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Student Visa Vs. Tourist Visa / U.S.

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I have a sister in law who is soon to graduate from University here in Chiang Mai. She has older siblings in the U.S. and wants to go visit. I believe she is more likely to get a student visa to go study English for a few months, then to get a tourist visa--since she is relatively young (23), single, and as a student doesn't have much of a job history. She has, however, travelled to the UK on a school sponsored trip, which I believe might help her chances slightly.

If she does apply for a tourist visa and is denied, will that negatively impact her chances of then applying for a student visa?

One of her older siblings is now a U.S. citizen, generally how long is the waiting period if her sibling applies for a green card on her behalf?

Would appreciate any advice, thanks.

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