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Offensive Tee Shirt About Thai Girl


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Some people think too much.

If something is lost on you then it has probably succeeded in finding the right market appeal for the younger market.

Maybe there are somethings we are just not meant to understand.

But I hate it when I'm the only one who doesn't 'get' the joke. :(

I can't see it either but I have stopped worrying about it :D

I don't get the joke either. Like i said a the start of this thread i think it looks a crap tee shirt and can't understand why anyone would want to buy in anyway.

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I see a woman/girl with a gun to her head being called a bi_ch.

So it is a shirt making light of violence and it is degrading to women.

It's somewhat hilarious what some people find "offensive" or "degrading".

One of the best things in Thailand is the non-existence of political correctness.

Those of you who went successfully through the Western reeducation system may learn something positive from this harmless t-shirt.

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Eat More Rice Bitch!

Thai USA's daring new fund raising methods

Thai USA Association is one of my freelance clients run in part by my good friend Sara Paleewong. They're a wonderful group that works to unite those of Thai decent here in the US as well as championing many charities in Thailand.

In an effort to raise money and awareness for their various causes, they've introduced a T-Shirt design that is definitely memorable.

continued at blog found here:

Stephen Bailey blog


IMHO if the aim of these T shirt was to draw attention to some given cause……………Well, it's working, fact is, it's being discussed. Would this be a topic and would people be discussing this subject on TV if the T shirt read; "Please talk about and help our fundraising"

We are being bombarded and battered by adverts, all aimed at getting our money, face it, charities are in direct comp with the likes of Burger King and Wall Mart for your hard earned cash. The days of Live Aid and Bob Geldof swearing on live TV, ("Give us your F@*king Money") just don't cut it anymore!

We, the human race in general are becoming more and more desensitized, to the horror s this world holds, so, if you want to be noticed……Go for the shock affect, as they say in advertising and show bis, No such thing as bad publicity.

I do agree the image is a little disturbing, but I've got to hand it to the person that came up with it, it seems to have the desired effect.

Edited by Tonto21
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When I was working I used to have to do evaluation reports for employees, some of whom I did not even supervise. So I wrote big words in them that meant nothing, and my bosses, not wanting to admit they did not understand, never said anything about it. i think this here is same thing. people do not understand that this shirt makes no sense but do not want to admit it. It is stupid and tasteless and offensive to me, but if you think it is okay then good on you. I have personal reason for being offended as I once worked in the field of anti-trafficking and child abuse investigation so I am perhaps more likely to be offended by anything I think is related to this. Everyone relates to the world based on their own experiences. If someone is a holocaust survivor, it would be understandable if they were upset by swastika tee shirts. Sort of what the posting referred to about guy with army shirt at war museum.

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We, the human race in general are becoming more and more desensitized, to the horror s this world holds, so, if you want to be noticed……Go for the shock affect, as they say in advertising and show bis, No such thing as bad publicity.

You might be correct in that, I read an article the other day about the world's response, or lack of, to the floods in Pakistan. One of the reasons put forward was a lack of horror images, no pitiful sights of bloated children dying under a burning sun, no destroyed towns and villages, no fire and smoke, no piles of dead bodies.

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I have no doubt whatsoever that everyone knows exactly what the teeshirt is implying, despite protestations to the contrary.

Its incredibly offensive. This is not our country, how dare anyone be so blatant in public about their feelings about a section of of the local women that target Western men?!!

Understandably, the vast majority of Thais have no idea what the teeshirt is saying. Personally I hope that one of the educated Thais will understand and stop such an offensive teeshirt being sold.

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I wonder how a shirt with an expletive printed on it couldn't be offensive.

About the charity - it would be interesting to find out where the collected money really goes. There've certainly been cases where some persons consider themselves as walking charities. ;)

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I have personal reason for being offended as I once worked in the field of anti-trafficking and child abuse investigation so I am perhaps more likely to be offended by anything I think is related to this. Everyone relates to the world based on their own experiences. If someone is a holocaust survivor, it would be understandable if they were upset by swastika tee shirts. Sort of what the posting referred to about guy with army shirt at war museum.

Your statement that everyone relates to the world based on their own experiences is valid but how anyone could equate this T shirt with supporting child abuse and human trafficking is really a stretch.

