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WikiLeaks says upcoming documents address UFOs


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WikiLeaks says upcoming documents address UFOs

2010-12-03 21:12:13 GMT+7 (ICT)

LONDON (BNO NEWS) -- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Friday in an online chat with the British newspaper The Guardian said that some of the upcoming U.S. diplomatic cables address unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

Assange was asked by a visitor of The Guardian whether WikiLeaks had ever received any documents relating to UFOs or extraterrestrials. In response, Assange said the receive many e-mails which relate to UFOs.

"Many weirdos email us about UFOs or how they discovered that they were the anti-christ whilst talking with their ex-wife at a garden party over a pot-plant," Assange wrote. "However, as yet they have not satisfied two of our publishing rules," he added, referring to WikiLeaks rules which state that documents cannot be self-authored and have to be original.

However, Assange said they do have real material which relates to UFOs. "It s worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs," he said, without providing other information.

WikiLeaks is currently in the process of publishing some 251,287 U.S. diplomatic cables it claims to have. As of Friday, however, only 667 cables were released.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-12-03

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The UFO ones could be a lot of fun...

"Met with Ambassador Grok from the planet MYKLPIKS again yesterday. The new weapons technology they traded us for all those test subjects from Iraq & Afghanistan will be delivered on schedule. Now if I can just keep his tentacles off my ass. - - Hillary C."

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now this is the kind of information i'm hoping for. everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that all politicians are lying backstabbing scum of the earth, so cablegate gets only an "i'll file that one under No Shit Sherlock" out of me.

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These documents and those relating to banks, ex. proof of corporatism and corruption, are the cables I am waiting for...

One school of thought goes that it is the bank cables that are the reason that governments and corproationsa re trying to druive wikileaks form the internet. The anti-torrent suits are also seen as part of this as the wikileak fallback is to release the entire 250K drop by torrents if they are shut down or their founder arrested. Interesting watching freedom of information make another step forward

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These documents and those relating to banks, ex. proof of corporatism and corruption, are the cables I am waiting for...

Don't get your hopes up. If its foreign sourced, it will most likely just reveal that some banks were helping people avoid taxes or laundering funds and the US government was trying to get them to stop. I would be more interested in seeing the poop on UBS and Credite Suisse.

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These documents and those relating to banks, ex. proof of corporatism and corruption, are the cables I am waiting for...

Don't get your hopes up. If its foreign sourced, it will most likely just reveal that some banks were helping people avoid taxes or laundering funds and the US government was trying to get them to stop. I would be more interested in seeing the poop on UBS and Credite Suisse.

On the contrary ! I think we should be very hopeful ! :whistling:


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These documents and those relating to banks, ex. proof of corporatism and corruption, are the cables I am waiting for...

Don't get your hopes up. If its foreign sourced, it will most likely just reveal that some banks were helping people avoid taxes or laundering funds and the US government was trying to get them to stop. I would be more interested in seeing the poop on UBS and Credite Suisse.

On the contrary ! I think we should be very hopeful ! :whistling:


I agree with Ron Paul.

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These documents and those relating to banks, ex. proof of corporatism and corruption, are the cables I am waiting for...

Don't get your hopes up. If its foreign sourced, it will most likely just reveal that some banks were helping people avoid taxes or laundering funds and the US government was trying to get them to stop. I would be more interested in seeing the poop on UBS and Credite Suisse.

On the contrary ! I think we should be very hopeful ! :whistling:

I watched. The guy asks about when the US Fed gives money to something like the central Bank of South Korea. It was an incredibly ignorant question. Yes the US Fed has lent money to foreign central banks. It was intended to protect the $US. When other central banks rushed in to prop up the $US when it was under attack by speculators, would he express the same concern? The main reason the US Fed doesn't broadcast its intentions is to make it difficult for currency speculators. No rational government wants the US$ to collapse otherwise many large governments will take a hit and see their investments depreciate and that would translate into an economic meltdown. Imagine what would happen to the 2 largest holders of US debt, China & Japan. How would they make up for the loss of tens if not hundreds of billions of $US?

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These documents and those relating to banks, ex. proof of corporatism and corruption, are the cables I am waiting for...

Don't get your hopes up. If its foreign sourced, it will most likely just reveal that some banks were helping people avoid taxes or laundering funds and the US government was trying to get them to stop. I would be more interested in seeing the poop on UBS and Credite Suisse.

On the contrary ! I think we should be very hopeful ! :whistling:

I watched. The guy asks about when the US Fed gives money to something like the central Bank of South Korea. It was an incredibly ignorant question. Yes the US Fed has lent money to foreign central banks. It was intended to protect the $US. When other central banks rushed in to prop up the $US when it was under attack by speculators, would he express the same concern? The main reason the US Fed doesn't broadcast its intentions is to make it difficult for currency speculators. No rational government wants the US$ to collapse otherwise many large governments will take a hit and see their investments depreciate and that would translate into an economic meltdown. Imagine what would happen to the 2 largest holders of US debt, China & Japan. How would they make up for the loss of tens if not hundreds of billions of $US?

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Its called ownership by default of the debt , but who really wants to take over a Nation that doesnt have any assets , is printing monopoly money and can no longer manage its own economic and internal affairs , Is becoming a major embarrassment to its allies and is afraid to srep into the light and let people see what its really been up to . The truth is out there but not in the U .S .A Maybe they can resurrect Moulder :)

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No rational government wants the US$ to collapse otherwise many large governments will take a hit and see their investments depreciate and that would translate into an economic meltdown.

