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U.S. Navy fires missiles at Libyan air defenses, Obama to speak shortly


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How does this firing of over 110 Tomahawk missiles at ground targets equate to a no fly zone?

Here we go............again

You have to knock out the defenses with missiles before sending aircraft in, no?

What is the range of an F14 Tomcat or F22 air to air strike capability? What is the range of the ships ability to strike aircraft?

I was under the impression a no fly zone meant a territory over which aircraft are not permitted to fly. Such zones are usually set up in a military context, somewhat like a demilitarized zone in the sky.

As such my guess ......is that the airspace could be policed from distance. Mainly I like the majority of Americans believe we should not even be there.

110 tomahawk missiles fired............Do they have pin point accuracy? After all the claim is care of civilian life isn't it?

Or is collateral damages just an assumed by product?.........Yet again?

Lastly once again I wish the world to know that this policing action like the others does not only not have the support of the majority of the American people

but it does not even have the majority support of Senate/Congress 65 percent oppose the U.S. military getting involved in Libya.

Opposition also cuts across party lines. Seven in 10 Democrats (70 percent) and independents (70 percent) oppose it, as do 59 percent of Republicans.

Some 25 percent of voters overall favor taking military action in Libya. Is that all it takes?

The special interests groups that direct the puppets we call our leaders whose direction is

based on lies and promoted by war propaganda in order to serve special interests are again hard at work.

We follow in the footsteps of other dead empires

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well we've finally arrived at the opening gambits toward WW3...

i am a British citizen, and i say to the UK 'Establishment' ( & her offshoot, US whiteshoe boys) with regard to their current mindset / actions.... No !!!... not in my name !! mad.gif


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I do not think that we should be there - we have more than enough on our plate - but a no-fly zone in a hostile environment requires the removal of anti-aircraft missile launchers.

For sure...it's a mess and only going to get worse. When will we learn?????

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I do not think that we should be there - we have more than enough on our plate - but a no-fly zone in a hostile environment requires the removal of anti-aircraft missile launchers.

I do not claim to be an expert in air to air capabilities but...I do know today's fighters have made dog fights obsolete.

Even older model fighters had laser guided air to ground capabilities. So if ground force proved to be hostile of course at that point it becomes a target.

But again I like you in this case agree we should not be there in the first place.

So I wonder if the mission is a no fly zone is not the capabilities in our fighters & ships there to police from a distance?

Firing on a countries defense systems before having been fired upon seems like a hostile aggression to me.

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More and more experts are coming to the conclusion that non-Arab Africa will fall victim of revolutions. The delayed action mine planted by the Europeans during colonization will definitely have a cumulative effect on the whole of central Africa, Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the Middle East Institute claims. In an interview with Samir Shakhbaz he also insists that Russia must avoid getting involved in possible wars”

Interesting read, now Russia got its oil so they are not so keen on war. The US, GB and France have a different situation.

Nations without oil or minerals can off course do as they please without US interference.

One positive result of the latest assault is that NATO is cracking up as Germany steps aside.


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Hello Hello the US have they forgotted they were not alone in this. Here we go again the U.S charge to the rescue. The US are playing a small part in this stop taking all the bloody credit as usual. Have the US ever heard of France, England, Canada and Arab nations who are also involved? Yes USA there are other countries in the world.

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I do not think that we should be there - we have more than enough on our plate - but a no-fly zone in a hostile environment requires the removal of anti-aircraft missile launchers.

It's not your business...??

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Firing on a countries defense systems before having been fired upon seems like a hostile aggression to me.

yes.. the 'west' has just initiated an act of war on another country.. make no bones about it...

the consequences of this Globally will be dire !

prepare for major revenge attacks.... leading ultimately to World War III

how could they be so stupid ? (...unless its all part of a bigger plan..?!!. Hmm.....)

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More and more experts are coming to the conclusion that non-Arab Africa will fall victim of revolutions. The delayed action mine planted by the Europeans during colonization will definitely have a cumulative effect on the whole of central Africa, Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the Middle East Institute claims. In an interview with Samir Shakhbaz he also insists that Russia must avoid getting involved in possible wars”

Interesting read, now Russia got its oil so they are not so keen on war. The US, GB and France have a different situation.

Nations without oil or minerals can off course do as they please without US interference.

