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Girl In Bangkok Tollway Accident Sued For Bt36M


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30,000Bt what an insult!!


The family was already compensated with 30,000 for Dr. Sastra's life.

From the fourth thread on the topic:

Laddawan prostrated herself at the feet of Sastra's adoptive mother, Thawin Chaothiang, 62, three times while apologising with teary eyes. She also gave a token compensation of Bt30,000 to her.


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Greedy bastards. Even on death of their own son they just think how to make money and put another person into trouble.

are you insane ? what is your thinking process ? a minor caused the deaths of a number of people and those families will be or are experiencing financial difficulties. they are perfectly entitled to take this to a civil court. the father made his daughter report to the police after the accident and the mother prosrtated herself and gave 30,000 baht ! do you think he/she did this because he/she thinks it was the right thing to do or maybe, just maybe a ruse to avoid this civil suit.

think on.:annoyed:

good post

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this girl deserves a very stiff penalty, some people have stated on here that it sounds too much because the son only earned 50,000b pm, i think this is entirely irrelevent, ..if the 'hi-so' drivers family are worth 900,000,000000baht , then its a joke to them,. how will they learn if the punishment does'nt fit the crime ?? .......... too much of that happening in the UK now too, if you cant hit them where it hurts , then its not a fair judgement. MYJUSTICE would be to leave them with 1m baht and be allowed to keep assets , like the chicken shed they probably live in with 20 cars parked outside !

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I cannot believe some of the commits here, unbelieveable, uninformed, biased, and down right stupid.

It takes all sorts, my comment earlier maybe stupid in your eyes but I thought to the point, but what do YOU class as Believable==Informed==non biased==and not stupid??????, lets be having your wise outburst and others can comment on it. It's all about justice-doing the right thing-morals-feelings for others-fairness in law.

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Dominique, let's not conveniently forget that the girl also did admit she was speeding at the time of the accident...in addition to being un-licensed.

And, although the various reports thus far have been somewhat contradictory on this point, most of the reports citing video evidence and other such things SEEM to point to the girl as having caused the accident...

Also, the most recent news report posted here from The Nation (the one talking about the girl's lawyers seeking a delay) I believe quoted the prosecutor's office guy as saying he thought it unlikely that the official findings of authorities would end up blaming the van driver.

But I do agree, even if the Thai legal system doesn't always operate that way, with the western notion of "innocent until proven guilty." Let's hope that both the girl and the families of the crash victims all have their days in court, and that verdicts are rendered based on the evidence and official findings in the case. And that the cases aren't instead silently swept away via payment of hush money.

Mr/ms Dominique, you say that you have been in minis vans with dangerous drivers, and I have also, but that does not mean that the lady driving the mini van in this case is automatically a dangerous driver. In fact thats' a quite unfair assumption.

Thammasat is very focused on safety of these vans services and they don't hesitate to punish the operator or cancel the contract and the company which has the contract (a quite substantial contract) knows this very well and they watch their drivers & vehicle maintenance very closely. Staff (including me) and students quickly complain if needed and their complaints are actioned promptly with feedback. There is no 'mai pben rai' clause or attitude!

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Greedy bastards. Even on death of their own son they just think how to make money and put another person into trouble.

Do not agree the dead guy supported his mother now that support is gone the youg girl should cover that loss. of course am sure she does not have 36 million and probably not her family too, however the family in my opinion are as guilty as the driver they know what she was doing but beinh Hi So figure they can do as they please.

Damages, or whatever legal word is appropriate has two aspects:

- Compensation

- Punishment

It seems to me that many posters have blindly locked into the compensation aspect but with the thinking that this is an opportunity to make a dollar.

Lets please open our thinking a little.

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Greedy bastards. Even on death of their own son they just think how to make money and put another person into trouble.

How is it greedy to pursue monetary compensation for a loved ones death caused by criminal negligence?

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That's not her side of the story, she never said she was driving like a maniac..no one said that..they are not sure exactly what happened.. I have been driving since I was 16 years old and when I was 16 I drove fine, if anything I was a little bit more careful because I was new..

