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What Are They Lugging Around


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I'm talking about tourists with back packs. Not talking about tourists just arriving from airports, train stations etc.

I mean when they have found their hotel of choice, and are strolling around the city with their back packs. What do they have

in their packs ? :blink:

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I consider as long as you see them lugging around their backpacks, they are still looking for a decent hotel or guesthouse ! Or would you go for a drink at happy hour dragging your stuff around ? You see what you see, and it's not what you thought it is . . . . . .

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I've noticed that a lot of people here seem to always have a bag with them, even when out for a drink. Personally, I much prefer to travel as light as possible.

I too wonder what on earth they can have that they can't leave at home.

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I've noticed that a lot of people here seem to always have a bag with them, even when out for a drink. Personally, I much prefer to travel as light as possible.

I too wonder what on earth they can have that they can't leave at home.

Maybe they are not potty trained and lug on loads of clean underwear.

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I consider as long as you see them lugging around their backpacks, they are still looking for a decent hotel or guesthouse ! Or would you go for a drink at happy hour dragging your stuff around ? You see what you see, and it's not what you thought it is . . . . . .

If you reread my op, I clearly said: after they found their hotel of choice. :whistling:

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I consider as long as you see them lugging around their backpacks, they are still looking for a decent hotel or guesthouse ! Or would you go for a drink at happy hour dragging your stuff around ? You see what you see, and it's not what you thought it is . . . . . .

If you reread my op, I clearly said: after they found their hotel of choice. :whistling:

How do you know they already found their's ? You been asking them ?

When I am out for a walk. I usually take a small backpack , just in case I end up buying something

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Maybe they just don't trust the staff / other guests at their backpackers?

Or more likely, they're just on their way in / out of the city? Everyone has to pass through BKK, if you're on a budget though you're probably better off heading to the next destination as quickly as possible

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I consider as long as you see them lugging around their backpacks, they are still looking for a decent hotel or guesthouse ! Or would you go for a drink at happy hour dragging your stuff around ? You see what you see, and it's not what you thought it is . . . . . .

If you reread my op, I clearly said: after they found their hotel of choice. :whistling:

How do you know they already found their's ? You been asking them ?

When I am out for a walk. I usually take a small backpack , just in case I end up buying something

So, you are one of them. :lol:

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Maybe they just don't trust the staff / other guests at their backpackers?

Or more likely, they're just on their way in / out of the city? Everyone has to pass through BKK, if you're on a budget though you're probably better off heading to the next destination as quickly as possible

I'd probably agree with SlyAnimal. When you are staying in the cheapest of the guest houses they aren't all that safe. Back packers lose their stuff all the time... to other back packers. I've often wondered what they are carrying, myself. If you are back packing there usually isn't any more room to buy ANYTHING. Even when I'm traveling by motorbike I can only carry so much stuff, and I'm always loaded with extra stuff like cameras and fishing tackle.

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Maybe they just don't trust the staff / other guests at their backpackers?

Or more likely, they're just on their way in / out of the city? Everyone has to pass through BKK, if you're on a budget though you're probably better off heading to the next destination as quickly as possible

I'd probably agree with SlyAnimal. When you are staying in the cheapest of the guest houses they aren't all that safe. Back packers lose their stuff all the time... to other back packers. I've often wondered what they are carrying, myself. If you are back packing there usually isn't any more room to buy ANYTHING. Even when I'm traveling by motorbike I can only carry so much stuff, and I'm always loaded with extra stuff like cameras and fishing tackle.

Well, I am not talking about "backpackers" but about "quality" tourists. And they are wearing their backpacks, albeit small ones

when they are exploring the city. Do they do this when they return to their home countries? I think not. Hence my question. :)

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Well, I am not talking about "backpackers" but about "quality" tourists. And they are wearing their backpacks, albeit small ones

when they are exploring the city. Do they do this when they return to their home countries? I think not. Hence my question. :)

In that case I'd say they were just shopping in a half hearted way. It's like when I go to Mai Sai on a visa run. I bring along a bag in case I see something reasonable that I might want to buy.

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Well, I am not talking about "backpackers" but about "quality" tourists. And they are wearing their backpacks, albeit small ones

when they are exploring the city. Do they do this when they return to their home countries? I think not. Hence my question. :)

Might not trust the quality hotel staff, so carry their laptops / cameras with them (I know a couple of my friends thought it strange that I trusted the hotels I stayed in enough to leave my laptop in my hotel every day when I was travelling around asia)

Or might just want to take their cameras + sun block + extra water + laptop to use at cafe + umbrella + thai dictionary + map + shopping + random tourist brouchers in a bag rather than risk being caught short. I know I often thought about taking a "day bag" out with me when I was travelling, if my camera was one of those big flash ones instead of being pocket sized, then I probably would have carried a small backpack more often.

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I had to do a visa run today and noticed people on my coach lugging bags around with them, why? They weren't doing any duty free shopping either.

Passport, cash, phone, book. That's it all that's needed. The first three fit into pockets, is a bag really needed to carry a book?

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For years when I was travelling here and other countries I always carried a day backpack. I had my camera ,lonely planet,toilet paper and if i bought anything during the day I just put it in there too. So I assume that is probably what they are doing also. Now a days they may even have notebooks or laptops. Now I live here I only use the backpack when i need to carry small things when using my motorcycle.

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Maybe they just don't trust the staff / other guests at their backpackers?