One positive result of the latest assault is that NATO is cracking up as Germany steps aside.


Svensk, you need to take a clue from Soft George he says, "Hello Hello the US have they forgotted they were not alone in this. Here we go again the U.S charge to the rescue. The US are playing a small part in this stop taking all the bloody credit as usual. Have the US ever heard of France, England, Canada and Arab nations who are also involved? Yes USA there are other countries in the world."

It is not just the US this time. You need to be more even in your condemning of nations.

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"Peace Prize" winner!

He can stuff his lies up his behind where they came from.

But might as well knock out Iran's nukes while he is at it.

It might have been Israel's Stuxnet attack on Iran Busher reactor that contributed to the nuclear disaster now taking place in Japan. See my post in the Japan thread.

Besides, Obama doesn't have the balls to take on Iran, no matter how hard Netanyahoo is pushing him as recent as 2 days ago :

Netanyahu: Only fear of possible strike could stop Iran's nuclear progress

Netanyahu said if military action was taken, he would prefer that it be lead by the United States.


Not to mention this Israeli boy has been crying Iranian wolf for more than 15 years now, and hardly anyone takes him serious anymore :lol:

In case it's escaped your attention Iran is up to it's neck in shit stirring, they have installed a puppet regime in Lebannon, are active in smuggling missiles to Hamas, Hizbollah and the Taleban in Afghanistan. They are behind the protests in Bahrain and Yemen and are inciting Shiite rebellion in Saudi Arabia. Action against Iran is inevitable, it's only a matter of time, action in Libya was not and I suspect Iran will do it's level best to cause another flare up whilst the west are preoccupied in Libya, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, have I missed any?

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Several countries/dictators and their minions, throughout the world, have lived the good life while the citizens of those countries have been thrown scraps. It appears that for whatever reason/influence, it is coming back to bite them in the arse.

Civil war, if that is what you want to call it, have had outside influence/participation throughout history, normally on both sides. The modern age of communication/internet, etc has brought attention to the masses as to what may be out there vs what they have and foresee having, in the future.

It seems a common factor of these countries is the report of civilian causalities after intervention by outside countries (some requested and some not, whereas prior to this intervention the only mention of civilian damage/causalities seems to have come from agencies who are monitoring/giving aid/support to the general public.

Yes, many of the citizens of countries who get involved in these rebellions/uprisings/civil wars, (for want of a better description) may not agree with their governments position. Many have the option of voting those responsible out of their position, whereas those most affected do not have this avenue to right a perceived wrong.

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Allied airstrikes kill 48, 150 wounded: Libya TV

(Reuters) - Airstrikes on several Libyan cities killed 48 people and wounded 150 in "civilian areas," a statement read out on Libyan state television said on Sunday.

The statement by the Libyan armed forces said the capital Tripoli as well as the cities of Sirte, Benghazi, Misrata and Zuwarah were hit.

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I read three threads and I can only find one poster who wants the West to intervene in Libya, Soft George. Did I miss anyone?

Um the U.N and Arab Nations just to name a few. I do not condone the mad man killing his own people. Now that the can of worms has been opened Gadaffi has to be removed and no I am not saying kill him.

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when the dust settles and the new muslim regime backed by Al Qaeda is in control, these insurgents will spit on their new found friendship with the western allies, as the infidels they see us as

this is a major blunder by all the parties involved, they should have left it well alone and let this civil war work itself out.........

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FLASH: China expresses regret about military attacks on Libya, calls for stability to be restored to Libya as soon as possible/RT@Reuters

Russia & now China have spoken.....only awaiting India now.

It is one thing for the US & allies to make this move it is another when Russia & China state openly calls for stability.

Add to that Gaddafi's statement that when this is done ( if he is still in power ) Western oil companies will be kicked out of Libya & all oil will be directed from Libya to Russia, China & India

Adds a twist to it?

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when the dust settles and the new muslim regime backed by Al Qaeda is in control, these insurgents will spit on their new found friendship with the western allies, as the infidels they see us as

this is a major blunder by all the parties involved, they should have left it well alone and let this civil war work itself out.........

Agreed, but you have to ask , who instigated the rebel uprising? It's all part of a bigger picture and these tactics have been used for decades.

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I read three threads and I can only find one poster who wants the West to intervene in Libya, Soft George. Did I miss anyone?

