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So Who Finds Themselves Being Converted?


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I believe in Right and wrong , I believe in good and bad , is that not religion.

No. Its a belief system that you live by. Have to admit that I far prefer people with a belief system to those who are 'religious'.

Buddhism used to be this way but it has changed.

True. But I agree with Thongkorn that it's a pretty good way to live a life. There are some pretty basic RIGHTS and WRONGS. Most would easily come under the one commandment (Christian belief)... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I've lived most of my life that way.

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But I would never go in to a temple to sit down and wai to the munks, and the other rituals which belong to Buddhism.

Im not a Buddhist, and would feel like a fake if i did it.

Try it , it's fun. Do you send any Christmas presents? Have you ever thrown a bucket of water over someone at Songkran?

Chill out.

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I believe in Right and wrong , I believe in good and bad , is that not religion.

No. Its a belief system that you live by. Have to admit that I far prefer people with a belief system to those who are 'religious'.

Buddhism used to be this way but it has changed.

True. But I agree with Thongkorn that it's a pretty good way to live a life. There are some pretty basic RIGHTS and WRONGS. Most would easily come under the one commandment (Christian belief)... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I've lived most of my life that way.

Couldn't agree more. I used to think (when living in the UK) that Buddhism seemed like a good way to live. The way it is practiced here has made me realise its down to individual people.

But its the same back home - I can only think of two religious (christian) people that lived up to their beliefs - whilst I met quite a few (for the first time!) whilst working in a school. They were outwardly devout, but not nice people at all....

Hypocrites - the worst of the lot.

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I have become much more interested in Christianity since flocks of birds started dropping from the sky several months ago - on top of all the other hints that the world is quickly going to he11 in a hand-basket. In fact, I intend to convert immediately after all the missionaries suddenly vanish from the face of the earth one day. That seems like pretty solid proof that they are on to something.

Buddhism is well and fine for self improvement, but, at this point in time, I am more concerned about avoiding an eternity in the fiery pit. :crying:

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I have become much more interested in Christianity since flocks of birds started dropping from the sky several months ago - on top of all the other hints that the world is quickly going to he11 in a hand-basket. In fact, I intend to convert immediately after all the missionaries suddenly vanish from the face of the earth one day. That seems like pretty solid proof that they are on to something.

Buddhism is well and fine for self improvement, but, at this point in time, I am more concerned about avoiding an eternity in the fiery pit. :crying:

Know what you mean. But all sorts of people have been predicting the end of the world around 2012 for centuries - not just Christians!

In fact, come to think of it, I think its only the Jehovah's Witnesses that are predicting the end of the world amongst Christians - and they don't believe in hell :).

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I believe in Right and wrong , I believe in good and bad , is that not religion.

What determines right and wrong for you?

Is it the laws of the country you live/ were born in, the god that you follow or your inner conscience?

Answer that then you may be closer to determining if your you are following a religion, or a spiritual path .

What is right or wrong under one belief may be different under another

Edited by thaimite
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It is only recently that people have been prediction 2012 as the end of the world.

Past civilisations have not done so, including the Mayans. People have just decided to interpret things in a way that they want to. It probably helps to sell books and stuff!

What about all those people who really believe the world will end in 2012. They're going to look a bit daft when 2013 rolls in.

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I believe in Right and wrong , I believe in good and bad , is that not religion.

Absolutely not. I live by a code of right and wrong and strive to always live "right". I do not need a fear of god or a feeling of being judged by hidden observers to do what's right, I simply do it because I know it is the best thing to do. Those that live righteously simply because they are terrified of the afterlife consequences are not actually good people at all, if they need the fear of god to behave like a proper human being then they do not actually have goodness in their heart. Just fear.

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The OP talks about conversion to buddhism.

Which buddhism?

Speak with 100 buddhists,and you will hear about 100 different buddhisms.

And that does not bother buddhists, they call it "finding your own path".

I call it a supermarket religion: walk in, take whatever you like, leave the rest on the shelves.

PS. I have personally seen the footprints of buddha.

Near Chanthabury city.

As a matter of fact, this is now the time of the year to go there, bussiness is at its top.

Donate in a plexyglass box, so that everybody sees how much.

Get your lucky numbers with a mirror under the golden rock.

And of course the footprints.


PPS. A poster asked about religious wars in the name of buddha.

None that i know of, but were there not some small misunderstandings in Sri Lanka lately, with perhaps a few people injured?

And PPS. NOT the buddhist thought of the day: A man without a god, is like a fish without a bicycle.

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I believe in Right and wrong , I believe in good and bad , is that not religion.

Absolutely not. I live by a code of right and wrong and strive to always live "right". I do not need a fear of god or a feeling of being judged by hidden observers to do what's right, I simply do it because I know it is the best thing to do. Those that live righteously simply because they are terrified of the afterlife consequences are not actually good people at all, if they need the fear of god to behave like a proper human being then they do not actually have goodness in their heart. Just fear.

I have the same belief system, that was summed up by someone else as 'treat others as you would like to be treated'.

Religious christians are generally horrible, hypocritical people in my experience. You've only got to look at the top politicians in the UK, who are proud to tell everyone they are devout Christians.... Yeah, right.

The catholics believe in hell far more strongly than protestants, but the mafia relied on their womenfolk etc. somehow excusing them from damnation.... How on earth does this work to any rational person, whether you are religious or not??!

The same applies to Buddhism as it is practice here. Merit making will make up for evil acts??

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Apparently in Christianity you don't even have make merit for your evil deeds.

Just accept Christ "into your heart" and forget about that family you tourtured to death.

Religion= Ghost stories.

