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Houses/Businesses Displaing A Foreigner Flag


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Some times ago, i was reading of a person being harrassed by the police because seems to be offensive/illegal to have a foreigner flag in a higher position then the other local flags of the other places around, i am sure there is a law prohibiting having any pictures affixed in a property being in a higher position of those of "Him" or can at least leads to problems, so, what about the flags?

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Your countries flag has to fly lower than the Thai flag and the respective Buddha and monarchy flags.

Should you fly your flag higher than those mentioned you are considered as being disrespectful to Thailand.

Thai's love to gloat at what they make us aliens do so in my case i refuse to erect one as that is insulting to my country.

Edited by nam-thip
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The flag's discussion came out while having a chat with a friend that own a business selling products of a particular country, so to make it more visible and recognizable to potential customers a flag seemed to be a good idea, but this being Thailand makes everything more complicate like having to put other flags on for other reasons that just confuses things up......

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The flag's discussion came out while having a chat with a friend that own a business selling products of a particular country, so to make it more visible and recognizable to potential customers a flag seemed to be a good idea, but this being Thailand makes everything more complicate like having to put other flags on for other reasons that just confuses things up......

A reflection of this issue might be to observe the respective foreign Embassy and Consulate structures/compounds. What do you see?

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Here is what happened in the USA when the Mexicans put thier flag above the US flag , and this goes for any other country as well that thinks they can disgrace the US flag.

All a bit childish, no. That sad vet' prick should be arrested for carrying a blade.

When you sit back and think about the great scheme of things, the notion of a flag representing a place we've inherited (whatever country) is actually quite pathetic. I think we all need another 500 years of growing up to do or perhaps the ultimate virus to put us out of our misery and let the silver-backs through. ;)

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Here is what happened in the USA when the Mexicans put thier flag above the US flag , and this goes for any other country as well that thinks they can disgrace the US flag.

All a bit childish, no. That sad vet' prick should be arrested for carrying a blade.

When you sit back and think about the great scheme of things, the notion of a flag representing a place we've inherited (whatever country) is actually quite pathetic. I think we all need another 500 years of growing up to do or perhaps the ultimate virus to put us out of our misery and let the silver-backs through. ;)

An enlightened view of nationalism and symbols. ^

I always thought the national flag flew above any others, the exception being cosulates and embasys.

Edited by daoyai
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Very sad nationalistic sentiments attached to national symbols. That vet in the clip was just plain dumb. Ok, the Mexicans were displaying an insensitivity to their surroundings, but really, to come and act in the way he did shows equal insensitivity. Sad nationalistic prick who solves all his (childish and petulant) arguments with violence (or the threat of it).

As for Thailand, law or no law, it is a matter of respect for your host country to fly a flag of a different country above the host country. If you are going to fly your flag, give equal position to the Thai flag. It is just common courtesy.

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Soon after we moved here we were told a local flag story - German had a new house built here and hung a huge German flag outside with a very small Thai one underneath.

To me a rather defiant gesture.

Tasteless or tactless I'm unsure which applies; anyway it upset some neighbours but no silly stuff, he simply got a visit from Police pointing out the offence it had apparently caused.

On flags - huge tidy-up going on in our area today, brushcutters woke us at 6am the roadsides being trimmed, our neighbour across the road finished painting his house on Thursday, trimming his hedges this morning, major section tidy-up I am impressed with the sudden burst of work that's taken place. He has two big blue Queen's flags on his entranceway and came across and gave a matching one to us for the house, a nice gesture I thought.

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It is simply good manners. I understood that all countries follow such a convention. I never believed it was "in law" --- but who knows??

In my own country it is simply a (strong) convention-- as indeed it should be!!

"The Australian National Flag should be displayed only in a manner befitting the national emblem.

It should not be subjected to indignity or displayed in a position inferior to any other flag or ensign.

The Flag normally takes precedence over all other national flags when flown in Australia. "


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Embassies are considered 'foreign soil' (the land it sits on is said to be part of the socereign land of the country the embassy represents) - for as long as the embassy is their (and acknowledged). Therefore, it is OK for them to fly their flags without need to fly the loal one. Most countries I would imagin would expect their flag to not be flown in a subserviant position. An Anglo-Thai company I guess could fly both flags at the same heignt (?). Personally I can't see why an individual would want to draw such attention to themselves here.

