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Gf Visa To Us - Basics Steps

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I've been trolling around for information regarding a visa for my girlfriend to states, is this the gist of it:

1. go online and get the basic info

2. buy a key and fill out online app

3. get a date/appt for her (seems to be about two weeks last I checked

4. Wait for outcome

**Start to finish, how long should I anticipate the process to take?

My questions. It was stated here and in a pm that it is most important to provide evidence of why she will return. My gf does not own a condo, will have only about 200k in the bank. She can provide a letter of employment and character from her corporate employer. Her monthly gross is only about 20k. She has traveled and we continue to do so nationally and internationally. She has been to the US about ten years ago.

Someone mentioned that I might accompany her to the interview and it was stated here that I should be able to show that I have reason to return. Currently, that is a bit scant. I refuse to put large sums in Thai banks, I will turn 50 by the time we make the visa BUT I am very indifferent to getting the extension as we travel so much. I don't have a business here sure.

All I can show in this regard is a stack of passports from all the countries I have traveled in last 17+ years. These passports are now in states - SHOULD I ASK MY FRIEND TO CARRY THESE OUT? Will these be of any value to the reviewers of her application at interview?? It would show that I clearly my lack of time in the US - About 3 passports and about 150 pages used.

Not a fiance` visa. B1/B2 - Tourist for visiting my family and camping national parks

Edited by bangkokburning
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It looks like your gf has excellent grounds to receive her US visa. Other reason for returning are parents, children other property. Hers pass history will be a big positive. You may submit information on your support but the embassy in the interview even if you were married will not let you be present. From the time of the interview to the time she receives her passport back with the visa can be as little as three days. Others I.m sure will advise. Best of luck.

Edited by gotlost
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Thanks for vote of confidence. I forgot to add she has university degree. Yes, of course parents (it has been stated this is not a good reason and I agree). She wants to buy a condo, but we will only seriously look after our return - this is better not even mentioned as it is pie-in-the-sky to the officer.

But my real question is - Should I be involved in this process at all? I'd like to make it on her own accord but willing to go to an interview (I think I am not allowed?) or send a letter. Here is my question....some have stated that it may be important to show that I (me) have good reason to return to Thailand as well. I really cannot show this other than: 3pp full of 17yrs of travel (eg my lack of time in the US over 20 yrs), a retirement visa I am disinclined to apply for as I like to travel and is a real hassle.

We have no intention of marrying in states, she will pay for her own ticket and I will reimburse her on her return and bonus her 50K or taxes on a condo whichever is greater.

Should I send a letter of introduction (in bullet points) w/ her?

How long is the process from time of completed online application and obtaining interview date?

If we start in end of July shooting for mid Sept departure OK?


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Thanks for vote of confidence. I forgot to add she has university degree. Yes, of course parents (it has been stated this is not a good reason and I agree). She wants to buy a condo, but we will only seriously look after our return - this is better not even mentioned as it is pie-in-the-sky to the officer.

But my real question is - Should I be involved in this process at all? I'd like to make it on her own accord but willing to go to an interview (I think I am not allowed?) or send a letter. Here is my question....some have stated that it may be important to show that I (me) have good reason to return to Thailand as well. I really cannot show this other than: 3pp full of 17yrs of travel (eg my lack of time in the US over 20 yrs), a retirement visa I am disinclined to apply for as I like to travel and is a real hassle.

We have no intention of marrying in states, she will pay for her own ticket and I will reimburse her on her return and bonus her 50K or taxes on a condo whichever is greater.

Should I send a letter of introduction (in bullet points) w/ her?

How long is the process from time of completed online application and obtaining interview date?

If we start in end of July shooting for mid Sept departure OK?


My wife got her tourist visa approved for 10 years back in January. We went to the states for 3 weeks in April/May along with our 2 year old son.

No, you are not allowed in the interview. She needs to do this on her own. Showing ties to Thailand and that she will return is standard. The Conoff will also be looking at her ties to YOU as well.

You complete the application online, buy the pin# at the post office. You can pay the visa fee at the post office too (nonrefundable). With the pin number you make the appointment online. My wife got the last available day in January. February had 15 slots available. I have been reading that people are having a terrible time trying to get an interview date. Going on line and entering their Pin# only to be told that the next available open slot is 3 months away. This seemed to start happening around March.You may want to check into this.

