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Do You Like Living Here ?


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I moved here 12 years ago. I sometimes wish I had a choice of where I lived, but I've set down my roots so deep I doubt I'll ever get them out.

I came because at that time the country was good value for money, and was one of the few countries on the globe where the people in charge were truly looking at developing a rational economic model for the future...the Sufficiency Economy. I had high hopes Thailand would prove to eventually rise to a be a beacon in an otherwise broiling cess pool of a planet because they seemed to understand what was coming and how to avoid it. I was well aware of resource and energy depletion and the imminent onset of collapse even back then. It appeared so did many other high ranking elements of Thai society, and they had a plan to help the country survive. This was unique in the world at the time.

Sadly, Thaksin manipulated his way into power in 2001, and the country has been on a downhill slide ever since, at least in all the ways that truly matter. But now I'm married, with children, a mortgage, and all the trappings that go with it. I'm stuck here with all the good and the bad, watching the country I once loved fall into the stinking cess pool with the rest of the myopic globe.

Can I leave? Possibly. But it would be incredibly difficult. And where would I go? Is there another country on the planet that has a wisened monarch who can conceive of the problems facing us? And if I left, would I have time to build a life there? No, at this point it is much easier for me to point out where the country has gone wrong and try and improve it. I am no longer a guest here, although the government may still treat me as such. This is my home, and it will be what I make of it. We all have our obstacles to overcome in life, and the Thai treatment of long term residents is just one of mine.

I still hope that we will abandon these populist poisons that have entered Thai politics of late and return to the ideals of the Sufficiency Economy. I can live with the visa issues and being less than a citizen. The rest of my family is Thai, and I do what I do for them. But I fear there won't be a Thailand soon unless something is done soon to arrest our descent into the pit laying before us.

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I hate my country which is England, i hate with a passion most of what its turned into, with the way successive govts. have fcuked over the average guy so he is now taxed to oblivion, priced out the property market, or he's being undercut by 3rd world labour, many of these immigrants hate us and make no effort to mix with the indigenous folk (African and Pakistani especially), the totalitarian police state, over regulation, no referendum on the EU, getting charged 35 pound for going 27P overdrawn, the lack of manners of everyone from young to old etc etc...

I will soon be returning to Thailand the place isnt perfect for me ideally id go elsewhere as my work gives me the chance to live anywhere, but ive a daughter and partner who i met in England who would like to move back so i will, and the place is fun and i do kind of miss it when im not there.

Edited by markone1
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I hate my country which is England, i hate with a passion most of what its turned into, with the way successive govts. have fcuked over the average guy so he is now taxed to oblivion, priced out the property market, or he's being undercut by 3rd world labour, many of these immigrants hate us and make no effort to mix with the indigenous folk (African and Pakistani especially), the totalitarian police state, over regulation, no referendum on the EU, getting charged 35 pound for going 27P overdrawn, the lack of manners of everyone from young to old etc etc...

I will soon be returning to Thailand the place isnt perfect for me ideally id go elsewhere as my work gives me the chance to live anywhere, but ive a daughter and partner who i met in England who would like to move back so i will, and the place is fun and i do kind of miss it when im not there.

Bloody whingers. That's got to be the worst thing about England.

I do like the mild weather, I quite like the beer, the road system is a joy to drive on


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"What are you trying to say?"

I just said it. If you don't get it than I can't explain it. It aint in your head, it's in your heart.

You are saying that Thais are further back along the evolutionary ladder than you are. That they are more closely related to our past hominid ancestors, and therefore probably less well developed or intelligent. Is that it?

Where in Gods name did Trisailer say anything like that??? What Part of his statement led you to that conclusion?? :huh:

I see this as a chance to get closer to my own humanity. We are related to these folks. We all come from the same black mother on the plains of Africa 70,000 years ago so it's like reconnecting to relatives that I haven't seen for awhile.


The relatives he hasn't seen for a while read as 'people from the past' to me. What else could he mean.

Hi Rich

Sorry if it sounded a little like I was jumping on your reply, a little cranky on my part.. I appreciate your defending of the Thai people. The hair on my back also bristles when I hear , what appears to me to be western superiority, some times thinly disguised, as a question. But I think this time you have read between the lines a little too much. Even though I don’t go for the Mysticism of Trisail, I think the point he was trying to make to make is that, “ we are all genetically almost identical, and all descended from the same ancestors,, our cultural differences are “Nurture, not Nature”

I personally have relatives that I have not seen in a very long time, But I don’t thin they are more closely related to our ape ancestors, Though I must admit, I am not so sure about some of them. :lol: :lol:

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Ok with me, not used to some of the things here and re-discovering new ways and means to get things done or to avoid conflict. Bottomline is, if things get just too unbearable, will just pack up and go since no one is holding a gun to my head and forcing me to stay.

