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How Does She Sleep


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Here is my advice:

If you can't understand simple 'body language', you are either 20 years old or a twit.

How on earth do you expect to successfully proceed through life with your eyes shut?

Your 'theory' is about a million years old. Most people (except you) seem to 'get the picture' pretty quickly.

The 'picture' is simple...if someone doesn't like you or something about you, they will distance themselves accordingly. Don't you do the same?

My god...1 plus 1 equals 2, does it not?

Marky. You, like all the other newbies that arrived here due to the blatant & unfettered invitation to the world during the 'war' in Bangkok, are simply repeating old & finished threads.

Not only this & as Guesthouse has indicated, you happily expose your sexlife here for the world to see.

Not only this but you then tell us about 2 failed marriages & then tell us that you 'taught' a course in 'body language'.

It appears that you didn't heed your own advice.

For christ's sake, what will it take for you to be able to be 'you'?

On the sleeping, perhaps it's an over active mind (but not intellectually over active) that is a problem.

From memory, most people who either are new to relationships or just not 'switched on' seem to exacerbate the minute detail in order to explain their inadequacies.

This is what I did in my first encounters.

Usually, one learns from one's mistakes, as I did (& as many others have done).

Marky, are you really crying out for help or are you just trolling?

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Marky. You, like all the other newbies that arrived here due to the blatant & unfettered invitation to the world during the 'war' in Bangkok, are simply repeating old & finished threads.

Not only this & as Guesthouse has indicated, you happily expose your sexlife here for the world to see.

Not only this but you then tell us about 2 failed marriages & then tell us that you 'taught' a course in 'body language'.

It appears that you didn't heed your own advice.

For christ's sake, what will it take for you to be able to be 'you'?

What war in Bangkok due to the unfettered invitation of the world?

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My observations match Mark's. One thing I clearly remember is with my second wife; I knew the moment our marriage was over and it happened in bed with nobody saying a thing or touching each other. It was just a thought transference.

Personally, I sleep better alone, although I enjoy a woman's company for the first few hours. After that I get restless and want to change positions.

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Can't believe I have missed this thread up until now.

How unlike mark to generalise, eh!.

I find it very difficult to sleep when cuddling, and after a few weeks of sleeping in the same bed as my wife I politely let her known that I needed to roll over to sleep properly.

She was quite understanding that I was not "turning my back" on her, it was purely just a comfort thing. In fact it was not long after that she let me know that her reaction was "thank god for that" because she also wanted to get comfortable. Still what do I know?, maybe Mrs. 'Rakers is in it for the money that I don't have or she feels obligated in our marriage.

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Can't believe I have missed this thread up until now.

How unlike mark to generalise, eh!.

I find it very difficult to sleep when cuddling, and after a few weeks of sleeping in the same bed as my wife I politely let her known that I needed to roll over to sleep properly.

She was quite understanding that I was not "turning my back" on her, it was purely just a comfort thing. In fact it was not long after that she let me know that her reaction was "thank god for that" because she also wanted to get comfortable. Still what do I know?, maybe Mrs. 'Rakers is in it for the money that I don't have or she feels obligated in our marriage.

Totally agree. We discussed it and we have no need to be intertwined while trying to sleep. Plus it's rather warm without the extra added body heat... Sleep is sleep, and I have a hard enough time sleeping at times. Speaking of that it's time for a shower and bed.

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A brilliant Observation. I never thought of this before, but so precise when we consider it.

Over the years I have become disillusioned with the women in my life after 2 marriages and several relationships. Could be my fault, who knows? Or maybe they just did not live up to my expectations and I expect too much. They say there is plenty of fish in the sea, but this is simply not true. Only once in a lifetime may someone bring in a prize catch, in most cases this never happens.

What do we all want? And what do we actually get? We strive for the perfections of the expectations of reality. The problem that makes the answer so difficult is that our expectations of reality never seem to match what reality is. We constantly strive to archive perfection, trying to relive the high of our first misunderstood and naive fantasy of reality.

The sleep pattern theory is spot on and there are many other aspects of a women's behaviour that reveal their true feelings to the man in a relationship. We could describe this as an observation of body language, the signs that could be vital in determining from the start whether or not the man should become involved with any particular woman. Perhaps save him a from a lot of grief later on.

A very interesting and informative post indeed. I learned something today.

Mark45Y, you are my main man.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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There were surveys done about this decades ago, your observations certainly match them..

You mean I'm right? There really is a non verbal almost like a lie detector test to measure your Thai woman's feelings toward you?

That should be headline news in the Pattaya Newspapers.

