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Septic Tank Scam


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I must have been asleep and walking to fall for this one. I live in Moo Baan south of the city and I was pottering on the drive way this afternoon when a black pickup stopped at the house. A short Thai guy got out and spoke in reasonable english - "septic tank empty". I do not hvae a contract to empty the thing, it had not been emptied for a long while so this sounded like a reminder that I should have done something. My response was something like "You were sent from the office?" i.e. Site office. "Krap" came the reply and he wandered off in the direction of the septic tank cover at the rear of the house. He borrwed my screw drive to unlock the tank cover and - well yes - it was due to be emptied sometime soon. "Bacteria first" was the next statement as he went off to the truck (Unmarked of course) and brought back a five liter plastic container of some evil looking liquid. "hong Naam ti ni?" showed him the four loos but first asked him how much for "Bacteria liquid" - 150 ThB per liter ... OK, OK save your comments -- I know!! He sluiced the liquid happily down all toilet and said "Septic tank wagon come in ten minutes it was in nearby house." "I am going out, come back in one hour" says me in broken Thai. "No Problem, I tell driver." says Septic Tank Man. "But can you check bin for bacteria - ThB 700 as it would be different driver." OMG how stupid can I be, I fell for it -- but, he was referred from the site office!! Ha bloody ha.

He disappeared in his van. I locked up and went to the site office and checked... of course, no such bloody reference from them, knew nothing about it... and the man was now high tailing it back to wherever laughing his head off.

I wouldn't care but when I came back later I found he had nicked my damned screwdriver!! I have been here for five years, I thought I had read of in this forum, or elsewhere, or been victim of (in the early days) most of the scams inflicted on farangs... but today geeeze I must have been away with the faries!!! So beware of the itinerant septic tank man. Oh and BTW , the office has kindly arranged for genuine (!) septic tank emptying man to come.

Hope you are all rolling on the floor laughing....and the septic tank story has lightened your day

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He borrwed my screw drive to unlock the tank cover and - well yes - it was due to be emptied sometime soon.

you obviously don't know that you can't check visually whether a septic tank is "due to be emptied". simple reason: a septic tank is always full. only if the amount of solids exceed a certain height (which means the septic system does not work) the tank has to be emptied. a properly designed septic tank does not need to be emptied for up to two decades.

this advice is free of charge! :lol:

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He borrwed my screw drive to unlock the tank cover and - well yes - it was due to be emptied sometime soon.

you obviously don't know that you can't check visually whether a septic tank is "due to be emptied". simple reason: a septic tank is always full. only if the amount of solids exceed a certain height (which means the septic system does not work) the tank has to be emptied. a properly designed septic tank does not need to be emptied for up to two decades.

this advice is free of charge! :lol:

Absolutely true, probably not a coincidence he was doing this in the rainy season when just about everyones tank will be full of water, whatever their water table level.

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Same scam comes and goes, many years, in my village in Pattaya.

Most recently the man offered to hold a set of keys for our house so that he could conduct a weekly check our my behalf.

It prompted some family discussion about when we had last changed the locks. We did it immediately.

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He borrwed my screw drive to unlock the tank cover and - well yes - it was due to be emptied sometime soon.

you obviously don't know that you can't check visually whether a septic tank is "due to be emptied". simple reason: a septic tank is always full. only if the amount of solids exceed a certain height (which means the septic system does not work) the tank has to be emptied. a properly designed septic tank does not need to be emptied for up to two decades.

this advice is free of charge! :lol:

depends on activity within the septic tank as well of course, kill the microorganisms with bleach etc, and even a properly designed septic tank will need emptying

ditto FOC :D

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our Thai builder told us our plastic 2000ltr septic tank should go for seven-ten years before needing "emptying".

..yes always full of liquid poo for sure lol..Tit..\

lol bit like vinyl siding/motor vehicle/roof cleaning/repair maintenance scams in US/Canada

builder told me there is some chemical you can add to extend life before needing emptying..up to 20 years?? not bothered meself ..will get a pump and slosh out down the hill to veggies and rubber trees in dry season..lol

Edited by David006
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He borrwed my screw drive to unlock the tank cover and - well yes - it was due to be emptied sometime soon.

you obviously don't know that you can't check visually whether a septic tank is "due to be emptied". simple reason: a septic tank is always full. only if the amount of solids exceed a certain height (which means the septic system does not work) the tank has to be emptied. a properly designed septic tank does not need to be emptied for up to two decades.

this advice is free of charge! :lol:

One house I lived in had never had the tanks emptied in sixteen years. In fact the owners didn't know where they were located. My current house has never had the tanks emptied in the 7 years we have lived here. Occasionally I put a packet of the powder that promotes decomposition down the toilet..

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For all of you who have replied to my original posting - I thank you. The replies, mostly, brought a smile to my face rather than a grimace and it was a relief to hear that none of had been dropped in it recently.

As to the (Serious) advice to make sure everything is secured - yes, a good reminder - all my windows have double or tripple locks or have the windows or window handles screwed down. Additionally, the back of the house is secured by high metal gates, permanently locked. But as we all know - if someone is that determined ...