She will bring the application the day of her interview along with other necessary paperwork. What paperwork should she provide? Good question, and who knows. Definitely provide everything listed on website.

My wife provided 1 active bankbook and 4 canceled, and I provided my bank information, along with marriage certificate, copy of my passport, and visa pages, sons BC, Birth abroad cert., copies of his passport, etc. The Conoff did not even look at our finances.. It helped that we had been legally married for 2 years and our son is a dual citizen, so I am sure that was the deciding factor.

Make sure that your GF provides more than enough relevant paperwork, even if it is not looked at. Put a packet together showing ties to each other. If she is approved they will take her passport and send it via EMS within 3 days. She will not know how long the visa is valid for until she gets it back. Chok dee.

Edited by mizzi39
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Thanks very much. NOt to belabor the issue mizzi, but "ties to me" - well, we are not married, have no immediate plans and I was informed if brought up in the interview, answer is no plans. We travel a lot togther, take a trip of some type every month. We both love photography and we are building a photo portfolio of shots of us together. This is about the best and only tie. Apt is in her name until next year, I pay the rent. Other than the photo album. We are about spent on this one in regard to the "us" factor. Might be able to provide the date we met signed by staf at a national park if she is still there this November. That would make us an item for one year.

When you say the Post Office for the Pin# -and pay visa fee at the PO as well. Is this here in Thailand or in US? Will the web site have all the info?

So, we should be looking at months in advance....lets say online app first week May 2011 for trip in Sept 2011 (Oct 2011 if need be).


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Thanks very much. NOt to belabor the issue mizzi, but "ties to me" - well, we are not married, have no immediate plans and I was informed if brought up in the interview, answer is no plans. We travel a lot togther, take a trip of some type every month. We both love photography and we are building a photo portfolio of shots of us together. This is about the best and only tie. Apt is in her name until next year, I pay the rent. Other than the photo album. We are about spent on this one in regard to the "us" factor. Might be able to provide the date we met signed by staf at a national park if she is still there this November. That would make us an item for one year.

When you say the Post Office for the Pin# -and pay visa fee at the PO as well. Is this here in Thailand or in US? Will the web site have all the info?

So, we should be looking at months in advance....lets say online app first week May 2011 for trip in Sept 2011 (Oct 2011 if need be).


The Conoff will ask your GF her reason for wanting to visit the states. It is a question on the visa application as well. Just be honest with intentions for visit, as they look for deceit and are pros at spotting it. If a photo album is all you have then just provide that to show your ties together. Remember a lot of who gets approved or denied is based on the "human factor", such as convincing the Conoff that she will return and this is based on how well she answers their questions.

A tourist visa is used for tourist reasons, so I assume her intentions are to visit the states with you which this is what such visa is intended for. The worst case scenario is that she gets denied, your out $144.00 (aprox.) The good news is that you can immediately reapply and be better prepared the second time around as the Conoff will tell her right there why she is being denied (again worse case scenario)

Yes, you can get the Pin# and pay the visa fee at virtually any Thai PO (main branch) in any province in kingdom. They all offer this service. Once you pay the fee they will give you a receipt. Do not lose it as your GF needs to show the original receipt the day of her interview. The embassy will not accept a copy. The website has all the info. that you need. Good luck and keep us all posted.

Edited by mizzi39
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Thanks again, all this has been a great help. Yes, we are going to see my family and to national parks. Both of us have no interest in work or marriage. I think we will start the process immediately after our return from Nepal (April 30) for a trip late September.

Thanks to you both

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BB - Hi. I just wanted to add one thing - I wrote a letter and sent it to my GF as part of her application. I put it on the letterhead of my employer. I had no idea if the letter would have any value at all, but I figured why not. Anyway, it turned out that the interviewer had my letter and read from it during my GF's interview, and asked a few questions based off of things I wrote in my letter. She also told me that the interviewer had a number of questions about ME during the interview as well, such as where I worked, what I did, what was my connection to Thailand, and so on.

So I would say that writing a letter might be a helpful thing if it truly adds some positive spin to your GF's application. Good luck.

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