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Osama Bin Laden dead - USA has his body


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Osama bin Laden is dead : US President

By Agencies, ABC news

US Presdient Barrack Obama confirms Monday Osama bin Laden is killed.

In his address in a televised broadcast, Obama told the families of the victims of the 9/11 attack, "Justice has been done."

The president called the killing of bin Laden the "most significant achievement to date" in the effort to defeat al Qaeda.

Bin Laden was located at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, which was monitored and when the time was determined to be right, the president said, he authorized a "targeted operation."

"A small team of Americans carried out the operation," Obama said. "After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body."

DNA testing confirmed that it was bin Laden, sources told ABC News.

Sources said the attack was carried out by Joint Special Operations Command forces working with the CIA.

Former President George W. Bush said in a statement tonight that Obama called him to inform him of the news of bin Laden's death.

Bush called the operation a "momentous achievement" that "marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001.

"I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude," the former president said in a statement. "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."

His death brings to an end a tumultuous life that saw bin Laden go from being the carefree son of a Saudi billionaire, to terrorist leader and the most wanted man in the world.


-- The Nation 2011-05-02

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"Do you think someone like him would suddenly go silent for 10 years?" He would if he knew that opening his mouth would attract a hellfire missle. That might even shut up a few keyboard warriors here. It would me.

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So, the keeper of the gates of Hell has welcomed his newest, very deserving resident. Eternity, just long enough for him. How surprised he must be to wake up to no virgins and to notice the infamous company surrounding him.

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Obviously president Obama is now officially in election campaign mode. I wouldnt be surprised if Osama bin ladan was killed ages ago.Keep him on ice and wheel him out on cue.

He was killed in 2001 & you will never see a body 100% guaranteed

I agree, I have thought that all along.

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Firstly I'm glad to see Bin Ladin dead. Bout time.

Do I think he had a hand in 2001, yeah sure, but his hands weren't the only ones and I'm sure our govt knew MUCH more than it's letting on too.

Could he have been killed earlier?

Possibly. Benazir Bhutto, the popular female prime minister of Pakistan said several years back that Bin Ladin was killed years before. Then shortly after saying that she was murdered by "Al Qaida"

So who knows, I'm not gonna break out my tin foil hat or nothing, but I think there is more that meets the eye.

However until I can prove anything.... F' It, Congrats, US Military, Congrats ISI (Pakistan CIA), And Congrats Obama!

Pop Champagne!

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What's next.. Is this good news or bad news?

Its no news and will change nothing.

Not news? What meds are you on? Looks to me like worldwide, this IS news.

Whether it will change anything or not is yet to be determined. I happen to think we will have an uptick in violence for at least the near future, but we will see.

Oh yeah, its a big head line, it shortens all 'the royal wedding, what you didn't know yet' news a bit, so what?

Osama as the evil mastermind who stands behind all terrorists attacks is a meme of the west. al-Qaida is a decentralised network, in the last couple of years its members have heard of Osama not much more than us and have been probably equally unsure if he is long gone, dead or still alive. Osama didn't played a big role anymore since quite a while. If he was killed in tora bora 10 years ago or just last week will not change much.

His dead will make your enemies not much more angry than the almost daily killings by NATO forces in the villages in Afghanistan or the drone strikes in Pakistan.

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LoL Wouldn't it have been funny if this came out on the day of the Royal Wedding in England! like when someone else died around the same time as Michael Jackson..I can't remember her name..

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Is it just me and the person I am with that sat here from the time the alert came out saying Obama was going to make announcement that bin Laden had been killed, then while waiting for his announcement they talked for a half hour straight about how it had been done days ago and even went into detail about the sisters brain, etc.

I browsed from channel to channel and the whole bunch were reporting the same thing, he had been dead for days but they held back the info to conduct DNA tests and make sure it was him..

Then Obama came on and said "I authorized the attack on his compound today".

Didn’t anybody else catch this ?

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"Do you think someone like him would suddenly go silent for 10 years?" He would if he knew that opening his mouth would attract a hellfire missle. That might even shut up a few keyboard warriors here. It would me.

too late 3-2-1 FIRE your deadcowboy.gif

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So, the keeper of the gates of Hell has welcomed his newest, very deserving resident. Eternity, just long enough for him. How surprised he must be to wake up to no virgins and to notice the infamous company surrounding him.

There will be no surprise, because he is DEAD. No gates, no virgins, no company. The really great con of religion is that the idiots never realise that they were conned.

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Firstly I'm glad to see Bin Ladin dead. Bout time.

Do I think he had a hand in 2001, yeah sure, but his hands weren't the only ones and I'm sure our govt knew MUCH more than it's letting on too.

Could he have been killed earlier?

Possibly. Benazir Bhutto, the popular female prime minister of Pakistan said several years back that Bin Ladin was killed years before. Then shortly after saying that she was murdered by "Al Qaida"

So who knows, I'm not gonna break out my tin foil hat or nothing, but I think there is more that meets the eye.

However until I can prove anything.... F' It, Congrats, US Military, Congrats ISI (Pakistan CIA), And Congrats Obama!

Pop Champagne!

Pakistan wants ex-PM Musharraf, charged him with terrorism and conspiracy to commit murder of Benazir Bhutto.

Now he hides in exile in some Kingdom. Will the US Military help to get him?

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"Show some respect"

I am showing respect for the man that got it done. I feel nothing except contempt for bush and his pals who could have got him back during the first few months of the chase when they had bin laden cornered. They were called back by bush....Read the books by the delta guys who were there.

We share the same respect for those who lost their lives on 911, we disagree on the response to it.

Wait and see what come of Obama's intelligent approach to government. All this in spite of the foot dragging, congress.

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sadly the TV shows the level to which the general public in US has sunk to and the extent of their ignorance.

Rejoicing in anyone's death is unpleasant, and the fact that they don't realise how insignificant this is - apart from the inevitable "revenge" attacks shows how poorly the Us have handled affairs before and since 9/11. The fat that this date is considered the beginning by many again shows a lack of understanding.It looked for a few days after 9/11 that the US might have asked "WHY?" but in the end they chose a course of revenge and lowered themselves to the level of any crank who thinks that violence can bring and end to violence.

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America has his body...

I thought GWB only asked for his head?whistling.gif

To be more serious here, this is not the end, you can bet your bottom dollar that Bin Laden had appointed a successor, probable some like minded sick and twisted mind with plans for levels of terrorism not seen yet to prove Al Qaeda is not finished.

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Obama told in the news conference that it was a special force unit who killed him after a brief gunfight. No one was killed or injured from the special force unit. I haven't heard anything about a drone? Although this has become more and more the style the Americans nowadays use to kill their targets, including the collateral damage... :annoyed:

If your dumb enough to be a human shield expect the bomb!

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The world is safe now! He's dead!

After spending billions of dollars over a decade blowing up countries and killing people, they have caught him!

No more trouble in the world! Peace again with the UN, US and NATO in charge!

Very intelligent work! Only a few crappy videos to know what he looks like, and even identified him after shot in the head. I guess the beard gave it away...

Now they can get back to blowing up the middle east looking for terrorists....

Iran is a terrorist nation! Let's blow them up!!!!

Is there an election coming up soon???

Edited by coconutmonkey
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