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Rising Prices..


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But even the increases you mention indicate a 10% increase over 6 months. That would make the REAL inflation (and not the gov. reported 4-5%) for 1 year around 20%!

Those instant noodles are gonna sell well this year.


A few baths may not seem so much for us westerners but we should see it in percentage. For example in the last months the price for taking a 'rot daeng' in the sois where i'm living almost doubled, from 3 baths to 5 which is the equivalent to 66,6% increase in price.

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A few baths may not seem so much for us westerners but we should see it in percentage. For example in the last months the price for taking a 'rot daeng' in the sois where i'm living almost doubled, from 3 baths to 5 which is the equivalent to 66,6% increase in price.

I can't help myself, that was wonderful :D

I did find in Uk that not many people had daily baths :o:D

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Inflation in Thailand is getting worse as the outlook for growth also worsens:


From the BKK Post, Sept 2:

Inflation rose to a six-year high in August, driven by soaring oil and food prices, the Commerce Ministry announced yesterday.

The consumer price index in August rose 5.6% from the year before, up from 5.3% year-on-year growth the previous month. The CPI gained 0.7% in August from the previous month, compared with a 1.6% monthly gain in July.

For the first eight months of the year, inflation was 3.8% compared with the same period last year.

The higher figures prompted the ministry to revise its inflation projection for the full year up to 4% to 4.2% compared with previous estimates of 3.8% to 4.2%. Inflation averaged 2.7% in 2004.

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Jai yen-yen SiamOne. Khun Larry probably said that because of personal experience.

sure, and I get told off because of a harmless joke!!

I have experience of Thai women too, you know!! :D:D

:o Just want you to know that my comment was not aimed at you. I was being sarcastic at Khun Larry's remark. Perhaps he's one who gets grumpy due to frequent bouts of constipation and irregularity.

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Saw in BKK post today that the Subway (MRT) will also increase 20% or so.

If the government reports around 5% inflation one can be pretty sure that the REAL inflation is much higher.

Always enjoy when Greenspan discusses CORE inflation, taking out such "non-essential" (claiming them too volatile) items such as energy and food, thereby presenting a nice low CPI...

Hard for the average person to cut out food and energy... :o


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As eggs, vegetables are usually produced locally to point of sale, cost of fuel should not have a dramatic impact.

If sellers are quoting increase in fuel costs as reason for excessively high prices, it is just their way of taking advantage of the situation.

Just as chicken flu caused a drastic increase in the price of Pork - Why? Costs of rearing pigs did not increase!. The cost of chickens and eggs dropped slightly for a short period, but now chicken is back to the same price level. Eggs have now doubled in price in the last year. The price of pork had to be capped by government to stop the continuing increases. It did touch 130 Baht per Kg in our local market, but now ias 100 Baht.

Basically, if sellers can get away with increases and cite an unrelated reason, they will.

If you think a product is too expensive, don't buy it. Market forces will win in the end.

If you think a product is too expensive, you grumble, but continue to buy, you are condoning the increase.

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I imagine this is a result of higher fuel costs, surely the government can see this is happening, why aren't they acting, before it's too late..  :o

Has the government yet to give up the party line of increased fuel costs not having an adverse effect on the rest of the economy...?

I just spent the past few days in Bangkok. I'm somewhat surprised by how much (percentage-wise) the BMTA bus fares have increased in the past few years. Wasn't all that long ago that the ordinary buses were 3.50 baht and 5 baht.

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As eggs, vegetables are usually produced locally to point of sale, cost of fuel should not have a dramatic impact.

If sellers are quoting increase in fuel costs as reason for excessively high prices, it is just their way of taking advantage of the situation.

Just as chicken flu caused a drastic increase in the price of Pork - Why? Costs of rearing pigs did not increase!. The cost of chickens and eggs dropped slightly for a short period, but now chicken is back to the same price level. Eggs have now doubled in price in the last year. The price of pork had to be capped by government to stop the continuing increases. It did touch 130 Baht per Kg in our local market, but now ias 100 Baht.

Basically, if sellers can get away with increases and cite an unrelated reason, they will.

If you think a product is too expensive, don't buy it. Market forces will win in the end.