Nobody wants to believe that when it's over, it's over.

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Nobody wants to believe that when it's over, it's over.

But how can anybody know that for sure?

There is actually quite a lot out there that suggests there could be something else. Quantum physics is full of stuff that suggests a continued or parallel existence, and we really don't know anything about it yet.

There is also a lot to suggest scientifically that there is nothing else. There is no conclusive evidence either way though, just theory.

The truth is, nobody knows.

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Right...... i accept there are atheists, and i accept there are hypocrites...

When a dying man who was an atheist all his life suddenly starts to ponder on it, and then embraces a religious thought for personal comfort. Does it mean that man died a hypocrite??

James morrow once said.... "There are NO atheists is foxholes"

Know what I an saying?

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Religious christians are generally horrible, hypocritical people in my experience.

Some are. Some aren't.

Maybe the hypocrites will burn in he11 with us, while the good Christians will earn eternal bliss? :o

Maybe. But if anyone can believe in any sort of 'god', surely they can't believe that honest, decent people (let's face it, a rarity!) will end up in hell just 'cos that don't believe in that particular god?

Silly me, that's exactly what they believe....

Edited by F1fanatic
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Right...... i accept there are atheists, and i accept there are hypocrites...

When a dying man who was an atheist all his life suddenly starts to ponder on it, and then embraces a religious thought for personal comfort. Does it mean that man died a hypocrite??

James morrow once said.... "There are NO atheists is foxholes"

Know what I an saying?

Yes then he is a hypocrite. I know what your saying your trying to disguise your own shortcomings by going after atheists. Just believe in your mombo jumbo and be happy with it.

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Maybe. But if anyone can believe in any sort of 'god', surely they can't believe that honest, decent people will end up lin hell just 'cos that don't believe in that particular god?

Silly me, that's exactly what they believe....

Sounds logical to me, but, unfortunately God does not have to operate according to what we humans have been indoctrinated into believing is "logical"

He is the Big Kahuna! :ermm:

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Right...... i accept there are atheists, and i accept there are hypocrites...

When a dying man who was an atheist all his life suddenly starts to ponder on it, and then embraces a religious thought for personal comfort. Does it mean that man died a hypocrite??

James morrow once said.... "There are NO atheists is foxholes"

Know what I an saying?

Yes then he is a hypocrite. I know what your saying your trying to disguise your own shortcomings by going after atheists. Just believe in your mombo jumbo and be happy with it.

Tread carefully with what you say... lest thee become a much bigger hypocrite than everyone else..

The bigger the atheist, then the bigger the hypocrite?

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When a dying man who was an atheist all his life suddenly starts to ponder on it, and then embraces a religious thought for personal comfort. Does it mean that man died a hypocrite??

I think it just means that he was not an atheist, or somebody who didn't understand the meaning of atheism.

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Maybe. But if anyone can believe in any sort of 'god', surely they can't believe that honest, decent people will end up lin hell just 'cos that don't believe in that particular god?

Silly me, that's exactly what they believe....

Sounds logical to me, but, unfortunately God does not have to operate according to what we humans have been indoctrinated into believing is "logical"

He is the Big Kahuna! :ermm:

Which is why I've always said if there is a god (and I get to meet him :lol:), I'll spit in his eye!

How dare he allow such suffering (torture etc.) just to massage his ego to prove the devil wrong, regardless of the suffering of ALL sentient beings on our planet - his 'creation'.

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Just a quick question to the board.

How many of you are starting to convert to Buddhism without actually being aware of it??

Not a chance in hell.

If anything, 'Mrs. Rakers is becoming increasingly agnostic and little rakersette absolutely will not be indoctrinated with such nonsense.

The temples make for a nice day out, that's it.

respect for pulling the word agnostic into the debate.

people who bandy about the term atheist generally have little idea of what it means.

Dont confuse the good intentions of most religions with those pervert them to their own ends. like guns, religions do not kill people. people kill people.

for the record, i am agnostic.

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Cant imagine living a life ruled by religion of any sort

Whether it be the extreme of getting down on your benders 5 times a day, going to church on sunday or kneeling down in front of monks to have some sort of blessing chanted over you in exchange for food or whatever.

Have no belief in any form of god, heaven, hell or after life so for me there is nothing to pray to or for.

Dont think I need any religion to tell me how I should live or behave towards others, quite able to work that out for myself.

Have been in a couple of life threatening situations and never had a thought of trying to call on any god for help.

Cant see myself taking up any religion under any circumstances.

What I can see is the bad in several religions, sharia law for instance and the way it treats woman.

Then there are the past sins of the christians, the inquiasion, burning witches at the stake.

And how about the monks 50mill Baht Rolls he turned up in the other day to give comfort to those displaced by the fighting on the Si Sa Ket border.

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Just a quick question to the board.

How many of you are starting to convert to Buddhism without actually being aware of it??

Not a chance in hell.

If anything, 'Mrs. Rakers is becoming increasingly agnostic and little rakersette absolutely will not be indoctrinated with such nonsense.

The temples make for a nice day out, that's it.

respect for pulling the word agnostic into the debate.

people who bandy about the term atheist generally have little idea of what it means.

Dont confuse the good intentions of most religions with those pervert them to their own ends. like guns, religions do not kill people. people kill people.

for the record, i am agnostic.

Whilst I agree with most of your post, I disagree that Western people don't know the difference between atheist and agnostic.

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Are there better ways to spend a Saturday night? I think I'm going to go flirt with someone who is young and sexy. I might even buy her something nice. :)

Solve this problem while I'm gone, won't you. It's only been a few thousand centuries evolving. :D

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