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Ok with me, not used to some of the things here and re-discovering new ways and means to get things done or to avoid conflict. Bottomline is, if things get just too unbearable, will just pack up and go since no one is holding a gun to my head and forcing me to stay.

An excellent attitude

Go with the flow, it is way too much work to swim against the flow.

If you dont like the watter, Get out!! :)

PS I love it in Thailand, and everything about it.

In All my years here, I have never spoken to an other Farang for more than five min. Not because I have anything against them, or that I am immersing my self in the Thai culture. But I love my Thai family, there are many of them/as, we always do things together, and always have fun. I can talk to plenty of Farang when I am in the states.

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"I think the point he was trying to make to make is that, “ we are all genetically almost identical, and all descended from the same ancestors,, our cultural differences are “Nurture, not Nature”"

Yes, that's part of it. We westerners tend to live in our heads and not our hearts and the result is that we are more and more isolated from one another. Disconnected from our own humanity. We evoloved over millions of years with a deep desire for community, but our modern culture demands that we rise above it and shut it down. You can see the effects of the lack of community in the health of Americans. I have recieved great benefit from making real connections and looking to be available to community. Dosen't mean I go around hugging Thai's or anyone else for that matter. Jung talked about the collective unconscious; I think there is something to it. I also think that Thai's are closer to each other in their communities and are sustained by it. I agree that they probably don't know to explain it because there is nothing to explain and everything to feel.

Modern humans go back a couple of million years. I have been talking about the last 70,000 long after we became human.

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Just the sort of topic that invites the same bores from "both extremes"....Oh and a very obvious troll..

Very True.

And it will not be long before the "Go Home Brigade"dominate the thread,which seems to have been the original intent,judging by the controlled pre answered sub title.

Edited by MAJIC
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Just the sort of topic that invites the same bores from "both extremes"....Oh and a very obvious troll..

Very True.

And it will not be long before the "Go Home Brigade"dominate the thread,which seems to have been the original intent,judging by the title.

Since the OP has had very little to say on the matter its hard to call troll, but.....

If you don't like Thailand, why don't you go home ? smile.gif

Edited by MrsMills
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"I think the point he was trying to make to make is that, “ we are all genetically almost identical, and all descended from the same ancestors,, our cultural differences are “Nurture, not Nature”"

Yes, that's part of it. We westerners tend to live in our heads and not our hearts and the result is that we are more and more isolated from one another. Disconnected from our own humanity. We evoloved over millions of years with a deep desire for community, but our modern culture demands that we rise above it and shut it down. You can see the effects of the lack of community in the health of Americans. I have recieved great benefit from making real connections and looking to be available to community. Dosen't mean I go around hugging Thai's or anyone else for that matter. Jung talked about the collective unconscious; I think there is something to it. I also think that Thai's are closer to each other in their communities and are sustained by it. I agree that they probably don't know to explain it because there is nothing to explain and everything to feel.

Modern humans go back a couple of million years. I have been talking about the last 70,000 long after we became human.

You are on the right Path

If you have not done so already, I suggest you study Quantum mechanics, and pay particular attention to the Theory of "Entanglement".

here is a documentary to watch on YOUTUBE,'What The Bleep Do We Know? Down The Rabbit Hole. (WHOLE FILM!)' it is 2:30 hrs long and you must watch the whole thing, In the end it makes the connection of Quantum Mechanics to Human behavior.If you go to Youtube.com , you can watch it in full screen

Chok Dee


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"Part of the frustration may be due to observation that Thailand could be so much better at little expense. At least thats my feeling."

Better than what?

I like it just the way it is. If they took away all the rocks and fog on the coast of Maine it would become painfully boring.

Anyone with an objective view can see that it is changing for the better and in 20 years it will be just as safe and boring as the west.

I see this as a chance to get closer to my own humanity. We are related to these folks. We all come from the same black mother on the plains of Africa 70,000 years ago so it's like reconnecting to relatives that I haven't seen for awhile.

Wow. Faaar out man?


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Just the sort of topic that invites the same bores from "both extremes"....Oh and a very obvious troll..

Very True.

And it will not be long before the "Go Home Brigade"dominate the thread,which seems to have been the original intent,judging by the controlled pre answered sub title.

Leave it out you guys. This is far more interesting than the Telly. Ah footie soon. A nice little drink and something to eat with the G/F. Think I will sit outside tonight. As I can.


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Just the sort of topic that invites the same bores from "both extremes"....Oh and a very obvious troll..

Very True.

And it will not be long before the "Go Home Brigade"dominate the thread,which seems to have been the original intent,judging by the controlled pre answered sub title.

Leave it out you guys. This is far more interesting than the Telly. Ah footie soon. A nice little drink and something to eat with the G/F. Think I will sit outside tonight. As I can.


