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Suggestion For Running Routes Near Kamala


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Anybody got suggestions for some scenic places to run around Kamala?

I dont mind taking the bike to Surin or likewise, before starting the run.

I have yet to find good places to run with soft ground (i.e. not concrete, blacktop, pavement tiles), except the beach.

So was hoping someboody might have suggestions for some trails/tracks?

I was thinking there would be some possibilities around Laguna, anybody with experience about that?

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Sorry but I think you have to off the island unless running between rubber trees. Which can be done but not really over any significant distance. I Don’t think Laguna would let you run on the Golf course but you can always ask! Around Bang Wad dam in Kathu it was once a unpaved 6K loop, but that is now paved. Also at the King Rama IX Park in Town there was once possible to run on the side of the paved walk path but it is now widened with asphalt so the hiso can take a stroll with their car!Welcome to outdoor endurance activities on a concrete tropical island filled with cars and shopping malls.

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There are many many dirt roads and motorbike trails in the hills around the island.

Your best bet would be to join the Hash House Harriers Phuket who meet every Saturday and run at a different location each week.

They rarely run on concrete or blacktop and their leaders know the island as good as anyone and have been together for close to 20 years now i believe.

I have done some running on the top of the mountains to your east and there are some great trails up there. But getting there from Kamala can be steep and maybe not even passable for a motorbike. (Unless you're good and have knobby tires)

Good luck and have fun.

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Thank you both for the replies.

I looked into the Hash House harriers, and thats definitely something I want to give a shot.

About the dirt trails, if I would have to do some hiking first to get there, that would be no problem, that would just be part of the exercise.

Guess my biggest worry is to suddenly have some old timer coming at me with a shotgun because I'm trespassing :)

Is it possible for you to give at least partial directions where to go, regarding the trails you mention? Then I would just do some exploration myself.

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Well, I use my handheld GPS (which i don't have with me right now)

but I look for the biggest ridges going up.

So, head towards Patong from Kamala and look for a turnoff just before the biggest ridge about 3 kms before Patong. Turn left and go up that dirt road.

There may be two roads in that description but, i believe they will both take you there.

Another way i find routes to the top is with Google earth.

I study it and if you hold down the shift key and turn your mouse wheel, you can tilt the earth and see the profile. This helps immensely.

That road is passable by motorbike but you should have knobby tires. It is rough to say the least. Better to walk up.

Once you are on top, there is a road/trail that is awesome.

have fun.

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