It all depends how you sleep. In a proper bed in an air conditioned room you're probably right but on the ground with fan only there's not much cuddling going on except during cool season.

You are correct. We sleep at night with the AC on in a proper bed.

Are you sure your wife is Thai ? mine could never sleep with the aircon on she has to be under a sheet or she'll die of cold.

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Pardon me Elk, but I have yet to see where you have retained and displayed any useful knowledge at all.....................perhaps in the future?.......instead of your constant stream of posts criticising other posters and not contributing at all to the actual theme of the thread.

Yes, annoying isn't it... almost childlike.

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A brilliant Observation. I never thought of this before, but so precise when we consider it.

Over the years I have become disillusioned with the women in my life after 2 marriages and several relationships. Could be my fault, who knows? Or maybe they just did not live up to my expectations and I expect too much. They say there is plenty of fish in the sea, but this is simply not true. Only once in a lifetime may someone bring in a prize catch, in most cases this never happens.

What do we all want? And what do we actually get? We strive for the perfections of the expectations of reality. The problem that makes the answer so difficult is that our expectations of reality never seem to match what reality is. We constantly strive to archive perfection, trying to relive the high of our first misunderstood and naive fantasy of reality.

The sleep pattern theory is spot on and there are many other aspects of a women's behaviour that reveal their true feelings to the man in a relationship. We could describe this as an observation of body language, the signs that could be vital in determining from the start whether or not the man should become involved with any particular woman. Perhaps save him a from a lot of grief later on.

A very interesting and informative post indeed. I learned something today.

Mark45Y, you are my main man.

Good post, beetlejuice. I agree.

It's been my experience that Thais can sleep anywhere at any time. I can't. I can only stand bus rides for about a maximum of 4 hours. I can only cat nap on airplanes... no matter what seating arrangement they have. My body likes a certain temperature for sleeping. It it's too hot or too cold I'm uncomfortable after a while and wake up. If I'm sleeping with someone I don't want to disturb them. I don't think I am unusual in this. It's also been my observation that people who snore fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly. I don't snore.

All I'm pointing out is everyone is different. I believe that was the original intention of Mark's topic. Unfortunately, it degenerated into a discussion about sex and then all the bickering started. Maybe that is what people here like to do... bicker like children. Whether or not you happen to like Mark has absolutely no bearing on the original topic being asked. It was a fair question and beats discussing where to find a pizza in Bangkok or Pattaya.

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I ride a Baht bus (songtau) every dad. I have done this for 6 years. I have also noticed some very interesting seemingly common body language that is consistent in almost all Thai women.

I have thought about posting a thread about it. But the only validation I have would involve another a discussion about my already overdone sex life. So I guess I will keep the information to myself.

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There were surveys done about this decades ago, your observations certainly match them..

Lets see, slept in a different room from the wife for about 4 years, the wife rarely allowed me any marital favors, and then I found out she was cheating on me with a Thai guy after I just paid down 100K USD....

I whish I had seen that survey a while back.... but backing up to the OP, yea, I'd say from my experience, I agree with the observation.

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I ride a Baht bus (songtau) every dad. I have done this for 6 years. I have also noticed some very interesting seemingly common body language that is consistent in almost all Thai women.

I have thought about posting a thread about it. But the only validation I have would involve another a discussion about my already overdone sex life. So I guess I will keep the information to myself.

Would be very interested to see your thread on this subject.

I wonder if the mods can help by giving a warning to those of little intelligence who may deliberately try and spoil things for the posters that are genuinely interested?

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I think the OP would be a star on Stickmen.You tend not to get to much affection when your paying for it.What happened, did you wake up one morning with one of the" thousands" of women and wonder why their not cuddling up to you.You give whoremongers in

Thailand a good name.Interesting........not.

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Well in the beginning neither really knows each other and both have positive feelings which most are hopes and dreams that are expected to come true. in time reality sets in and the couple usually end up not communicating well or self censoring what they will say to each other. once that sets in the great sex becomes routine and borind and conservative so it affects the sleep. both say what the other wants to hear but then carry a passive anger into their bed which can show in the position they unconciously get into.

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I think the OP would be a star on Stickmen.You tend not to get to much affection when your paying for it.What happened, did you wake up one morning with one of the" thousands" of women and wonder why their not cuddling up to you.You give whoremongers in

Thailand a good name.Interesting........not.

Makes sense a lot of what you say. But what about the men that are not as worldly as you or I and fall for all the sweet talk and BS.

I have had friends that were taken in like fish to the bait. Cost them dear in the end. They were blinded to reason and would not listen. I am sure you have personally known people like this.

