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Horror Stories/Nightmare Moving To Thailand


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Hi guys it seems to be our dream to move to Thailand, however could you guys that already living there tell us some negative sides about Thailand? Like horror stories/bad experiences living there? such as sold your house and everything in your home country and already moved to Thailand, but later realize you are still used to your home sweet home, friends there and all the relatives etc. But then if you move back it will cost a lot and you are stuck in Thailand with no money to move. Or moved to Thailand and not used to the culture, language and whatnot, depressed and drink everyday. No friends and relatives in Thailand etc, Got scammed by thail girls or whoever and lost your life savings. Any horror stories that us newbie should know about? thanks

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Re-settling to a new country is definitely a big commitment to make ...

I would suggest you to re-evaluate the following:

Are you mentally, emotionaly, and financially ready?

Also please look at your passive income is able to sustain your monthly expenses.

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Obviously you would proceed with caution and rent your home first. We never know what's round the corner and if you buy a home you're stuck with it come what may. Some places have been on the market for years waiting for a buyer at the right price. As in Falangland the most important consideration must be the location. No point in living in a beautiful secluded home if you like company and vice versa. You must also give transportation a lot of thought. Personally I came to Thailand to avoid stress and I've always found vehicular concerns the source of major headaches so would never consider owning a car or motor cycle in Pattaya.

Things can change quickly in Pattaya with buildings sprouting up everywhere blocking views and sunshine and anti social neighbours moving into the area. Where I stay we had a pool that basked in sunshine all day, now it is in the shade from 2pm onwards because of a huge building erected in the last 9 months. It is not a wise move to skimp on your lodgings as it will be your home and renting cheap accommodation can easily backfire on you. You must spend some cash making your home somewhere that you are comfortable and happy in as after a while you will get bored of bars, boozing and chasing women. A decent entertainment system is a must as is good internet connection. Cooking facilities come in handy as not everyone wishes to go out every time they want a bite to eat.

My advice would be not to burn your bridges, rent don't buy, don't be tempted to invest in any kind of business, don't select your lodgings based on price and be prepared to fork out on the necessary home comforts. and last but not least do not have a woman move in with you. You can move them in easily enough but getting them to leave when it all goes boss eyed is a different kettle of fish altogether.

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I suggest you just follow along with the forum, every situation shows up eventually.

If you come, be prepared to be flexible and not to take anything too serious, even when it inconveniences you.

The inconvenience and the lack of ability to communicate balances the perks, for most anyway. Also it is better to be wealthy, that way you can create your own illusion of what Thailand is.

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Cultural difference are major; language can be a problem so an effort to learn should be a priority; officialdom is very different, some things are quick and easy but many things can be slow and complicated; visas are another important issue.

Living here is absolutely nothing like being on vacation here.

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First of all, don't sell up in your home country. Move to Thailand and rent somewhere for at least a year and see how you get on. Talk to as many expats as possible, some will moan constantly (but continue to live here) and some will gloss over many things. Think carefully about where you want to stay in Thailand, and renting gives you the opportunity to move around. You will need to be in an area where English is spoken.

Read lots of articles with information for expats, and be very wary of scams from people who say they are trying to help you.

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My wife of one month pawns the wedding ring for a 5th of its value, says she needs money. Good enough story for you. That is after I pay $56,000 bhat to the bank in mortgage payments that she is behind and pay to make improvements to the house, which theoretically the bank owns.

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so no one so far have any unpleasant experience after moving to Thailand? any regret, missing friends, family back home, food etc? is everyone all already in Thailand or are thinking about moving?

I'm sure if you trawl far enough through these pages you can find more horror stories than you could possibly shake a pointy stick at!

I've been here around 9yrs now, and certainly plenty of ups & downs, but still here so no horror stories :D Basically, if you wouldn't do it at home, don't do it here. First & most grievous screw-up is that. Folk get drunk off their <deleted>, the girls are laughing, suddenly invincibility kicks in! Only for so long mate.

Would you buy your missus back home a house/car/land knowing what a fickle cow she can be? No, then don't do it here.

Would you give her your PIN # to the account with millions in it? See above!!

Would you invest heavily in some bright idea her family has had promising a 200% return in only a few months, after only knowing them for a week? Hopefully you're getting the idea!!

Too many clowns get their heads turned by a pretty face, polite attitude & nice smile. The planes home are full of them, broke & dejected. However, you can hardly blame the Thais, no wonder they call us buffaloes for acting in such a manner! If 75% of a race of people comes over, doesn't heed the warning signs, what else are we as a whole?

There's not even a need to be overly cautious, just don't be stupid!

