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Pattaya Beggars Are Tenacious


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I was walking home from Villa Market on Second Road about 4AM when I was approached by a little girl (2 to 4 years, I guess). The little girl was very tenacious. I was walking fast to avoid her. She kept up to me and fell 3 times but she always showed up again. When I hit the temple entrance on Second Road I looked back and saw her face down on the sidewalk about 1 block up. She dogged me from Villa to the temple. The girl will be a great life insurance salesperson.

Edited by gguy
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I am a "weakie" and proud of it. Too many "hards" in this World.

I would almost certainly have given the poor kid a large note,

One day I die.

I am no Mother Theresa by the way and am too self-seeking for my own peace of mind.

Edited by Beechboy
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I see a couple of 2nd Rd "beggers" (mother and child) sitting near the Mariott and another sitting on the opposite side near the Avenue everytime I walk in that area --which is not weekly. There are various reasons why these mothers have to beg 1) have no ID card to get help from the government or get a job (from another country or parents were...) 2) no family to help... other reasons. I am also aware that these "beggers" could be planted by some mafia group to collect money, but I can't imagine these women could collect much since they are not in high volume walking areas. Whenever I want to help, I go in a Seven Eleven and buy milk or something for the child to eat. NO CASH I also stand and see if the mother is giving the food item to the child. Of couirse the young man sitting round begging "zoned out" is basically in need for more drug money.

Why would some girl be begging a 4am??? in the morning. It reminds me of this Thai father along Walking Street exhibiting his petite 7? year old daughter doing acrobat/ yoga acts every night to entertain the tourists. One time I went up to him (midnight) and asked him if his little girl should be asleep and go to school the next day???? His Thai smile turned into a glare and growl...

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I am a "weakie" and proud of it. Too many "hards" in this World.

I would almost certainly have given the poor kid a large note,

One day I die.

I am no Mother Theresa by the way and am too self-seeking for my own peace of mind.

I seem to have have read an article once where the police arrested a couple beggars. The police found 20,000 baht in their pockets. Seems to be a good business. I have no sympathy. You're just encouraging them to come, beg, and be a nuisance.

Edited by BB1950
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I am a "weakie" and proud of it. Too many "hards" in this World.

I would almost certainly have given the poor kid a large note,

One day I die.

I am no Mother Theresa by the way and am too self-seeking for my own peace of mind.

I seem to have have read an article once where the police arrested a couple beggars. The police found 20,000 baht in their pockets. Seems to be a good business. I have no sympathy. You're just encouraging them to come, beg, and be a nuisance.

We know about that, but this was an infant at 4 am. Some genuine desperation behind that scenario I would surmise.

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A few year's ago I was on the beach and a begger came along he had very bad leg's so I thought Idd give him some cash. The lady I was with said dont gib as he has more money than you. Wait till later and she would show me something. Well the later arrived and his wife came and picked him up in wait for it a new BMW. So there you go up to you. Do I give money now, not on your life.

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We know begging is a profession in Thailand, but the O/P's experience was a lot different from the norm.

Furthermore, if it had happened in our own respective countries we would immediately take the poor and very vulnerable kid to the nearest police station.

In Thailand we accept it as a sort of norm.

Think about it. 4 am for goodness sake.

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I used to give some beggars on my regular walking route almost every

day some 20 bhat in change that I always carried around just for them ...

One day, I did not have any change and did not feel like giving them

500 bhat. I was almost attacked, and verbally abused, with slurs like

"farangt kee nieaw" and "farang "jai dam" ...

These people must have remembered me for sure as I have been

doing the routine for months ...

After that, I have never given another satang away ...



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I see the 2nd Rd child beggars (and the women that "manage" them) many times a day. I cant avoid them as they are right outside my place.

From time to time I also see the large notes that are given to them by passing tourists. Also coins occasionally given by Thais. Financially I dont think they do badly at all.

In my opinion this is an appalling form of child abuse, about which the city, the government and the Western nanny QUANGOs seem to do nothing at all.

These tiny children spend countless hours every day sitting in the gutter and breathing in the most harmful fumes from passing vehicles. They get no mental stimulation at all, apart from looking at the writing on the McDonalds coffee cup they clutch.

And yet apparently no one does anything about it, preferring instead to worry about Norwegians engaging 17yr old hookers on Beach Rd for entirely voluntary nocturnal activities.

There is something seriously screwed up here.

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the way things usually work I would not be surprised to find out the have to pay for the space they take up on the walkway to the police

I see the 2nd Rd child beggars (and the women that "manage" them) many times a day. I cant avoid them as they are right outside my place.

From time to time I also see the large notes that are given to them by passing tourists. Also coins occasionally given by Thais. Financially I dont think they do badly at all.

In my opinion this is an appalling form of child abuse, about which the city, the government and the Western nanny QUANGOs seem to do nothing at all.

These tiny children spend countless hours every day sitting in the gutter and breathing in the most harmful fumes from passing vehicles. They get no mental stimulation at all, apart from looking at the writing on the McDonalds coffee cup they clutch.

And yet apparently no one does anything about it, preferring instead to worry about Norwegians engaging 17yr old hookers on Beach Rd for entirely voluntary nocturnal activities.

There is something seriously screwed up here.

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Many of the beggars in Thailand have owners who drop them off and pick them up.

As already stated in another post, if you want to help, give them food and NOT cash. The cash just goes to their pimp.

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