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Vatican to beatify late pope John Paul II


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Vatican to beatify late pope John Paul II

2011-01-15 10:19:45 GMT+7 (ICT)

VATICAN CITY (BNO NEWS) -- Pope Benedict XVI on Friday signed a decree submitted by a Vatican commission that officially attributed late pope John Paul II his first miracle.

According to the ANSA news agency, John Paul II will be beatified on May 1 after the Vatican commission approved the miracle earlier this week. The decree signed by his successor was the last step before sainthood.

Pope Benedict will personally preside over the beatification ceremony as informed by Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman. John Paul II, the Polish pope, died on April 2, 2005, at 84 years of age.

The miracle attributed to the Polish pope was unanimously confirmed on Tuesday by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. A French nun, Sister Marie Simon-Pierre, was miraculously cured of Parkinson's disease through the intervention of John Paul II.

Sister Simon-Pierre testified that she had dreamed of the late pope shortly before recovering. The Vatican has received thousands of reports of alleged miracles attributed to John Paul II.

However, the Vatican only recognized and attributed the miracle of the French nun's recovering. Vatican authorities decided to use the nun's case for John Paul's beatification despite reports indicating that the alleged miracle did not happen.

A Polish newspaper reported that the French nun did not suffer from Parkinson's disease, but from a similar illness which was not terminal. This information that surfaced in March 2010 delayed the beatification process for almost a year.

The Vatican then ordered a commission of medical experts and theologians to study the case. The commission later confirmed the miracle and enacted the decree which was signed on Friday.

One miracle is needed for the Catholic Church to accord beatification, whereas two miracles are required for sainthood. John Paul II's beatification process had been peculiar as pope Benedict waived a rule requiring a five-year wait before the start of the process to speed up the beatification.

John Paul II's body will be moved up from the crypt in St Peter's to the Chapel of St Sebastian near Michelangelo's famous Pieta' statue before the beatification.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-01-15

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John Paul II's body will be moved up from the crypt in St Peter's to the Chapel of St Sebastian near Michelangelo's famous Pieta' statue before the beatification.

Well, that's better than Pope Formosus got:

"The corpse was disinterred, clad in papal vestments, and seated on a throne to face all the charges from John VIII. The verdict was that the deceased had been unworthy of the pontificate. The Damnatio memoriae, an old judicial practice from Ancient Rome was applied to Formosus and all his measures and acts were annulled, and the orders conferred by him were declared invalid. The papal vestments were torn from his body, the three fingers from his right hand that he had used in consecrations were cut off and the corpse was thrown into the Tiber (and later retrieved by a monk)."

If it wasn't for the superstitious, what would the rational have to laugh at..?

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So many sceptics! It is clearly a miracle since it happenned 2 months after he died.

Well this gives a boost in our efforts to combat disease. Maybe we can persuade a seeker of their five minutes of fame to assassinate the present Pope and then in two months time we might have a cure for AIDS, a disease that the Catholic Church has done so much in assisting it's spread.

Can we expect a response from the Moslem and Buddhist worlds? We can't have the Christian world stealing a march on them can we?

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So many sceptics! It is clearly a miracle since it happenned 2 months after he died.

Well this gives a boost in our efforts to combat disease. Maybe we can persuade a seeker of their five minutes of fame to assassinate the present Pope and then in two months time we might have a cure for AIDS, a disease that the Catholic Church has done so much in assisting it's spread.

Can we expect a response from the Moslem and Buddhist worlds? We can't have the Christian world stealing a march on them can we?

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It's a miracle that people still admire and trust a "man" who conspired with, aided, abetted before and after the fact and concealed and hid from the law a bunch of pedophiles.

And another miracle that he got away with it.

So, that's two miracles. Shouldn't he be sainted instead of just beatified? ohmy.gif

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Load of nonsense - a miracle based on someones dream, and a teneous diagnosis of Parkinsons. More likely the Nun was withdrawing from the communion wine and had the DT's. :bah:

Edited by mrtoad
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It's a miracle that people still admire and trust a "man" who conspired with, aided, abetted before and after the fact and concealed and hid from the law a bunch of pedophiles.

And another miracle that he got away with it.

So, that's two miracles. Shouldn't he be sainted instead of just beatified? ohmy.gif


Guess he is on the way to it - probably end up The Patron Saint of Children :ph34r:

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Is there no end to these urban myths about the biggest catalyst in this world for war and strife ?


The paedophile shielding creature should be stuffed and mounted as a reminder of how RELIGIONS distorts reality and aid and abet criminal acts against children as well as other beliefs and other races.

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What a lot of hot c##k. When the vatican starts sharing a little of thier MASSIVE wealth with the millions upon millions of Catholic followers around the world who are living in poverty and dying of disease. Then that, I would call a miracle. When was the last time somebody in Vatican City died of starvation? Please..... :angry:

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Three 'popes' have dies of deliberately inflicted starvation, although none of them in the modern-day Vatican City precincts itself. The first two where removed from office and exiled where they died of 'starvation and exposure': Pontian in Sardinia and Martin I in the Crimea. The last one, John XIV was imprisoned in Castel San Angelo in 984 where he died, perhaps of starvation or perhaps poisoning. At the time Castel San Angelo would have been part of the Episcopal See of Rome which you may, if you wish, interpret as being a form of Vatican-predecessor prior to the establishment of the modern day Vatican City State in 1929.

Know your enemy... :ph34r:

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Is there a commendation for saddling millions of women with children they didn't want?

....or for enabling AIDS to get transmitted willy nilly?

Thanks, but no thanks Pope, for mandating the stupid prohibition on using condoms.

The Filipine people (and untold others) are suffering more than they ordinarily would because of your profound ignorance.

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Is there no end to these urban myths about the biggest catalyst in this world for war and strife ?


The paedophile shielding creature should be stuffed and mounted as a reminder of how RELIGIONS distorts reality and aid and abet criminal acts against children as well as other beliefs and other races.

One of my aunt's who is trying to save the world admonished me for not attending Mass. I told her I've lost all

respect for the church I was baptized in. Mentioning that the Pope did nothing to stop the pedophilia by his priests, she replied that he did not know what was going on. My reply was, Then he shouldn't be charge." That shut her up for good because she never lectured me again.

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