If you think a product is too expensive, you grumble, but continue to buy, you are condoning the increase.

Why did pork go up in price? Simple, there was more demand as people switched from eating chicken to pork. And yes, the producers end up making more money.

Lately, in the States, the price of gasoline has gone up as a result of Katrina. The funny thing is, the very day of Katrina, the prices went up substancially? Why is that? Certainly the gasoline they had in their tanks was purchased at the much lower prices.

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Jai yen-yen SiamOne. Khun Larry probably said that because of personal experience.

sure, and I get told off because of a harmless joke!!

I have experience of Thai women too, you know!! :D:D

very true... and for most of that input, it's refreshingly welcome... :D

but a few things...

Everyone is familiar with Khun Larry's tremendous inner serenity and his wonderfully peaceful coexistence in Thailand. His complete and total harmony with everyone and everything around here is well documented and known by most. :o

That's why he's essentially ignored by everyone. He's the bitter, old, grumpy uncle that no one in the thaivisa really wants to acknowledge is in the family. We're content to just let him mumble to himself in the corner of the basement.

You certainly don't want to compare yourself with him... :D

You apologized... that was wonderfully mature and respectful and you restore your credibility by doing so. :D

We can all move on now ... wiser and more appreciative of one another...

.....pssst...one last thing... just to be sure you know, the purple words above are sarcasm... I didn't really mean those things... :D

Have a nice day... :D


Take that chip off your shoulder. Seems like my lifetime observations trump yours as evidenced by our lifestyles. You have no choice but to live in T Land, don't gripe to me about your sad situation.

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As eggs, vegetables are usually produced locally to point of sale, cost of fuel should not have a dramatic impact.

If sellers are quoting increase in fuel costs as reason for excessively high prices, it is just their way of taking advantage of the situation.

While transport costs may not be a factor, increased fuel prices will effect farmers in that they will have to pay more to run their tractors, for fertilizer, for insecticides, etc... Modern farming tend's to be fairly energy intensive. Unless farmers really turn more to organic methods, their costs will always go up with the rising cost of fuel and energy.

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As eggs, vegetables are usually produced locally to point of sale, cost of fuel should not have a dramatic impact.

If sellers are quoting increase in fuel costs as reason for excessively high prices, it is just their way of taking advantage of the situation.

Just as chicken flu caused a drastic increase in the price of Pork - Why? Costs of rearing pigs did not increase!. The cost of chickens and eggs dropped slightly for a short period, but now chicken is back to the same price level. Eggs have now doubled in price in the last year. The price of pork had to be capped by government to stop the continuing increases. It did touch 130 Baht per Kg in our local market, but now ias 100 Baht.

Basically, if sellers can get away with increases and cite an unrelated reason, they will.

If you think a product is too expensive, don't buy it. Market forces will win in the end.

If you think a product is too expensive, you grumble, but continue to buy, you are condoning the increase.

If the product is genuine more expensive because of hiding cost ( vet / feed / transport / power ) i will gladly paid ( perhaps not so often ) , or quality will go down !

Market force did limit some pretty good products in some place …

Now it is back in force with organic and better products as people are more award of it .

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As eggs, vegetables are usually produced locally to point of sale, cost of fuel should not have a dramatic impact.

If sellers are quoting increase in fuel costs as reason for excessively high prices, it is just their way of taking advantage of the situation.

While transport costs may not be a factor, increased fuel prices will effect farmers in that they will have to pay more to run their tractors, for fertilizer, for insecticides, etc... Modern farming tend's to be fairly energy intensive. Unless farmers really turn more to organic methods, their costs will always go up with the rising cost of fuel and energy.

You will of course note that I wrote "cost of fuel should not have a dramatic impact". Ie a 50% increase in the price of fuel, should not equate to a 50% price hike on the product.

Energy intensive modern farming techniques? I only have my own eyes for reference so I do not see much evidence of this. In my area, pig, beef and chicken rearing, egg production, crop growing etc is labour intensive. I believe it to be the same in many areas. Obviously larger farms do exist nearer the big cities, but still fuel costs should only have a marginal effect.

