anywhere else is what you make it. I do not believe there are boring places, really, only boring people. In the pink, as soon as you are freed from the terrorists or whoever is keeping you hostage, you will be free to escape to Bangkok. I do not want to be a flamer, but perhaps you are a troll. I do not really know what these things are, but then I don't know what marmite is either.[/quote']

It's quite a personal story as to why I need to be here at the moment and one I'd rather not go into.

I think the rest of your post comes under the heading of sweeping generalisations if you don't mind me saying so. I have no financial problems that would stop me from moving back to the UK if that is what I wanted to do. Coming from London myself I fail to see that it is in any way similar to Bangkok. Perhaps you haven't been there?

I like some Thai people and not others. I think it's rather facile to group people together by their nationalities and decide to like them all or hate them all. I'm not a troll - why does posting some observations about Chiang Mai and asking for others opinions make me a troll?

I think one will find as I have that people who have lived here awhile feel a certain amount of pride in Chiang Mai. Like with one's country or family or race' date=' it is okay for the insider to complain as much as he wants, but this is not the same as when this attack comes from someone on the outside.[/quote']

I don't see myself as any more of an outsider than you but we probably have different perspectives on that as well.

Perhaps if you described what you consider to be "great place to live"' date=' someone could tell you if any of it can be found in Chiang Mai.[/quote']

I thought that was obvious - Bangkok...

There have been some very nice replies which I really appreciate and some less constructive ones from people who do not seem to be able to accept any negative opinions about CM. I can understand that though, as I got hearlily fed up of people moaning about Thailand and Thai people when I lived in BKK. I don't make a habit of moaning about the country I have chosen to live in on internet forums but I was interested to know what others liked about the place (and I now have a better idea of that), as well as a little bored when i started the topic I guess.

Anyway, thanks for all your feedback

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If you move here and expect things to be as convenient and easy to find as they are in your home country then you have fooled yourself and it's time to go home.

I've been in Thailand for about 7 and a half years, I haven't just moved here. If I have fooled myself at all it was in thinking that CM would be as convenient to live in as Bangkok. That was probably a bit stupid of me but apart from Bangkok, the only other town in thailand that I have lived in was Nakhon Sawan so I think I just assumed that Chiang Mai would be larger than it actually is.

I agree that I have spent way too much time sitting in traffic in Bangkok in the past but at least the cost is reasonable. My gf called a taxi company the other day and they wanted 600 baht to take me into CM town. Now I'm aware that they will have to drive here empty but that is a ridiculous price. I could get a cab from Bangkok to Ayyuthya and halfway back again for that amount (admittedly that would have to be at about 3am though)...A cab from my house in BKK to Ploenchit / Siam Square was about 150 baht and that was 30kms through heavy traffic! It's a bit annoying to find that it is 4 times as expensive in CM for no good reason that I can think of. In fact, with the recent prices that AirAsia have been offering, I could fly from Chiang Mai to Bangkok for the same amount that it would cost me to get a cab into town and back out to Mae Rim (I know someone is going to suggest that I do just that).

Thanks to harry, nienke and mrclough for the footie and book info. I think I've been to the Suriwong bookshop if it is the one with a small collection of paperbacks in English on the right hand side after you go up some stairs.... The selection of Thai books was OK though.

Sorry, I do not understand your post at all.

If you hate Chiang Mai so much, why are you here and how can anyone be here against their will, are you being held hostage?

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If someone thinks CM is dull - cannot see the attraction in its setting, climate, chilled vibe and just the right amount of shops, restaurants, hotels - at the same time lauding Bangkok of all places (a characterless concrete jungle), then I'm afraid there's no hope. Rather than have folk try and convince you it's great, I think your best option is to get back down there.

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I agree a little wit the OP. CM is not a metropolis. It doesn't have a lot of art and culture found in a large city. CM is a very small city by most standards. Comparing the quality of life though, CM wins hands down compared to BKK. You can actually breathe aren't stuck in traffic and don't feel the congestion of thousands of people breathing at your neck.

If someone is a person that enjoys Urban life, CM isn't the best option.

Yes, TAXIS are expensive here, but don't use them then, use the red trucks or buses. Most things are much cheaper here though compared to BKK. Maneuvering around CM is much easier because it is about 1/10th the size. Traffic is getting more congested every year but still not bad. Not like being in gridlock for 20 minutes.

However, there are countless things to enjoy about CM. Simplicity, non pretension and genuine people.

I find CM to have limited food options. I know I will get crucified by the wannabee foodies here, but CM res. scene is at best sub par to any real city. There are some excellent 2-3 star dining but nothing better than that.

Since the OP claims to have financial security, then he can go travel to the Urban city centers in BKK, or other neighboring countries for the cultural things that he misses.