This girl said that it was the minivan driver that was driving wrecklessly, that he cut her off twice and the second time she couldn't stop in time and thats when the collision occured..and you know what.. I believe HER I have been in a thai minibus and just the other day in the bangkok post there was a letter about how wreckless these minibus drivers are.. thankgod I have my own car now and I don't have to take a minibus to the border every three months and roll the dice that the minibus driver doesn't get into a headon collision while he has his foot to the floor the whole time on a 2 lane road overtaking cars even though the road is curving and the solid line on the road means don't pass..the minibus driver was always some middleaged Thai man that is likly poorly paid so he just wants to get the tedius task done that he has to do everyday.. i thought minibus drivers were wreckless when they were driving foreigners--and you know they will drive a little slower because foreigners like me get scarred and we complain and tell him to cool it so we can make it home in one peice, but he still dives like it's the daytona 500..

Now..imagine a minibus driver at night, with all Thai pasangers, and you know that Thai people don't bitch like us foreigners because they beleive you should always be polite and Buddah will give you good luck as long as your a decent person..so I'm guessing this particular minibus driver was driving like bat out of hell on steroids and high on yaba(even though he wasn't on yaba he was probably driving like it..

lemme say again, I believe HER, or atleast I would get into a car with a thai 16 year old rich girl before i get into one of those minivans with the frustrated middleaged thai male.. i take taxis in bangkok all the time and i never worry about them, they seem calm and professional, but minivan drivers on longer distance runs..NOTSAFE.

Well said.

Any parents that truly care about their kids would ask for real compensation from a maniac on the wheels. This was not an ACCIDENT this was a crazy kid with no knowledge of the road, uninsured, driving like a maniac. An accident is driving at around the speedlimit in your own lane without changing every 10meters then having a tire explode and losing control of the car, thus smashing the car next to you. And for that to be a real accident, you would need to not be talking on the phone which is close to imposible for the average thai.

36mil might be a little too much for this country, but the family is rich, they can pay long term, the death were useful to society AND the more you ask, the more you will get after the judges decides to cut the amount. No matter how much you ask, you won't get the full amount so better just go big

Neverdie was spot on, out come the apologists, and as usual the same BS - I was a great driver at 16! Besides her self-serving claims re the minivan, the girl also admitted that she was speeding, and her family admitted that she did this regularly. Then we have the generalisations about maniac minivan drivers; but at the time there were several posters stating that this adult female driver was not irresponsible. The girl hit the back of the van with sufficient force to warp the body and accelerate it such that the passenger door flew open,IMHO indicating a fairly large speed differential. Not what you would expect in a lane-change contact.

Still no report on which adult supplied her with the car. As this person is as legally culpable, if not more than a minor, why is this so? To me this smells like a CYA scheme for the rich and fatuous to let their kids drive under-age, and not something to be revealed.

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There are plenty of careless and fast minivan drivers. There are plenty of taxi drivers who fit the same profile. When I encounter them, I give them a wide berth. I would seldom be in a situation where I would be cut off by one a second time, as this young lady stated.

In my experience, there aren't many teenage drivers who are safe and even fewer unlicensed ones who are.

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That's not her side of the story, she never said she was driving like a maniac..no one said that..they are not sure exactly what happened.. I have been driving since I was 16 years old and when I was 16 I drove fine, if anything I was a little bit more careful because I was new..

This girl said that it was the minivan driver that was driving wrecklessly, that he cut her off twice and the second time she couldn't stop in time and thats when the collision occured..and you know what.. I believe HER I have been in a thai minibus and just the other day in the bangkok post there was a letter about how wreckless these minibus drivers are.. thankgod I have my own car now and I don't have to take a minibus to the border every three months and roll the dice that the minibus driver doesn't get into a headon collision while he has his foot to the floor the whole time on a 2 lane road overtaking cars even though the road is curving and the solid line on the road means don't pass..the minibus driver was always some middleaged Thai man that is likly poorly paid so he just wants to get the tedius task done that he has to do everyday.. i thought minibus drivers were wreckless when they were driving foreigners--and you know they will drive a little slower because foreigners like me get scarred and we complain and tell him to cool it so we can make it home in one peice, but he still dives like it's the daytona 500..