Imagine what would happen to the 2 largest holders of US debt, China & Japan. How would they make up for the loss of tens if not hundreds of billions of $US?

You're right in the first part of the above but so wrong about the second part....

IF...just if...China and Japan would sell-off a large proportion of their US treasuries/bonds, followed by some other major holders, like the ones in the Middle East, it would mean a total collapse of the US economy.

The results would be devastating, more for the US than for the other 2 nations (and other holders) who would suffer indeed but nowhere to the extent the US would.

You seem to forget and surpass the facts which countries holds mind boggling surpluses and who holds the mind boggling debts, the largest debts in the world?

May God and Buddha forbid this will ever happen because it would not only be bad for the US, China and Japan but for the rest of the world also.

But, Mea Culpa, for going off topic, following your remarks.


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No rational government wants the US$ to collapse otherwise many large governments will take a hit and see their investments depreciate and that would translate into an economic meltdown.

Imagine what would happen to the 2 largest holders of US debt, China & Japan. How would they make up for the loss of tens if not hundreds of billions of $US?

You're right in the first part of the above but so wrong about the second part....

IF...just if...China and Japan would sell-off a large proportion of their US treasuries/bonds, followed by some other major holders, like the ones in the Middle East, it would mean a total collapse of the US economy.

The results would be devastating, more for the US than for the other 2 nations (and other holders) who would suffer indeed but nowhere to the extent the US would.

You seem to forget and surpass the facts which countries holds mind boggling surpluses and who holds the mind boggling debts, the largest debts in the world?

May God and Buddha forbid this will ever happen because it would not only be bad for the US, China and Japan but for the rest of the world also.

But, Mea Culpa, for going off topic, following your remarks.


If China, Japan or anyone sells off US treasuries/bonds - doesn't that mean someone has to buy them? And if they sell off too fast, won't their value drop drastically meaning that the seller stands to lose?

Maybe any aliens encountered in any secret meetings will buy them all up?

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No rational government wants the US$ to collapse otherwise many large governments will take a hit and see their investments depreciate and that would translate into an economic meltdown.

Imagine what would happen to the 2 largest holders of US debt, China & Japan. How would they make up for the loss of tens if not hundreds of billions of $US?

You're right in the first part of the above but so wrong about the second part....

IF...just if...China and Japan would sell-off a large proportion of their US treasuries/bonds, followed by some other major holders, like the ones in the Middle East, it would mean a total collapse of the US economy.

The results would be devastating, more for the US than for the other 2 nations (and other holders) who would suffer indeed but nowhere to the extent the US would.

You seem to forget and surpass the facts which countries holds mind boggling surpluses and who holds the mind boggling debts, the largest debts in the world?

May God and Buddha forbid this will ever happen because it would not only be bad for the US, China and Japan but for the rest of the world also.

But, Mea Culpa, for going off topic, following your remarks.


If China, Japan or anyone sells off US treasuries/bonds - doesn't that mean someone has to buy them? And if they sell off too fast, won't their value drop drastically meaning that the seller stands to lose?

Yes, but you underestimate the intelligence of the Asians.;)


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The UFO ones could be a lot of fun...

"Met with Ambassador Grok from the planet MYKLPIKS again yesterday. The new weapons technology they traded us for all those test subjects from Iraq & Afghanistan will be delivered on schedule. Now if I can just keep his tentacles off my ass. - - Hillary C."


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No rational government wants the US$ to collapse otherwise many large governments will take a hit and see their investments depreciate and that would translate into an economic meltdown.

Imagine what would happen to the 2 largest holders of US debt, China & Japan. How would they make up for the loss of tens if not hundreds of billions of $US?

May God and Buddha forbid this will ever happen because it would not only be bad for the US, China and Japan but for the rest of the world also.

Have you not just proven his point? :blink:

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No rational government wants the US$ to collapse otherwise many large governments will take a hit and see their investments depreciate and that would translate into an economic meltdown.

Imagine what would happen to the 2 largest holders of US debt, China & Japan. How would they make up for the loss of tens if not hundreds of billions of $US?

May God and Buddha forbid this will ever happen because it would not only be bad for the US, China and Japan but for the rest of the world also.

Have you not just proven his point? :blink:

No; GKid was talking about what would happen to the 2 largest holders of US Treasuries and how they would make up for their losses.

I was talking the reverse situation since he didn't mention that and the reverse situation for the US and the rest of the -western- world would be far more devastating since they are in deep sh_ite and living on a mountain of debts, a few western- countries aside, who have surplusses and cash but after a while -within 6 months- they would have a severe shrinking economy as well.

Jobless rates will run skyhigh and people won't be able to pay for their rent, cars, holidays and mortgages anymore,

GKid was painting a tunnel vision in case such a severe situation would occur and that's why I said May God and Buddha forbid that it will ever happen.

Nobody on this planet is waiting for more problems and crisis....NOBODY.

That's why Utopian paintings about the world economy with hidding threats about what could happen, IF Japan and China would sell (some of) their assets in US Bonds, are weird and that's also why his point is not proven since the results for the West would be FAR more devastating than for (some countries in) Asia.

But, I'm biting my tongue since this is far off-topic.:(

Mea Culpa to the Mods


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