Day to day life in CM is lackluster but that is what makes it nice. The OP is married so he shouldn't be wanting for good company.

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I can't understand everyones need to give this guy a roasting!

He's obviously been living in a place where he was very happy and for reasons he does not want to mention has had to come to Chiang Mai. This person probably hasn't seen a great deal of what there is on offer for things to do etc.

he has then asked questions about how so many people love to live here and been pretty much shot down in flames. I just don't get the "if you don't like it then go back to where you came from mentality".

I've lived city life and now live in Chiang Mai and much prefer it here, for me it's a great place but i can at least accept that not everyone likes it here! Only the other month I went up to Pai and that IS a boring dead end place. Fantastic ride there and back but nothing worth making the effort for. My opinion only, I know many who love the place - up to them! Simple!

I'm luck that I only live 6-8K out of town so it's far enough away to be quiet but close enough should i need to go into town.

I would not live in the centre of CM again if I could avoid it. It's noisy, hotter, dirtier(in some places) and more expensive for renting or buying.

The option of being in town may be a good option for the OP though as there would probably be more interaction with westerners and hence the possibilty of making new friends might be made that little bit easier.

I do honestly think CM is a love it or hate it place though.

To the OP, from this entire thread I would suggest take on board the positive points - laugh at the moaners and find some place in the middle which suits you!

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Take up golf....you'll get hooked and never want to leave CM. Once you're hooked, try playing at EGAT Mae Moh (Lampang Province) for a change in pace and tell me you're still bored.

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If you move here and expect things to be as convenient and easy to find as they are in your home country then you have fooled yourself and it's time to go home.

I've been in Thailand for about 7 and a half years, I haven't just moved here. If I have fooled myself at all it was in thinking that CM would be as convenient to live in as Bangkok. That was probably a bit stupid of me but apart from Bangkok, the only other town in thailand that I have lived in was Nakhon Sawan so I think I just assumed that Chiang Mai would be larger than it actually is.

I agree that I have spent way too much time sitting in traffic in Bangkok in the past but at least the cost is reasonable. My gf called a taxi company the other day and they wanted 600 baht to take me into CM town. Now I'm aware that they will have to drive here empty but that is a ridiculous price. I could get a cab from Bangkok to Ayyuthya and halfway back again for that amount (admittedly that would have to be at about 3am though)...A cab from my house in BKK to Ploenchit / Siam Square was about 150 baht and that was 30kms through heavy traffic! It's a bit annoying to find that it is 4 times as expensive in CM for no good reason that I can think of. In fact, with the recent prices that AirAsia have been offering, I could fly from Chiang Mai to Bangkok for the same amount that it would cost me to get a cab into town and back out to Mae Rim (I know someone is going to suggest that I do just that).

Thanks to harry, nienke and mrclough for the footie and book info. I think I've been to the Suriwong bookshop if it is the one with a small collection of paperbacks in English on the right hand side after you go up some stairs.... The selection of Thai books was OK though.

Seems to me you are pi$$ed off with living with ur girl so far out of town-- not convenient---600bt into the city---etc etc. I can only take the countryside in smallish doses also, it bores me after a week and you are not in the city---u in the country. Many areas of the city are very convenient if u are in the right areas. Many places display good nightlife- but compared to BKK it is a very small city.

I agree that some prices in CMai are more than BKK- the major items like cars, etc u can buy from BKK and bring up. BKK will always have a much broader selection as it is one of the Top 20 largest cities in the world. CMai is very small in comparision... As it is 20 times bigger there is 20x more competition and 20x more areas to explore. But is a hot and hel_l and conjested as hel_l and feels like hel_l. I can only take BKK in small 1 week lots, yet in the middle of CMai near Huey Gow, Nimarin, Plaza, etc it is convenient.

I am 10 years younger than yourself- being in my early 30s and if you know the areas enough it can be action packed--- move into the city near Nimarin u will probably find more to your liking by the sounds of it. Otherwise u simply just one of those whining little beeches- anywhere u go.... Lol. Either way ur choice where u live in ur life.

Each to their own.... :jap:

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inthepink you wrote

"I don't see myself as any more of an outsider than you but we probably have different perspectives on that as well."

Being as you don't live in Chiang Mai I see you as a outsider. I myself am a outsider to living in the country. If you do not like living in Chiang Mai that is your rite but as you do not live in Chiang Mai it is really not your rite to comment on it.

You seem like a honest guy trying to cope with a situation that is a little out of your control.So once again I would urge you to move into Chiang Mai and give it a chance you may like it or you may dislike it but until you honestly try it you will never know.

For changing your name I was referring to your mental attitude. I can understand the shock to it coming from a city of millions to a village of hundreds would shock me also.

It was suggested you take up golf. Mark Twain once said golf was the greatest way to ruin a good walk.

