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Little Sound From Thai Girl To Big Foreigner


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I'm a thai girl and stay here in Bangkok.I didn't read join to this web site that much until now.And today i register for member coz of my bf.he like to read any topics on this website.i just think one day.He will fine my topics and read it within one day. and maybe he will think i post this topics for play game with him.coz of any girl in this earth like to play game with him.

I just want to tell any farang who stay in thai and think about thai girl like to cheating money.if one day u can find out good girl and love you in real but you just blind coz of compair wt some girl who did something not gd wt many farang before.and she gonna same like them then pls stop to make relation with many girl then coz u will not get love and lifwith good relation.but i'm so sorry to many who got problem with many girl who want only money from guy only.

I'm really bad luck with love coz of i had 1 thai guy who i maried.he like to cheating me money,hit me,gambling and not good take care for family.only me who really work hard for family. and now i have my bf.maybe we will seperate soon.he think i'm a girl who expect to cheating him money. my life isn't balance.

Do u think i just the girl who have hard job and not that mucbh salary? i'm a system engineere and my salary is 20,000 bath/month and i try to do business for make my life better and free.sometime i have good business and sometime isn't good. nad i got alot of dept from the first guy who i maried and get my daughter.and i lose job also when suwannaphoom is closed by yellow shirt and my business is broken down when the red shirt was close Ratchaprasong but i never stop to do work and business. sometime my farang bf help me for give me some money to borrow and i return back all of money to him as soon as posible.

I know this guy for 2 years already.We share with every thing about food,transport and etc. even some day i have only 100 bth in my pocket that i never ask him for money.i just said i have no money for tell him that i can't go to restaurant which high price.i can have only food on the street for 30 bath.coz if u have food in restaurant that for the same food is 60 and +++ for drink and service. sometime he take care of me and sometime when i have enough money that i take care of him also.

it continue like this for two years until today.I start to have problem with money again after my mom ill.My dad and me have to spent a lot of money for her coz of docter found something in her lung. and this week i have scheduled for pay dept(i got from my ex bf) to clear and i shot of money again. this month i got 40,000 bath but i pay for many thing and for mom.i just keep only 3,000 for myself.i can not see my mom ill.i want her to have good health.and my parent they are very good already.if i compare with others.they don't ask some money from me for health family.they just ask for sometime when they can't do.and beside me when i got problem and ill.

and i'm also stupid also for spent last money with business. (i have my apartment and pay by myself.i never ask him to do coz this is not his job)sometime i stay with him at his condo. i really love him in real.but after i found him have other girl(now she share the shop with me.i know they r play game with me.i doing business and i think i forgive them at all and don't want to think about it. i think if i do good with them i hope they will do good with me.) when we r couple and we have flight for many week but finally i forgive him at all. for me i never have other.i can say i'm honest.

why the guy they so selfish? i ask my bf if i go out and enjoy with other guy like what they did.Can i? the answer is NO!? yeach,after this even he really angry on me coz i open the shop with this girl. i have no choice i want to have share in the shop coz for save money. befora i ask him for borrow but he said no. and after at all ha hate my shop. he doesn't touch my shop.even i ask for help to set something in my shop that he said no.and i try to set my shop by myself like the carpentor.and after at all i told myself i will not ask him anymore for help.coz of i think this is something without money.it look like something is broken in house and i ask the guy for help.

and finally,we have big flight coz of money 40 bath what he found on the street and he give it to me.How it come?

OK, we order food and after we check bill and i pay for my site.american share.and he ask for pay more coz i got money for 40 bath on the street and he want to get 20 bath share on it. so. i'm really upset coz this is just little money and when he walk on the street and see the person sit on the street that he donate many time 20 bath.or go to temple and donate for 100 bath every week or when he went. this is he can't get anything back from them that a giveness. and me?i'm just gf.that just 20 Bath.He can't give me. so finally i pay him back 40 bath.even i have no money i my pocket that much.

all of this i sart to think.if one day i got accident. i lose job but i'm not lazy girl. i work for everything.i never look down on 1 coin. but if one day i fail that he will beside me or not.

I just want to have 1 person who will stay with me for long term.help each other nad i can say i'm sure if one day my bf fail.if i decide to be share life.give love.and getting old together. if he lose legs,arm or fail in life. I will beside him coz i choose to share my half life with.

