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President Obama launches re-election campaign


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That's what's so interesting with TV; I didn't know the slang word "birther" but Google is my friend...so:

"a person who believes - against evidence - that Barack Obama was born outside of the United States."


Not in 1961 it wouldn't have. Assuming of course he was really born in 1961. :)

Yeah there is that doubt too isn't there? Even by his own website discrepancies..

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Probably a more topical question to ask is why Obama made her Secretary of State. That gave her a platform to launch another Presidential bid and filled in any holes she may have had in foreign policy experience. Is Obama afraid of Hillary? Why did he give her the job? Is Hillary going to go all out and campaign for Obama in the early stages?

I think it was strategic, the only way to keep her from being a critic and not his opposition in his near future was to bring her on the team. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer..

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It is indeed shocking: a candidate making promises that couldn't or wouldn't keep.

Danger!! Apologist on board!! I see, so that makes it ok then?? Now I understand :rolleyes: .. Hope you never have occasion to complain about any thing the Thai Government ever does that effects you adversely then, it's all good because the other side might treat you like second hand junk too, so what? Jai yen yen..

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The only hang up was Palin but she was the "Vice Presidential candidate" not the Presidential candidate which in this case has proven to be far worse of a choice... Everyone was concerned about McCain's age and possible demise in office which was a reach and obviously to this point false concern.

I would have had Obama ahead of McCain in my dead pool because he was the person standing between Hillary and the Presidency. Expect him to get knocked off late summer before the Dem National Convention and Hillary to save the day and accept the nomination. Remember, there won't be any other candidates like you would normally get in primaries and ol' VP Joe Biden will be too old. That leaves Hillary as the only logical choice.


Do you think what I think you think?

I think he thinks what you think he's thinking too......I think :whistling: ..

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He's a likable fellow and clearly very intelligent. I think he lacks a mysterious ingredient that makes for a great leader (as opposed to a great campaigner/speech giver). I didn't see it in his campaign either, which is why I supported Hillary, who I do believe has the right stuff.

Hmm... there's a fellow American here on board who knows and met her and doesn't agree with you. He was terrified of her. He called her a very dangerous woman...:ermm:



That would be me. I like Bill. Bill is scared of her too.

Thanks Mark!

Much appreciated you step forward but I didn't want to be the first to tell the audience WHO it was but I respect and applaud your honesty in this.

From your stories I believe you that you had indeed all grounds to warn for this Lady...wasn't there another one, next to Hillary you wrote about? :unsure:


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The people that continue to come up with claims that Obama was not born in Hawaii are mentally deficient.

They are mentally deficient because multiple investigations have shown that Obama was born in Hawaii and they cannot accept anything that goes against their fantasies. The Republican governor of Hawaii has stated Obama was born in Hawaii. The fact that the paper work does not satisfy an election clerk is not important. The clerk wasn't around at the time. More importantly, the clerk is basically admitting to a violation of state privacy laws as he had no right to go snooping. He was authorised only to verify if people were legally allowed to vote in the district he worked in.

Multiple lawyers and groups of concerned parties have investigated and agreed that Obama was born in Hawaii. Where I was born, the Church was designated as the issuer of birth certificates. However, if one did not wish to be registered under the Catholic Church, one opted for a Protestant or other faith form. There was no automisation at the time. My oldest brother that was born in a Catholic hospital had parents that did not want him registered ther. It took 2 months for his birth certificate to be issued. he was never entered into the official system until he went for his school registration when it was discovered he did not exist. This was typical of people born in the 1960's in some countries. My brother was not born in kenya, nor Indonesia. He was lost in the paperwork.

but with a rather significant caveat ....... :ermm:

" Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.

Toward the end of the interview, the newspaper asked Abercrombie: "You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plan to release more information regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate. How is that coming?"

In his response, Abercrombie acknowledged the birth certificate issue will have "political implications" for the next presidential election " that we simply cannot have.

For seemingly the first time, Abercrombie frankly acknowledged that presidential politics motivated his search for Obama birth records, implying that failure to resolve the questions that remain unanswered about the president's birth and early life may damage his chance for re-election.


