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Bangkok Police Lose Battle To Regain Protest Site From PAD


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The police were usless aganist the Red Shirts why did they think they would be any better aganist the Yellows.

It really is time that the incompetents charged with upholding the law were made accountable, make retirement the price of failure for the top men.

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The yellow bullshit that tear gas is a deadly weapon. Watch at 00:20, tear gas can don't kill, even when shot at twice at gun point range.

- irrelevant video snipped -

Did they use exploding Chinese RDX tear gas canisters in Bahrain?

The ones used here were absolutely dangerous.

Just ask Angkana Radubpanyawoot's family :


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how many police were there? PAD had 100 guards ready to fight and police backed down? Is this for real?

Presumably "obstructing police" or threatening police is an arrestable offence?

I have a low level policeman neighbour drives a BMW, you cant buy them whilst breaking up demonstrations.

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The yellow bullshit that tear gas is a deadly weapon. Watch at 00:20, tear gas can don't kill, even when shot at twice at gun point range.

- irrelevant video snipped -

Did they use exploding Chinese RDX tear gas canisters in Bahrain?

The ones used here were absolutely dangerous.

Just ask Angkana Radubpanyawoot's family :


wow dragging up <deleted> from years ago, why not give the full facts that evidence showed that she was k illed by a ping pong bomb that she was carrying in her pocket, as far as I recall this was never disproved, just swept under the carpet as that is the best way to make naughty things done by the yellows disappear here. also for balance why not show the policemen that were killed and injured by the yellows, the polcieman stabbed at parliament, the policeman run over buy a pick up driven by a yellow, the policewoman taken hostage at the airport, the people murdered by the PAD in the streets, the bombs found at GH, the car bomb on Sukhothai Road, the takeover of tv and radio stations, the take over of airports etc etc etc ( I could go on for hours since this poster is dragging up nonsense from 3 years ago but it is tedious in the extreme having to read the same old bullshit propaganda from the same old posters).

Now I seem to recall this very poster claiming the reds that died deserved to die as they should not have been there, well I will throw that back at you, Ankana deserved to die, she had the chance to not be there. she chose to stay, she deserved to die just as you claim the reds murdered by the army deserved to die, and if it is true that she was killed by the ping pong bomb she was carrying then good riddance to her.

wait for all the fake indignation now from the forum yellows, wait for the misdirection and links to reports that basically prove nothing,

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The yellow bullshit that tear gas is a deadly weapon. Watch at 00:20, tear gas can don't kill, even when shot at twice at gun point range.

- irrelevant video snipped -

Did they use exploding Chinese RDX tear gas canisters in Bahrain?

The ones used here were absolutely dangerous.

Just ask Angkana Radubpanyawoot's family :


wow dragging up <deleted> from years ago, why not give the full facts that evidence showed

I didn't bring it up. IanPrince99 did.

I removed your unproven speculation.

Now I seem to recall this very poster claiming the reds that died deserved to die

Your memory is faulty for this as well. It never happened.


Edited by Buchholz
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The police need to cordon off the area with blue ribbons and inflatable yellow bears, passing out candy canes and gummy bears, playing happy music and sprinkling everyone with glitter!

The police themselves could dress up in two piece jackass costumes and let the protesters take turns kicking them in the ass!

At least that wouldn't be as embarrassing as what's going on now.

Or they could get real and meet with handbags at dawn.


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The police were usless aganist the Red Shirts why did they think they would be any better aganist the Yellows.

Wrong! The police destroyed the Red Shirts and shot them dead. However, the police did NOTHING and the government did NOTHING to the yellows when they took over the airport.

destroyed the red shirts?

i wish.

if they had done so there would not have been 30,000 of them protesting this weekend.........

Wow, no shortage of right-wing haters of the peasantry here, ey? If you were in Wisconsin you would be on the wrong side too, no doubt, calling for the imprisonment, beating, whatever of the people as they stand up to government oppression.

It really sickens me when farangs throw their lot in the with opressive, racist Thai elite and give their blessings to oppression of the poor in Thailand. Goody for you, you're an agent against change in the world.

good, i am happy it sickens you, go throw up somewhere, preferably all over a red shirt.........

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The police were usless aganist the Red Shirts why did they think they would be any better aganist the Yellows.

Wrong! The police destroyed the Red Shirts and shot them dead. However, the police did NOTHING and the government did NOTHING to the yellows when they took over the airport.

RUBBISH ! I attended a big rally near Suk soi 1 many police but they never used arms, showing respect for all. Its the Thai Army which go out of control and shoot discriminately into crowds.

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The police were usless aganist the Red Shirts why did they think they would be any better aganist the Yellows.

Wrong! The police destroyed the Red Shirts and shot them dead. However, the police did NOTHING and the government did NOTHING to the yellows when they took over the airport.

RUBBISH ! I attended a big rally near Suk soi 1 many police but they never used arms, showing respect for all. Its the Thai Army which go out of control and shoot discriminately into crowds.

Did you have a few before you went to the rally and now before you posted?LOL

Thai Police " showing respect for all", LOL

Were you trying to say Police was too scared to do their duty or did not want to do their duty because there was no money in it for them?

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The police were usless aganist the Red Shirts why did they think they would be any better aganist the Yellows.

Wrong! The police destroyed the Red Shirts and shot them dead. However, the police did NOTHING and the government did NOTHING to the yellows when they took over the airport.

RUBBISH ! I attended a big rally near Suk soi 1 many police but they never used arms, showing respect for all. Its the Thai Army which go out of control and shoot discriminately into crowds.

I am not going to bother to ask you when you attended this rally ....

instead I am just going to point out that the Army has not been accused of shooting discriminately into crowds (or even indiscriminately into crowds!) If they had there would have been WAY more deaths than there were.

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The police need to cordon off the area with blue ribbons and inflatable yellow bears, passing out candy canes and gummy bears, playing happy music and sprinkling everyone with glitter!

The police themselves could dress up in two piece jackass costumes and let the protesters take turns kicking them in the ass!

At least that wouldn't be as embarrassing as what's going on now.


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Just a plain shame that in this country, lawcan not be enforced.

The corrupt and stupid police can't be trusted to do anything except make their own pakets fat by extorting money from everyone

same old boreing topic. Yaaaawn. At least it diverts attention from minor news topics from Japan and Middle East.

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