Today,i decide to seperate with him.I still love him all of my heart.in deep in mine.i hope he gonna think about me.but i have believe that he doesn't care. and i have to let him go. no need to keep him if he doesn't trust to me. i show what i am already. Too tried to stay with a person never believe in my love. and count every satang to give me.this is i never think about calculate coz it worthwhile[ to see smile on his face.

it feel good to see who i love happy that i can't compare with money.

I want to tell many farang guy if you can get thai girl who are very good heart and no need to pay sin sod.please keep her coz our culture teach us to be good wife.sometime we just bad luck.and have lower status in thai culture but it doesn't mean we don't have real love.

Thank for read all of my text.


Edited by MiG16
changed text to normal black colour - MiG16
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Nancy, thankyou for taking the time to post here and tell your feelongs and your experience, I think I understand most of what you share with us.

Many falangs on here certaintly understand that there are many good Thai people (including girls) and are under no illusion that we can find them, I would guess many falang that post here already have and are even married with children.

We are also aware of the darker side of Thai people who just want to take from falang and not give and that you are not one of them..

All I will say is there are bad falang too, sounds to me like you started with a good one that has gone bad and has lost interest in you for this other girl, maybe time to move on sweetie.

I hope that your mother is ok and she gets well soon, my thoughts are with you and your family at this time.

I also have to say I am not impressed with the responses you have recieved so far on this thread, you have taken a long time to post here and indeed taken the time to share with everyone, the least you should get is respect for your honesty.

Guys with the IQ of 30 that have posted here so far why not go back to posting one liners of crap some place else, and don't bother to reply to me, this thread belongs to nancy and doesn't need a lot of unrelated insults directed at me or anyone else so just leave it, if you think you have made a contribution with your previous posts on this thread then just leave them or..................

good luck and take care ..............hugs

Edited by smedly
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Nancy, thankyou for taking the time to post here and tell your feelongs and your experience, I think I understand most of what you share with us.

Many falangs on here certaintly understand that there are many good Thai people (including girls) and are under no illusion that we can find them, I would guess many falang that post here already have and are even married with children.

We are also aware of the darker side of Thai people who just want to take from falang and not give and that you are not one of them..

All I will say is there are bad falang too, sounds to me like you started with a good one that has gone bad and has lost interest in you for this other girl, maybe time to move on sweetie.

I hope that your mother is ok and she gets well soon, my thoughts are with you and your family at this time.

I also have to say I am not impressed with the responses you have recieved so far on this thread, you have taken a long time to post here and indeed taken the time to share with everyone, the least you should get is respect for your honesty.

Guys with the IQ of 30 that have posted here so far why not go back to posting one liners of crap some  place else, and don't bother to reply to me, this thread belongs to nancy and doesn't need a lot of unrelated insults directed at me or anyone else so just leave it, if you think you have made a contribution with your previous posts on this thread then just leave them or..................

good luck and take care ..............hugs

  :lol: you are my hero mate. Yes nanci I hope your mom gets well soon.  

Edited by bkkjames
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When I first came here I met 4 girls pre arranged before I even flew in, I still know all 4, out of the four I'd say they were all good with the exception of one who chases money a bit and her reasosn was easy to see, she had a Farang husband and then she fell pregnant with twins, after they were born her Husband ran off with a bar girl and I have a feeling it kind of changed her.

Many Farangs are as bad or worse than some Thai women.

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Better luck in the future, Nancy. There are good guys and bad guys in every country and every culture. The negative replies here were probably from men who were stung by bar girls working the trade. Every bad experience affects all future relationship. Many men come to Thailand for the soul purpose of meeting attractive, young women that would have nothing to do with them in their own country. They pick hardened women who have also had problems and it just repeats the cycle. If you spend any time on thaivisa you will soon hear the stories.

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As IanForbes said, in every country, in every culture you have the same thing occurring in different levels. They are good guys and bad guys, just like there are good girls and bad girls. Yes, if you have an argument over 20 Baht with any guy regardless of Thai/Foreigner, then obviously not worth your time. However, what some locals fail to understand is foreigners also have mother and father who they are responsible for. It's not just in Thailand that children take care of their parents. Unless you date a very old foreigner though (which is maybe why the older they are the more popular they are?)

I don't feel sad or bad for you. When you found out your partner was humping someone else, that was the time to dumb them and move on. Yet you stayed with him? He only saw you as a free sexual relief that pays for her own meals.

Take your time before jumping into a new relationship Nancy.