What do I miss? Family, friends, yes on occasion. House, lifestyle, no way on this earth! Thai language is easy enough to pick up the basics but I'm still learning. Culture too, but that's what makes it interesting! Real food's easy enough to find, but expensive, personally I'm happy with Thai cuisine, lucky my missus is one hel_l of a cook. You only miss the daft things;

Marks & Spencer's Christmas Pickled Onions

Spares, bits & bobs for your vehicles, stuff you can easily find in Halford's?

Items in supermarkets, they arrange everything pissed here!

You have to learn to be patient beyond belief, keep smiling!!

If that's all I have to worry about, then there's hardly a crisis? Good house, good wife, good business, and a relaxed pace of life. OMG I forgot, I'm missing all that STRESS!!

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ok I read this on the other board, it sounds pretty bad I say, what do you guys think any of you have similar experience like this?

Moving and living in Thailand does take a while to get use to and lots of alcohol to start with, unless you coming from a small village in the middle of nowhere, in this case everything is just great.

For starters simple things are made very hard.

Internet-back home takes a phone call and you are in line few hours later, Thailand can take up to 4 weeks

Same with phone and cable

You can not pay your bills with credit card, and if you late with payment, you must go to the actual office, can not pay at 7/11 or post office.

Buying things for the house can be little challenging, not only because staff do not know anything about what they sell, but for half of the time, what is shown is actually not in stock.

When renting, getting your deposit back or part of it is like winning a lotto.

Getting license, while it is not hard but it sure takes time, buying bike or car is rather a headache.

You really do not have any right at all. No matter how it looks from the "roof" on the ground we do not have any rights -full stop.

If you new car or bike breaks, they do not really fix it, but drag it out for warranty to finish, and there is not much you can do.

Just recently i had a bike accident, and decided to fix up the bike, so gave it to a shop to respray the panels. Its now been 6 weeks and its still not done, because either they forgot to sand it and the color is not flat, or forgot to clean the surface after sanding so the color looks dirty, or get the color wrong and so on and on and on. It is now the 7th week and i still do not have the bike.

I had a surgery in Thailand which went wrong somewhere. Doctor said he can fix but i have to again the full amount 350 000 baht.So he fuc_ks up but i have to pay again. Again no one gives a fuc_k.

I have sent parcels back home, which were confiscated by Thai customs with no explanation or letter or anything. So you understand i sent parcel from Thailand to Australia and parcel was taken by Thai customs in the airport.

Business wise, putting aside all the hassles with visa, WP, staff etc, i use Fedex for all my shipping. A few times now i order boxes and 2 weeks later i still do not receive. When they really piss me off and i get through to a manager in Singapore, they tell me i never ordered any boxes, and this happens very often.

Yes you really do not have any rights. for BIB you are just a walking ATM, i been robbed in a high rise condo. Stupid guards were sleeping or were to stupid to question why someone is taking out everything who does not live in the condo. Everything was on video, but BIB did not even bother to check or do anything

Any motor accident,you will always be in the wrong.

If a Thai piles shit outside your house, there is not much you can do.If Thai does something wrong, again do not expect any assistance from the authorities.

There is no consumer protection agency's. They have set up an agency but from my experience they do not give a fuc_k and do not do anything.

There is no health and safety regulations, restaurant can serve you with rotten meat and again nothing you can do.

Lodging complains anywhere, does not get you anything, possibly a sorry if you lucky.

No matter if you live here for 1 year or 30 years you will always be a farang. If you meet the "right"people your life will be easier, but you will also be buying gifts and paying for every single step.

Your investment is not safe, because you never know what new law they will come up with. If your money in the bank go missing for some reason-you will not get it back.

I have heard of people putting in a large sum of money to get interest, only at the end of the term to find out they do not get any interest because they are not Thai( true story)

Other things to mention, say you open a business and it does very well, you will start to get visits from police, immigration and everyone else who can extort you one way or another.

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ok I read this on the other board, it sounds pretty bad I say, what do you guys think any of you have similar experience like this?

Moving and living in Thailand does take a while to get use to and lots of alcohol to start with, unless you coming from a small village in the middle of nowhere, in this case everything is just great.

For starters simple things are made very hard.

Internet-back home takes a phone call and you are in line few hours later, Thailand can take up to 4 weeks

Same with phone and cable

You can not pay your bills with credit card, and if you late with payment, you must go to the actual office, can not pay at 7/11 or post office.

Buying things for the house can be little challenging, not only because staff do not know anything about what they sell, but for half of the time, what is shown is actually not in stock.