Now..imagine a minibus driver at night, with all Thai pasangers, and you know that Thai people don't bitch like us foreigners because they beleive you should always be polite and Buddah will give you good luck as long as your a decent person..so I'm guessing this particular minibus driver was driving like bat out of hell on steroids and high on yaba(even though he wasn't on yaba he was probably driving like it..

lemme say again, I believe HER, or atleast I would get into a car with a thai 16 year old rich girl before i get into one of those minivans with the frustrated middleaged thai male.. i take taxis in bangkok all the time and i never worry about them, they seem calm and professional, but minivan drivers on longer distance runs..NOTSAFE.

Well said.

Any parents that truly care about their kids would ask for real compensation from a maniac on the wheels. This was not an ACCIDENT this was a crazy kid with no knowledge of the road, uninsured, driving like a maniac. An accident is driving at around the speedlimit in your own lane without changing every 10meters then having a tire explode and losing control of the car, thus smashing the car next to you. And for that to be a real accident, you would need to not be talking on the phone which is close to imposible for the average thai.

36mil might be a little too much for this country, but the family is rich, they can pay long term, the death were useful to society AND the more you ask, the more you will get after the judges decides to cut the amount. No matter how much you ask, you won't get the full amount so better just go big

Ah, finally a word of reason. Thank you, pkspeaker.

Indeed, we should separate two things: Driving under age and without a driver's license on the one side; and causing an accident with casualties on the other side.

Sure, the girl was under age and had no driver's license and she is guilty of breaking this law. But that does not make her automatically guilty of causing he accident and killing people.

In jurisprudence there is a thing called "adequate causality". It means that there must be a direct cause - effect relationship between the wrong doing of the person and the damage. This is clearly missing here between driving without a driver's license and the killing of people.

As far as my information goes, the true causes of the accident have not yet been established by the police or even a court. And until this has been established, we should all give the girl the benefit of the doubt. Or you may say, she is innocent until proven guilty.

"It means that there must be a direct cause - effect relationship between the wrong doing of the person and the damage. This is clearly missing here between driving without a driver's license and the killing of people."

Would not an admission of speeding by the young driver be the "missing link? Would not buying a car for a child 2 years under the licence age be a culpable act by the parents of the minor?

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That's not her side of the story, she never said she was driving like a maniac..no one said that..they are not sure exactly what happened.. I have been driving since I was 16 years old and when I was 16 I drove fine, if anything I was a little bit more careful because I was new..

This girl said that it was the minivan driver that was driving wrecklessly, that he cut her off twice and the second time she couldn't stop in time and thats when the collision occured..and you know what.. I believe HER I have been in a thai minibus and just the other day in the bangkok post there was a letter about how wreckless these minibus drivers are.. thankgod I have my own car now and I don't have to take a minibus to the border every three months and roll the dice that the minibus driver doesn't get into a headon collision while he has his foot to the floor the whole time on a 2 lane road overtaking cars even though the road is curving and the solid line on the road means don't pass..the minibus driver was always some middleaged Thai man that is likly poorly paid so he just wants to get the tedius task done that he has to do everyday.. i thought minibus drivers were wreckless when they were driving foreigners--and you know they will drive a little slower because foreigners like me get scarred and we complain and tell him to cool it so we can make it home in one peice, but he still dives like it's the daytona 500..

Now..imagine a minibus driver at night, with all Thai pasangers, and you know that Thai people don't bitch like us foreigners because they beleive you should always be polite and Buddah will give you good luck as long as your a decent person..so I'm guessing this particular minibus driver was driving like bat out of hell on steroids and high on yaba(even though he wasn't on yaba he was probably driving like it..

lemme say again, I believe HER, or atleast I would get into a car with a thai 16 year old rich girl before i get into one of those minivans with the frustrated middleaged thai male.. i take taxis in bangkok all the time and i never worry about them, they seem calm and professional, but minivan drivers on longer distance runs..NOTSAFE.

Well said.