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I quite like it. Nice design. I wouldn't wear, because people who wear T-shirts with slogans ought to be rounded and up and flung off the nearest cliff, but "Eat more rice, bitch" is kind of catchy. I saw one for sale in Silom once with the phrase 'These Blue Eyes Will Break Your Heart" on it, which sounded like a great title for a country song.

Anyway, it's not nearly as horrible as this t-shirt, which gives me eye-ache every time I see it.


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Could you explain what it's about then? Fattening up a girl for prostitution? Is that really what you're getting at?

Can't believe I'm actually explaining this, but no - its more a cultural thing.

Those that have lived here for a while will 'get' it, those that have no idea of reality here won't.... but you'll 'get' it after you've been here a while.

Its offensive and not something any farang should wear.

Edited by F1fanatic
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Could you explain what it's about then? Fattening up a girl for prostitution? Is that really what you're getting at?

Can't believe I'm actually explaining this, but no - its more a cultural thing.

Those that have lived here for a while will 'get' it, those that have no idea of reality here won't.... but you'll 'get' it after you've been here a while.

Its offensive and not something any farang should wear.

Since it's a US product, aimed at the US market, intended to support fundraising amongst the ex-pat Thai community in the US, perhaps its hardly surprising that most of us don't seem to understand it.

It does strike me as unpleasant and offensive, but as mentioned elsewhere, sometimes people set out to offend, for whatever reason.

My old "Bomb the Whale" t-shirt was not intended to be subtle or in good taste...


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Could you explain what it's about then? Fattening up a girl for prostitution? Is that really what you're getting at?

Can't believe I'm actually explaining this, but no - its more a cultural thing.

Those that have lived here for a while will 'get' it, those that have no idea of reality here won't.... but you'll 'get' it after you've been here a while.

Its offensive and not something any farang should wear.

Since it's a US product, aimed at the US market, intended to support fundraising amongst the ex-pat Thai community in the US, perhaps its hardly surprising that most of us don't seem to understand it.

It does strike me as unpleasant and offensive, but as mentioned elsewhere, sometimes people set out to offend, for whatever reason.

My old "Bomb the Whale" t-shirt was not intended to be subtle or in good taste...


Didn't realise it was a US product aimed at ex-pats in the USA, as I've seen it worn here.

Being offensive in one's home country is entirely different to being offensive here, where we are 'guests'.

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Could you explain what it's about then? Fattening up a girl for prostitution? Is that really what you're getting at?

Can't believe I'm actually explaining this, but no - its more a cultural thing.

Those that have lived here for a while will 'get' it, those that have no idea of reality here won't.... but you'll 'get' it after you've been here a while.

Its offensive and not something any farang should wear.

Since it's a US product, aimed at the US market, intended to support fundraising amongst the ex-pat Thai community in the US, perhaps its hardly surprising that most of us don't seem to understand it.

It does strike me as unpleasant and offensive, but as mentioned elsewhere, sometimes people set out to offend, for whatever reason.

My old "Bomb the Whale" t-shirt was not intended to be subtle or in good taste...


I remember that shirt saying: "Nuke The Whales!" Ah, the Politically Correct crowd, get a life! biggrin.gif

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Could you explain what it's about then? Fattening up a girl for prostitution? Is that really what you're getting at?

Can't believe I'm actually explaining this, but no - its more a cultural thing.

Those that have lived here for a while will 'get' it, those that have no idea of reality here won't.... but you'll 'get' it after you've been here a while.

Its offensive and not something any farang should wear.

Since it's a US product, aimed at the US market, intended to support fundraising amongst the ex-pat Thai community in the US, perhaps its hardly surprising that most of us don't seem to understand it.

It does strike me as unpleasant and offensive, but as mentioned elsewhere, sometimes people set out to offend, for whatever reason.

My old "Bomb the Whale" t-shirt was not intended to be subtle or in good taste...


I remember that shirt saying: "Nuke The Whales!" Ah, the Politically Correct crowd, get a life! biggrin.gif

Some of us feel that way about those who believe that wearing a t shirt (designed to offend) is somehow proving they 'have a life'.....

It will obviously come as a shock to hear that we just think you're idiots with a lower IQ than shoe size.

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Can't believe I'm actually explaining this, but no - its more a cultural thing.

Those that have lived here for a while will 'get' it, those that have no idea of reality here won't.... but you'll 'get' it after you've been here a while.

Its offensive and not something any farang should wear.

Since it's a US product, aimed at the US market, intended to support fundraising amongst the ex-pat Thai community in the US, perhaps its hardly surprising that most of us don't seem to understand it.