I dont know if the honey wagon turned up because I went out, locked the gate, reported the whole episode to the office (ummmm !!!!) and was told the security guard on the gate will not let any old pile of sh*t in (or out), in the future.

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a properly designed septic tank does not need to be emptied for up to two decades.

Is that true? I've been wondering when ours should be emptied. Knowing how cheap my landlord is, it has probably never been emptied in all the years. It does smell a little on the side of the house but the toilets function properly.

My uncle who lived in Spain told me that he used to empty his tank every two years.

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Heres some handy hints I found

Put these tips to use for a clean and trouble-free septic system.

Divert Rainwater From the Septic Drainfield

  • A soggy drainfield won't absorb and neutralize liquid waste. Plan landscaping, roof gutters and foundation drains so that excess water is diverted away from the septic drainfield.

Don't Overload the Septic Tank and Drainfield

  • Check faucets and toilets for leaks; make repairs if necessary.
  • Use aerators on faucets and flow reducer nozzles on showers to help lower water consumption.
  • Reduce water levels for small loads of laundry.
  • Wait until the dishwasher is full to run it.
  • Use a displacer to reduce the amount of water needed to flush the toilet. (those small bricks Thais use to build with make great displacers)

Keep Trees Away from the Septic System

  • Discourage root damage by keeping trees at least 100 feet away from the septic system.
  • Trees with very aggressive roots, such as willows, should be even farther away from the system.

The Toilet Isn't a Garbage Disposal

  • Never flush cat litter, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, tampons, paper towels, facial tissues, coffee grounds, or cigarette butts and filters. They'll clog your septic tank in less time than you might imagine.

Use Garbage Disposals Wisely

  • A garbage disposal can double the amount of solids added to a septic tank.
  • Choose a top-line disposal that grinds food into tiny particles that are easier for a system to digest.

Minimize Heavy Duty Cleaners

  • Overuse of heavy cleaners kills beneficial bacteria in the septic tank, so solids won't break down as well.

Do Not Pour Grease Down the Drain

  • Grease can clog the septic drainfield, making it impossible for soil to absorb liquids. If that happens you'll need a new drainfield.

Avoid Hazardous Chemicals

  • Varnish, paint thinners, motor oils, gasoline and other similar chemicals can ruin your system and are a hazard to groundwater. Dispose of them properly.

Protect the System from Damage

  • Do not drive over the drainfield, build a structure on top of it, or cover it with concrete or asphalt.
  • Do plant grass on the drainfield to minimize soil erosion.

Perform Regular Maintenance

  • Solids must eventually be pumped from the tank. Many experts advise a family of four with a 1,000 gallon septic tank to have the tank pumped after 3-5 years of full time use. Other experts say you can go much longer between pumping operations.
  • Never attempt to open a septic tank yourself. Gases and bacteria in it are dangerous.

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He borrwed my screw drive to unlock the tank cover and - well yes - it was due to be emptied sometime soon.

you obviously don't know that you can't check visually whether a septic tank is "due to be emptied". simple reason: a septic tank is always full. only if the amount of solids exceed a certain height (which means the septic system does not work) the tank has to be emptied. a properly designed septic tank does not need to be emptied for up to two decades.

this advice is free of charge! :lol:

depends on activity within the septic tank as well of course, kill the microorganisms with bleach etc, and even a properly designed septic tank will need emptying...

ditto FOC :D

...because it is nearly unavoidable that non-biodegradable material is flushed down the toilets, washbasins and sinks. if people would only add pee and <deleted> to the system it would become "perpetuum septicissimus" :lol:

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He borrwed my screw drive to unlock the tank cover and - well yes - it was due to be emptied sometime soon.

you obviously don't know that you can't check visually whether a septic tank is "due to be emptied". simple reason: a septic tank is always full. only if the amount of solids exceed a certain height (which means the septic system does not work) the tank has to be emptied. a properly designed septic tank does not need to be emptied for up to two decades.

this advice is free of charge! :lol:

depends on activity within the septic tank as well of course, kill the microorganisms with bleach etc, and even a properly designed septic tank will need emptying...

ditto FOC :D

...because it is nearly unavoidable that non-biodegradable material is flushed down the toilets, washbasins and sinks. if people would only add pee and <deleted> to the system it would become "perpetuum septicissimus" :lol:

When I plumbed our house I did not connect gray water (showers, sinks, washer etc) to the septic tank..ie separate outlet.

Granted we are on a hill on a farm but would not this method be better...maybe into separate tank for townies? I let the gray water run out to the farm in the wet and when its dry connect a hose to the outlet pipe and move it around the garden for flowers and veggies...don't smell of roses and contains rice, soap , hair and fish scales but the plants don't seem to care....

always try to pee on the citrus trees too...lol

googled you're pig ?"Latin" ..no joy... what it mean..forever poopy?? lol

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Drainning the laundry into it is the worst thing. Yes, it must be full to work. Pumping will not solve problems associated with overfilling with water. Pumping in the US costs about 400 USD. I've heard them paying 2000 thb here. The previous owners of my old house thought they were having septic trouble and had it pumped and thouyght that would solve everything. In fact, it was the wall mounted air freshener that had fallen into the toilet and someone flushed instead of reaching.

I never pumped in four years in AZ and two years here.

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