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Excellent French Pastries


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I don't normally bother with the pastries in Thailand with the exception of some products from some of the well reputed bakeries on this forum, but one day I saw someone selling hot pain au chocolat in front of a bakery near my home and couldn't resist. It was as good as any that I've had during my travels in France and I can honestly say the best I've had since then as well. The flaky croissants and other pastries are made with 100% real butter. The baker is a French-trained Thai woman.

Other than being a new customer I have no connection with Na Na Bakery. I highly recommend giving them a try if you're in the Tanin Market/Chang Puak area! Nothing like a hot pain au chocolat with a rich espresso in the morning. Get them fresh out of the oven between 7 and 9am.

Map here: http://maps.google.c...3,0.001725&z=19

Edited by Bourney0
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Butter is Better and W for Wanlaman also make great pastries. smile.gif

Yes, I also like Butter is Better, but I don't think they do any French pastries.

The ginger snaps and Italian loaf at BiB are top notch but I have yet to try the fabled peanut butter-chocolate cake!

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Na Na used to be a favorite of mine, and many Farangs living in Santitham, when it was under the old owners. Great inexpensive Thai food plus a few farang dishes, and with a more upmarket feel than the vendor cart places around there. However, they got unreliable on the opening times - agreeing to meet people somewhere only to find it's shut, is not a regularly repeatable scenario, even if it may be familiar in Thailand :rolleyes: .

I tried the croissants once, with high expectations as they looked delicious in the glass cabinet. Unfortunately, despite being the only customer, my coffee and croissant took ages to arrive. The espresso was way to watery, and the croissant, disappointing and more like a piece of bread. That was a few months ago; I've not returned.

A good place to go have coffee and a croissant or toasted sandwich type fare in that part of town is sadly lacking. Bakerista has great coffee, and good cakes, but they're all very cream heavy. Miss the type of snack pastries you'd find on the bar in a Cafe in France or Italy.

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I tried the croissants once, with high expectations as they looked delicious in the glass cabinet. Unfortunately, despite being the only customer, my coffee and croissant took ages to arrive. The espresso was way to watery, and the croissant, disappointing and more like a piece of bread. That was a few months ago; I've not returned.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience. In my limited (1 month) experience has opened on time consistently (with the exception of Sunday morning) and the butter-based pastries are superb in the morning when fresh out of the oven. Like all croissants, however, the shelf life is probably about two hours before they begin to become 'bread-like', though I have not yet tested the theory here. I'm guessing they'll still be delicious for an early lunch, but after that...

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Since I know the OP is an avid cyclist, I respect his opinion on food. Thanks for the recommendation and map, Bourney0. I'll check out Na Na soon.


If he was an avid rower, would you respect his opinion any less?



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I was there this morning and found out some new information to share. Na Na supplies many of the local coffee shops and "bakeries" from this location, so if you show up after 9am or so you may miss out on the large pains au chocolat and croissants. The large ones (30 baht), oozing with melted dark chocolate, are, in my opinion, preferable to the smaller pastries (17 baht) by a small margin. Also, if you buy them here, at the source, not only will you get these wholesale prices, but they'll be a little fresher! I hear that the retailers mark the big pastries up to 40-45 baht.

Swazibird, it was a pleasure to meet you and your wife this morning!

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Butter is Better and W for Wanlaman also make great pastries. smile.gif

Do you have shares in Butter is Better? With the promotion you do for them you should have or at least get paid for advertising them all the time.

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Hahaa... Thaimiller, I think we all have shares one way or other with certain foodproviders... sometimes we just like the food, or the owner, the waitress/ waiter etc etc...

I like the NaNa croissant btw, not sweet, not heavy... I like them this way.

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I was there this morning and found out some new information to share. Na Na supplies many of the local coffee shops and "bakeries" from this location, so if you show up after 9am or so you may miss out on the large pains au chocolat and croissants. The large ones (30 baht), oozing with melted dark chocolate, are, in my opinion, preferable to the smaller pastries (17 baht) by a small margin. Also, if you buy them here, at the source, not only will you get these wholesale prices, but they'll be a little fresher! I hear that the retailers mark the big pastries up to 40-45 baht.

Swazibird, it was a pleasure to meet you and your wife this morning!

Drats ! Missed out on the delightful sounding "chocolatty thingies", but had a delicious almond pastry, good hot and iced coffees - all for 80baht - as well as some very pleasant, enjoyable and interesting company.

Once again, thanks, BourneyO.

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Butter is Better and W for Wanlaman also make great pastries.

Do you have shares in Butter is Better? With the promotion you do for them you should have or at least get paid for advertising them all the time.

I have no shares in Butter is Better, but I would love to invest in one of their locations.

I eat there every day because they are really good and I promote them because I want these kind of quality restaurants to thrive.

I remember when Chiang Mai did not have any excellent non-Thai restaurants at all and there are still not all that many.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Na Na used to be a favorite of mine, and many Farangs living in Santitham, when it was under the old owners. Great inexpensive Thai food plus a few farang dishes, and with a more upmarket feel than the vendor cart places around there. However, they got unreliable on the opening times - agreeing to meet people somewhere only to find it's shut, is not a regularly repeatable scenario, even if it may be familiar in Thailand :rolleyes: .