When renting, getting your deposit back or part of it is like winning a lotto.

Getting license, while it is not hard but it sure takes time, buying bike or car is rather a headache.

You really do not have any right at all. No matter how it looks from the "roof" on the ground we do not have any rights -full stop.

If you new car or bike breaks, they do not really fix it, but drag it out for warranty to finish, and there is not much you can do.

Just recently i had a bike accident, and decided to fix up the bike, so gave it to a shop to respray the panels. Its now been 6 weeks and its still not done, because either they forgot to sand it and the color is not flat, or forgot to clean the surface after sanding so the color looks dirty, or get the color wrong and so on and on and on. It is now the 7th week and i still do not have the bike.

I had a surgery in Thailand which went wrong somewhere. Doctor said he can fix but i have to again the full amount 350 000 baht.So he fuc_ks up but i have to pay again. Again no one gives a fuc_k.

I have sent parcels back home, which were confiscated by Thai customs with no explanation or letter or anything. So you understand i sent parcel from Thailand to Australia and parcel was taken by Thai customs in the airport.

Business wise, putting aside all the hassles with visa, WP, staff etc, i use Fedex for all my shipping. A few times now i order boxes and 2 weeks later i still do not receive. When they really piss me off and i get through to a manager in Singapore, they tell me i never ordered any boxes, and this happens very often.

Yes you really do not have any rights. for BIB you are just a walking ATM, i been robbed in a high rise condo. Stupid guards were sleeping or were to stupid to question why someone is taking out everything who does not live in the condo. Everything was on video, but BIB did not even bother to check or do anything

Any motor accident,you will always be in the wrong.

If a Thai piles shit outside your house, there is not much you can do.If Thai does something wrong, again do not expect any assistance from the authorities.

There is no consumer protection agency's. They have set up an agency but from my experience they do not give a fuc_k and do not do anything.

There is no health and safety regulations, restaurant can serve you with rotten meat and again nothing you can do.

Lodging complains anywhere, does not get you anything, possibly a sorry if you lucky.

No matter if you live here for 1 year or 30 years you will always be a farang. If you meet the "right"people your life will be easier, but you will also be buying gifts and paying for every single step.

Your investment is not safe, because you never know what new law they will come up with. If your money in the bank go missing for some reason-you will not get it back.

I have heard of people putting in a large sum of money to get interest, only at the end of the term to find out they do not get any interest because they are not Thai( true story)

Other things to mention, say you open a business and it does very well, you will start to get visits from police, immigration and everyone else who can extort you one way or another.

Some people may disagree with you but I could not have said it better than you did. (wife pawns wedding ring after less than a month married)

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My wife of one month pawns the wedding ring for a 5th of its value, says she needs money. Good enough story for you. That is after I pay $56,000 bhat to the bank in mortgage payments that she is behind and pay to make improvements to the house, which theoretically the bank owns.

Just a month? I think she is upfront with you about what will be a miserable uncertain future.

My only advice, never get involved with a girl from a poor family, if they are all poor and especially if they are lazy. If you do, you will end up poor like the rest of them.

I ll give you a clue, dont study the girl, study her mother, because everything she does gets approved by her.

Most stories out here are all horror themed. Just read PDN everyday.

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Rent everything (house in home country, house in Thailand)

This also applies to the Thai wife.

Never spend any amount of money in Thailand expecting some sort or return.

The person a few posts back did not heed this advice, and now he regrets it.


Wedding rings are not part of Thai culture so she placed no value on it ...... apart from the cash she could sell it for.


I've been here 2 years and am having the time of my life, no really bad experiences at all, but I'm pretty careful with my money.

(OK so I do admit to a few Thai style hysterical girl screaming soap opera tantrums sprung on me by various ladies, but all a bit of fun)

Gained a Thai wife, step-daughter and Mother-in-law ... 6 months and still good.

(Didn't buy her a wedding ring ..... not a Thai custom, did pay 100,000bht sinsot, but that went towards 5 rai of land for the wife)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Not trying to be funny, have you ever been to Thailand?

What do you mean by, "it seems to be our dream to move to Thailand"?

Are you coming to work or retire?

Are you married to a Thai?

Learn the language, including reading.

Before commiting to live anywhere, examine the local area, are there karaoke bars near by, some guys have an aversion to mosques, what are transport links like, BTS or MRT (for BKK).

I concur about not selling up back home, look on it as an insurance policy, too many guys stuck here, although most wont admit to it.

Have a back up plan, if the shit hits the fan where do you go?

Do exchange rates affect you?

Will you pension be stuck, see the Brits for details.