104 replies to a troll post - I suppose this forum is full of them.

Nobody that I know is being held here against their will.

If anyone is dumb enough to stay in a place that they do not like then they must be morons.

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Thanks Sirineou. Forgive me for not watching the 2.5hr version; I cheated and went to wiki. I'm not a joiner and those things tend to be a little weird for me.

For me it's a very personal thing. Any attempt to define it just drives it away because I don't think it's about quantifying it. There's a lot of people selling this "new age" stuff and I don't see what is different from conventional sprituality. Many roads and they all lead to the same place.

The simplist explaination is a higher power like the AA folks use. Anyone who thinks there is not something to it has never seen the transformation made by millions of 12 steppers. I meditate and can pretty much get there when ever I want and my experences with it seems to be similar to what people experence after colse encounters with death. Resolving my fear of death made it more available to me. The really cool thing is that it is empowering to the extent that I can be a little reckless and I always seem to have the strenth to resist becomming addicted to things.

I stumbled into the mens movement in the early 90's with 11 other guys who were searching for something more in our lives. We ran the gammet of the social-economic spectrum and we selfishly closed our group to outsiders and worked togather on our issues. Best experence of my life. My son got exposed to it and he has become an amazing highly respected young man. I hiked the AT with a bunch of young peole and they all seem to "get it" They are not growing up with the same issues our generation had.

Anyway, back to the topic. I think that being happy anywhere is all in our head. Excluding horible living conditions that is. I moved around a lot in life, maybe running from something I don't know, but everywhere I went; there I was. I couldn't lose myself with the geographical cure much as I tried. I had to stop and face my demons, they didn't kill me so I figured I could stop looking for an escape and start living. I love that line in Shawshank "get busy living or get busy dying" I like what Ian was saying about his life. He seems like a guy who knows himself and isn't sitting around trying to figure out how to dance to someone else's music.

This is not a judgement but I think you folks who are so critical of this place would probably have "issues" anywhere. Some of my friends are part of the bunch who migrated here when Costa Rica got too expensive. They brought all their baggage with them.

"This topic again? Seriously" It's like a car wreck that we can't look away from

Edited by trisailer
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rubbish? he freely admits it. hes quite proud of it actually.

a rose by any other name....

Of course you are correct, nocturn. I freely admit i enjoy sex with beautiful women. I don't know any heterosexual men that don't. The ones that SAY they don't are either liars or they've lost the hormones that make them a man. However, I will also say that every women I'm with is there by choice. Anyone who says they aren't are either liars or they don't know shit. Take your choice.

I don't spend time with people who don't enjoy my company... whether it is male or female. But, I will also say that very few people want to be exclusively with one other person every day for 365 days a year... 10 years in a row. There is not a dam thing wrong with being a sexpat. It keeps the economy going and it provides jobs for thousands. I get tired of the self righteous bigots that say sex is supposed to end once a single man reaches the age of 50. What arrangements that married couples have between each other is entirely up to them. But I know for certain that there are a LOT of frustrated married couples out there... both men and women.

It seems to me instead of saying you like Thailand you should just say you like cheap sex. I have my doubts if you would be coming to Thailand so much if you couldn't get your groove on cheaply. It is sort of like somebody going to Bolivia for just for cocaine and then claiming to love the place. I couldn't really care less but get the feeling of it weren't for the girls you would be waxing on about how you love the Philippines or where ever that happens to cater to your sexual frustrations. As far as the girls you pay for sex enjoying your company, you do realise they are paid to pretend they do right?

I am not meaning to sound like I am attacking you or anything but those two points sort of stuck out to me.

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This is not a judgement but I think you folks who are so critical of this place would probably have "issues" anywhere. Some of my friends are part of the bunch who migrated here when Costa Rica got too expensive. They brought all their baggage with them.

This reality isn't touched upon enough within these age-old discussions. The so-called problems have nothing to do with the respected locale and culture.....but the individual. They'd be unhappy anywhere. This character is just exasperated ten-fold in an unfamiliar non-Western culture.

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rubbish? he freely admits it. hes quite proud of it actually.

a rose by any other name....

Of course you are correct, nocturn. I freely admit i enjoy sex with beautiful women. I don't know any heterosexual men that don't. The ones that SAY they don't are either liars or they've lost the hormones that make them a man. However, I will also say that every women I'm with is there by choice. Anyone who says they aren't are either liars or they don't know shit. Take your choice.

I don't spend time with people who don't enjoy my company... whether it is male or female. But, I will also say that very few people want to be exclusively with one other person every day for 365 days a year... 10 years in a row. There is not a dam thing wrong with being a sexpat. It keeps the economy going and it provides jobs for thousands. I get tired of the self righteous bigots that say sex is supposed to end once a single man reaches the age of 50. What arrangements that married couples have between each other is entirely up to them. But I know for certain that there are a LOT of frustrated married couples out there... both men and women.