I tried the croissants once, with high expectations as they looked delicious in the glass cabinet. Unfortunately, despite being the only customer, my coffee and croissant took ages to arrive. The espresso was way to watery, and the croissant, disappointing and more like a piece of bread. That was a few months ago; I've not returned.

A good place to go have coffee and a croissant or toasted sandwich type fare in that part of town is sadly lacking. Bakerista has great coffee, and good cakes, but they're all very cream heavy. Miss the type of snack pastries you'd find on the bar in a Cafe in France or Italy.

i did my shopping at Tanin Market yesterday but couldn't find Nana. Is it on the fresh market it self or one of the streets on both sides?

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i did my shopping at Tanin Market yesterday but couldn't find Nana. Is it on the fresh market it self or one of the streets on both sides?

It's not in or around the Tanin Market itself, it's a few hundred meters down the road to the west. If you follow Tanin Road away from the market toward Doi Suthep it will end in a 'T' and you take a left. The road then turns to the right. You'll see Na Na Bakery on the right side 20 meters after the turn, before the intersection with Santitham Road.

I linked to a Google Map in the very first post but I'll add it here again: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=18.804083,98.979041&num=1&t=h&sll=18.78036,98.832329&sspn=0.041284,0.41345&ie=UTF8&ll=18.804095,98.979373&spn=0.000983,0.001725&z=19

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Butter is Better and W for Wanlaman also make great pastries. smile.gif

Do you have shares in Butter is Better? With the promotion you do for them you should have or at least get paid for advertising them all the time.

Iv'e heard he gets larger portions than everyone else 32.gif

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i did my shopping at Tanin Market yesterday but couldn't find Nana. Is it on the fresh market it self or one of the streets on both sides?

It's not in or around the Tanin Market itself, it's a few hundred meters down the road to the west. If you follow Tanin Road away from the market toward Doi Suthep it will end in a 'T' and you take a left. The road then turns to the right. You'll see Na Na Bakery on the right side 20 meters after the turn, before the intersection with Santitham Road.

I linked to a Google Map in the very first post but I'll add it here again: http://maps.google.c...3,0.001725&z=19

thank you so muchbiggrin.gif

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Since I know the OP is an avid cyclist, I respect his opinion on food. Thanks for the recommendation and map, Bourney0. I'll check out Na Na soon.


If he was an avid rower, would you respect his opinion any less?



No. If you told me of a rower who goes down or, better yet, up the Ping and knows where to stop for the best pastries, I'd be happy to check that out too.

Many of the cyclists I know eat 4-5,000 calories a day and often plan their rides around where they want to eat. we're not limited to CM, but to a 75 mile radius. Sorry I didn't give you the full, detailed explanation.

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I tried the croissants once, with high expectations as they looked delicious in the glass cabinet. Unfortunately, despite being the only customer, my coffee and croissant took ages to arrive. The espresso was way to watery, and the croissant, disappointing and more like a piece of bread. That was a few months ago; I've not returned.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience. In my limited (1 month) experience has opened on time consistently (with the exception of Sunday morning) and the butter-based pastries are superb in the morning when fresh out of the oven. Like all croissants, however, the shelf life is probably about two hours before they begin to become 'bread-like', though I have not yet tested the theory here. I'm guessing they'll still be delicious for an early lunch, but after that...

Prompted by this thread I returned. The croissant was much better now so would occur with other's praise :thumbsup: Unfortunately, the coffee still needs work :(

The really annoying part was, the group occupying half the restaurant for a selfishly LOUD discussion about the bible. They didn't even appear to be eating or drinking anything :rolleyes: Hardly conducive to enjoying a quiet, relaxing early morning coffee :angry:

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My favorite has always been the Oriental Shop at the Mandarn Oriental...

A bit far out.. but it is NOT expensive at all. (85 baht for a piece of cake that is done the way it's supposed to be, not like wannabe French cakes on Nimmanhaemin Rd)

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They (at Na Na) just got a new espresso machine...someone's been reading this thread!

IMO, the coffee now is as it should be, rich and strong.

Unfortunately, no more croissants for me in the foreseeable future. I leave CM for a sojourn across the breadth of China in a couple of days.

All the best to ya'all!

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  • 1 year later...

Are these still the only possible places for anything coming close to real French Patisserie?

A year and a half later, is there anything new or exceptional?

Thanks - a friend is on her way...

Butter is Better and W for Wanlaman also make great pastries. smile.gif

Love at first bite

Oriental Shop at the Mandarin Oriental

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Just pigged out on a couple from kamikazi or yakazuki 1st floor Huay Kaew,...they were Danish pastries though........is that near enough (to France), sweet and sugary, probably 500 calories...but temptation is impossible to reject "chai mai?"

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Theres a great place for croissants and Pain au chocolate in Nong Hoi. Go through the Saraphi road, Mahidon road intersection as though you are heading for Saraphi.In the collection of shops on the left immediately after the intersection is a Krung Thai bank. Go down the Soi there and after about 50 metres on your left is a small place. Great food. They also sell Pizzas and make their own amazing bread. Well worth the effort to find it. Sorry there is no GPS as I don't do all that stuff.

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Is Na Na Bakery. still good and do you still have to get there before 9am to get the chocolate croissant?

Went there yesterday after 12 and the chocolate pain and croissants where delicious.

Much better than the place on kampheangdin Rd. which is now for sale.

I don't understand why they did not improved their products in the 1 year they where open.

Edited by terminatorchiangmai
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