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But I am, with many others, very confused but also curious WHY he did NOT close Guantanamo if it was so easy for him when he had the majority.


Is there any simple plausible reason ?


The President needed agreement from the US Congress to close the facility and move some of the prisoners to the USA. The US Congress refused to approve that transfer of prisoners.

Why do you and others blame Obama for something he was prevented from changing? The President did not have the legal authority to request the prisoners transferred. Don't let the legal reality stop any of you from blaming Obama though. People are not confused. They just need to bash someone.


:blink:Did you read my questions?

1. I fully agree and that's what I (and many with me) understood also; that he was prevented by Congress to close Guantanamo.

2. The rest of your answer is a puzzle to me since I wasn't blaming Obama and never have; I was genuinely ASKING a question.

I think you misread my post but that's no wonder with so many posts in a relatively short period. You should have read my post better though BEFORE falsely accusing me of blaming Obama and conclude that it was bashing.


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It is just a personality thing. Hillary represents most of the things in a person I don't like, Bill exactly the opposite.

Thanks Mark.

Not all that confident in the accuracy of your assessment of Mrs. Clinton, but fair enough (it's largely subjectibe anyway, no?) -- so are you typically terrified of people who represent things in a person you don't like?

And how is that you know Bill is scared of her?

Hillary was never a big hit in Arkansas. When she was introduced using her middle name the Arkansas ladies rolled their eyes. Bill had a lot of other choices and took them frequently. Yet he stayed with her. In political marriages love rarely comes into play so eliminating the unlikely reasons the only one remaining is fear.

As for me, if the President of the US is afraid of someone I think that is a good person to be afraid of.

I was frankly surprised that she didn't beat Obama. The only thing I can think that happened is a lot of other people had the same gut feeling I have about the woman.

Strangely enough, I wasn't surprised she didn't beat Obama.

The television speeches that I saw showed a woman in despair, an aggressive speaking woman with hardly any smile on her face but a bitter face.

She was attacking, attacking and attacking and Joe the Plumber doesn't like people, whether male nor female who speak that way or show a bitter face.

She also didn't make people feel confident and comfortable; confident for a better future since the American Nation was looking for a new era; did she give the feeling to the American people she could do that job and bring (more) prosperity after the crisis, after Iraq, Afghanistan and so many jobless people ?

I think these are main reasons that people turned their back on her. She's a tough Lady and a hardliner and I'm not saying that's bad, but I suppose people were a bit tired of looking at tough guys during the previous 8 years, having to face the consequences of the crisis.

They want peace and jobs not another tough President.

But, that's a feeling I have, not scientific proof.

I think Obama understood that better, next to his flawless understanding of the social media where he managed reaching out to the young voters; no other President did that before.


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I would have had Obama ahead of McCain in my dead pool because he was the person standing between Hillary and the Presidency. Expect him to get knocked off late summer before the Dem National Convention and Hillary to save the day and accept the nomination. Remember, there won't be any other candidates like you would normally get in primaries and ol' VP Joe Biden will be too old. That leaves Hillary as the only logical choice.


Do you think what I think you think?

I think he thinks what you think he's thinking too......I think :whistling: ..

Before Bill Clinton took office he promised the most scandal-free White House in history. We got just the opposite. But, if you examine the scandals, Bill's were about sex, everything else was Hillary.


Jennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones. Did I leave one out?



Cattle Futures


Vince Foster

...just to name a few.

So, yeah, politically speaking, Hillary is much more dangerous than Bubba. Do not get in her way. Though, FWIW, I think she would be a much better POTUS than Obama.

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I blame the American people for being uneducated about their own self interest.

See we do agree on politics. Which is why he should have never been voted into office on the first place. Personally I myself have more management and business experience then he does and we're virtually the same age, the major difference between us is I have integrity and I don't have any owners..

But you weren't on the ballot as far as I know.