I like the body language thing, it could give a guy the advantage,

Edited by Beetlejuice
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You keep mentioning that old thread. I am glad you liked it. I have only slept with one virgin and that was only while she was a virgin.

None of my wives were virgins when I met them. It was always second hand Rose's for me. Maybe that was the problem.

All of my wives had been married before.

Yet in a previous thread:

To answer your question, the first two, no. It was in a car and dark and there was blood everywhere. It was more like pain and then panic. The third had a hymen like iron and it wouldn't break. She, we tried everything. Eventually she went to a doctor to have it removed. The fourth was great for me until I realized she was a virgin and then I felt awful. I had known her for years and well it's a long story. The fifth and sixth were OK we had discussed it at length before and were in college.

The first in Thailand was a surprise to me. I stopped and got up and dressed. I asked her why she had not told me. She replied she had told me, "she had never had a Farang before." I countered with, "she had not told me I was the first man." Something got lost in the translation. The next was interesting. It was like an act of passage for her. The next day she was very happy woman. She seemed relieved of a burden and had a permanent smile on her face. The last was more like exploratory surgery. No consummation I only wanted to find out if she was telling the truth.

I hope that answers your question.

Link: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/342759-virginity/page__st__75

In one of those posts mark you where lying. Now why would you want to do that?

Edited by Moonrakers
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You give us Canadian a good name. Thank's markboy.(was we drafted to Vietnam)CHOK-DEE !

I was born in Canada. Moved to the States when I was 2 weeks old. Half of my family in Canada and half in the States. I registered for the draft at 18. Got a student deferment and after graduation moved to Toronto to work. I didn’t have to get drafted. I could have stayed in Canada I had a good job, nice home and a wife. I have often wondered if I did the right thing. One thinks a lot on long nights in a bunker by the rockets red glare so to speak. There were a lot of Americans working in Toronto during the late 60’s dodging the draft. It is a tough subject to talk about and I doubt this thread is the place. If I hadn’t gone to Vietnam I doubt if I would be here in Thailand today.

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You keep mentioning that old thread. I am glad you liked it. I have only slept with one virgin and that was only while she was a virgin.

None of my wives were virgins when I met them. It was always second hand Rose's for me. Maybe that was the problem.

All of my wives had been married before.

Yet in a previous thread:

To answer your question, the first two, no. It was in a car and dark and there was blood everywhere. It was more like pain and then panic. The third had a hymen like iron and it wouldn't break. She, we tried everything. Eventually she went to a doctor to have it removed. The fourth was great for me until I realized she was a virgin and then I felt awful. I had known her for years and well it's a long story. The fifth and sixth were OK we had discussed it at length before and were in college.

The first in Thailand was a surprise to me. I stopped and got up and dressed. I asked her why she had not told me. She replied she had told me, "she had never had a Farang before." I countered with, "she had not told me I was the first man." Something got lost in the translation. The next was interesting. It was like an act of passage for her. The next day she was very happy woman. She seemed relieved of a burden and had a permanent smile on her face. The last was more like exploratory surgery. No consummation I only wanted to find out if she was telling the truth.

I hope that answers your question.

Link: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/342759-virginity/page__st__75

In one of those posts mark you where lying. Now why would you want to do that?

I was not referring to my first two wives when I wrote "the first two." If that is what you meant. Gee that happened years before I got married. Just to repeat, my wives all had other men before me and one out of three lots of other men. She told me one night when a bit drunk that she had had 80 men before she was 18. I didn't know that before I married her but I doubt if it would have made much difference, I was in love.

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I think the OP would be a star on Stickmen.You tend not to get to much affection when your paying for it.What happened, did you wake up one morning with one of the" thousands" of women and wonder why their not cuddling up to you.You give whoremongers in

Thailand a good name.Interesting........not.

If you read my posts you would have noticed I did mention the ratio. 500 paid in cash and 1000 not paid in cash. I also said I only found about 10% of women in either class were close sleepers. 90% of the pay for play ladies and the play for long term goals, or whatever were not into sleeping in close physical contact both in the tropics and in the mountains. Eskimos as well as South Sea Islanders.

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You keep mentioning that old thread. I am glad you liked it. I have only slept with one virgin and that was only while she was a virgin.

None of my wives were virgins when I met them. It was always second hand Rose's for me. Maybe that was the problem.

All of my wives had been married before.

Yet in a previous thread:

To answer your question, the first two, no. It was in a car and dark and there was blood everywhere. It was more like pain and then panic. The third had a hymen like iron and it wouldn't break. She, we tried everything. Eventually she went to a doctor to have it removed. The fourth was great for me until I realized she was a virgin and then I felt awful. I had known her for years and well it's a long story. The fifth and sixth were OK we had discussed it at length before and were in college.