It does strike me as unpleasant and offensive, but as mentioned elsewhere, sometimes people set out to offend, for whatever reason.

My old "Bomb the Whale" t-shirt was not intended to be subtle or in good taste...


I remember that shirt saying: "Nuke The Whales!" Ah, the Politically Correct crowd, get a life! biggrin.gif

Some of us feel that way about those who believe that wearing a t shirt (designed to offend) is somehow proving they 'have a life'.....

It will obviously come as a shock to hear that we just think you're idiots with a lower IQ than shoe size.

Thank you for your person attack! And who is we? Ah the royal we?

I personally rarely wear a T-shirt. Most all the T-shirts I have are from work and have the name of a band I worked for and the word crew. Like The Eagles, Crew. I'm sure you wouldn't like the one I got for working for Frank Zappa, it said: "Titties and Beer." Or from yacht club races I've participated in. I can't remember buying a T shirt in 20 years. But, I really don't care if someone want's to look like the idiot they are by wearing some moronic saying on a shirt. Up to them! I get a small chuckle or may shake my head, but there are many things worse in the world that an idiot wearing a somewhat stupid T shirt. Chill out!

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Sorry, I shouldn't have attacked your post in such a personal manner.

I was just trying to point out that offensive t shirts say far more about those who think its 'clever' to wear them (mainly that they need to "get a life"), than those who find them offensive.

As you say, " if someone want's to look like the idiot they are by wearing some moronic saying on a shirt. Up to them!"

I agree.

But, ending your post by saying "chill out" is a cop out. Your earlier post implied that anyone who found such t shirts moronic, needed to "get a life". I only intended to point out that its the wearer of such t shirts who need to follow this advice....

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Sorry, I shouldn't have attacked your post in such a personal manner.

I was just trying to point out that offensive t shirts say far more about those who think its 'clever' to wear them (mainly that they need to "get a life"), than those who find them offensive.

As you say, " if someone want's to look like the idiot they are by wearing some moronic saying on a shirt. Up to them!"

I agree.

But, ending your post by saying "chill out" is a cop out. Your earlier post implied that anyone who found such t shirts moronic, needed to "get a life". I only intended to point out that its the wearer of such t shirts who need to follow this advice....

I am finding by your posts you are overly sensitive and like to lash out verbally at people. To quote my earlier post, rather than putting your spin or what you think I was implying, just read it verbatim: "I remember that shirt saying: "Nuke The Whales!" Ah, the Politically Correct crowd, get a life!" If you have nothing better to do than get upset by someone displaying their ignorance, maybe you need to change your outlook. I don't know the person wearing that shirt. I wouldn't want to know them. So, why get upset over the small things in life, like a T-shirt? That is what I meant by chill out. Not everyone thinks alike or has the same opinions, but life is too short to worry about everyone that they see that seems offensive to them. I have a choice, I don't have to look at them. I can move on and never see them again! It's much easier than living in a way that one is angry about everything around them that they cannot change anyway... wink.gif

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Funnier is all the posters saying they don't 'get it'...... Denial is a wonderful thing.

It's quite clear that some people, including myself don't get the message but for some strange reason you interpret that as being in denial. How did you come to that conclusion?

You also say ...

"I have no doubt whatsoever that everyone knows exactly what the tee shirt is implying, despite protestations to the contrary."

As well as admitting, condescendingly, that not everyone will 'get it' ...

"Those that have lived here for a while will 'get' it, those that have no idea of reality here won't.... but you'll 'get' it after you've been here a while"

So, for someone that has lived here for a while, isn't in denial, does have an idea of reality but still doesn't know exactly what the tee shirt means, could you explain it to me - without further insults if possible.

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Funnier is all the posters saying they don't 'get it'...... Denial is a wonderful thing.

It's quite clear that some people, including myself don't get the message but for some strange reason you interpret that as being in denial. How did you come to that conclusion?

You also say ...

"I have no doubt whatsoever that everyone knows exactly what the tee shirt is implying, despite protestations to the contrary."

As well as admitting, condescendingly, that not everyone will 'get it' ...

"Those that have lived here for a while will 'get' it, those that have no idea of reality here won't.... but you'll 'get' it after you've been here a while"

So, for someone that has lived here for a while, isn't in denial, does have an idea of reality but still doesn't know exactly what the tee shirt means, could you explain it to me - without further insults if possible.


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