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Like I said, you have no choice.

yeah, that Kun Larry, he so rite no choice atall innit

he nos were its at alrite, siting in his tv longe

i went to one other day, my mistake all thos tvs were very aggro, wanted sorts of things my mum sed dont do it boy

anyway kun Larry can do it if he wants, its a free wurld innit

i stik to gurls in the bar, much cuter and cheep to

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According to the consume price index prices in average have risen

in 1994 from 102.6 to 105.3 Jan to Dec

in 2005 from 105.3 to 111.2 !!!! jan to Augustus

I think nobody will be surprises now, but it was unexpected and it shows that prizes have risen. This is just the average but it is clealy influence by gasoline and eggs ( :o OK Tots)

Vegetables is just a seasonable influence

OK let the bitchin' continue


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Why not just ask the local Thais what they think about the price increases? Most will be silent, because that's the way they were brought up.

I was really surprised at the outburst my wife gave about the economic situation when prompted by me recently.

She's not a happy camper and I would suspect there are a lot of other dissatisfied voters out there.

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Like I said, you have no choice.

yeah, that Kun Larry, he so rite no choice atall innit

he nos were its at alrite, siting in his tv longe

i went to one other day, my mistake all thos tvs were very aggro, wanted sorts of things my mum sed dont do it boy

anyway kun Larry can do it if he wants, its a free wurld innit

i stik to gurls in the bar, much cuter and cheep to

Does anybody understand a word of what this idiot is going on about. For the Life of me I can't

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Most everyone seems to have a non-favorable oppinion about the increased costs of fuel, transportation, and produce...

While I'm not for the increases in my ahan tam sung dishes like Put kapow kai dao, I however am for all the rest of the fuel consuming entities/costs surging.

I hope and trust that fuel and gasolines keep rising at such rate if not faster. Let the taxi meter rise to 50 baht, than 100 baht. Let the busses rise 300 percent in the next month. Let it be so difficult for the masses to travel to the dismay of Earth's fossil fuels, that we all will realize are unneccesary enslavement to the big-business automobile/express-motorways.

Next time Mr. Taksin confirms/introduces another expressway/moustrap extension, let the people rise and shut him down---demanding electric based mass transit! Let the people realize that the higher the oil price and more dependent we all are on these fossil fuels, the richer the likes of him get and wider the social economic gap gets, not to mention how much the environmental state deteriates. Down with his oil, airline, sporting, and communications businesses. (What else did I miss) He's supposed to be looking after the people's interest, not his personal business aspirations!!!

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Most everyone seems to have a non-favorable oppinion about the increased costs of fuel, transportation, and produce...

While I'm not for the increases in my ahan tam sung dishes like Put kapow kai dao, I however am for all the rest of the fuel consuming entities/costs surging.

I hope and trust that fuel and gasolines keep rising at such rate if not faster. Let the taxi meter rise to 50 baht, than 100 baht. Let the busses rise 300 percent in the next month. Let it be so difficult for the masses to travel to the dismay of Earth's fossil fuels, that we all will realize are unneccesary enslavement to the big-business automobile/express-motorways.

Next time Mr. Taksin confirms/introduces another expressway/moustrap extension, let the people rise and shut him down---demanding electric based mass transit! Let the people realize that the higher the oil price and more dependent we all are on these fossil fuels, the richer the likes of him get and wider the social economic gap gets, not to mention how much the environmental state deteriates. Down with his oil, airline, sporting, and communications businesses. (What else did I miss) He's supposed to be looking after the people's interest, not his personal business aspirations!!!


Why are you posting on Thai Forum?

You obviously have no intention of coming to Thailand - Unless you plan on walking!

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Next time Mr. Taksin confirms/introduces another expressway/moustrap extension, let the people rise and shut him down---demanding electric based mass transit!

I'll assume that you aren't aware that a fair amount of Thailand's electricity is generated in oil-fired power plants.

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I heard import taxes on wine were to rise. Today I bought a few cases of wine from my local dealer to fill my cellar/wine fridge.

Wine seems to be my big extravagance. Putting additional tax on it seems silly.

Especially since Thailand apparently has descent wine producers too. Though i have yet to find any of their products marketed here in Phuket.

Supposedly the is a winery in Loei which makes a good chenin blanc.

Edited by kasi
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