In labour seats under the last Britsh government, it was offensive (apparantly) to fly even the Union Jack or Cross of Sr George! and councils actually ordered them removed! Though it would have been intetesting if it had gone to Her Majesty's Courts

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I asked the misses to buy me some new handkerchiefs the other day when she was at the market. She came back with a sealed bag of them. I opened the bag and to my shock one of them was actually the American flag. Despite not being American, I just couldnt bring myself to blowing my nose on it. Anyway, I wash and ironed it and put it away. I actually wondered where it was made and if whoever did that had put any thought into what they were doing, distasteful in my opinion.

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Regarding the embassy/foreign soil/flags, I seem to recall a big protest 5 years ago at the SG embassy because apparently their flag was a bit higher than Thailand's.

Sorry James and maybe i'm just very slow today, but who is the SG Embassy?

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Regarding the embassy/foreign soil/flags, I seem to recall a big protest 5 years ago at the SG embassy because apparently their flag was a bit higher than Thailand's.

Sorry James and maybe i'm just very slow today, but who is the SG Embassy?

Sathorn... just after ze German's B)

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...An Anglo-Thai company I guess could fly both flags at the same heignt (?)....

In American, even if flying two flags at the same height, one of them will be in the position of honor. The flag to the right of the other flag (the flag on the left if you're facing to two flags) has the position of honor. I suppose a person could fly the American flag and the Thailand flag, with the American flag in the position of honor, and most likely only the person who put them up will know the difference (hence not pissing off any Thais). Like you, I don't know why a person would want to draw attention to themselves like that, but I suppose it's a solution.

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... if flying two flags...

I don't know why a person would want to draw attention to themselves like that

So flying just one flag seems to be offensive and by flying two flags then there are even more problems.

Yes draw attention in this particular case is the right thing, that's what advertising is for, anyway, in EU you can see people displaying just ONE foreigner flag in either their home or business and nobody have problems with that (i mention this because some of the posters on this thread seems to think that here or there is the same in regards to flags, so, NOT, it isn't the same).

Thanks for the suggestion, anyway as i already specified, to put more then one country's flag will just confuse things, so maybe is better to create an advertisement board of some kind and leave all this mess with the flags behind......TIT :jap:

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... if flying two flags...

I don't know why a person would want to draw attention to themselves like that

So flying just one flag seems to be offensive and by flying two flags then there are even more problems.

Yes draw attention in this particular case is the right thing, that's what advertising is for, anyway, in EU you can see people displaying just ONE foreigner flag in either their home or business and nobody have problems with that (i mention this because some of the posters on this thread seems to think that here or there is the same in regards to flags, so, NOT, it isn't the same).

Thanks for the suggestion, anyway as i already specified, to put more then one country's flag will just confuse things, so maybe is better to create an advertisement board of some kind and leave all this mess with the flags behind......TIT :jap:

True...flying various flags in one country may be fine, while in another country it could cause a great deal of offense. The citizens of certain countries seem to have more of a...national identity(?)...than others. This is true in America as well as Thailand. So, certain subjects as pertaining to flying flags will be taken more seriously in those countries than in others.

Perhaps your friend who wants to advertise can do so through words rather than symbols..."Made In Wherever"..."Direct From Such-And-Such Country"...etc.

Or, rather than using a flag to symbolize the country, why not use the outline of the country's map? If it's a readily identifiable country such as England, America, Japan, etc, then it would probably work.

Edited by Shivers
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At a slight tangent to the topic, I'm bemused by foreigners who include their own country's national symbol on the numberplate of their Thai-registered car. Germans seem particularly prone to this, although I saw a Swedish one the other day. I suppose there's no great harm in it, but it wouldn't surprise me if that was illegal.

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I solved this way:

Is it just my bad eyesight or you hang those multicoloured stuff to the electrical wires? :D it remind me of those gangs in US or UK that hangs on the electrical wires the shoes of people they robbed and use them to delimit their territory :cheesy:

Edit: mispelling

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I think the vet in the video clip did the right thing. The rodents that keep trotting across the border need to know they are out of order.....with many issues.

And by calling them for rodents, you are not out of order?

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I asked the misses to buy me some new handkerchiefs the other day when she was at the market. She came back with a sealed bag of them. I opened the bag and to my shock one of them was actually the American flag. Despite not being American, I just couldnt bring myself to blowing my nose on it. Anyway, I wash and ironed it and put it away. I actually wondered where it was made and if whoever did that had put any thought into what they were doing, distasteful in my opinion.


Most of my Thai friends has at least once commented about the strange custom some other countries have by making their flags into t-shirts and underwear.

Especially the US and English flags have been used a lot, by their own people.

Again and again one can see it on tv (documentaries), movies, concerts, etc.

So Im very surprised someone here could be this distasteful and do the same.

But rhen again, we find disrespectful people everywhere.

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