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Roger Petit Dead At 68 In Laos


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Those longer termers might remember Roger Petit who was arrested just less than a year ago in Chiang Mai on allegations of child sex offences. He was caight up in a trans national police operation with apparently reliable info from the UK. When he was arrested was found in possession of child porn, 42 yabba tablets, and "marital" applicances. There were a few follow up arrests and apparently a child porn ring was stopped, big articles everywhere. He was remanded in custody last I heard. Must have been a quick trial and brief conviction as I see that he died in Laos recently of a suspected drug overdose. Must have had a good lawyer I guess. Could'nt possibly be any other explanation.


Edited by mamborobert
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I posted this on the News Forum, but as it has direct Chiang Mai relevance I re-post it here:-

Whilst he was on remand I went to visit him a couple of times in jail, believing, as I do that a man is innocent until proven guilty, He used to come into my pub occasionally, often in the company of young men, all of whom were clearly over the age of consent. British consular officials in Chiang Mai and people from the embassy in Bangkok also visited him. He was furnished with a list of recommended lawyers by the embassy, but preferred to employ the services of a lawyer who spoke no English but would 'get other prisoners to translate' The lawyer had a repuation, I was led to understand, for arranging bail and the discreet return of passport in return for the bail money - 300,000 baht was the figure quoted at the time. Mr Petit had enough money to pay. As he refused the consular advice (and mine) to retain a more orthodox lawyer, and after talking to consular officials I stopped visiting him.

A sad end to a life - overdosing in a Vientiane guest house, and dying with the unproven allegation that he'd had sex with a 13 year old boy, an allegation he categorically denied. At least if he was guilty thats one less pervert for kids to have to worry about., but I take no pleasure from his death and I hope he rests in peace.

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