Hmmmm nice argument, being intentionally obtuse or does it come naturally?? :rolleyes:

It's what's known as a "joke" -- perhaps you've heard of them. (But it was meant in part to highlight the fact that 1) not voting for Obama means voting for someone else and 2) you're superior qualifications weren't really relevant -- it was McCain/Palin that mattered).

Rather odd to respond to my post and then come back later and cut out enough of the same post to make a snide comment about me....

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It is indeed shocking: a candidate making promises that couldn't or wouldn't keep.

Danger!! Apologist on board!! I see, so that makes it ok then?? Now I understand :rolleyes: .. Hope you never have occasion to complain about any thing the Thai Government ever does that effects you adversely then, it's all good because the other side might treat you like second hand junk too, so what? Jai yen yen..

You see, do you? Perhaps you can tell me where I said or implied that it makes it OK? The point is (for those who are deliberately obtuse) all this outrage about campaign promises seems a bit silly to me given it is -- regrettably -- what should be expected and indeed necessary to get elected and accomplish anything. Personally I don't pay as much attention to what they promise but tend to focus on what I think the candidate can do and are likely to do. And what their opposition can and will do.

Complain about what he does, by all means. I think it's not only your right but your duty. I just think complaining about campaign promises not living up to reality is mostly a waste of time -- especially sine one implies that the other candidate didn't do the same thing.

But all of this would have been have been clearer had you not selectively quoted me out of context -- not very intellectually honest, really.

Oh, and I do complain about the Thai government (though I've never felt the government treated me like second hand junk and don't know what that means - but I don't think I/we are that important nor do I feel we have a whole lot of right to expect much) -- but I never complain much if at all about what they promised not coming to pass. I think that would be really dumb.Like excessive complaining about Thailand being hot. Or too much sand on the beach.

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I would have had Obama ahead of McCain in my dead pool because he was the person standing between Hillary and the Presidency. Expect him to get knocked off late summer before the Dem National Convention and Hillary to save the day and accept the nomination. Remember, there won't be any other candidates like you would normally get in primaries and ol' VP Joe Biden will be too old. That leaves Hillary as the only logical choice.


Do you think what I think you think?

I think he thinks what you think he's thinking too......I think :whistling: ..

Before Bill Clinton took office he promised the most scandal-free White House in history. We got just the opposite. But, if you examine the scandals, Bill's were about sex, everything else was Hillary.


Jennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones. Did I leave one out?



Cattle Futures


Vince Foster

...just to name a few.

So, yeah, politically speaking, Hillary is much more dangerous than Bubba. Do not get in her way. Though, FWIW, I think she would be a much better POTUS than Obama.

I don't want to get into all that anti-Clinton conspiracy theorizing and hysteria -- I got tired of it the first time. But are you actually claiming that you've got it so well figured out that you can predict that Hillary will have the President bumped off? Because I can't see any other way to interpret your remarks.

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I would have had Obama ahead of McCain in my dead pool because he was the person standing between Hillary and the Presidency. Expect him to get knocked off late summer before the Dem National Convention and Hillary to save the day and accept the nomination. Remember, there won't be any other candidates like you would normally get in primaries and ol' VP Joe Biden will be too old. That leaves Hillary as the only logical choice.


Do you think what I think you think?

I think he thinks what you think he's thinking too......I think :whistling: ..

So, yeah, politically speaking, Hillary is much more dangerous than Bubba. Do not get in her way. Though, FWIW, I think she would be a much better POTUS than Obama.

She's going to have to be incredibly flexible to get under a bar set that low, can anyone say Limbo??..

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But you weren't on the ballot as far as I know.

Hmmmm nice argument, being intentionally obtuse or does it come naturally?? :rolleyes:

It's what's known as a "joke" -- perhaps you've heard of them.

I have heard of em and I'm a rather big fan of REAL humor, frankly I suggest you not quit your day job..

2) you're superior qualifications weren't really relevant -- it was McCain/Palin that mattered).

Based on this post it's clear you still don't get the post I made in reference so I guess it's naturally obtuse then? <_<

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It is indeed shocking: a candidate making promises that couldn't or wouldn't keep.

