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Three British Lords suspended over expense claims


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Three British Lords suspended over expense claims

2010-10-22 14:38:31 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) -- Three British Lords on Thursday were suspended from the House of Lords over fraudulent expense claims totaling tens of thousands of pounds, local media reported.

According to The Guardian newspaper, Baroness Uddin, Lord Paul and Lord Bathia were given lengthy suspensions after the upper chamber approved damning judgments of its privileges and conduct committee.

Baroness Uddin was suspended until the end of the parliamentary session in 2012 and ordered to repay £125,349. Lord Paul was banned for four months and has already refunded £41,982. Lord Bathia was suspended for eight months and has already repaid £27,000.

The suspensions announced on Thursday are the toughest imposed on members of the House of the Lords since 1634, over 300 years ago. Last year, Labor members Lord Truscott and Lord Taylor were sanctioned for six months over a political lobbying scandal.

The House of Lords members were allowed £174 per day if their main home was outside the M25, a 117-mile orbital motorway that encircles Greater London. Uddin claimed more than £100,000 from 2005 to 2010 after alleging that her main residence was a small flat in Kent rather that her real residence in east London.

Bathia claimed £27,466 after saying that his main home was his brother's small flat in Surrey instead of his long-time residence in Hampton, south-west London. Paul, a steel magnate and one of London's wealthiest men, designated as his main home a one-bedroom room in an Oxfordshire hotel in place of his London home.

However, the suspensions were not imposed without controversy after Lord Alli said that the only three members of the house that were investigated for privileges and conduct procedures were Asian.

"It cannot have escaped your attention that the only three members of the house who were referred to the committee for privileges and conduct and subsequently investigated under these procedures were all Asian," Alli told the house.

In response, Lord Brabazon told Alli and house leader Lord Strathclyde that Uddin and Paul were investigated after they were subjected to formal police investigations. On the other hand, the head of the conduct committee Brabazon revealed that Bathia failed to provide a written assurance on his case.

"It wasn't because the three peers were Asians in the least bit, and I don't think there's anyone on the committee or sub-committee who would not endorse that completely," Brabazon said.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-10-22

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Unbelievable to see these thieving Indians use the race card ... only in f'en Blighty.angry.gif

They should be imprisoned and then deported ... nothing but lying thieves who have abused the hospitality of my country.

Any liberals on here wish to defend them?

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Scatching my head here wondering why this is "Thai" news, have I missed something and England in now part of Thailand.

well scratch no more. this is WORLD NEWS. a new addition to Thaivisa and I for one like it. :)

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Unbelievable to see these thieving Indians use the race card ... only in f'en Blighty.angry.gif

They should be imprisoned and then deported ... nothing but lying thieves who have abused the hospitality of my country.

Any liberals on here wish to defend them?

I do agree they should at least face a court of law on fraud charges instead of a slap on the wrist. Bit difficult to deport a British citizen though....

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:rolleyes: LOL, all of them were Asian! I am shocked that I am shocked.

Im shocked that the people running the country are so arrogant that when they get caught thieving they use the race card, i knew things had gone too far but this is just bizarre.

We know most of them are at it, but at least come up with a better excuse, or just tell us proles we are taking your money so p7ss off!

I think a life of complete ignorance about this kind of corruption would be far better.

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:rolleyes: LOL, all of them were Asian! I am shocked that I am shocked.

Im shocked that the people running the country are so arrogant that when they get caught thieving they use the race card, i knew things had gone too far but this is just bizarre.

We know most of them are at it, but at least come up with a better excuse, or just tell us proles we are taking your money so p7ss off!

I think a life of complete ignorance about this kind of corruption would be far better.

I cant argue with you on that one! your dead right. & for that amount of money surely it should be fraud? :angry:

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Hey - Samran's Law

Godwin's law: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches."

Samran's law: "As a TV discussion by British Expats grow longer, the probablility of an immigrant bash approaches".

There, my claim to fame.

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Hey - Samran's Law

Godwin's law: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches."

Samran's law: "As a TV discussion by British Expats grow longer, the probablility of an immigrant bash approaches".

There, my claim to fame.


These are immigrants who have been put in a position of power and have abused this and then claim ol whiteys being racist.

Even a bleedin heart liberal prat such as yourself should accept the honest tax payer of Britain shouldnt be ripped off like this by foreigners.

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Unbelievable to see these thieving Indians use the race card ... only in f'en Blighty.angry.gif

They should be imprisoned and then deported ... nothing but lying thieves who have abused the hospitality of my country.

Any liberals on here wish to defend them?

Cultural integration hasn't really worked in many countries, not just the UK. In the Netherlands we've had similar cases. Mind you simple deportation doesn't work either. We have to come up with a better solution and I don't think forced integration is the answer. What the answer is, well to be honest I don't know :huh:

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Unbelievable to see these thieving Indians use the race card ... only in f'en Blighty.angry.gif

They should be imprisoned and then deported ... nothing but lying thieves who have abused the hospitality of my country.

Any liberals on here wish to defend them?

Cultural integration hasn't really worked in many countries, not just the UK. In the Netherlands we've had similar cases. Mind you simple deportation doesn't work either. We have to come up with a better solution and I don't think forced integration is the answer. What the answer is, well to be honest I don't know :huh:

Adjust into the new situation and accept it like it is. These people are the kids of your colonies and belong to your kingdoms same as your white faces.

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Unbelievable to see these thieving Indians use the race card ... only in f'en Blighty.angry.gif

They should be imprisoned and then deported ... nothing but lying thieves who have abused the hospitality of my country.

Any liberals on here wish to defend them?

Cultural integration hasn't really worked in many countries, not just the UK. In the Netherlands we've had similar cases. Mind you simple deportation doesn't work either. We have to come up with a better solution and I don't think forced integration is the answer. What the answer is, well to be honest I don't know :huh:

Adjust into the new situation and accept it like it is. These people are the kids of your colonies and belong to your kingdoms same as your white faces.

Thank you for your profound observation. Now please go back to where you came from.

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Unbelievable to see these thieving Indians use the race card ... only in f'en Blighty.angry.gif

They should be imprisoned and then deported ... nothing but lying thieves who have abused the hospitality of my country.

Any liberals on here wish to defend them?

Mind you simple deportation doesn't work either.

It would certainly be a deterrent, and for those who werent detered by it, it would in a small way pacify the average guy in the street.

But in the UK the problem of lords and MP's getting away scotfree after being caught stealing is beyond a joke, the fact these 3 after being caught defreauding from the taxpayer will get a few month suspension sums it up ... id say that lack of punishment is far more extremist then anything ive offered.

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