It seems to me instead of saying you like Thailand you should just say you like cheap sex. I have my doubts if you would be coming to Thailand so much if you couldn't get your groove on cheaply. It is sort of like somebody going to Bolivia for just for cocaine and then claiming to love the place. I couldn't really care less but get the feeling of it weren't for the girls you would be waxing on about how you love the Philippines or where ever that happens to cater to your sexual frustrations. As far as the girls you pay for sex enjoying your company, you do realise they are paid to pretend they do right?

I am not meaning to sound like I am attacking you or anything but those two points sort of stuck out to me.

I like cheap sex and the more the girls fake it, the bigger the tip.

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rubbish? he freely admits it. hes quite proud of it actually.

a rose by any other name....

Of course you are correct, nocturn. I freely admit i enjoy sex with beautiful women. I don't know any heterosexual men that don't. The ones that SAY they don't are either liars or they've lost the hormones that make them a man. However, I will also say that every women I'm with is there by choice. Anyone who says they aren't are either liars or they don't know shit. Take your choice.

I don't spend time with people who don't enjoy my company... whether it is male or female. But, I will also say that very few people want to be exclusively with one other person every day for 365 days a year... 10 years in a row. There is not a dam thing wrong with being a sexpat. It keeps the economy going and it provides jobs for thousands. I get tired of the self righteous bigots that say sex is supposed to end once a single man reaches the age of 50. What arrangements that married couples have between each other is entirely up to them. But I know for certain that there are a LOT of frustrated married couples out there... both men and women.

It seems to me instead of saying you like Thailand you should just say you like cheap sex. I have my doubts if you would be coming to Thailand so much if you couldn't get your groove on cheaply. It is sort of like somebody going to Bolivia for just for cocaine and then claiming to love the place. I couldn't really care less but get the feeling of it weren't for the girls you would be waxing on about how you love the Philippines or where ever that happens to cater to your sexual frustrations. As far as the girls you pay for sex enjoying your company, you do realise they are paid to pretend they do right?

I am not meaning to sound like I am attacking you or anything but those two points sort of stuck out to me.

It's not about cheap sex!

It's about finding women that appear to enjoy sex and don't price a couple of shags at a free house, pension and living for the next 20 years.

Hang on, I've just admitted it's all about cheap sex ...... DOH!

Anyway I love living here, I don't intend to leave, until they force me to go, kicking and screaming all the way.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Cheap sex is cheap, but good sex is very expensive.

Not where I live.

Wanking don't count. smile.gif

Dear mr millie

You are an excellent troll.

You are so good at whining.

You bitch like nobody has ever done at this forum before.

Your posts are so much fun to read.

But please.

Do not try to make funny comments - other peosters may take you seriously.......


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Cheap sex is cheap, but good sex is very expensive.

Not where I live.

Wanking don't count. smile.gif

Dear mr millie

You are an excellent troll.

You are so good at whining.

You bitch like nobody has ever done at this forum before.

Your posts are so much fun to read.

But please.

Do not try to make funny comments - other peosters may take you seriously.......


It's terribly unfortunate that you take our dearest Mrs. Mills so bladdy seriously. But a few here have the demented sense of humour and timing that translates as trolling and hypocrisy. If those are your standards......then 99% of respected posters might be considered trollish and posers in their habits. If the continuum was always linearly constipated, where would the enjoyment of a "community" forum be? Now, you leave MM be. B)

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Just the sort of topic that invites the same bores from "both extremes"....Oh and a very obvious troll..

Very True.

And it will not be long before the "Go Home Brigade"dominate the thread,which seems to have been the original intent,judging by the title.

Since the OP has had very little to say on the matter its hard to call troll, but.....

If you don't like Thailand, why don't you go home ? smile.gif


And who said I don't like Thailand?

All Countries have their faults,including my own,but in a freedom of speech Society,one is allowed to complain,if there is a fault that could be corrected,

or should they be told to leave their own Country too? :)

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Just the sort of topic that invites the same bores from "both extremes"....Oh and a very obvious troll..

Very True.

And it will not be long before the "Go Home Brigade"dominate the thread,which seems to have been the original intent,judging by the title.

Since the OP has had very little to say on the matter its hard to call troll, but.....

If you don't like Thailand, why don't you go home ? smile.gif


And who said I don't like Thailand?

All Countries have their faults,including my own,but in a freedom of speech Society,one is allowed to complain,if there is a fault that could be corrected,

or should they be told to leave their own Country too? :)

I am not sure freedom of speech applies 100% to Thailand. However, there is a huge difference between making a constructive complaint and continually whinging - we have a few of those and do wonder why they bother to stay. I suspect it is because they cannot afford to stay in their home countries,

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