Danger!! Apologist on board!! I see, so that makes it ok then?? Now I understand :rolleyes: .. Hope you never have occasion to complain about any thing the Thai Government ever does that effects you adversely then, it's all good because the other side might treat you like second hand junk too, so what? Jai yen yen..

all this outrage about campaign promises seems a bit silly to me given it is -- regrettably -- what should be expected and indeed necessary to get elected and accomplish anything. Personally I don't pay as much attention to what they promise but tend to focus on what I think the candidate can do and are likely to do. And what their opposition can and will do.

I not only knew his platform was BS, I saw through it from day one what's your excuse? The sad thing is the majority of people of your ilk not only missed it then but continue to be in denial now and the "duty" you refer to is what is happening here, only instead of "complaining" as you see it, it's in the form of informing as many people as possible to open their eyes this time so this does not continue on for another 4 years..

I guess if you thought Obama was going to deliver what? The things he promised? One in the same so don't see how you can dismiss or draw a separation between them, but if some imaginary agenda you thought he was going to tend to obviously he didn't fulfill your expectations either. You do know what they say the definition of insanity is don't you?

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Sometimes change is necessary if the horse turns out to be a jackass. :D

Which is why the voters ran away from McCain and Palin last time.

At least mccain has got experience and a real AMERICAN birth certificate. Can't wait for this clown to get out of office, and all the politically correct fools that worship him!

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It is indeed shocking: a candidate making promises that couldn't or wouldn't keep.

Danger!! Apologist on board!! I see, so that makes it ok then?? Now I understand :rolleyes: .. Hope you never have occasion to complain about any thing the Thai Government ever does that effects you adversely then, it's all good because the other side might treat you like second hand junk too, so what? Jai yen yen..

all this outrage about campaign promises seems a bit silly to me given it is -- regrettably -- what should be expected and indeed necessary to get elected and accomplish anything. Personally I don't pay as much attention to what they promise but tend to focus on what I think the candidate can do and are likely to do. And what their opposition can and will do.

I not only knew his platform was BS, I saw through it from day one what's your excuse? The sad thing is the majority of people of your ilk not only missed it then but continue to be in denial now and the "duty" you refer to is what is happening here, only instead of "complaining" as you see it, it's in the form of informing as many people as possible to open their eyes this time so this does not continue on for another 4 years..

I guess if you thought Obama was going to deliver what? The things he promised? One in the same so don't see how you can dismiss or draw a separation between them, but if some imaginary agenda you thought he was going to tend to obviously he didn't fulfill your expectations either. You do know what they say the definition of insanity is don't you?

He read teleprompts, never mentioned what "change" he was talkin' about, not to mention spent way more than bush ever did! indecisive and lacking confidence, difficult to find his positive traits!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew the economy was doomed when he came into office. still hard to fathom this curious george look alike ever made it to president! hope it was a valuable lesson learned, not to be repeated. don't vote just to receive a get out of racism free card.

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not only knew his platform was BS, I saw through it from day one what's your excuse?

My excuse? For what?! I didn't want to vote for McCain/Palin. I thought Obama was the lesser of two evils.(I don't think this is the time or place to get into why I didn't want the Republican ticket -- they lost, enough said.

The sad thing is the majority of people of your ilk not only missed it then but continue to be in denial now

People of my ilk? &lt;deleted&gt;? Which ilk is that? Am I in denial? Of what?

Not sure why you've decided to go all ad hominem but I'm not interested in getting into some pointless slanging match based on the fact that I did not vote for a candidate you wanted and may not vote for a candidate that you like in the next one. I've made it very clear that I'm not especially impressed by Obama and didn't idealize him. Who exactly am I suppose to prefer at this point? Any Republican at all? I'm afraid I'm not the extremely biased ideologue you seem to be: if I see someone who looks like he/she will do a better job then that's who I'll vote for.

I'm just not willing to get as angry about this as you. Carry on.

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not only knew his platform was BS, I saw through it from day one what's your excuse?

My excuse? For what?! I didn't want to vote for McCain/Palin. I thought Obama was the lesser of two evils.(I don't think this is the time or place to get into why I didn't want the Republican ticket -- they lost, enough said.