Um the U.N and Arab Nations just to name a few. I do not condone the mad man killing his own people. Now that the can of worms has been opened Gadaffi has to be removed and no I am not saying kill him.

I understand the UN and Arab nations, because they after all are all in the US's pocket. I meant posters on Thai Visa.

You seem to stand alone in calling for the US minions like France to bomb Libya. Do you really think Gaddafi will leave without someone killing him?

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FLASH: China expresses regret about military attacks on Libya, calls for stability to be restored to Libya as soon as possible/RT@Reuters

Russia & now China have spoken.....only awaiting India now.

It is one thing for the US & allies to make this move it is another when Russia & China state openly calls for stability.

Add to that Gaddafi's statement that when this is done ( if he is still in power ) Western oil companies will be kicked out of Libya & all oil will be directed from Libya to Russia, China & India

Adds a twist to it?

Going into Libya under the guise of saving the citizens is total bullshit, we all know it's about OIL. It's a shame that the same premise was not considered in Rwanda when 1000s were slaughtered, but then again they don't have any OIL do they!

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It is one thing for the US & allies to make this move it is another when Russia & China state openly calls for stability.

China and Russia didn't vote against the no-fly resolution, they abstained. Both could have vetoed the resolution, but neither chose to do so. They aren't backing Gadaffi.

I don't buy the 'war for oil' theory this time. Libyan production is quite small compared to the likes of Iraq, and the guy is a genuine nut case. I think its a good thing that other governments have decided to step in and stop a slaughter.

Edited by Crushdepth
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when the dust settles and the new muslim regime backed by Al Qaeda is in control, these insurgents will spit on their new found friendship with the western allies, as the infidels they see us as

this is a major blunder by all the parties involved, they should have left it well alone and let this civil war work itself out.........

Agreed, but you have to ask , who instigated the rebel uprising? It's all part of a bigger picture and these tactics have been used for decades.

I think it is obvious who instigated the rebel uprising. Who was the first to recognize them? Who was the first to call for military action? France of course.

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Going into Libya under the guise of saving the citizens is total bullshit, we all know it's about OIL. It's a shame that the same premise was not considered in Rwanda when 1000s were slaughtered, but then again they don't have any OIL do they!

Yes the question has come up many times in many countries with nothing to offer......

Yet they are not helped in anyway

Also if the story were to be believable in regards to stepping into a civil war claiming the invaders are there to save civilians....

Then the next question I would have is ultimately which scenario would leave more dead civilians?

A civil war which would probably be ended quickly or an invasion by others to stop said civil war?

I think it will be clear when the smoke clears that many more civilians will lie dead due to this intervention/invasion

Not to forget that there are many pro Gaddafi supporters who are civilians.

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I don't buy the 'war for oil' theory this time. Libyan production is quite small compared to the likes of Iraq, and the guy is a genuine nut case. I think its a good thing that other governments have decided to step in and stop a slaughter.

Size of production does not matter when all oil is traded in the world reserve currency USD

If the production is so small why then in the US stock markets oil jumped from $85 a barrel to over $107?

Yes agreed & none will argue that Gaddafi is a nut...Has been for decades...That did not stop many heads of States from shaking his hand in the past

As to the slaughter while I dont doubt folks have been killed.....Here in the US they spoke of hundreds then thousands & have as yet only ever shown two dead in a hospital from gun shot wounds.

I would think thousands dead would be covered by more than a picture of two laying dead in a hospital.

At the end of the day there are more questions than answers in Libya

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FLASH: China expresses regret about military attacks on Libya, calls for stability to be restored to Libya as soon as possible/RT@Reuters

Russia & now China have spoken.....only awaiting India now.

It is one thing for the US & allies to make this move it is another when Russia & China state openly calls for stability.

Add to that Gaddafi's statement that when this is done ( if he is still in power ) Western oil companies will be kicked out of Libya & all oil will be directed from Libya to Russia, China & India

Adds a twist to it?

Going into Libya under the guise of saving the citizens is total bullshit, we all know it's about OIL. It's a shame that the same premise was not considered in Rwanda when 1000s were slaughtered, but then again they don't have any OIL do they!

We are pumping that crude out of Afghanistan, yes sir.

But you are preaching to the choir here. The only one who wants military action in Libya in this thread is Soft George.

You should address your comments to him.

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