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U.S. Navy fires missiles at Libyan air defenses, Obama to speak shortly


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U.S. Navy fires missiles at Libyan air defenses, Obama to speak shortly

2011-03-20 02:48:18 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- The U.S. Navy on Saturday evening fired several Tomahawk cruise missiles at Libyan air defenses, U.S. media reported, and President Barack Obama is expected to make a statement soon.

NBC News, Fox News and CNN reported that the U.S. Navy had joined French forces in carrying out attacks on Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi has violently cracked down on anti-government protesters.

Few details about the U.S. attacks were immediately available, although there were reports of several loud explosions being heard east of Tripoli. Balls of fire could be seen on the horizon, media reports said.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-20

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How does this firing of over 110 Tomahawk missiles at ground targets equate to a no fly zone?

Here we go............again

The arab league and gulf staes asked the UN for help against someone who would kill his own fellow Libyans. Not one country on the UN security council objected. The US will not lead this UN mandate but is taking a measured response..

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U.S. Missiles Strike Libyan Air Defense Targets


In a briefing Saturday afternoon, Vice Adm. William Gortney told reporters that about 110 Tomahawk missiles, fired from American warships and submarines and one British submarine struck 20 air-defense targets around Tripoli, the capital, and the western city of Misurata. He said the strikes were against longer-range air defense missiles as well as early warning radar sites and main command-and-control communication centers.




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Not one country on the UN security council objected.

Not all voted for it either.

a no-fly zone and other measures to protect civilians with 10-to-0 vote, with five abstentions - China, Russia, Germany, Indian and Brazil.

The U.N. action bans all flights in Libyan airspace in order to protect civilians.

At the end of the day it was a civil war.

If a civil war was taking place in a western country how would they react to an outside power stepping in & destroying their air defense systems?

If the no fly zone is to be touted as a protection of civilians then the forces being directed at Libya should not be one sided.

As it stands now it looks as if the rebels are being backed by this action.

If successful....Will the rebel forces then be the new installed regime? Will the forces that now help them be happy with that or does a designated puppet need to be installed?

Does not look good IMO

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interesting times ahead

Is this payback time for the French? Remember the problems he caused by his political and military meddling in Chad?

If Gaddafi were successful in suppressing the Libyan uprising it might reignite his desire to expand south again. We don't know what kind of backroom deals he has made with his hired mercenaries.

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I could not have formulated it better myself :

For weeks, American officials have been decrying Gaddafi’s bloody attacks on his people, but does the US really have a problem with dictatorship of his sort? This fact is unknown to Americans, but in the Middle East, and in Arab nations in particular, American commercial interests are regarded as a force for liberation but not the US government. The US has been the key to the power of Middle East dictatorships for decades, among which are Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Yemen. I leave aside the killing of hundreds of thousands of Iaqi civilians to liberate them.So it is something of a joke that the US would push a war against Libya in order to save that country from dictatorship.


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How does this firing of over 110 Tomahawk missiles at ground targets equate to a no fly zone?

Here we go............again

Kinda hard to enforce a no fly zone when they are shooting at you with surface to air missiles? A briefing on BBC yesterday said taking out these sites was going to happen immediately...and it did!

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The Chief of Defence Staff’s Strategic Communications Officer Major General John Lorimer said:

“British Armed Forces, as authorised by the UN Security Council Resolution 1973, have participated in a co-ordinated strike against Libyan Air Defence systems. In addition to the Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAM) launched from a Trafalgar Class submarine, I can now confirm that the RAF has also launched Stormshadow missiles from a number of Tornado GR4 fast jets, which flew direct from RAF Marham as part of a coordinated coalition plan to enforce the resolution.”

Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox said:

“We made clear that if Gaddafi did not comply with the UN Security Council Resolution 1973, it would be enforced through military action. Our Armed Forces have therefore participated in a co-ordinated international coalition strike against key military installations.

“We have launched Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles from a Trafalgar Class submarine and Stormshadow missiles from Tornado GR4s. The fast jets flew 3,000 miles from RAF Marham and back making this the longest range bombing mission conducted by the RAF since the Falklands conflict. This operation was supported by VC10 and Tristar air-to-air refuelling aircraft as well as E3D Sentry and Sentinel surveillance aircraft.

“HMS Westminster is off the coast of Libya and HMS Cumberland is in the region ready to support operations. Typhoon aircraft are also standing by to provide support.

“Our capable and adaptable Armed Forces are once again displaying their courage and professionalism. This action has provided a strong signal - the International community will not stand by while the Libyan people suffer under the Gaddafi regime.”


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Blunder by Obama.

Should have saved it for Iran.

Fortunately Iran is much better equipped to resist a Western attack than Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan combined, and the price the West will pay for any attack on Iran

will not stop at $ 10 per gallon of gas....

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"Peace Prize" winner!

He can stuff his lies up his behind where they came from.

But might as well knock out Iran's nukes while he is at it.

It might have been Israel's Stuxnet attack on Iran Busher reactor that contributed to the nuclear disaster now taking place in Japan. See my post in the Japan thread.

Besides, Obama doesn't have the balls to take on Iran, no matter how hard Netanyahoo is pushing him as recent as 2 days ago :

Netanyahu: Only fear of possible strike could stop Iran's nuclear progress

Netanyahu said if military action was taken, he would prefer that it be lead by the United States.


Not to mention this Israeli boy has been crying Iranian wolf for more than 15 years now, and hardly anyone takes him serious anymore :lol:

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Blunder by Obama.

Should have saved it for Iran.

Libya and Iran are like dwarf versus big guy

6.5 Million people for Libya and 77 million in Iran <_<


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I could not have formulated it better myself :

For weeks, American officials have been decrying Gaddafi's bloody attacks on his people, but does the US really have a problem with dictatorship of his sort? This fact is unknown to Americans, but in the Middle East, and in Arab nations in particular, American commercial interests are regarded as a force for liberation but not the US government. The US has been the key to the power of Middle East dictatorships for decades, among which are Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Yemen. I leave aside the killing of hundreds of thousands of Iaqi civilians to liberate them.So it is something of a joke that the US would push a war against Libya in order to save that country from dictatorship.


Now don't be confusing people with reality and truth. Most are steadfast in their beliefs that have been ingrained into them......

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Fortunately Iran is much better equipped to resist a Western attack than Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan combined, and the price the West will pay for any attack on Iran

will not stop at $ 10 per gallon of gas....

We pay US$ 8.85 per gallon already in my EU country; consider yourself lucky and don't complain.


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