The sad thing is the majority of people of your ilk not only missed it then but continue to be in denial now

People of my ilk? &lt;deleted&gt;? Which ilk is that? Am I in denial? Of what?

Not sure why you've decided to go all ad hominem but I'm not interested in getting into some pointless slanging match based on the fact that I did not vote for a candidate you wanted and may not vote for a candidate that you like in the next one. I've made it very clear that I'm not especially impressed by Obama and didn't idealize him. Who exactly am I suppose to prefer at this point? Any Republican at all? I'm afraid I'm not the extremely biased ideologue you seem to be: if I see someone who looks like he/she will do a better job then that's who I'll vote for.

*I'm just not willing to get as angry about this as you. Carry on.

OH geez could your skin be any thinner?? Doubtful..

*No certainly not :rolleyes: ....

Edited by WarpSpeed
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This predictable demonization of Obama is tedious at best. Let the games begin. I know personally I would bet the house Obama wins reelection.

Wasn't so tedious when the other party was in office though was it? :whistling:

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OH geez could your skin be any thinner?? Doubtful..

Excellent argument. Well reasoned and very mature. (Throw out a bunch gratuitously snide comments based on things I didn't say, ignore what i did say, make it personal and then blame me, and avoid any actual response to my reply. Kudos!)


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Wasn't so tedious when the other party was in office though was it?

It was extremely tedious. I couldn't have been less pleased to have Bush in office but I almost hated the absurdly unreasoned, totally subjective and intellectually dishonest anti-Bush hysteria even more than I did the fact that he was president.


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OH geez could your skin be any thinner?? Doubtful..

Excellent argument. Well reasoned and very mature. (Throw out a bunch gratuitously snide comments based on things I didn't say, ignore what i did say, make it personal and then blame me, and avoid any actual response to my reply. Kudos!)


I tire of responding to your posts and getting no relevant answer, they've become tedious and redundant with no ground being made.. Time to throw in the towel and move on with my life..

The forum software won't let me multi-quote enough to cover all the discrepancies so you're correct it is "mature" to just move on..

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I tire of responding to your posts and getting no relevant answer

That's simply a lie, isn't it?

The forum software won't let me multi-quote enough to cover all the discrepancies...

Weak. I don't blame you for not wanting to do this anymore -- it is tedious and pointless. But to make such a patently false and weak excuse? Why not just say there's no point and in a civil manner opt to decline to get into it any further? (And we both know full well there's nothing stopping you from citing as many discrepancies as you like -- or even one -- but you'd rather do the ad hom thing and flee the scene)

So here we are: I voted for Obama. You didn't.You are angry, bitter and contemptuous to those who don't see as you do.I'm not and I don't. You feel far superior to me. I don't feel superior to you. I don't know who I'll vote for next time. You will vote for the Republican.

Done. I admit defeat.

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Not accustomed to being challenged or loosing arguments are you?? Doesn't seem to set well with you, the mark of a true liberal, anyway carry on..

Bets on who gets the last word? Liberals usually insist on the last word, I think.

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Before Bill Clinton took office he promised the most scandal-free White House in history. We got just the opposite. But, if you examine the scandals, Bill's were about sex, everything else was Hillary.


Jennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones. Did I leave one out?



Cattle Futures


Vince Foster

...just to name a few.

So, yeah, politically speaking, Hillary is much more dangerous than Bubba. Do not get in her way. Though, FWIW, I think she would be a much better POTUS than Obama.

I don't want to get into all that anti-Clinton conspiracy theorizing and hysteria -- I got tired of it the first time. But are you actually claiming that you've got it so well figured out that you can predict that Hillary will have the President bumped off? Because I can't see any other way to interpret your remarks.

My God you take everything so dam_n serious don't you? OK, I have connections within the security services of every permanent UNSC member and it is there job to make sure the shit you see on TV and read about happens and they told me to bet the farm that it is going to happen!! OMFG!!!!!!

sorry, doing a visa run to Cambodia and enjoying it perhaps a bit too much. ;)

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