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I agree that I have spent way too much time sitting in traffic in Bangkok in the past but at least the cost is reasonable. My gf called a taxi company the other day and they wanted 600 baht to take me into CM town. Now I'm aware that they will have to drive here empty but that is a ridiculous price. I could get a cab from Bangkok to Ayyuthya and halfway back again for that amount (admittedly that would have to be at about 3am though)...A cab from my house in BKK to Ploenchit / Siam Square was about 150 baht and that was 30kms through heavy traffic! It's a bit annoying to find that it is 4 times as expensive in CM for no good reason that I can think of. In fact, with the recent prices that AirAsia have been offering, I could fly from Chiang Mai to Bangkok for the same amount that it would cost me to get a cab into town and back out to Mae Rim (I know someone is going to suggest that I do just that).

Dont come to Phuket (or Samui).. CM seems crazy cheap compared to HKT..

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I can't understand everyones need to give this guy a roasting!

He's obviously been living in a place where he was very happy and for reasons he does not want to mention has had to come to Chiang Mai. This person probably hasn't seen a great deal of what there is on offer for things to do etc.

he has then asked questions about how so many people love to live here and been pretty much shot down in flames. I just don't get the "if you don't like it then go back to where you came from mentality".

I've lived city life and now live in Chiang Mai and much prefer it here, for me it's a great place but i can at least accept that not everyone likes it here! Only the other month I went up to Pai and that IS a boring dead end place. Fantastic ride there and back but nothing worth making the effort for. My opinion only, I know many who love the place - up to them! Simple!

I'm luck that I only live 6-8K out of town so it's far enough away to be quiet but close enough should i need to go into town.

I would not live in the centre of CM again if I could avoid it. It's noisy, hotter, dirtier(in some places) and more expensive for renting or buying.

The option of being in town may be a good option for the OP though as there would probably be more interaction with westerners and hence the possibilty of making new friends might be made that little bit easier.

I do honestly think CM is a love it or hate it place though.

To the OP, from this entire thread I would suggest take on board the positive points - laugh at the moaners and find some place in the middle which suits you!

Maybe he was lightly "roasted" because he found the need to insult those that are living here, The old pensioners at the mall waiting to die and the Kao San road rejects as he puts it, he didn't just state he didn't like it here but the implication being there was something wrong with those that do like it here.

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In the pink, you mentioned in your posting other people "living here against their will." I think you are probably the only person in Chaing Mai living here against their will, unless you count the inmates at the prison. If you are living here against your will, perhaps the problem is your own. Not Chiang Mai. You complain about the price of tuk tuks, but I have seen hovels in Bangkok not fit for a dog which cost more than a new 3 bedroom house here. if you are truly as well off as you say, then the cost of this marmite should not be prohibitive. As for the Khao San road rejects, the actual Khao San Road is in Bangkok, so what does this tell you? I do not like Bangkok, but then I do not live there. And if I did, I would not go out of my way to insult the residents there as you seem to. One good thing about Chiang Mai is there are buses, planes and trains leaving for Bangkok all the time. Perhaps when you make parole or escape from the kidnappers, or whatever your problem is, you could be on one. Also, if I am one of the retired guys waiting to die, I would rather wait here than in Bangkok. Although in Bangkok you probably won't have to wait quite as long.

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There are some strange and contradictory comments on this thread which are probably due to people not reading the whole thread before leaping in to condemn me.

I live 30kms outside Chiang Mai town which according to one poster means I have "no right" to comment on life there. Other posters live 700kms from Bangkok but because they have been there they have every right to pass judgement?? I've been to CM town numerous times so I don't see anything wrong in my posting an opinion about the place.

In none of my posts have I "claimed" to be "so well off". I merely stated that I did not move to Thailand because I couldn't afford to live in the UK. I still have plenty of years work left in me so there is nothing to stop me going back if I wanted to.I have an issue with the cost of marmite and tuk tuks, not because I cannot afford them but because I object to paying over the odds. Sure, imported goods have to be transported here from Bangkok but, judging by the cost of train tickets for people and the price of petrol, I really doubt that the transportation costs justify the difference in prices for some goods. However, somebody did point out that Rim Ping was one of the more expensive supermarkets in town so maybe I need to look around a bit more.

If it is beyond some people's imagination to comprehend that sometimes in life there are situations that result in people having to live somewhere that is not their first choice, then I can't really help anyone with that.

I did make a couple of tongue-in-cheek comments in my original post but I did clarify these. As far as Kao San Road rejects go, I was not referring to residents but the kind of sandal-wearing tourists with dreadlocks who do not seem to have bathing facilities wherever they are staying and tend to wander around the moated area of town. I would be very surprised if nobody else has spotted them. I admit my post was slightly inflammatory but in my experience you don't get many responses by posting bland comments on forums.

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