What about healthcare, do you know the cost of health insurance in Thailand?

Have you opened a Thai bank account?

So many questions, give us a bit of background info.

Thailand is a great place to be, as long has you have the option of checking out.

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Been here four years, moved over when I was 32, bought a condo after staying with a friend for a month. It's a nice place, near the BTS, guy who sold it was very helpful (and admitted straight off it'd been on the market for over a year and he was starting to think it would never shift). Pretty much enjoyed every day here. Had some friends who lived here already, so that made it easier, but didn't really think about living here too deeply. Just figured it was better to try something that not.

Horror stories... my ex-girlfriend did get me to babysit her monkey for an afternoon. It wouldn't let go of my arm and every time I tried to get up to make a cup of coffee, it'd pee itself and, as a result, me as well. That was a bit odd. Apart from that it's all been good. Maybe because I come from a family of worriers (poor mum can't even switch on a light without some monologue about the terrible things could happen) and I've grown up determined to do the opposite.

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My wife of one month pawns the wedding ring for a 5th of its value, says she needs money. Good enough story for you. That is after I pay $56,000 bhat to the bank in mortgage payments that she is behind and pay to make improvements to the house, which theoretically the bank owns.

Just a month? I think she is upfront with you about what will be a miserable uncertain future.

My only advice, never get involved with a girl from a poor family, if they are all poor and especially if they are lazy. If you do, you will end up poor like the rest of them.

I ll give you a clue, dont study the girl, study her mother, because everything she does gets approved by her.

Most stories out here are all horror themed. Just read PDN everyday.

Yes Thai Proverb "When you look at the elephant look at the tail, when you look at the woman look at the mother." Mom was real nice to start, supposedly owns a large house nearby, but spends every night here (does not want to be alone) of course I have never been invited to her house. Mother is angry with me now because I told her it was not right for her daughter to pawn the ring. Wife tells me she needs money for mother, then next day tells me not to worry about money for mother. I just got the wife a job starting in September, we will see how it goes. It is unfortunate that she has lost my trust in her, and as you say the future does not look bright, and I do read PDN every day just as it happens. Everything was good while we were dating. Yesterday a friend of the wife's called and offered to give her the 2,000 bhat to buy the ring back, but the wife refused the offer. This is all turning me into a bit of a prick.

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My wife of one month pawns the wedding ring for a 5th of its value, says she needs money. Good enough story for you. That is after I pay $56,000 bhat to the bank in mortgage payments that she is behind and pay to make improvements to the house, which theoretically the bank owns.

Just a month? I think she is upfront with you about what will be a miserable uncertain future.

My only advice, never get involved with a girl from a poor family, if they are all poor and especially if they are lazy. If you do, you will end up poor like the rest of them.

I ll give you a clue, dont study the girl, study her mother, because everything she does gets approved by her.

Most stories out here are all horror themed. Just read PDN everyday.

Do you need both people to sign divorce papers or can it be done by one?

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My wife of one month pawns the wedding ring for a 5th of its value, says she needs money. Good enough story for you. That is after I pay $56,000 bhat to the bank in mortgage payments that she is behind and pay to make improvements to the house, which theoretically the bank owns.

Just a month? I think she is upfront with you about what will be a miserable uncertain future.

My only advice, never get involved with a girl from a poor family, if they are all poor and especially if they are lazy. If you do, you will end up poor like the rest of them.

I ll give you a clue, dont study the girl, study her mother, because everything she does gets approved by her.

Most stories out here are all horror themed. Just read PDN everyday.

Do you need both people to sign divorce papers or can it be done by one?

Glad to see you have finally come to your senses, you were warned, dont worry you wont be the first and wont be the last, nothing more than an innocent abroad.

The Wicked Witch From The North, will have to accompany you, may have to persuade her, tell her its for tax reasons, if she plays hardball offer 50k, if she doesnt budge, walk, tell her no problem.

You may well end up having to transfer from a married mans to a single mans visa, eg 800k baht instead of 400k.

Get your ass to the VFW in Korat, talk to guys who have been here for a while and know how the cow eats the cabbage.

Your life starts now, move on and forget.

As they say here, not my problem.

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Sunday morning in July 2000, I was walking in China town needed to buy some goods for my GF business, and i like just to walk around and look.

Suddenly a box fall out of building just a few meter in front of me, my heart stopped for a moment.

Luckily my heart found his track again and started few second later as it again was interrupted when a loud bang accurse.

A man in his 30isch followed the box and dropped out of the same window in front of me, blood everywhere i assumed that he was dead. As i was very close i turned around and walked away.