Any parents that truly care about their kids would ask for real compensation from a maniac on the wheels. This was not an ACCIDENT this was a crazy kid with no knowledge of the road, uninsured, driving like a maniac. An accident is driving at around the speedlimit in your own lane without changing every 10meters then having a tire explode and losing control of the car, thus smashing the car next to you. And for that to be a real accident, you would need to not be talking on the phone which is close to imposible for the average thai.

36mil might be a little too much for this country, but the family is rich, they can pay long term, the death were useful to society AND the more you ask, the more you will get after the judges decides to cut the amount. No matter how much you ask, you won't get the full amount so better just go big

Ah, finally a word of reason. Thank you, pkspeaker.

Indeed, we should separate two things: Driving under age and without a driver's license on the one side; and causing an accident with casualties on the other side.

Sure, the girl was under age and had no driver's license and she is guilty of breaking this law. But that does not make her automatically guilty of causing he accident and killing people.

In jurisprudence there is a thing called "adequate causality". It means that there must be a direct cause - effect relationship between the wrong doing of the person and the damage. This is clearly missing here between driving without a driver's license and the killing of people.

As far as my information goes, the true causes of the accident have not yet been established by the police or even a court. And until this has been established, we should all give the girl the benefit of the doubt. Or you may say, she is innocent until proven guilty.

Did you see the video? You got cause and effect all over the place. The cause of her negligent driving may have had something to do with her not being properly licensed. i.e. not passing the licensing exam or requirement. If she had met the criteria of having a license she may have known what corrective action to take or how to even avoid being in the situation thus giving you a direct cause and affect correlation. Just curious if they have checked her cell phone to see if she was texting or in conversation. It is very easy to get this info now a days.

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As I understand it she was operating a motor vehicle without a license, speeding and perhaps driving recklessly (weaving, changing lanes; according to some initial 3rd party witnesses). I assume these are all illegal? I might also have a look at her mobile phone records to see if she was texting/talking at the time of the incident. (Although her family has probably addressed this issue given their status and affiliations, with phone records no longer available or missing or destroyed.)

Assuming she didn’t steal the car, whoever owns the car and presumably loaned it to her, should also bear some of the financial responsibility.

I am not familiar with motor vehicle liability here in Thailand but seems reasonable that the affected families should be compensated fairly for their loss(es). This will lead to increased insurance costs/payouts and hopefully, maybe, change behavior? At some point they need to lift themselves out these feudal patterns (Sakdina, token compensation from higher status offender to lower status victims, in this case).

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Greedy bastards. Even on death of their own son they just think how to make money and put another person into trouble.

Stupid comment, the family have every right to chase their sons killer for financial damages, why should her family get off scott free ?

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  • 1 month later...

36,000,000 baht.

28 years.

1,285,000 per year.

107,000 per month.

From 50,000 per month salary?

Its an ambit claim, that will be well and truly diluted by the time any money is paid...if it ever is. Personally I wish her well; it disgusts me when these spoit rich-kids get of scott free, and 36 mllion is chump change to the speeding and unlicenced driver's family.

I hope the mother of the man killed gets a small slice of justice out of the civil court system, but I have little doubt she would rather her son was still alive, than face a long and draining court battle with (possibly) a few scraps thrown to her at the end of it all.

Hopefully the court will award punitive damages on top of giving the plaintiff the judgement. That works to change behaviours.

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Greedy bastards. Even on death of their own son they just think how to make money and put another person into trouble.

Actually very cheap. Kill 9 people through gross negligence and only pay $1million US and no jail time. I'll be surprised if she actually pays any part.

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That's not her side of the story, she never said she was driving like a maniac..no one said that..they are not sure exactly what happened.. I have been driving since I was 16 years old and when I was 16 I drove fine, if anything I was a little bit more careful because I was new..