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Out of the different countries I have visited and traveled around in, Thailand tops the list for having the weirdest and creepiest Westerners living there. The old retired guys and guys on business are generally a good and normal bunch, but a good chunk of the rest are pretty disillusioned, depressing, and exhibit a warped sense of reality. The difference between Westerners in Thailand and Westerners in S. America or even China is absolutely striking - in a bad way.

My advice to Thai girls - stay away... and most seem to be doing that already.

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Sorry to the O/P, (evidently) known as "Nancy". ..

I hadta stop reading when the color changed to purple, as it was just toooo painful to even attempt to plow thru in thai-engrish :( . Although I concur with 'bkkjames'; it was a very 'colorful' first post.

Here's a thought; IF, in fact you're really a thai-gurl (or even a ti-ger), post this same thing on the T/V Thai Language forum in THAI. I think it'd be a far easier read than this mangled slow-motion-train-wreck of an engrish post.

FWIW: don't rely on Google Translates, or your ‘talking-dic’ so much, BUT certainly stick with those E/S/L classes; they'll pay off eventually.

I imagine if I had managed to get thru the post it could have brought a tear to my eye too, but then I'm known to cry easily.

Welcome to the T/V forum Nancy. If in fact your story is true, my condolences, and if this is a troll, man you have way tooo much time on your handz, get a life :o..

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Thankfull for every post.if some post negative r negative or positive. I will take only good thing.

I open the shop at Jatujak.. i sale accessory and handmade bag.

My life have to go on.If he want to come back to me. I need to think about it. i can not change the behavior of people. If he love me.he should to know what he should do.if not!? i just let him go. I will not accept something like this anymore. i think that the couple have to accept each other.if it's not.it isn't match then.

and not easy to be strong but when i can do that and the time is passing.i learn something! sometime i scare to lose time or lose something what / who i love. and i forgot to love myself first!? now i don't scare anymore.

love is not only for couple. love is around us with parent,friend,animal etc.

I will not hurry up to jump to relations.

I can say that i love my bf very much.i can forgive him.and i'm really sorry to him for something what i did.i can't smile evryday.sometime i'm not funny girl like as what he want.He is good person also but he doesn't understand me.sometime he really stupid and protect himselve too much. and now i'm very tired to try to open his heart. i'm not a person who don't like to talk.i like to do it in real.i think everyone can spoke everything but only the few they did more than bla bla..... this is something really important in relations.

this is my last post for this topics.

this is the question. today,Do u take care of person who u love already? i never feel so bad that much coz i did every day like the last day of me. sometime i forgot but i still on my way.

I pray for everybody here have a gooooooooooooooooooood life.:)

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Nancy, thankyou for taking the time to post here and tell your feelongs and your experience, I think I understand most of what you share with us.

Many falangs on here certaintly understand that there are many good Thai people (including girls) and are under no illusion that we can find them, I would guess many falang that post here already have and are even married with children.

We are also aware of the darker side of Thai people who just want to take from falang and not give and that you are not one of them..

All I will say is there are bad falang too, sounds to me like you started with a good one that has gone bad and has lost interest in you for this other girl, maybe time to move on sweetie.

I hope that your mother is ok and she gets well soon, my thoughts are with you and your family at this time.

I also have to say I am not impressed with the responses you have recieved so far on this thread, you have taken a long time to post here and indeed taken the time to share with everyone, the least you should get is respect for your honesty.

Guys with the IQ of 30 that have posted here so far why not go back to posting one liners of crap some place else, and don't bother to reply to me, this thread belongs to nancy and doesn't need a lot of unrelated insults directed at me or anyone else so just leave it, if you think you have made a contribution with your previous posts on this thread then just leave them or..................

good luck and take care ..............hugs

i am not sure that I have ever been able to differentiate between sarcasm and irony.

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this is my last post for this topics.

this is the question. today,Do u take care of person who u love already? i never feel so bad that much coz i did every day like the last day of me. sometime i forgot but i still on my way.

I wasn't going to get involved with this one...but what the heck. If you are for real (big IF), it would seem that this is the sort of conversation you should be having with your bf, isn't it? Ah, you are. This thread was created specifically for him, wasn't it? So did it help? I didn't think so. Honestly, if I was dating a girl who had to write to an anonymous internet forum to discuss personal matters that involved me, I'd probably be a little freaked out. And no, it wouldn't really help matters.