At this time my heart was pumping my blood under high pressure true my body, after a few second i found myself running instead of walking, and many people where looking at me.

People were screaming and the word Farang was one of them, i found out that about 4 people following me. I run as fast as i could why I didn’t know , I had nothing to do with this guy dropped out off building in front off me. It was a difficult run as it was very crowded.

After seems to me about 15 minutes i couldn’t run anymore i was exhausted my legs felt if there was Lead pumping in it and i could run anymore.

I turned around and didn’t saw any of the guys following me, good take a taxi and go home.

The moment i turned around again 4 guy standing in front of me, one of the a Thai-Chinese guy about 45 years old told me in Chinese-English that I killed his friend. As i try to explained to him that i only walked there to buy some good for my GF i got hit by a golf club on my head. Before i knew what was going on i start hitting this guy i try to manage to get golf club and knocked him out.

The second Guy who was talking with me grabbed a pistol, the only i can remember is a loud bang.

I wake up about 20 meter from my bed sweating with a broom in my hand.

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My wife of one month pawns the wedding ring for a 5th of its value, says she needs money. Good enough story for you. That is after I pay $56,000 bhat to the bank in mortgage payments that she is behind and pay to make improvements to the house, which theoretically the bank owns.

Just a month? I think she is upfront with you about what will be a miserable uncertain future.

My only advice, never get involved with a girl from a poor family, if they are all poor and especially if they are lazy. If you do, you will end up poor like the rest of them.

I ll give you a clue, dont study the girl, study her mother, because everything she does gets approved by her.

Most stories out here are all horror themed. Just read PDN everyday.

Yes Thai Proverb "When you look at the elephant look at the tail, when you look at the woman look at the mother." Mom was real nice to start, supposedly owns a large house nearby, but spends every night here (does not want to be alone) of course I have never been invited to her house. Mother is angry with me now because I told her it was not right for her daughter to pawn the ring. Wife tells me she needs money for mother, then next day tells me not to worry about money for mother. I just got the wife a job starting in September, we will see how it goes. It is unfortunate that she has lost my trust in her, and as you say the future does not look bright, and I do read PDN every day just as it happens. Everything was good while we were dating. Yesterday a friend of the wife's called and offered to give her the 2,000 bhat to buy the ring back, but the wife refused the offer. This is all turning me into a bit of a prick.

I can sypathise with you,in most Western cultures a wedding ring has a deep symbolic sense of meaning to it.

But unfortunate the Thais merely look upon it as ready available emergency money.

And that sadly is the only meaning for them,Thai psyche determines: most everthing has a financial value only.

My wife recently said it was about time I bought a new wedding ring for her,

I resisted the temptation of explaining to her the only way she will ever get a new one is, i.e it won't be from me.

As some wise man said "To know the price of everything but the value of nothing"

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My wife of one month pawns the wedding ring for a 5th of its value, says she needs money. Good enough story for you. That is after I pay $56,000 bhat to the bank in mortgage payments that she is behind and pay to make improvements to the house, which theoretically the bank owns.

Just a month? I think she is upfront with you about what will be a miserable uncertain future.

My only advice, never get involved with a girl from a poor family, if they are all poor and especially if they are lazy. If you do, you will end up poor like the rest of them.

I ll give you a clue, dont study the girl, study her mother, because everything she does gets approved by her.

Most stories out here are all horror themed. Just read PDN everyday.

Do you need both people to sign divorce papers or can it be done by one?

Glad to see you have finally come to your senses, you were warned, dont worry you wont be the first and wont be the last, nothing more than an innocent abroad.

The Wicked Witch From The North, will have to accompany you, may have to persuade her, tell her its for tax reasons, if she plays hardball offer 50k, if she doesnt budge, walk, tell her no problem.

You may well end up having to transfer from a married mans to a single mans visa, eg 800k baht instead of 400k.

Get your ass to the VFW in Korat, talk to guys who have been here for a while and know how the cow eats the cabbage.

Your life starts now, move on and forget.

As they say here, not my problem.

Thanks now. Appreciate your input, have not applied for Marriage Visa yet. Hesitant to transfer funds to Thailand and lose interest on those funds, when relationship does not look good.

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It sounds as if the matrimonial alliance you have entered is heading for discord and heartache. Cut your losses, take to your heels and scarper. It sounds as if she regards you as her personal ATM. The LOS can be a bachelor's paradise but a married man's nightmare, and I'm sure you did not relocate to Thailand to live such a life. Do not let your decision to stay with this woman be influenced by any feelings of guilt or misplaced loyalty that we Westerners have been conditioned to adhere to!

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