The first in Thailand was a surprise to me. I stopped and got up and dressed. I asked her why she had not told me. She replied she had told me, "she had never had a Farang before." I countered with, "she had not told me I was the first man." Something got lost in the translation. The next was interesting. It was like an act of passage for her. The next day she was very happy woman. She seemed relieved of a burden and had a permanent smile on her face. The last was more like exploratory surgery. No consummation I only wanted to find out if she was telling the truth.

I hope that answers your question.

Link: http://www.thaivisa....ty/page__st__75

In one of those posts mark you where lying. Now why would you want to do that?

I was not referring to my first two wives when I wrote "the first two." If that is what you meant. Gee that happened years before I got married. Just to repeat, my wives all had other men before me and one out of three lots of other men. She told me one night when a bit drunk that she had had 80 men before she was 18. I didn't know that before I married her but I doubt if it would have made much difference, I was in love.

I know that you weren't referring to you first two wives. Rather you where listing the virgins that you have slept with.

Yet in another thread/post you contradict yourself completely by stating that you have only slept with one virgin. Perhaps I could be mistaken, but it seems quite clear to me. To quote: "I have only slept with one virgin", not much room for interpretation there mark.

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What war in Bangkok due to the unfettered invitation of the world?

Please! Save humanity some time, effort, electricity & bandwidth & go back to sleep.

:lol: . Ive got a better idea, back to your swingers forum marky, your low moral values arnt impressing people here but you are managing to prove time and time again what a knob you are.

If there is a god, he will run something through that penis of yours & send you back to earth as an elephants vagina and you can take a real pounding in that form, as opposed to just being in your current form of the same receptical.

Enjoy your self manipulation thread, I am sure you get some twisted perverted kicks out of it :rolleyes:

Edited by bonobo
removed sentence fragment
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Moonrakers, in this thread I was talking about sleep. This thread is about sleep not sex. I realize sleep can be used as another word for sex and I have done so on other threads but in this thread since it is about sleep I was talking about sleep only not sex.

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What war in Bangkok due to the unfettered invitation of the world?

Please! Save humanity some time, effort, electricity & bandwidth & go back to sleep.

:lol: . Ive got a better idea, back to your swingers forum marky, your low moral values arnt impressing people here but you are managing to prove time and time again what a knob you are.

If there is a god, hopefully when you meet him in a few short years time, he will run something through that penis of yours & send you back to earth as an elephants vagina and you can take a real pounding in that form, as opposed to just being in your current form of the same receptical.

Enjoy your self manipulation thread, I am sure you get some twisted perverted kicks out of it :rolleyes:

Now you are doing it. Replying to me through other peoples posts. Elkangorito thinks I came to Thailand during the latest red shirt protests and am a newbie on Thai Visa. I guess he can’t read.

You seem upset. I live in Thailand and I am not married and have a lot of sex. I don’t need anyone’s validation to enjoy my life here. Nor am I upset that you or anyone else is not impressed by my morals. Why on earth would I care. Why should I try and impress you. No brag just fact. If you don’t like it or don’t believe it. OK, no skin off my nose.

When I lived in the west I had to sit at meetings and discuss things like morals, skirt length and who was being unfaithful to whom and why those were bad things for our company.

I don’t have to do that anymore. I can discuss how Thai women like to cuddle. If your woman does not cuddle she is going to do bad things to you. Now those are things I think are important.

Non verbal hints that that girl dancing on the pole will make a good wife. That’s important to some people.

You see the great majority of western people living in Thailand are men and when they come here the great majority are alone and divorced. I am part of that majority.

Do you really believe in reincarnation? I have never been able to understand it in terms of the population explosion of the last 100 years. There are worse things than being an elephants vagina.

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My wife loves me, but she sleeps in another room. She says I snore and fart too much.Personally, I don't give a rat's a** how many women Mark has slept with. I don't known why he feels the need to brag on TV.

If I had slept with two women in my life would you think I was qualified to make a statement about how women sleep?

If I had slept with 20 women? 100?

Still a small sample.

A thousand? Maybe. At least we are approaching something statistically significant.

I was not bragging. I was making a point about women sleeping with men is an indicator or the quality of the relationship.

Even the posters who vehemently dislike me and my lack of morals have admitted that body language is an indicator of care in a relationship.

I don’t snore. I stopped snoring when I stopped drinking. Maybe that has something to do with it.

Flatulence can easily be controlled, go see your doctor.

In case you are wondering, no, most women do not like men who fart and snore.

To be completely honest I don't know about the UK. There are some women posters here who live there maybe they can confirm or deny.

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