I've seen this kind of thing before in Thailand. A Thai woman who feels the need to stick with her cheatin, lying, cheap charlie, and abusive farang only does so for one reason--she has no other options. If you were an attractive, confident, successful, and overall adorable female, you would have dumped this guy long ago and found someone else more deserving. Being alone is better than being with someone who makes you unhappy. Sorry to be so candid, but you did choose to post on a public forum, airing out your personal issues. Nothing wrong with that, but you should be prepared to accept the opinions of other members. Isn't that why you posted? Oh, I'm sorry, this thread was intended for you-know-who and you will no longer be posting. Best of luck.

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<SNIPPED> I've seen this kind of thing before in Thailand. <SNIPPED AGAIN!!!>

Kinda "casting dispersions" <sic> :o I meant 'casting aspersions' with a rather wide net there aren't-cha buddy :huh: ? If I might actually use the edit function and reprint a part of your post I think it could just as easily read;

I've seen this kind of thing before in Thailand. A Thai woman who feels the need to stick with her cheatin, lying, cheap charlie, and abusive THAI BOYFRIEND, only does so for one reason--she has no other options.

There are far more thai gurls stuck in worse relationships with their thai boyfriends than will ever be with foreigners here. ;)

I still doubt this post or the poster is for real :blink: . Sadly, I couldn't even make it thru her 'last post', as it was just too horrific of thai-engrish :bah: At least she stuck with one color for the post :whistling: .

Still, that's what makes T/V the go to forum for 'all-thingz-thai'.

Here's some thai-engrish 'chat-speak' 4 u "nansci45". Good luck 4 u in the future, have a long life 2, don't tink 2 mut. (But really, hang in there with the E/S/L classes ;) ..

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Tod_daniels..................well you have voiced your opinion and quite frankly I disagree with you 100%

I assume as you consider it some sort of prank you won't be posting on this thread again

Also from nancy's disclosure of her business and the fact that her ex &lt;deleted&gt; falang boyfriend visits TV we'll be having his contribution pretty soon too if not already

Amazing stuff

Edited by smedly
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Also from nancy's disclosure of her business and the fact that her ex &lt;deleted&gt; falang boyfriend visits TV we'll be having his contribution pretty soon too if not already

Amazing stuff

You are assuming of course that he can write.

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Im not sure yet what to make of this thread....but for now, some reminders:

please keep to forum rules - no flaming, no personal attacks

to the OP - some forum etiquettes - please use the standard font and colour when posting on the forum. otherwise it becomes really hard for people to read.

now, personal opinion - you will not be able to change the thoughts of those that read things on this forum (or of most people in general). everyone is influenced by their own experiences and prejudice. I am not saying we should do nothing and let people form wrong opinion. but you are better off using your energy on informing and sharing with people close to you, people that matter to you. and of course some things that people complain about really has nothing to do with culture, but more to do with individuals.

just a personal opinion ofcourse :)

anyhow, good luck with things on your personal relationship front. thats the nature of relationships - sometime things work out, sometime they dont. it will be difficult when things dont turn out the way we wish, but remember this - somehow each of us always manage to survive :)

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Tod_daniels..................well you have voiced your opinion and quite frankly I disagree with you 100%

I assume as you consider it some sort of prank you won't be posting on this thread again <SNIP, SNIP, SNIP>

Hey, LOOK I'm posting again. :lol: ... and on this thread too :P . .. (Will wonders never cease?) :)

I honestly doubt if this poster is for real, but. ... Be that as it may ;), I sincerely hope she finds someone new; as the guy she’s saddled with now is a LOSER any way you read it. :bah:

FWIW: I saved her Jatujak addy just so I can go out there next weekend and see if indeed she has a shop there.

It has been my experience, having spent far more time than I care to admit, guiding clue-less foreigners all over that frickin' place; IF a thai has a shop at Jatujak Market, either they have a big bankroll (if they don't sell shit :o ) or they actually make money out there. Really, all in all, the turn over isn't too bad (given how big it is). Plain and simple, you either make money or you don't, and there's not a lot of "middle ground". They weed out the stores that can’t make the ‘cut’ pretty quickly.

For the foreigners as well as the thai nationals (that can actually read an ENGLISH LANGUAGE ONLY forum) who I've irked with my posts; sorry about that, deal with it, or take it to your grave. ;)

I am sincerely sorry my posting penchants run closer to the "thai bashing" side of the line than the more ‘we-b-thai’ politically correct side, but. .. With that in mind, I've tried to reign in my errant postings which stray over the 'imaginary line' in the proverbial 'sand'.

BTW: I totally agree with the poster known as “NaiGreg”: thais are people too, no better and no worse than any I’ve met the world over. :)

I guess, anywhere you go; you take the good with the bad. :D

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