Or more likely, they're just on their way in / out of the city? Everyone has to pass through BKK, if you're on a budget though you're probably better off heading to the next destination as quickly as possible

I'd probably agree with SlyAnimal. When you are staying in the cheapest of the guest houses they aren't all that safe. Back packers lose their stuff all the time... to other back packers. I've often wondered what they are carrying, myself. If you are back packing there usually isn't any more room to buy ANYTHING. Even when I'm traveling by motorbike I can only carry so much stuff, and I'm always loaded with extra stuff like cameras and fishing tackle.

Well, I am not talking about "backpackers" but about "quality" tourists. And they are wearing their backpacks, albeit small ones

when they are exploring the city. Do they do this when they return to their home countries? I think not. Hence my question. :)

Whether one is a tourist or at home - a small backpack is very useful to hold shoppings and the water bottle, it hides the camera from sight and is regarded much safer from snatchers than any odd handbag as it is not so easy to entangle it from your grip ! In Germany many people walk the cities equipped with backpacks, they have become a useful utility when out shopping or just enjoying the breeze. Literally all tourists there carry them. When lodging in a guesthouse in Thailand, I take my valuables in my backpack, as I regard it safer than leaving it in the "security" of a small guesthouse ( I have been robbed three times in these premises already with things vanished from my room ) . I guess many "backpacking quality" tourists just don t want to carry their waterbottle in one hand , while the camera dangles openly from their neck , vulnerable and an open invitation for grabbers, and the unavoidable mobile phone in the other hand. It's a piece of equipment of our modern times, the brandnames mimicking social status ! Personally I find a small backpack essential when you are touring a foreign country - ever tried to board a riverboat taxi loaded with both hands full ? Backpacks also add a whole new meaning to the famous question " What's in a lady's purse?" ! You might eventually see more ladies with backpacks than men, thus having answered two thirds of your question , as these baggies have replaced the good old "purses". Your question actually is the modern version of this old phrase, millions of men have wondered about this yet. Dare to ask HER - expect some surprises ;) !

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when i went travelling i had a 120L bag full of all my stuff. 6 months is a long time to be away with only a handfull of posessions. in hindsight i could of brought a lot less stuff had i gone before and knew what i needed, but i was travelling to countries like Thailand where it was always stuff and to NZ where it was autum so about 8 Deg C in places... Travellers generally lug everything that they will need for all the different countries they are visiting/going to visit as its cheaper than buying good quality stuff new, when u already have it at home.

Walking about in the day around bkk i would bring a 'school' type 20L rucksack that i would put my shopping, camera, water in. we never really spent the day just sat in a bar watchin the world go by but went and did 'stuff'. hence why the bag was needed.

these days i just bring my clothes, hard drive, work to do whilst im at the missus appartment in the usual suitcase.

When we travel around i still have to bring my rucksack because we still need water whilst we are out, her jumper daughters jumper, things for the day/stuff we have brought etc..

isnt this just normal stuff? when u went out for the day back home didnt you see people that brought bags with them? If i go to the beach here i still pack a bag rather than buy everything new when i get there...?

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Clean underpants.................................. thats it, only got a small backpack. :)

Can't afford toilet paper :(

Sir, may I ask how old you are. :rolleyes: Considering your login name.

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I've noticed that a lot of people here seem to always have a bag with them, even when out for a drink. Personally, I much prefer to travel as light as possible.

I too wonder what on earth they can have that they can't leave at home.

As long as it is not ticking why worry about it too much? If it is ticking run like hell mate!:D

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Ok, I was hoping to get some replies from some of the tourists (some of them must read this forum). But no luck so far. So for me, it's still a mystery,and I have to take the blue pill before I go to sleep. :(

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Ok, I was hoping to get some replies from some of the tourists (some of them must read this forum). But no luck so far. So for me, it's still a mystery,and I have to take the blue pill before I go to sleep. :(


I often wonder too, it seems to be catching on all over the world, people do it here too, packing themselves on an already full bus or train with a backpack full of...<deleted> i don't know! They're going to work, not off into the jungle for 3 weeks! Also, they seem to become instantly unaware of how far the backpack sticks out behind them, turning and wiping out old ladies as they head into the city crowds, I think they should be licensed and taxed for them, bloomin nuisance they are!

Some of my colleagues at work do it too, they take them on their vehicles with them (I work on a railway) so when I come to take over the train, they say "hang on I've just got to get my bag" <deleted> do you need a bag for? You're only out for 2 hours!

I dunno, survival rations? Comfort things? Can't be more than a foot from my towel/blanky/teddy bear/laptop/favourite fold-up push-bike/emergency tent?



Myself, I think keys, cash, phone, is already too much stuff!

If I'm going to buy something, say an impulse purchase, surely they'll have something to put it in. A bag perhaps? I bought a bag once, the sales person, after taking my money asked "would you like a bag sir?"

"I've just bought a bag thank you"

"yes, sir, but would you like me to put it in a bag for you?"

"You want to put my bag.......... in a bag?"ermm.gif

Life sometimes makes me blink.gif

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when i went travelling i had a 120L bag full of all my stuff. 6 months is a long time to be away with only a handfull of posessions.

Even on longer journeys, I never have more than 10kg (including the bag). I always carried a sleeping bag and mask/snorkel/fins as my luxury items. Then a few clothes and that's it.

People I see here with daypacks often seem to need much more even for a day out. :ermm:

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