This girl said that it was the minivan driver that was driving wrecklessly, that he cut her off twice and the second time she couldn't stop in time and thats when the collision occured..and you know what.. I believe HER I have been in a thai minibus and just the other day in the bangkok post there was a letter about how wreckless these minibus drivers are.. thankgod I have my own car now and I don't have to take a minibus to the border every three months and roll the dice that the minibus driver doesn't get into a headon collision while he has his foot to the floor the whole time on a 2 lane road overtaking cars even though the road is curving and the solid line on the road means don't pass..the minibus driver was always some middleaged Thai man that is likly poorly paid so he just wants to get the tedius task done that he has to do everyday.. i thought minibus drivers were wreckless when they were driving foreigners--and you know they will drive a little slower because foreigners like me get scarred and we complain and tell him to cool it so we can make it home in one peice, but he still dives like it's the daytona 500..

Now..imagine a minibus driver at night, with all Thai pasangers, and you know that Thai people don't bitch like us foreigners because they beleive you should always be polite and Buddah will give you good luck as long as your a decent person..so I'm guessing this particular minibus driver was driving like bat out of hell on steroids and high on yaba(even though he wasn't on yaba he was probably driving like it..

lemme say again, I believe HER, or atleast I would get into a car with a thai 16 year old rich girl before i get into one of those minivans with the frustrated middleaged thai male.. i take taxis in bangkok all the time and i never worry about them, they seem calm and professional, but minivan drivers on longer distance runs..NOTSAFE.

Well said.

Any parents that truly care about their kids would ask for real compensation from a maniac on the wheels. This was not an ACCIDENT this was a crazy kid with no knowledge of the road, uninsured, driving like a maniac. An accident is driving at around the speedlimit in your own lane without changing every 10meters then having a tire explode and losing control of the car, thus smashing the car next to you. And for that to be a real accident, you would need to not be talking on the phone which is close to imposible for the average thai.

36mil might be a little too much for this country, but the family is rich, they can pay long term, the death were useful to society AND the more you ask, the more you will get after the judges decides to cut the amount. No matter how much you ask, you won't get the full amount so better just go big

Ah, finally a word of reason. Thank you, pkspeaker.

Indeed, we should separate two things: Driving under age and without a driver's license on the one side; and causing an accident with casualties on the other side.

Sure, the girl was under age and had no driver's license and she is guilty of breaking this law. But that does not make her automatically guilty of causing he accident and killing people.

In jurisprudence there is a thing called "adequate causality". It means that there must be a direct cause - effect relationship between the wrong doing of the person and the damage. This is clearly missing here between driving without a driver's license and the killing of people.

As far as my information goes, the true causes of the accident have not yet been established by the police or even a court. And until this has been established, we should all give the girl the benefit of the doubt. Or you may say, she is innocent until proven guilty.

Did you see the video? You got cause and effect all over the place. The cause of her negligent driving may have had something to do with her not being properly licensed. i.e. not passing the licensing exam or requirement. If she had met the criteria of having a license she may have known what corrective action to take or how to even avoid being in the situation thus giving you a direct cause and affect correlation. Just curious if they have checked her cell phone to see if she was texting or in conversation. It is very easy to get this info now a days.

:cheesy:, who here actually passes a test ? Fails miserably BUT a few baht ensures a license. Stilllllllllll useless but has the plastic. :rolleyes:

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What my wife has heard through the grapevine is that she has left the country.

Well, both the Post and The Nation had ADVANCE articles saying she was supposed to report to authorities Thursday to face the charges in Juvy Court... But, as far as I could see, neither of them had any after-the-fact followup on what actually did happen Thursday, and did the girl show.

Did anyone see any after-the-fact reports of what in fact happened?

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Greedy bastards. Even on death of their own son they just think how to make money and put another person into trouble.

I guess you would just accept the blame being deflected and accept the 30k, I guess your post is also sarcastic and you don't really mean it.

I hope he didn't mean what he'd written. Who put who in trouble? Didn't the girl violate the laws by driving without permit and to fast?

Would you also write such a post if somebody of your family would get killed by another person? Put another person into trouble is I guess your own opinion. Let's hope that you really don't mean it.......................:jap:

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  • 3 months later...

How is it that this young girl is still home watching TV? In any other country she would be locked up until the courts act.Of course her family has big money and only the poor go to the monkey house in Thailand

How do you know she is in LOS watching TV ?

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